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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
    Yep. Trade in an emp at Empyrean Michael and you get 18 threads. Your first time on any given iTrial should net you a rare or VR.
    Better yet, I found out that you can exchange Astral Merits for shards, one to one. Since I only needed six, that was by far the quickest and easiest way to get my T3; no iTrials required.

    Thanks again!
  2. I did this a few weeks ago, but I can't for the life of me remember how I did it. Could someone please remind me how you copy a character to Beta? I really want to do the last part of the Vill side Pandora's Box arc before the end.

  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post

    Have you actually DONE any trials on your toon?
    Also, do you have spare Emps on any of your other toons?

    If the answer to both is "yes", a single trial should get you the Rare you would require. Then exchanging the emps for threads at Empyrean Michael would give you the threads you need to craft the commons.
    Nope. This character just got to 50 recently, so I haven't done any iTrials with her. I'm starting from a totally clean slate, thread-wise.

    But I DO have emps and astral merits on other know I assumed that they weren't tradeable like shards and other incarnate salvage. If they are, that's something to look into.

  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Amygdala View Post
    If you're after your tier 3 Alpha I would recommend attending Lady Clara's iTrial marathon which starts this weekend. Info can be found here. A lot of folks don't realize that they can craft any Alpha ability with threads as well as shards. Just remember to scroll down to find the corresponding thread recipe for your power of interest.
    Actually, I knew that. But I have my Notice already and need less than 10 shards to get to T3. I could possibly get that from a single TF.

    From what I can tell, starting from scratch with threads would take hundreds of threads and many, many trials.
  5. I have a level 50 tank on Champion that I just need a few more shards for to create her tier 3 alpha. I was on for quite a while last night, but there was no teaming chatter on the LFG channel at all. Is there another channel I should use to look for teams that are forming?

    Also, are there any TFs or raids planned for this next week? A Mother Ship Raid would be really great, since I need a couple of Grai Matter as well.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated!
  6. It was a great time and my tank (light blue Ice tank on the left) gained two levels!

    Thanks for posting the photo, Hyper!
  7. I heard a rumor that there is an extra BTT today, as well as one in November as usual. Please tell me the rumors are true! (I have a level 45 Brute I'd love to get to 50.)
  8. Finduilas

    Future WSTs?

    Originally Posted by mousedroid View Post
    Well that stinks. But thanks for posting the link.
    Indeed it does. I have a couple of characters that I hope to get to 50 soon, and there's really no other good way to get a Notice of the Well other than doing the WST.
  9. I'm very interested in participating, I've never done a Shard TF in all my years in CoH!

    Are there any more specifics about when these will be run, a channel to watch for announcements, etc?
  10. I'm a sad panda that I'll be out of town on Saturday and unable to join the fun on Exalted.

    Have a great time and see you all on Virtue on Tuesday!
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Callie Sunshine View Post
    Would it have happened to be the very wonderful Unstoppable Typhoon? I know he/she has been terrific on Hamis. Congrats on getting one off the list and having fun while getting through it!
    Yes! I'm sure that's who it was.
  12. Thanks for all the great replies, everyone!

    Golden Avariel, that was pretty much exactly like my experience. In retrospect, I probably would have been more useful just staying put and being ready to taunt my mito again, but they were short on melee and asked the tanks to help the yellow team. As it was, everything happened so fast I always felt like I was two steps behind everyone else.

    JohnRobey, I'm almost positive Hard Rock One was the raid leader, that names sounds right. Besides, I know WarBoss (waves to WB upthread) and LSK well from the Tanker Tuesday events, and would have remembered if one of them had been the lead. The tanker team lead was especially patient, and his/her name was Unbreakable, Unspeakable....something like that.

    It is nice to know that I wasn't the only one who felt lost the first time!

    A question for all of playing a scrapper on a Hami raid easier/simpler than a tank? That was impression, and although I'll probably try again on a tank before the end, I also have a couple of high-level scrappers that might be fun to play on a Hami.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden_Avariel View Post
    Any idea what the plan is for tonight?
    That was my question...I see that Apex is the WST tonight, think we'll have enough incarnates to do it? I need to decide whether to bring one of my 50+ tanks or my mid-level one.
  14. I actually read that before posting, but I don't see anything about needing a minimum of four players.

    Thanks for the info; am I correct in assuming we'll just have to wait in the queue until two other players decide to join?
  15. I am trying to get into the Summer Blockbuster event duoing with a friend, but we are having no luck getting into the instance. We've tried locking the team and leaving it unlocked, but neither works. With the team unlocked it lets us queue, and then we just wait. With a locked team we're queued for a few seconds then are kicked from the queue.

    Is there a minimum team size or level? As I mentioned, there's just two of us, and we're level 32 and 28.

    Any suggestions on how we can make this work?

  16. I have a 50+ blue side tank that I need a few more shards for his alpha. Is anyone planning to run a TF this weekend that he could get in on?

    Thanks for any assistance!
  17. Finduilas

    Other MMOs?

    Thanks for the LotRO info, everyone. As you might guess from my forum name I'm a huge Tolkien fan, and LotRO is the only game I'm even vaguely tempted to try if CoH really does close. I probably would have tried it already but I never felt I had time for both it and CoH.
  18. Well, damn. I must have picked Ghost Widow somehow, though I don't remember doing it! She's the only patron who will talk to me, all the others tell me to get lost. This stinks because I've already done her arc before and I wanted to try something new.

    I suppose there's no way to reset the's very aggravating because I don't remember picking her with this character.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Texas Justice View Post
    Have you spoken to the Patron of your choice?
    In the Grandville HQ where they are all standing? I tried to speak to Scirocco, but he told me to get lost. That's why I'm confused.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Chad Gulzow-Man View Post
    What level are you? You have to be at least 35.
    42. I've spoken to Arbiter Rein, and he gave me the patron lecture, so I thought I was good to go. This character is a Rogue, but I didn't think that made a difference.
  21. Really basic question; once you've decided what patron arc you want to do, how do you go about actually getting the patron as a contact?

    I've done this once before, but can't for the life of me remember what I did! Arbiter Rein is saying that he's told me what I need to know, and the patrons themselves aren't speaking to me.

    Any help would be appreciated!
  22. Is there a Hami raid or a Mother Ship raid planned for tonight? I was looking for the 'MSR after Hami' last Wednesday, but nothing came of it. Are the twice-weekly Hamis still happening, or have they been suspended?

    Any info would be appreciated!