Patron Powers: Black Scorpion Mace Mastery




They are gone after 4 minutes.



Yeah its amazing, our 4th tier PP has a 15 minute recharge! Thats basically the WORST recharge than any pet in the game. That means in a 10 min. Arena match, you'll be able to summon the pet twice. And thats only if you have 3 recharge in it.

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Actually isn't 15 minute recharge the longest recharge of any power in the entire game?

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i think serum has the longest recharge in the game its something like 20 minutes. accolade powers are like 25 minutes themselves



What enhancements does the pet summon accept? Does it function like a Mastermind pet (need to slot for its damage and accuracy) or could you three slot the thing for recharge reduction? It approaches tolerable if you can get the pet down to about 4 minutes of downtime, although that's still awfully long.

Do the Spiderlings stealth when the Stalker owner stealths?

Arc #41077 - The Men of State
Arc #48845 - Operation: Dirty Snowball



Refrence for MMs:
Web Envelope
-Foe: Hold
-Range: 80 (Explosion)
-Endurance: 12.74
-Recharge Rate: 20 seconds

Scorpion Sheild
Self +Def(Smash, Lethal), +Res (Energy/Toxic)
End: 1/sec
Recharge: 4 sec

Mace Beam Volley [Long Description say you need one other as per normal]
-Unenhanced Damage at Level 40: 31 (Smash/Energy)
-Foe: Knockback
-Range: 50 (Cone)
-Endurance: 18.98
-Recharge Rate: 32 Seconds

Web Cocoon [Possible Typo: Long Discription says you only need one other in the set]
-Foe: Slow/Hold, -Recharge, -Fly
-Range: 60
-Endurance: 10.66
-Recharge Rate: 32 seconds

Typo on the last hold as in Mu and Levithan. If I find out whats up with them from one of the Red Names I'll change accordingly.



Another thing aside from the soft numbers they provided.......How are these powers "stronger" then their normal counterparts as stated by Matt Miller in a recent interview? If you ask me, all of the power are sub par to anything Ive seen in game ATM.

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Note: In terms of balance, is there an equivalent power set available to the heroes in CoH, or is this a villainous advantage?

Matt Miller: The Patron Powers are stronger and more powerful than the “equivalent” powers in City of Heroes (the Ancillary Power Pools), because there is less diversification and the fact that Patron choices are permanent alterations to your character.

I hope you didn't expect the PPP to be better than the APP. Smoke and Mirrors.



Yeah, I really hope they can adjust the numbers for us. Im not a big fan of false advertisement.



The shields don't actually take up a full point of endurance, as in equivalent to 3 slotted stamina, per second, do they? And the cone attack is apparently weaker than the burst MM primary attacks.

Other than the hold these look like powers I'd skip even if they were in a pool I already had.

A game is not supposed to be some kind of... place where people enjoy themselves!



Problem with skipping all but the hold for MMs is that they are the last power in the set. Hopefully the "numbers" are deceptive.



The first thing that came to my mind as I read the various powers is why is this set called Mace Mastery? None of the powers let you hit something as if you were using the thing like, well a mace. Where are the melee attacks for "Mace Mastery"?

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You shoot the powers out of a special modified Arachnos mace, its more like a gun in mace's clothing.



Refrence for MMs:
Web Envelope
-Foe: Hold
-Range: 80 (Explosion)
-Endurance: 12.74
-Recharge Rate: 20 seconds

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I thought Web Envelope was supposed to be an AoE immobilize power? Giving us the numbers doesn't help much if the power descriptions are typoed as the dickens.

Arc #41077 - The Men of State
Arc #48845 - Operation: Dirty Snowball



Yes it is an AoE that is why the power says (Explosion) after the range. This is all the plaque in Grandville gives.



Yes it is an AoE that is why the power says (Explosion) after the range. This is all the plaque in Grandville gives.

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The text that Monkey_King cited says "hold", not "immobilize".
There's a rather big difference between the two.

If I quote #'s, they're from City of Data.
Global: @Kazari

It was either Taunt or Purple Triangles of Doom. I stand by my decision!



Ok sorry that was a mistype should be: Immoblize, -Recharge, -Fly.



It had better be -Jump, too. That's a pretty important and valuable part of Web Grenade.



The plaques for some reason do not ready -Jump on the web Grenades (possibliy another oversight)



Don't the plaques list the damage for the Regular Blast and the Snipe in Mace Mastery as the same amount of damage? That's a huge typo.



