Patron Powers: Black Scorpion Mace Mastery




It had better be -Jump, too. That's a pretty important and valuable part of Web Grenade.

[/ QUOTE ]

it would be the only reason to take this ppp over anything if you really think of it. if there's no -jump im definitely going sirocco or mako



For those of you who are dissatisfied with the amount of hard numbers given to us by the devs about these powers, here are some of the numbers I've collected:
<font class="small">Code:[/color]<hr /><pre>
Power Scorpio Mace Web Poisono Mace Mace Web Disruptor
Shield Blast Cocoon Ray Beam Beam Envelop Blast
BaseAcc 1 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.25 1.05 1.05 1.05
Target single single single single single cone AoE AoE
MaxTrgt 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 16
Radius 0 0 0 0 0 50 15 15
Angle 0 0 0 0 0 35 0 0
Range 0 80 60 80 150 50 80 80
Activat 2 2 2 2 8 2 2 2
Recharg 4 9 32 24 24 32 20 32
s/Tick 0.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
EndCost 0.1625 8.58 10.66 13 17.94 18.98 12.74 18.98
Interup 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0
Enhance endredu endredu hold endredu interup endredu endredu endredu
recharg range slow range endredu range range range
defense recharg endredu recharg range recharg recharg recharg
knockbk range defdbuf recharg knockbk immobil knockbk
damage recharg accurac knockbk damage accurac damage
accurac accurac hitdbuf accurac accurac

Power Summon Summon Summon Summon
Blaster Disrupt Tarantu Spiderlings

BaseAcc 1 1 1 1
Target Summon Summon Summon Summon
Range 60 60 60 60
Activat 3.03 3.03 3.03 3.03
Recharg 900 900 900 900
EndCost 26 26 26 26
Enhance endredu endmod slow endredu
range hold endredu range
knockbk endredu range defdbuf
immobil range defdbuf damage
damage immobil damage accurac
accurac damage accurac
accurac</pre><hr />
I'll soon be posting the numbers I have for each pet's individual powers.

NOTE: Before you ask--yes, what I've shown here states that recharge enhancements are NOT allowed in the 15 minute recharge pet powers.

[/ QUOTE ]

No recharge enhancements allowed? That is just insane. Thanks for the info, appreciate it.



I want black scorpion for rp reasons, but the power durations seem really short on the powers.



Ok...Why isn't the resistance portion of the Scorpion Shield enhanceable? I recently hit 42 on my Dominator and noticed this...Anyone know if this is intended?

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Is defense enhanceble? -M


-Playing since COH beta and still love the game!



It had better be -Jump, too. That's a pretty important and valuable part of Web Grenade.

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it would be the only reason to take this ppp over anything if you really think of it. if there's no -jump im definitely going sirocco or mako

[/ QUOTE ]

I picked up this power on my corruptor and it says -jump, - fly and -recharge. I have not tested this on a jumper but the -fly works pve.

All in all I say this power will be pretty sweet in pvp.



My fear is that it does have AoE -jump. And someone will complain too much and the devs will change it. Leaving us with a crap patron and no way to respec out of it...



Ok...Why isn't the resistance portion of the Scorpion Shield enhanceable? I recently hit 42 on my Dominator and noticed this...Anyone know if this is intended?

[/ QUOTE ]

Is defense enhanceble? -M

[/ QUOTE ]




My fear is that it does have AoE -jump. And someone will complain too much and the devs will change it. Leaving us with a crap patron and no way to respec out of it...

[/ QUOTE ]

Yep, between the aoe and the st hold, both with -jump I see no reason why I wouldn't be able to permenantly disable someone's travel powers while hasten + AM are going.

So what do I expect to happen.......

-travel power suppression. After that first bout wears off they have 10seconds of immunity just like mezzes.

Considering how potentially effective black scorp could be in pvp I foresee virtually every pvp build taking it. That over-popularity could result in a change/nerf if and when the whines start filling up every page of the forums.

We'll see though,




Aye, I think something might happen to it. However it's not really fair if it does. I mean you can drop someone out of fly very easily and keep them out. You can slow superspeed to a halt. The only one you really can't is teleport. It's the amount of players that have super jump (or rather combat jumping and hurdle) that I am worried about. That will lead to a huge amount of complaints.



A nerf to any –jump ability in the patron power would result in merc/, /traps, and /dev webnade nerfs as well. I can’t jump after being hit by a webnade even with a break free. So it would be global and I honestly don’t see it happening there would be no reason to it’s perfectly valid and fits into what the devs said about ppps being more powerful. Heroes no matter what kind of ‘complaining’ would have to evaluate the power of nearly every one of their ATs before ever complaining about 2 powers we can only use in one zone and or the arena.



Considering 4 Hero ATs can kill any AT that's not a brute within 3 shots in RV, it wouldn't make sense if they nerf it.



