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  1. I think you have the right idea Dursagon. I think we all tend to get a bit caught up in "keeping it real" sometimes. Just let it sink in...test/live...whatever. As long as it stays fun. This is like the alternate story lines in comics, prelude to, or maybe even a "What if" aside.
  2. Maybe we're dumbing down the general populous a bit much...perhaps it not going to be so confusing. If there is an uproar after this I'm sure the devs will rectifiy the situation then.
  3. Well, it got out of hand long ago. I dont think there is much to stop it now.

    Anyhow, why condemn it? This is a roleplaying game as well as an action game. Roll with it. Its fun. We dont have to take it so seriously all the time. So a little got out about test. I think this is a tribute to this community. They are showing an uncanny nack for actually wanting to be apart of the universe, and the devs are actually LETTING the players interact in such a profound way. How many MMO's are doing things like this? (I dont play any others) It's fun to be apart of the issue in this way.

    I think the devs are having fun as well with it. That can be nothing but a good thing. Both developers and players interacting to make their worlds more "alive". It feels more tangible to the players, they feel like they are changing the landscape with their actions. The feeling of persistant world is actually becoming more of a reality. Cameos in their comic publication, and the scoop are really allowing for players to be engaged in the CoX universe, not just play in it.

    Especially with Issue 10, I feel that alot has been learned. Slyph Knights attack on the ships was very cool, and sort of like a huge bug find. Now not only can the devs talior the content (either make it harder or easier) to adapt the universe to what the inhabitants have done.

    Just think, now they can say, the Rikti sent the first wave with weaker ships, or to better acertain the hero forces before the real attack. It goes on and on. This IMO is nothing but a boon to both players and developers alike.
  4. Great posts Eltanin. Very engaging and thought-provoking.
  5. What is it with the EQ players? I'm happy to say I dropped that in the first week. The COX players are looking good though.
  6. Please tell me it isn't so? Myspace.....How can I put this lightly... IS THE DEVIL!
  7. Can we just get the darn Shields in like they wanted to long ago?

    Shield Fighting, Shield Defense.

    Psionic Weapons, Density Control

    And just cross up some of the other weapon sets for scrappers, tanks, and brutes as well....How hard is THAT?! I cant for the life of all thats good in the world understand how hard that has got to be. Don't even bring up the balance word...really.

    Brutes want Swords, and Maces!!! And what happened to the staffs???
  8. Again

    Cryptic------Get this guy on the payroll.
  9. [ QUOTE ]
    Either way, who cares about the Choice of a +3 SO. If it were something other then Dmg, Acc, Rchrg, EndRedux, then it would be great.

    I was expecting to see the choice of your SHO rather then a stinking SO drop. I can get these SO drops from anywhere, via mission arc, Sirens Call and the numerous counts of other AVs/Heroes I fight in this game.

    Allow us to chose which SHO we get, then that is some great news! As it is now, the SHO drops suck, I have a VG mate that has ran this SF damn near 20 times and each time he got a Damage/Range. Give the choice to us or change the percentages for these crap enhancements we all get.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    For the love of god!! Please listen to this man! I dont know how many of the Hami raids I've been to over the last couple of years and all I ever get is Dam/Rng and Dam/Mez...this is just stupid. Change the drop rates or something. I'm not one to complain really, but Hami raiding is nothing but a turn off for me at this point.
  10. [ QUOTE ]
    I decided to see RV from both sides.

    I logged on as Bill Z Bubba, lvl 50 claws/sr scrapper. Build not designed for PvP. I kicked a bunch of tail. Somewhat effortlessly.

    I logged on as Beel Z Bubba, lvl 40 em/ea brute. I had my tail TROUNCED repeatedly, quickly, painfully. Maybe getting fully slotted out by 50 will make a difference, but I rather doubt it. I felt like a defender in PvP playing my brute. Confused, taunted, feared, toggle dropped by phantasms(?) held, two shotted by a lone blapper... it was pathetic.

