Is something up with keybinds?




Recently I noticed my usually keybinds don't seem to have the same effects. For example when i'm Dwarf form I can drop to human and use stygian circle. The same keybind now drops me to human form but I have to hit the same keybind again to activate stygian circle. Is it just me or was this an intentionally change?




It's funny you would mention it. I noticed this as well yesterday. I have my shifting and toggle binds on the number pad. I had to reset a couple using the button down, button up method to get two powers to bind.
Example... /bind numpad1 "+down$$powexec_toggleoff black dwarf$$powexec_toggleon tough$$goto_tray1"

Normally, you cant activate two powers with one bind (to prevent bots, etc) but prior to Tuesday I was able to shift and activate a power. Doesn't appear to be that way now.

/bind numpad3 "powexec_toggleoff black dwarf$$powexec_name stygian circle" ----> Try that bind and see if it works for you. Push the numpad 3 down, hold for a sec and release.



Just tested this. Yes, something changed.

I can no longer use my binds to drop forms and execute powers like I used to. In the best case, this is a bug that will get fixed quickly. In the worst case, it's an intentional fix for some reason and from now on I'll have to hit the buttons twice from now on.

Either way, I'm pretty honked off.

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Are you saying that the +$$ bit is broken again?



Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
Just tested this. Yes, something changed.

I can no longer use my binds to drop forms and execute powers like I used to. In the best case, this is a bug that will get fixed quickly. In the worst case, it's an intentional fix for some reason and from now on I'll have to hit the buttons twice from now on.

Either way, I'm pretty honked off.

Human Form wins again.



Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
Human Form wins again.

Don't have access to the game right now, but I'll look into it when I do. Sigh. The old Kheldian Binds thread just might need some major updates if this is WAI.

EDIT: huh-huh-huh. Honked off. Funny.

The Scrappers' Guide to Dark Melee | Kheldian Binds and Strategies



Figured it out, I think, and quite by accident. My dwarf form has the following macro in slot 6:

/macro stomp "powexec_toggleoff white dwarf$$powexec_name solar flare$$goto_tray 1"

To test this, I went in and edited the macro with the intent of putting the powexec_toggleoff bind after the powexec_name. I got lazy, however, and didn't delete the first portion of the bind, so that it looked like this:

/macro stomp powexec_toggleoff white dwarf$$powexec_name solar flare$$goto_tray 1$$powexec_toggleoff white dwarf"

I figured - they were both toggleoff, so why not?

What happened was that I dropped out of dwarf, then immediately went back into dwarf!

Curious, I went back and created the macro "powexec_toggleon white dwarf$$powexec_toggleon white dwarf"

The result was that white dwarf activated..... and stayed activated. Okay, that's normal.

THEN I went back and did the opposite: "powexec_toggleoff white dwarf$$powexec_toggleoff white dwarf"

Bingo. I dropped out of dwarf, then went right back into dwarf.

TL/DR: It's the powexec_toggleoff command that's borked. It's apparently doing the same thing as powexec_name, but in a weird way. Bugged it in game, and recommend anyone who reads this to do the same.

The Scrappers' Guide to Dark Melee | Kheldian Binds and Strategies



Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
Just tested this. Yes, something changed.

I can no longer use my binds to drop forms and execute powers like I used to. In the best case, this is a bug that will get fixed quickly. In the worst case, it's an intentional fix for some reason and from now on I'll have to hit the buttons twice from now on.

Either way, I'm pretty honked off.
I believe we have already established that, but thanks for making it official

Lots of work arounds in the mean time. Search is your friend.



Grr, I finally got my warshade up almost to lvl 22 and loaded up all my binds and macros for her. They worked perfectly fine last night when I did it, but now none of my macros are working and only some of my binds. I made some iffy macros for switching forms and at least ending up on the right tray, but none of the ones that switch form and then activate a power work. I'm frustrated, does anyone one have any work arounds so I can play my keld while they fix this mess?



Originally Posted by Kishandra View Post
Grr, I finally got my warshade up almost to lvl 22 and loaded up all my binds and macros for her. They worked perfectly fine last night when I did it, but now none of my macros are working and only some of my binds. I made some iffy macros for switching forms and at least ending up on the right tray, but none of the ones that switch form and then activate a power work. I'm frustrated, does anyone one have any work arounds so I can play my keld while they fix this mess?
I do have a workaround. It's rather inelegant, but it works.

To drop form and execute a power - let's say, Stygian Circle - use this bind:

/bind [key] "powexec_toggleoff black dwarf$$powexec_toggleoff dark nova$$goto_tray 1$$powexec_auto stygian circle"

Now I normally don't like those kinds of binds because they put a power on auto-fire, meaning that it will continue to go off as often as it recharges. Not only that, but the same command puts it on auto and takes it off auto, so the first time you use that bind everything will be hunky dory, but the SECOND time you use it the bind will actually take stygian circle OFF of auto-fire, meaning it won't go off at all. SO you'll have to change your shifting form binds as follows:

/bind [key] "powexec_toggleon black dwarf$$goto_tray 9$$powexec_auto dark extraction"

/bind [key] "powexec_toggleon dark nova$$goto_tray8$$powexec_auto dark extraction"

The idea here is to put a DIFFERENT POWER on autofire than the one you want to activate when you drop form. This is because only one power can be put on autofire at a time, and so whenever you go into form you'll be putting a click power on auto that I'm guessing won't be such a bad thing if it somehow accidentally fires when you target your next corpse.

But the important thing is that stygian circle - or whatever power you want to activate - will be available every time you drop form.

Hope that helps.

The Scrappers' Guide to Dark Melee | Kheldian Binds and Strategies



Count deaths because Dwarf keeps turning on and off: 3.

Incidentally, you can use "powexec_auto """ to turn all auto-powers off.

Combining "powexec_auto ""$$powexec_auto POWER" guarantees the bind will put the power ON auto.

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Ive noticed this aswell. I was very upset.
I just changed all my bind to have them start with queueing the power in Auto(green circle). That way it goes off with one click(not as well as it was before but it works). Hopefully they fix it. I dislike having to use auto. But its better then double clicking everything.
The worst thing with the bug is dropping from dwarf and trying to pop eclipse, if you have a hold on you, your screwed.
The auto function will make it work like it used to and get eclipse off before the hold transfers to the human form.

This is my eclipse bind now:
/bind q "powexecauto eclipse$$powexectoggleoff black dwarf$$powexectoggleoff dark nova$$gototray 1$$bind shift+lbutton powexecname shadow step"

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