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  1. That's my problem with Gale actually. I've never used Torrent in practice (just observed my MM's Lich casting it), so if I don't like it I probably won't take either; careful use of Hurricane can do the job in most circumstances anyway (a bit lower mag kb though, not sure if it matters.)
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Garent View Post
    I'd suggest the defender version. Dark blast isn't a set that benefits from scourge particularly well, since it contains DoTs that don't scourge individually. The defender will end up doing similar damage thanks to greater -res values and a more damaging lightning storm. As Draggynn said, it doesn't make a huge difference.
    So the DoTs don't play well with Scourge after all? That's what I thought I had read but I wasn't sure.
  3. Thanks for your input guys. It looks like we've drawn similar conclusions; my guess was the Defender would have a slight edge but unless playing in extreme situations it will probably be negligible most of the time. The power ordering seems to be the biggest factor.

    Does Blackstar do enough damage to be worth taking as a Corruptor? I would like to use it as a panic button with the massive -ToHit, but the Defender damage numbers are really underwhelming, to the point that it's skippable. I hate skipping capstones if I can avoid it. (I usually avoid such sets to begin with.)
  4. I posted this on the Defender forums, but I'd also like to see Corruptors' perspective on things.

    "I'm having trouble choosing b/w a Defender or a Corrupter. I'll be running 8-man teams exclusively (ideally anyway), so I would think that would favor the Defender but I'm not sure. Does Vigilance make a big difference on full teams at 50 in a world with inherent Stamina?

    "I wouldn't mind a little extra damage (maybe actually using Blackstar?) but it's not a deal breaker. If Defenders have significantly higher numbers on their /Storm controls and debuffs I'll probably go with them. Mid's states theres a variance on a few powers but I'd like to know if it makes a practical difference in game.

    As far as power ordering goes, each combo has its merits (either FR or TT at 8 for example) so either pairing would suit me. Though I like being able to skip Gale on the 'fender as it either frees up a power slot or allows me to take Torrent from /Dark Blast. When I use KB as mitigation I tend to use it very precisely, and Gale's cone is much larger than Torrent's iirc. (Or am I wrong?)

    Any opinions? I know you each have one. "
  5. Do Dark Blast's DoTs benefit from Scourge? I know Rains do; are these the exception and not the norm?

    I don't know as much as I should about these two classes as I've always played MMs in the past, I'm branching out so to speak.
  6. I'm having trouble choosing b/w a Defender or a Corruptor. I'll be running 8-man teams exclusively (ideally anyway), so I would think that would favor the Defender but I'm not sure. Does Vigilance make a big difference on full teams at 50 in a world with inherent Stamina?

    I wouldn't mind a little extra damage (maybe actually using Blackstar?) but it's not a deal breaker. If Defenders have significantly higher numbers on their /Storm controls and debuffs I'll probably go with them. Mid's states theres a variance on a few powers but I'd like to know if it makes a practical difference in game.

    As far as power ordering goes, each combo has its merits (either FR or TT at 8 for example) so either pairing would suit me. Though I like being able to skip Gale on the 'fender as it either frees up a power slot or allows me to take Torrent from /Dark Blast. When I use KB as mitigation I tend to use it very precisely, and Gale's cone is much larger than Torrent's iirc. (Or am I wrong?)

    Any opinions? I know you each have one.

    *Edit* My signature is old...
  7. D4nnYb0Y

    Commando ?

    Originally Posted by Bookkeeper_Jay View Post
    A shame? That gun SCREAMS full-on Commando.
    I say it's a shame because, personally, I think the old frankengun graphic is a bit on the ugly side, especially when compared to the the lesser Mercs' rifles which got new art (when CoV launched anyway). But that's just me.
  8. D4nnYb0Y

    Commando ?

    Originally Posted by Fenrisulfr View Post
    Yeah. Commando still uses the Legacy Assault Rifle.
    That's a shame, thanks for the answers though all.
  9. D4nnYb0Y

    Commando ?

    Quick question:

    Does the Mercs' Commando still use the Legacy Assault Rifle when fully upgraded?
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Madam_Enigma View Post
    Think that's bad, get a level 32 thug mastermind. The arsonist has a burn patch which charges faster.
    To love Thugs/ you've got to love that Arsonist. Personally, I hate the little ******* and quit playing my Thugs/Thermal shortly after hitting 32. This is off topic though, my apologies.
  11. Not that I'm aware of (though I don't play melee sets); do you have an ability on auto-cast that causes redraw?

    If it is a bug, I know that there is a way to turn off specific sounds by editing the game files; I'm not sure how to turn that particular sound off ottomh though. If nobody has answered you're question more definitively by tomorrow, I'll do a little digging.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by AzureHaze View Post
    Btw, I am currently leveling up a thugs/dark and if he didn't have pure fire damage I would be very frustrated with my arsonist who always runs away from the group. And yes I have also played a necro/dark mm that I deleted at 22 because the small radius was very frustrating to work with.