They already had another patch, and even after multiple people pointing it out here and I'm sure bugged it in game, did not fix a simple typo in Moon Beam's description... cmon! You can do better then that devs!!

Give whomever reads forum feedback permissions to grep for the text in the code and edit at least - it takes 30 seconds!

Or is this not a typo and just a horrible power of a regular blast with an added perk of snipe animation time and interruptability for kicks??

Join me in "whine complain whine" and maybe just maybe they will notice.



It's quite obvious, at least to me, that the PPP's are not a top priority for the devs at the moment which is quite disappointing. The developers seem to be paying more attention and putting more effort into the PvP aspect of CoX than the PvE. The least they could do is make a post in one of the official PPP threads acknowledging our concerns.



Alright I helped another person up to lvl 41(through a very long and very boring Grindfest) and got a pic of this from the MMs pool:

Scorpions ARMOR! YEY!

As everyone guessed that icon stays with you for you entire LIFE!!! Kidding kidding! It comes up on your char and fades away shortly then you get a nonobtrusive glow around your char indicating the shield is on.

According to the Icon it defends against Lethal, smashing, Energy. Resistance to Toxic.



It's quite obvious, at least to me, that the PPP's are not a top priority for the devs at the moment which is quite disappointing. The developers seem to be paying more attention and putting more effort into the PvP aspect of CoX than the PvE.

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I think they are also putting a lot of effort into the PhysX code for the game - the way I understand it, that is a major change to the code and it's being dropped for the first time in I7. I will certainly have patience while they get this stuff worked out, since this is a first-time release of a specific technology.

The least they could do is make a post in one of the official PPP threads acknowledging our concerns.

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Yes, I am surprised that more devs are not posting in these newer threads. But then again, this is the last few weeks before a major code drop, so I suppose they are probably pretty busy.



The first thing that came to my mind as I read the various powers is why is this set called Mace Mastery? None of the powers let you hit something as if you were using the thing like, well a mace. Where are the melee attacks for "Mace Mastery"?

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devs dropping acid again and designing shooty melee weapons?

Total Focus is a hold, right?



Ok...Why isn't the resistance portion of the Scorpion Shield enhanceable? I recently hit 42 on my Dominator and noticed this...Anyone know if this is intended?



Ok...Why isn't the resistance portion of the Scorpion Shield enhanceable? I recently hit 42 on my Dominator and noticed this...Anyone know if this is intended?

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Please tell me you're joking.



For those of you who are dissatisfied with the amount of hard numbers given to us by the devs about these powers, here are some of the numbers I've collected:
<font class="small">Code:[/color]<hr /><pre>
Power Scorpio Mace Web Poisono Mace Mace Web Disruptor
Shield Blast Cocoon Ray Beam Beam Envelop Blast
BaseAcc 1 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.25 1.05 1.05 1.05
Target single single single single single cone AoE AoE
MaxTrgt 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 16
Radius 0 0 0 0 0 50 15 15
Angle 0 0 0 0 0 35 0 0
Range 0 80 60 80 150 50 80 80
Activat 2 2 2 2 8 2 2 2
Recharg 4 9 32 24 24 32 20 32
s/Tick 0.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
EndCost 0.1625 8.58 10.66 13 17.94 18.98 12.74 18.98
Interup 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0
Enhance endredu endredu hold endredu interup endredu endredu endredu
recharg range slow range endredu range range range
defense recharg endredu recharg range recharg recharg recharg
knockbk range defdbuf recharg knockbk immobil knockbk
damage recharg accurac knockbk damage accurac damage
accurac accurac hitdbuf accurac accurac

Power Summon Summon Summon Summon
Blaster Disrupt Tarantu Spiderlings

BaseAcc 1 1 1 1
Target Summon Summon Summon Summon
Range 60 60 60 60
Activat 3.03 3.03 3.03 3.03
Recharg 900 900 900 900
EndCost 26 26 26 26
Enhance endredu endmod slow endredu
range hold endredu range
knockbk endredu range defdbuf
immobil range defdbuf damage
damage immobil damage accurac
accurac damage accurac
accurac</pre><hr />
I'll soon be posting the numbers I have for each pet's individual powers.

NOTE: Before you ask--yes, what I've shown here states that recharge enhancements are NOT allowed in the 15 minute recharge pet powers.



well i chose this one because it went with my tech theme but i cant even do the arc i keep getting booted off the test server when i try to enter the 3rd mission