    I see why villains aren't bothering much in there.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Same thing here Bill. I was there with my Brute Project Ego. Heck even with Overload I was getting waxed by a lone controller and a stone tanker. I was mystified. And I couldnt dent anyone. Two acc in each attack with buildup. It was pitiful.
  11. Just wait for it. The toggle dropping Accolade or IOP or invention system adding to this. +5%/10% to toggle dropping. I see them ramping up for this type of stuff in the future. Its easy for them to start really low then reward players for play time with "extra" bonuses.
  12. WHAT!!! I loved that Elf. He sparked alot of my Archer toons in AD&D. IMO, I thought it looked cool for the effects at that time. I dont know why they needed anyone else in that group, he could have done it all solo!! And the other poster was right. Get the magazine clip going. That was off the hook!!
  13. This is all so true about energy. It has too many advantages, especially when it comes to blasters using it. Add to this the unresisted damage which tanks already lost a HUGE portion of post i5-i6. Detoggling, stacked stuns, and knockback, along with no energy resists....WTH...I mean if no one can see the implications of this in PVP, they have got to be blind. Heck I even have a EM brute, and a SS tank, along with other blaster sets. Energy is hands down, along with ice following up there after above the rest. In PvP blasters with these sets chew me up all day long. Not asking for nerfs...but come on.
  14. To be honest, I think that while Statesman is and incarnate and got his power from a magic fountain, and somehow Zeus is involved, I do not think they will implement the incarnates=god avatar theory in game. Delving further into Greek mythos is not going to get us anywhere further in understanding the AT. Most likely you will pick the incarnate AT and there may be certain sets of incarnates. You as a player will have to assign a origin and how it fits. More than likey in your bio. Incarnates can be anything you want them to be then. The main theme of incarnates however is; they embody some concept or virtue. This way the entire AT is open to diversity.
  15. Pony_

    Changes to Rage

    I really dont get this change. I just respec'ed (Fixed the inv powers to correspond with the last changes) and got rage. I wasn't doing that much more damage using it anyhow. So I thought it was an alright power that was getting me the damage to kinda contribute to the team. Fact is at lvl 32 now, I really dont see what the problem is with a SS tanker actually doing some damage. Its like, finally a power worth taking in the SS line. There are only really four. Haymaker, KO blow, foot stomp, and rage. Everything else is up for grabs.

    This just came out of left field. Already if you look at the tanker numbers they are very small in comparison to the other AT's. As it stands the inv and regen scrappers are ruling the melee arena. This is really odd. I am dumbfounded at the way things are going for the inv/ss Tankers. I have played several alts, and this alt is taking the longest to level....along with my FF/Psi defender. After the first change I really think it is unfair for the development group to take such liberties with the player community. Its really disheartning, especially when I am defending this game against other contenders like WoW and EQ2.

    I am finding it harder and harder to find reasons to accept the constant changes, and I am a pretty patient guy. I am not threatning to quit or anything, but it is dissapointing to have been hit twice hard in a week...My blaster had the same thing with SG...and I dealt with that..then the inv for my scrapper, then the tank, and again the tank. I am still respecing the inv scrapper--now waiting to see the latest changes I dont dare even play the toon until things have calmed down. You could have waited to do this later, couldn't you? Yes, I know it is still in test, and I know everything is subject to change.

    Rage-I dont think it should change period..That is my suggestion. IMO Every AT has better powers except for SS..thats why I rerolled a Energy tanker, because SS is just tired and its too hard to continue fighting nerfs to medicore secondaries. Why bother with it just take some other secondary. It clear that its not all that - with one AOE and one good damaging attack. And as for the speed. Its not that fast. What is the problem?

    The forementioned root of the problem (Casual player vs Hardcore player) is an issue for any AT. Hell, I didnt flip Ms. Pacman or turnover Donkey Kong by "casual play"! And I'd wager that its a good thing. Learning how to make a better build should be part of this game. Not penalizing players for doing so. It cheapens the effect for players when they feel like they have accomplished something and you take it away repeatedly.

    Well, I hope you can come to a solution that I can deal with, and I am sure you will. Until then I will play on live, and hope that my voice and others will be taken into consideration. Thank you for your time.