    Do I still love the fear cone? Of course! Would I want to see the other powers in the set nerfed? Of course not! But at least I've generated debate on this, I'm not alone, and I hope the devs take a wee little notice of something many people have lived with.

    As someone suggested earlier maybe I will pose this question in the "suggestions" thread. It would be nice at least to have an official statement as to why the devs made the radius they way they did and why they potentially may not change it.
    I don't get the melee minion problem. I leveled a Necro/Dark to the mid 30's and never had any issues with TG (and this was before BG mode). Though I also didn't let my Zombies and Grave Knights run all over the place (not saying that you do necessarily). Perhaps the people having problems healing their pets need to keep them on a tighter leash? /shrugs

    I dunno, I think if you're going to lobby to increase TG's radius it should be because healing teams is annoying with it (which I'll fully admit it is, but a team shouldn't be relying on your heals anyway as /Dark is primarily a debuff/control set that happens to have a heal for good measure (like /Storm has 02 Boost)).
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Madam_Enigma View Post
    One of the plethora of Power Rangers shows was Power Rangers: Ninja Storm.
    Well I'll be damned...

  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by chriz2ferx View Post
    I have been playing a Necro/Thermal for a bit, mostly to try out the secondary on melee-based henchmen. Like FF, I find it to be a bit tedious to regularly refresh shields on everyone. Thermal sounds even more buff-busy than FF because of healing thrown into the mix

    From initial findings, I think I would like PainD more overall because there is less obligation to regularly refresh single target buffs, and also gives me more tankerminding capability, at least from what I have read, if someone could confirm

    More feedback welcome please
    If you find buffing tedious, you will *hate* /Thermal. Go with /Pain IMO.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by chriz2ferx View Post
    Do the pets have any kind of healing for themselves (IE: like protector bots)? I am guessing we don't know for sure or if it will be any good

    I was initially going with Storm, but I realize I have done Storm to death on other toons, and a group heal would be very nice if this is indeed a melee-oriented set with no or limited abilty to heal themselves or eachother. I have only done one Empathy character, and have never done Thermal or Pain, so I am thinking most likely Thermal or Pain unless the pets turn out to be very resilent on their own
    Nope, only CBers know the specifics of the DS pets' power sets.

    Originally Posted by Madam_Enigma View Post
    I didn't think the joke was THAT subtle.
    Ouch, my pride.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by chriz2ferx View Post
    From what I understand, when masterminds were first implemented, the devs simply shrunk the radius on Twilight Grasp as an alternative to re-creating a new /dark power to replace it. Mind you, Thermal and PainD for masterminds didn't even exist as an option for masterminds for a long time. So my understanding was, it was "okay" from a dev POV to keep an AOE heal for a MM as long as it required a to-hit check *and* had a smaller radius

    Time has now passed, and MMs have three options for AOE healing today. I think with the new environment they should consider changing TG radius back to normal since the other two AOE heals have a normal radius too. The to-hit check tradeoff should naturally remain unchanged, to balance. Nerfing the radius imo is no longer justified with present alternatives available
    Why is it that people keep ignoring the fact that TG heals for more than double (26.1% vs 11.7%) that of /Thermal and /Pain's AoE heals? Not to mention the fact that TG also debuffs hit, damage, and most importantly regen which is one of the reasons that /Dark MMs are so good at soloing AVs.

    (Before somebody shouts out "but /Thermal and /Pain have other heals!", I will say this: See what happens when you compare individual powers in a vacuum? Start comparing the whole sets. You need to (somehow) prove that /Dark isn't viable if you want to get the radius buffed. If you can't prove that, then you need to start describing ways in which it can be nerfed to compensate for the buff you're calling for. That's how balance works, it's give and take.)
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by chriz2ferx View Post
    With demons available hopefully very soon, I have narrowed my secondary choice down to either Thermal or PainD. Initially I was all about Storm but decided I wanted to be more "buffy" and also have a guaranteed AOE heal. Generally I am seeing a lot of mastermind love going towards PainD, and not so much towards Thermal

    Thematically Thermal wins hands-down for me. The fire shields and fire heal look would look awesome on the demons. But thematics aside, I am really not seeing where Thermal "shines" when compared to PainD

    Ideally I am looking for players who have tried both secondaries thoroughly and who decided they prefer Thermal over PainD, and why

    Thanks in advance
    Pick Thermal if you don't mind slapping 2 buffs on everyone every 4.5 minutes or so (+ keeping Forge on as many people as possible). Pick /Pain if you don't mind having one less (admittedly powerful) debuff than /Thermal, I guess?

