Discussion: Poll for Power Set Feedback!
Willpower / Psionic Weaponry
Yes please.
Phantom Rose: Ill / Kin / Psi
Soleau: Ice / Icy / Ice / Core: Ice / Fire / Pyre / Wind / Eclipse / Flare / Corona
Solo Space
Part of the problem in choosing just two is that I can't decide between "this will be so cool" and "this isn't as cool as the other choice, but it does seem more feasible (and thus may possibly see the light of day)".
Current main:
Schrodinger's Gun, Dual Pistols/Mental Blaster, Virtue
Avatar: Becky Miyamoto from Pani Poni Dash. Roulette roulette~
The names of the powersets are there, which is really cool, but not the game-mechanical methods they would be implemented. Is that because they are not decided, yet?
Either way, thanks for asking!
please give scrappers at least 1 more primary set!!! i want a new scrapper but have played all the sets. also a set that does psy or nrg damage would be great for pvp. i voted for energy blade and psionic weaponry.
How about some elemental weaponry? Fire/Ice/Lightning/Earth/Dark/Light/... etc.
I need some insights on what those suggested Defensive sets are about. Can anyone more imaginative than me care to elaborate or speculate?
Teams are the number one killer of soloists.
As hard as it looks like it would be to implement, Growth as a tanker primary would be pretty darn cool.
I wonder what the upper size limit would be, and if there would be severe clipping issues in tunnels (I remember in the early days of the Shard that Ruladak was 90% lost in the cave ceiling, but we beat his tail up for him anyway).
Just like wings turned the game for a short time into Thanagar, the growth powerset would turn Atlas Park into the Land of the Giants for a few weeks.
Goldbrick 50 inv/ss tank
Other 50s: Power Beam, Rocky Mantle, STORMIE Agent, Matchless, Major Will, Knightmayor, Femstone, Space Maureen, Crimebuster Ako, Dr. Twilight, Doc Champion, American Gold Eagle
I need some insights on what those suggested Defensive sets are about. Can anyone more imaginative than me care to elaborate or speculate?
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I figure that the Force Fields one would be like the Defender Force Fields, but for personal use.
Shields and Growth should be obvious.
Willpower I think is a more "natural" feel for Tankers: a kind of "okay, I'm refusing to get hurt", rather than "I am unspeakably invulnerable" or "I dodge everything".
Density Control or Vibration I'm not sure of.
Current main:
Schrodinger's Gun, Dual Pistols/Mental Blaster, Virtue
Avatar: Becky Miyamoto from Pani Poni Dash. Roulette roulette~
We want to make sure that the stuff we bring you is actually desired by the players as a whole, as opposed to a vocal minority.
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Hmm, and i thought forumites ARE the vocal minority.
But anyway, i voted for the ones that would bring a more noticeably different variety to the game. (guess which ones)
However, i have to say...What? No water melee/defense sets?
I'd just like to say that I would LOVE to see the Battle Axe and War Mace sets made available for Scrappers, and I don't see any reason why Dark Armor couldn't be made available to Tanks.
Street Fighting/Density Control for me.
We have enough blades, so nixed the energy sword. I want no delays, so nogo on shields and growth. ForceField would turn out to suck as badly as energy aura does now, so it's out.
Pretty easy choice from where I stand.
Be well, people of CoH.

I'd just like to say that I would LOVE to see the Battle Axe and War Mace sets made available for Scrappers, and I don't see any reason why Dark Armor couldn't be made available to Tanks.
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Inclined to agree (though the tanker in me says, 'Scrappers would really WANT the rubber mallet?!').
I'm surprised electric melee and electric armor didn't get included, personally, though the idea of brand new, never-seen powers sounds even better to me.
I really like the idae of force fields for scrappers, brutes, and tankers, I even suggested it several months ago. Also, add dark armor for tankers.
I've said it once, I'll say it again... Energy Blade/Force Field Scrapper! I'm giddy just thinking that it could be a possibility in the future!
Playstation 3 - XBox 360 - Wii - PSP
Remember kids, crack is whack!
Samuel_Tow: Your avatar is... I think I like it

figure that the Force Fields one would be like the Defender Force Fields, but for personal use.
[/ QUOTE ] Booster Gold anyone?
And what the heck is WILLPOWER?!?!?
Maybe you gain NEGATIVE HP? Like you get shot but you really just don't care?
so you could actually end up at the end of a fight with -2000 HP and live just long enough give a thumbs up?
melee: 1st street fighting
2nd shield fighting
defense: 1st shield defense
2nd will power
so you could actually end up at the end of a fight with -2000 HP and live just long enough give a thumbs up?
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Hey, I'd play that.
"Team... out of danger?"
"Dude, you're supposed to be dead."
"Just a flesh wound."
Current main:
Schrodinger's Gun, Dual Pistols/Mental Blaster, Virtue
Avatar: Becky Miyamoto from Pani Poni Dash. Roulette roulette~
Density Control: The Blob is really fat, you know? And so whenever you punch him the fat jiggles and absorbs most of the kinetic strength you put into the punch, so a resistance set. Also, Psionic/Mez protection through being too dumb to have it work, like Fry v. the Giant Brains in Futurama.
Willpower: "If I don't believe in it, it can't hurt me!"