I'm really happy that you have the ability to do something about city of jumpers now. The recharge/durrations still seem a bit weak requiring alot of slots and the redrawn/animation time feels longer then 2 seconds but all in all I'm more impressed with this set for my corruptor and brute then the others.



The PPPs are terribly unfair to Mind/Psi Doms as we already get no pets. Now we can get a pet but the power does not accept recharges. It's a Pet-astrophe!

Very discouraging.



For those of you who are dissatisfied with the amount of hard numbers given to us by the devs about these powers, here are some of the numbers I've collected:
<font class="small">Code:[/color]<hr /><pre>
Power Scorpio Mace Web Poisono Mace Mace Web Disruptor
Shield Blast Cocoon Ray Beam Beam Envelop Blast
BaseAcc 1 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.25 1.05 1.05 1.05
Target single single single single single cone AoE AoE
MaxTrgt 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 16
Radius 0 0 0 0 0 50 15 15
Angle 0 0 0 0 0 35 0 0
Range 0 80 60 80 150 50 80 80
Activat 2 2 2 2 8 2 2 2
Recharg 4 9 32 24 24 32 20 32
s/Tick 0.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
EndCost 0.1625 8.58 10.66 13 17.94 18.98 12.74 18.98
Interup 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0
Enhance endredu endredu hold endredu interup endredu endredu endredu
recharg range slow range endredu range range range
defense recharg endredu recharg range recharg recharg recharg
knockbk range defdbuf recharg knockbk immobil knockbk
damage recharg accurac knockbk damage accurac damage
accurac accurac hitdbuf accurac accurac

Power Summon Summon Summon Summon
Blaster Disrupt Tarantu Spiderlings

BaseAcc 1 1 1 1
Target Summon Summon Summon Summon
Range 60 60 60 60
Activat 3.03 3.03 3.03 3.03
Recharg 900 900 900 900
EndCost 26 26 26 26
Enhance endredu endmod slow endredu
range hold endredu range
knockbk endredu range defdbuf
immobil range defdbuf damage
damage immobil damage accurac
accurac damage accurac
accurac</pre><hr />
I'll soon be posting the numbers I have for each pet's individual powers.

NOTE: Before you ask--yes, what I've shown here states that recharge enhancements are NOT allowed in the 15 minute recharge pet powers.

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No recharge enhancements allowed? That is just insane. Thanks for the info, appreciate it.

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Wow, they just made this into a horrible 4th tier, situtational Patron power. Its not even worth getting now. Thanks devs.....



Aye, I think something might happen to it. However it's not really fair if it does. I mean you can drop someone out of fly very easily and keep them out. You can slow superspeed to a halt. The only one you really can't is teleport. It's the amount of players that have super jump (or rather combat jumping and hurdle) that I am worried about. That will lead to a huge amount of complaints.

[/ QUOTE ]

I would argue that the reason for so many super jumpers is that -fly and slows are so prevalent. Also, SJ isn't affected as badly by travel power suppression when attacking. SJ is far and away the best all around travel power for PvP (not to mention that it unlocks Acrobatics), and it is about time that there are at least a few powers that counter it.

I would also like to point out that Scrappers already have access to web grenade and caltrops (both -jump) in the weapon mastery EPP, but you almost never see this since every scrapper took body mastery to get FA and ignore defense based sets.



Considering 4 Hero ATs can kill any AT that's not a brute within 3 shots in RV, it would make sense if they nerf it.

[/ QUOTE ]

hehe fixed it for you.

I would also like to point out that Scrappers already have access to web grenade and caltrops (both -jump) in the weapon mastery EPP, but you almost never see this since every scrapper took body mastery to get FA and ignore defense based sets.

[/ QUOTE ]

Webnade alone isn't really that harsh, my superspeed barely feels the effects and I only really notice it if I need to get over some obstacles (I use sj and ss).

I feel where the biggest complaint will come from is when a corruptor nails you with -jump and a massive slow power that a number of the sets have access to. This will effectively turn the target(s) into sitting ducks. FA or not, a scapper will have a hard time interrupting 2 or 3 stalker AS's in that situation. If I was a stalker I would love to team with a corruptor that could do this to every hero in the game and buff me (sr and /ice tanks would have resistance, but would still feel it).

Like I said my prediction is -travel power suppression and yes it will be applied globally (even though I do not want it).




Black Scorpion second story arc:

****SPOILERS**** and a warning

After completing the arc with Dr. Quatrexin and getting The Stinger badge, I was offered another arc - [censored] in the Armor. This arc involves kidnapping Dr. Aeon to make anti-ghost weapons for the Scorpion suit.