    The sets are quite similar, both having an AoE heal, a single target heal, target mez protection, a res, an AoE debuff, and a single target damage buff. The main difference in the sets are the damage res shields (Fire Shield + Plasma Shield) and the single target debuff (Heat Exhaustion) for Thermal, and the extra heal (Share Pain), the AoE toggle +regen (Suppress Pain), and the AoE damage buff (World of Pain) for /Pain. Beyond that it's just a numbers game (which I believe are generally in /Thermal's favor, but someone else more knowledgeable than I can go into detail).

    P.S. The abilities I listed by name have more effects than what I mentioned (which I'm sure someone will point out); if I were you I would go into Mid's and compare the sets in more detail.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Wassabi View Post
    But the game is not balanced around IOs, so that would go against their other philosophy.

    I don't understand the opposition.

    The sets are balanced as sets. They are then affected with AT modifiers.

    Saying TG should have a lower radius because it was ported really doesnt make much sense. Then so should thermal and pain by that logic. The disparity in heals between thermal and pain and TG are similar disparities if I was a Corr as well. TG would heal more because I require a target.... thats its drawback... to port it over and give it a tiny radius... As for the -hit component... transfusion has -4 endurance and -400 regen... its a side effect of the power pool, the -hit is darks bonus.

    It was a decision that was made when CoV came out... it needs to be re-evaluated now that we have two other area heals that DONT require a target.

    Honestly I could care less, as someone pointed out, it would benefit my teammates more than my pets... as my pets LISTEN to me. I still don't have the macro codes to make the teammates do what they should be.

    It affects me Nil, but I can see the argument to increase it, I don't see the argument to not.
    Alright, cut TG's heal in half and it can have the same radius as /Thermal and /Pain's AoE heal.

    *Edit* Also TG debuffs damage and regen in addition to hit.

    *Edit the 2nd* Why am I opposed to this? I don't want to see the set nerfed in other areas to make the heal bigger, because as the set performs perfectly fine (better than most actually) atm, it WILL be nerfed to compensate for a buff to TG.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MLEdelen View Post
    Who thinks i17 OB will start this tuesday?
    I think it will start sometime this week, not necessarily Tuesday though.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ZanderCross View Post
    ...The prepatch on live was around 800MB... You are reading how much the total game file size is sir. 2.8GB is the size of the game files on live and 3.1GB is the size on test. You realize that if you downloaded that much you would be downloading the whole game right? Just letting you know...
    Oh damn it all, somebody already clarified that for me in another thread, but it went in one ear (eye?) and out the other. Thanks for the correction, again. /sigh

    Originally Posted by funnyhalo View Post
    I would bet a ton of money that the release date will be the 27th of this Month. A tuesday. A day before the anniversary. Two weeks from now.

    Now, my guess, and this is just a guess...

    This tuesday being the day in which OB starts. This gives us two weeks to test it in OB. Then a release date of the 27th.

    Anyone else think this is plausible?
    God I hope so...
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ShadowsBetween View Post
    Except the "other sets" are also shared directly with Corruptors. And the MM version of Thermal and Pain are comparable to the Corruptor version - they heal for slightly less, and the debuffs are sllightly weaker. Exactly what would be expected given the default AT modifiers. Dark Miasma is shared with Corruptors, including the un-nerfed Healing Shadow. The comparison is that, of the power sets that are shared by both ATs, only Dark Miasma is "balanced" like this.
    Is there some rule that says all sets must be balanced (<---used as verb) exactly the same? The Devs may view the /Dark set as stronger than /Thermal and /Pain, and thus needed to be nerfed further when given to MMs. Send a PM to a Red_Name, maybe they'll reveal their line of reasoning. /shrugs
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Firewasp View Post
    I understand that the first three minions are just there to get you started. The two Jounin do exceptional damage. But then I reach 26 and get the Oni, the damage is horrible. Now maybe it gets better at 32?

    I am hoping that I don't have a mm with two real pets.
    He can do great damage if you Smoke Flash him and then position him just right so that he uses Fire Breath; crits crits everywhere!
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Madam_Enigma View Post
    Since everyone keeps refering to demon summoning as 'DS' I couldn't resist the gameboy crack.
    Wow, I just got that. /pokes brain "Work damn you!"
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Madam_Enigma View Post
    Ah, but a good mastermind knows how to control their henchmen. Not just put them on aggressive/follow. When I see a team mate in trouble, my first act is to target whatever is hitting the team mate and order an attack. Or toss out some debuffage. Or hold whatever it is. Healing a team mate isn't always the best choice. Sometimes killing the mob is a better option. Sometimes it's the only option.
    Indeed, it largely depends on your secondary.
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tatterdamalion View Post
    The current patch my Test client is loading, is the exact same size as the pre-patch the Live Client downloaded.
    Not that it's relevant anymore, but the Test Client patch was 3.1G whilst the Live prepatch was 2.8G, for me at least.