Best channel for teaming info?
If you're after your tier 3 Alpha I would recommend attending Lady Clara's iTrial marathon which starts this weekend. Info can be found here. A lot of folks don't realize that they can craft any Alpha ability with threads as well as shards. Just remember to scroll down to find the corresponding thread recipe for your power of interest.

Leader of Renaissance de la Veritas
Moderator of ChampioNexus
Amygdala's Guide to the Cathedral of Pain Trial
Actually, I knew that. But I have my Notice already and need less than 10 shards to get to T3. I could possibly get that from a single TF.
If you're after your tier 3 Alpha I would recommend attending Lady Clara's iTrial marathon which starts this weekend. Info can be found here. A lot of folks don't realize that they can craft any Alpha ability with threads as well as shards. Just remember to scroll down to find the corresponding thread recipe for your power of interest.
From what I can tell, starting from scratch with threads would take hundreds of threads and many, many trials.
My Characters
Knight Court--A CoH Story Complete 2/3/2012

Actually, I knew that. But I have my Notice already and need less than 10 shards to get to T3. I could possibly get that from a single TF.
From what I can tell, starting from scratch with threads would take hundreds of threads and many, many trials. |
Have you actually DONE any trials on your toon?
Also, do you have spare Emps on any of your other toons?
If the answer to both is "yes", a single trial should get you the Rare you would require. Then exchanging the emps for threads at Empyrean Michael would give you the threads you need to craft the commons.
You don't have to start from scratch. Once you have crafted a tier you can craft the next tier up using either a thread or shard based recipe. As long as you have what the recipe requires the game doesn't care if you crafted your tier 2 with shards or threads.
Actually, I knew that. But I have my Notice already and need less than 10 shards to get to T3. I could possibly get that from a single TF.
From what I can tell, starting from scratch with threads would take hundreds of threads and many, many trials. |
Overall, iTrials are just an easier and faster way to craft Incarnate powers. There are quite a few options to convert different materials and rewards as well. If you're really set on using shards, you could always use Astral Merits from iTrials to buy shards from Astral Christy in Ouroboros.
There's also the fact that Lady Clara is an extremely experienced and competent trial leader. Since they are committed to running trials at the times listed, that essentially guarantees you will get the salvage you need before the game closes for good. You can always look into different global channels on Champion that are listed in our directory, but given the state of the game and the decreased population, I don't think they would be as reliable as attending a scheduled event.

Leader of Renaissance de la Veritas
Moderator of ChampioNexus
Amygdala's Guide to the Cathedral of Pain Trial
Nope. This character just got to 50 recently, so I haven't done any iTrials with her. I'm starting from a totally clean slate, thread-wise.
Have you actually DONE any trials on your toon? Also, do you have spare Emps on any of your other toons? If the answer to both is "yes", a single trial should get you the Rare you would require. Then exchanging the emps for threads at Empyrean Michael would give you the threads you need to craft the commons. |
But I DO have emps and astral merits on other know I assumed that they weren't tradeable like shards and other incarnate salvage. If they are, that's something to look into.
My Characters
Knight Court--A CoH Story Complete 2/3/2012

Yep. Trade in an emp at Empyrean Michael and you get 18 threads. Your first time on any given iTrial should net you a rare or VR.
Nope. This character just got to 50 recently, so I haven't done any iTrials with her. I'm starting from a totally clean slate, thread-wise.
But I DO have emps and astral merits on other know I assumed that they weren't tradeable like shards and other incarnate salvage. If they are, that's something to look into. Thanks! |
Better yet, I found out that you can exchange Astral Merits for shards, one to one. Since I only needed six, that was by far the quickest and easiest way to get my T3; no iTrials required.
Yep. Trade in an emp at Empyrean Michael and you get 18 threads. Your first time on any given iTrial should net you a rare or VR.
Thanks again!
My Characters
Knight Court--A CoH Story Complete 2/3/2012

I have a level 50 tank on Champion that I just need a few more shards for to create her tier 3 alpha. I was on for quite a while last night, but there was no teaming chatter on the LFG channel at all. Is there another channel I should use to look for teams that are forming?
Also, are there any TFs or raids planned for this next week? A Mother Ship Raid would be really great, since I need a couple of Grai Matter as well.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
My Characters
Knight Court--A CoH Story Complete 2/3/2012