Vibration: A return to COV-Beta times, where the ragdoll effects were so strong that after an enemy died, it would jiggle, eternally, creeping out the player and making the player run to another hallway...so defense-based. Your Tier 9 power would be this and this (genuine beta shots that had genuine wriggling!) -- you stick your hand down your pants and wriggle on the floor and everything runs away in fear. Also probably a Phase Shift somewhere.
Enemy Resistances - Damage, Mez and Defense
Enemy XP Mods
(Drag my avatar into your mp3 player!)
[quoteDensity Control or Vibration I'm not sure of.
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for density i'm imagining powers like rooted/granite armour for massive defense/res, but then on the flip side perhaps something akin (pun intended) to Inertial reduction perhaps? A mix of both could be feasible I guess...
As for vibration I'm imagining Synapse and breakneck from the comic, superspeeding so fast they can "vibrate" and save themselves some damage-or get themselves out of cuffs if the situation requires =P
What part of phnglui mglw'nafl Cthulhu r'lyeh w'gah nagl fhtagn don't you understand?
Can we just get the darn Shields in like they wanted to long ago?
Shield Fighting, Shield Defense.
Psionic Weapons, Density Control
And just cross up some of the other weapon sets for scrappers, tanks, and brutes as well....How hard is THAT?! I cant for the life of all thats good in the world understand how hard that has got to be. Don't even bring up the balance word...really.
Brutes want Swords, and Maces!!! And what happened to the staffs???
As I mentioned a little while ago, we really want to focus on what the players want...that's why we decided to go with this poll. Most of these Power Set ideas came from you guys - in the Archetype and Suggestions boards!
I voted. The choices look exciting.
I'd like to throw this out of what I'd like to see that I think has the LEAST technical issues (because all the animations exist).
I know that the vague concept of the powers already exist (Energy Aura is pure defense, as is Ice - but still).
Give the Brute powers that Tankers don't have to tankers: Energy Aura, Dark Melee, Dark Armor.
Give Energy Aura to Scrappers.
(Off topic: Give me my Dark/Dark Dominator!)
While I certainly think Energy Blade sounds interesting (It would be in concept for my Blaster...) it is a bit redundant with Fire Sword and Ice Sword. At least Stone has a mallet and not a sword. And we have Energy Melee.
So I basically wonder where the "something different" comes in. My Blaster, BTW, chose Fire Sword. It was close. (And I call it an energy blade with hot plasma trapped inside it)
My personal preference, along with Street Fighting, would be a Staff. It's a common enough suggestion (and common enough in the comics) that I was surprised that it wasn't on the list. Hopefully enough folks will back me up here that there will be a "groundswell", as Ex Libris put it.
(Maybe we can compromise and make it an Energy Staff I can see it being a little difficult to implement, like Shield or Ball and Chain, but if they're on the list...)
Man I really need some better descriptions before I vote.
Is street fighting just a mix of kicks/punches/martial arts? Or is it brass knuckles, bats, chains, switchblades and broken bottles? Cuz the former is just a variation on MA/DM and the latter would rule.
Will energy blade and electric hammer be different enough from Katana/Broadsword and Stone Mallet to be worth it? If electric hammer is Thor's hammer, calling down lightning strikes, that might be pretty cool.
So right now I'm leaning towards Psy and Dual Blades. Since I want this stuff done for I11. But more specifics on street fighting might change my mind.
Density control? I'm so dense that bullets can't penetrate me? Or does it go both ways? Some kind of (actually useful) phase shift power, as well as a density resist/defense.
Force Field is understood. But will it be resist or defense?
Not sure about willpower or vibration. Maybe if they could throw us a possible armor or two, just some idea of what the starting powers might be like?
I definitely want shields. But I'm hesitant to choose it if it doesn't make it into I11. Heck at this point I11 might not make 2007, and that's a long time to not have a new powerset.
Waiting a couple days to vote in hopes of some clarification...
As you have probably heard us say before, we are constantly trying to bring you cool stuff in the 'City Of' games! We want to make sure that the stuff we bring you is actually desired by the players as a whole, as opposed to a vocal minority.
To this end we are considering the possibility of two new powersets for the 'City Of' games. The intent is to fill in the two Archetypes with the least number of powers: Tanker primary and Scrapper secondary, which only have 4 choices currently. We want something radically different than the sets we have in the game right now. We have some ideas on what would be cool to include and are looking for your input. In no particular order:
The polls (which are now closed) included the following:
O Street Fighting
O Electric Hammer
O Energy Blade
O Psionic Weaponry
O Dual Blades
O Ball and Chain *
O Shield Fighting *
The second set is a defensive set, used again by Tankers and Scrappers. Again, we have some ideas on what we think is cool enough to include into the game, but would like your input:
The polls (which are now closed) included the following:
O Density Control
O Force Field
O Willpower
O Vibration
O Growth *
O Shield Defense *
* The sets marked with asterisks are ones that are included for completeness sake, but comes with technical risk which may delay implementation.
I'd like to mention that these powersets are NOT for Issue 10, as we are nearly locked down on that issue already. They are for a future Issue and will be included for as many archetypes as it makes sense for. We definitely want to do something that the playerbase as a whole sees as a "good thing" for the game, which is why we are looking for your input!
If you have other ideas for a melee or defensive set that you think would set the world on fire, feel free to post it in the discussion thread . If there is a strong enough groundswell on a particular idea, then it will be considered as well, or may make it into future consideration for other powersets.
This thread is for discussion of these two Polls.