The final 2-part mission is bugged. The mission starts with Black Scorpion telling you to talk to an arbiter to set up a fake story and then kill Dr. Aeon. The arbiter doesn't believe the lame cover story and tells you to either stop Scorpion's insane plot or face the wrath of Recluse. The first door mission has you rescuing Dr. Aeon from Silver Mantis - but when I attacked Silver Mantis, Dr. Aeon just disappeared. Since rescuing him was an objective, I couldn't complete the mission. After that was cleared by a GM, I went on to the second - a timed mission to disarm some bombs and defeat Black Scorpion. Black Scorp spawned as an ambush after the last bomb, but defeating him didn't clear the mission - he only had 1 minion instead of 2, so I think one might have gotten lost. Had to get a GM to clear it with very little time to spare.



Black Scorpion second story arc:

****SPOILERS**** and a warning

After completing the arc with Dr. Quatrexin and getting The Stinger badge, I was offered another arc - [censored] in the Armor. This arc involves kidnapping Dr. Aeon to make anti-ghost weapons for the Scorpion suit.

The final 2-part mission is bugged. The mission starts with Black Scorpion telling you to talk to an arbiter to set up a fake story and then kill Dr. Aeon. The arbiter doesn't believe the lame cover story and tells you to either stop Scorpion's insane plot or face the wrath of Recluse. The first door mission has you rescuing Dr. Aeon from Silver Mantis - but when I attacked Silver Mantis, Dr. Aeon just disappeared. Since rescuing him was an objective, I couldn't complete the mission. After that was cleared by a GM, I went on to the second - a timed mission to disarm some bombs and defeat Black Scorpion. Black Scorp spawned as an ambush after the last bomb, but defeating him didn't clear the mission - he only had 1 minion instead of 2, so I think one might have gotten lost. Had to get a GM to clear it with very little time to spare.

[/ QUOTE ]

Ugh. That branches off into a timed mission? Didn't say that anywhere in the game.

What happens after you beat up your nominal boss? Kind of curious why he lets you keep working for him.



I've been working with RedTomax to get the new power data listed on his site, and it's now up.

Click on these links to see info about each pet's individual powers.
Brute Pet
Stalker Pet
Dominator Pet
Corruptor Pet

Click this link to see info on every power in the game (NPCs included).
All CoX Powers
New Patron Powers are listed in the Epic category.




What happens after you beat up your nominal boss? Kind of curious why he lets you keep working for him.

[/ QUOTE ]

It doesn't make much sense. He says something like "you sided with the arbiters, curse you!" and then "come back at level 45 for more missions".



I'm thinking this may be the set I go with for my fire/kin corruptor. Do any fellow Corrs have any experience with this set and could give me a little info on how well it works for us?



Black Scorpion second story arc:

****SPOILERS**** and a warning

After completing the arc with Dr. Quatrexin and getting The Stinger badge, I was offered another arc - [censored] in the Armor. This arc involves kidnapping Dr. Aeon to make anti-ghost weapons for the Scorpion suit.

The final 2-part mission is bugged. The mission starts with Black Scorpion telling you to talk to an arbiter to set up a fake story and then kill Dr. Aeon. The arbiter doesn't believe the lame cover story and tells you to either stop Scorpion's insane plot or face the wrath of Recluse. The first door mission has you rescuing Dr. Aeon from Silver Mantis - but when I attacked Silver Mantis, Dr. Aeon just disappeared. Since rescuing him was an objective, I couldn't complete the mission. After that was cleared by a GM, I went on to the second - a timed mission to disarm some bombs and defeat Black Scorpion. Black Scorp spawned as an ambush after the last bomb, but defeating him didn't clear the mission - he only had 1 minion instead of 2, so I think one might have gotten lost. Had to get a GM to clear it with very little time to spare.

[/ QUOTE ]


I did both missions twice. Once I saw Dr. Aeon vanish I just went back out and reset and it worked the second time around.

As for the Black Scoripion Ambush, I had enough time to reset it and try again but the same thing happened. So 2 times I cleared everything on the map and clicked 5 bombs, defeated Black Scorpoin and his pals with no luck. It kind of erked me that this is an AUTO given TIMED AV mission.

The Strangest part is, the clues still exist in my queue. There was no souvenir. (not even one to tell me I failed). And Black Scorpion now just tells me to come back at 45. That entire second arc was never even available to some people.




I did both missions twice. Once I saw Dr. Aeon vanish I just went back out and reset and it worked the second time around.

[/ QUOTE ]

I did that mission twice and the same disappearing trick happened both times. Guess it's intermittent.


The Strangest part is, the clues still exist in my queue. There was no souvenir. (not even one to tell me I failed). And Black Scorpion now just tells me to come back at 45. That entire second arc was never even available to some people.

[/ QUOTE ]

I succeeded (because a GM cleared the mission) and I got a souvenir. I guess the failed mission case is bugged.