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    I should note, the above numbers are for Scrappers. Looking at Tanker values, I see some interesting differences. Perhaps, this is the part that I've overlooked.

    Please note which version of shields you are playing when you respond: Brute, Scrapper or Tanker. It appears to make a large difference.

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    I've been trying Shields for Brutes, but am not high enough to comment just yet.

    I think you've just spotted one of the complaints about shields though; from what I've been hearing from other people the set doesn't seem like it scales up to proper "Tanker" survival levels as well as other sets. I'll have to try rolling one later.
  2. TA/A now causes the bow to be redrawn between the two sets . Not the worse thing in the world, but my new TA/A defender is getting shelved til this gets fixed (I'll be having too much fun on my MA stalker anyway )
  3. Shame on you NCSoft! All the time spent working on the VS could have been spent on the physics required for the Big Red Ball. Now we've got to wait til I15...
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    As it should have. Giving Blasters Unstoppable is unforgivable.

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    And yet some folks want to compound one error by duplicating it villanside ?

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    Yes. It's called a level playing-field.

    Make PPP's available to Heroes through some series of quests.

    Make EPP's available to Villains.

    Call it a day.

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    I love Force of Nature as much as the next guy, but seriously...it's NOT Unstoppable. That's like confusing Michael and Tito. 50% effectiveness, 2/3 Duration, and NO mez protection. I'm sure someone's going to say "well, that doesn't matter, it's still unstoppable-ish", but to me giving a blaster 35% resist for 120 seconds is one thing, but 70% resist for 180 is simply unforgivable. Maybe I'm just anal, but I don't like FoN being used interchangably with Unstoppable.
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    I think some people don't want auras for PvP, so they can decieve others so the other side wont know what powers they have going.

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    Speaking of PvP, am I the only one who thinks these new sets are going to under perform as far as PvP goes? Dual Blades' combo system is going to be hard to get bonuses from (because most PvP encounters are so short, let alone being able to hit all the attacks in the chain) and Willpower's lack of Immobolize protection outside of its tier-9 is going to "force" some power pool choices (as far as Min/Maxers are concerned).

    That being said, I'm still trying to figure out what secondary I'm going to pair my DB stalker with .
  6. Picking the most populated server will increase the population, but people may move out so the influx will be offset a little (you'd still have more coming in than going out.) As much as I like Freedom, I'm starting to think Infinity is a better choice.
  7. [ QUOTE ]
    Out of the ones you have listed i would choose energy blade and shield defense.

    But would maybe like to see a bo staff used also. If street fighting where used would it be combo hits, like punch punch knee or elbows used? The only problem i see with psi weapons is that there are currently very little resists offered at present. Putting it in a primary for an archtype who's primary function is to deliver damage would mean large amounts of psi damage to a populus that has little resists to it.

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    I picture a Psi-blade set having lower damage, but the lack of resists makes the damage more consistent across villain groups instead of the "I do lots of damage to this guy, but then little damage to this other guy with S/L resist". And I'm fine with that balancing.
  8. I love the idea, and the values seem workable (though I'm sure tweaks would have to be made here and there). Here's a concern I have though. Won't Student become useless at higher levels?

    Only read the first couple pages, sorry if I'm reasking a question.
  9. A single red ball....so many possibilities...
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    The hard number description list the blasts (Mace Blast and Disruptor Blasts attacks) as doing knockback however the PPP page description list it has ' knocked down'.

    Since the 2 effects do have major difference for me, I prefer knockdown to knockback, which one is the correct effect.

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    No kidding, I went Black Scorp thinking it would be knockdown. If it turns out to be knockback, that chump just lost my allegiance.

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    IIRC, the difference between Knockdown and Knockback is Mag. A low Mag Knockback just knocks them down (check out comments on Tanker Axe attacks). If you're much stronger then them, or slot for Knockback, you'll get the Knockback instead of the down.
  11. I think the problem with defiance is the bar needs to be going up as the life bar goes down. Getting low on life is one thing, but having to wait a fraction of a second to build up the force to retaliate is another. That being said, defiance should be risky, because unlike scrapper crits defiance is partly controllable by the user (in the form of hp management) and can be exploited. There has to be a big risk for a big reward, and I think they've got that part down at least.
  12. Entangle Arrow seems like a useful tool for the set, as TA has so many Location AoE skills you don't want mobs to walk out of. And while I think the recharge debuff with all the other debuffs may be to much stacking, the fact is that I think defenders should be debuffing if they can. How about making the power stand out more with a debuff that is seldom given?
    I say give it a -range debuff. Theme wise it's easy to say that the net restricts the movement of arms and legs, limiting how far they can raise that gun, swing that sword, etc. That'll do wonders to protect squishies in the back, as well as the melee character being charged from behind (provided the mobs are far enough away). Of course, there should be a floor to the range debuff allowable, like anything else, but I think that would help the power become a much more viable selection for defenders and more than "just another immobilize" for controllers who have to pick it up anyway.

    I think the intent of Ice Arrow is to debuff with the hold as a nice bonus when stacking with other characters or on low guys. So instead of "the worse hold in the game" I see it more as "single target -speed -recharge, may hold". After all, the first thing I think about with defenders should be debuffing.

    Now...since I only get one post til we hear from a red name, I should also state that the supposed "strength" from TA is the ability to debuff recharge, acc, res, damage, speed, and defense. That's darn close to every major stat. While Toggle Debuffers can keep their stuff up longer the constant end use limits them, while the Click debuffer is free to roam after applying all their skills. It stands to reason that a TA defender can heal allies with the medicine pool for example or contribute to damage, which seems like a dev tool to distinguish click debuff and toggle debuff in play style.

    And for the love of all things holy, I stand in strict opposition of giving every defender a heal 'cause they're a defender. And yes, you could rationalize any set to have a healing power if that's what you desire, but giving everyone heals slowly takes away from Emp defenders and leads to never ending frustration for those few defenders who don't take heals (for whatever reason). But this is one man's opinion.

    (grammar editted)