2597 -
Quote:are you being serious?I was curious about this today also so i made 2 toons to see. Both Ice/Storm variations. Both solo. The 1st ice attack on both at level 1 unslotted, the corr did more damage. I think the numbers were 11hp on the def and 19hp on the corr. I don't know where the more damage dealt is coming from for the def, unless maybe other powersets? But as for Ice attacks the Corr won to start off with raw numbers.
Quote:IIRC the def version also has a much larger aoe size than the corr version and can hit more targets too.What's even funnier is that Defender Soul Drain was supposed to have its recharge pushed up in I13 (or was that I14, I don't remember), and I think it even did for a short while, and then it mysteriously went back down to 120.
So not only is it a stronger buff because of higher defender modifiers, it results in a substantially stronger buff when saturated due to hitting more foes. And hitting those foes easier due to the larger aoe.
Corr version I believe tops out at ~80% damage buff
Def version tops out at ~120% damage buff and recharges twice as fast
That's pretty substantial. Strap that on to something like rain of arrows which is more or less the same for both AT's, add in a stronger -res debuff and the def can seriously outdo the corruptor while being the superior team supporter.
That said, I support the 120 sec version of SD as I've found the 240 version to be very lame even with a butt-load of recharge. -
sig. Though traps defenders can be built to withstand damage (of all types) to a degree that makes some tanks do a double take.
Here's what you need to know about dealing damage with a corruptor:
Rain of Fire
Here's what you need to know about dealing damage with a blaster:
A corruptor that understands how to leverage RoF (it isn't hard) is godlike. A solid fire/x combo can nuke every spawn in a similar sense to how a Arch blaster does albeit with an extra attack or two.
But Blasters that understand how to use aim, bu, and play aggressively enough to have solid defiance deal a lot of damage. Enough where few corruptors can keep pace.
That said a corr that uses a power like freezing rain in a team just eclipsed pretty much anything a blaster can do in terms of kill speed short of nuking and the corr can do that for every spawn. -
When WW talked about the design philosophy of new vs old it boiled down to:
"We must go forward, not backward. Upward, not forward. And always twirling, twirling, twirling towards freedom."
Regarding Posi's blog, I think he has a fairly logical view on things, but I think he is stuck in what was and not what could be. I also don't really place a huge amount of authority in his words because I personally don't think he did much, or much good anyway, while at the helm. He did fine, C+ or B-, which for me doesn't translate to someone I look to for revolutionary insight about MMO's in general, or the future of them. -
Quote:GR purchase is likely determined on a case by case basis. If you have a reason as to why they haven't lived up to their end of the bargain it won't be difficult to get that back. If you don't it may be difficult.Is there a way I can get a refund back on my GR purchase and paid time? I thought I might want to play again, but playing again made me bored to tears and I don't think GR will help with that...
Pre-Paid time is unlikely to get back, but I wouldn't say impossible. Spent time will never be given back.
All you can do is put together a well written letter to support and see though. -
The general rule I go by:
Defs do a little bit to moderate amount more damage at the start to midpoint of the fight. While corruptors do a lot more damage at the end of the fight.
*this excludes some specific scenarios like damage capped kins, which ime aren't quite as common while solo as people sometimes suggest for defs/corrs (it usually takes a double stack of fulcrum against fairly sizable spawns for the corr to cap). It also excludes some specific things like rain of arrows, which a defender can generally put a corruptor to shame with. -
Personally (among some other things) I'd speed up the cast time on placate so that it actually makes numerical sense to use it on attacks other than AS. Because as of right now there are very few attacks (some sets have none) where using placate actually increases your dps.
Now my understanding of the power is that it is supposed to be multipurpose.
a/ it is supposed to give you a tactical advantage. i.e. placate a boss to get it to stop trying to kill you.
b/ it is supposed to give you an offensive advantage. Which it does with assassin strike, but you can't always use assassin strike, and it does with a select few single target attacks, and most aoes. But imo if placate is supposed to improve your offense it should do so in all applications.
Reducing the cast time of placate to ~1 second would make it work with almost all attacks to increase offensive output rather than lowering dps and it would help alleviate some of the issues of a mob walking over and hitting you while you placate it and effectively breaking the effect (well the hidden bonus anyway).
To prove my point: if you use claws there isn't a single attack that you can placate before (other than AS) that will improve your st dps. So if you are in a situation where AS is difficult to use placate is now offensively useless for you. This however isn't the case for all sets. For instance new MA has multiple attacks that placating prior to is beneficial. IMO it shouldn't be that way where some sets benefit considerably more from the signature power of the AT than others. -
I find if you are playing the toon quickly you'll be leading the charge which means you'll likely be in bodyguard mode. In BG damage is spread to everyone. Triage heals everyone a little bit.
It's a good fit for that playstyle and on top of the ridiculous defense and mitigation a bots/traps possesses it should make a tangible and obvious difference in the type/difficulty of content you can tackle. Used in this manner it is way better than aidself and aidother.
If however you are more of a sit and watch type MM player and let your bots do pretty much everything than aidother will fit better. -
Quote:Mmm, I don't think that is what they are saying.
I believe it's more like we'll quit if we lose our character names and SG's.
I would be surprised if people quit because more people played on their server. I think it has to do with how those people get there.
I was actually just joking around with that comment. No logical person would respond negatively to the game becoming more popular.
Although nearly half the list that gets quoted drills home how they like to play on lesser populated servers and how that is their right. It leads a person like me to wonder what degree of dissension they would experience if that option disappeared regardless of the cause. It's nearly half the list so one might be inclined to think it would be pretty high. -
The only reason I can suggest is because people that are adamant about playing on low servers seem to imply that they would quit if they became more popular...
Quote:What I would definitely do is prevent a bunch on unpaid folks from impacting an already highly impacted server, like Virtue and Freedom.
But aside from the fun of considering it I don't think they'll switch to f2p. But it is neat to think about what the game might look like under such a model. -
Quote:Yes my apologies I was taking the info 3rd hand and didn't confirm it myself before posting... that's a no no that I try to avoid.Frosty said this:
"Just as an FYI all new accounts will only be able to create characters in Praetoria until they have reached lvl 20 with one of them and then they will unlock the ability to create characters in Paragon City or the Rogue Isles."
Post said the first character has to be made in Praetoria, per the quote above. Nothing about having to get to lvl 20. Sounds like the 2nd character can be in Paragon or the Rogue isles.
Edit - unless there is another quote floating around.
It does indeed sound like the second character you create will have access to the full game. I think that is a reasonable blend of new player gating that also ensures you aren't being too restrictive or seemingly arbitrary in execution.
It should achieve the main point of why I suggested the gating in the first place, which is to ensure a new player experiences the best of what the game has to offer in terms of content and player base. Unless a new player quits their first toon a few seconds in they will have had opportunity to see many other players roaming about so if they then decide to check out the rogue isles/Paragon city and they are deserted during the GR launch it won't be so crushing. -
Quote:While this is all true it is totally irrelevant to the discussion. You are trying to make an argument for real life to supersede fantasy in a super hero game. Agree or disagree with the 5% rule there is no real life precedent that adequately justifies how the fireball I have conjured out of thin air behaves. Well that's not entirely true, but it doesn't have anything to do with real world combat mechanics.The 5% miss chance represents the random chance that a breeze deflected your arrow, or your perfectly aimed sword-blow was deflected by the spike on the pauldron because the target turned ever so slightly at the wrong time, or your laser beam eyes hit a flaw in the tanker's ice armor just right, reflecting out instead of in.
In other words, it represents the tiny shred of reality that still remains in the game. If you look at real fights conducted by real people, you will realize that:
- Something like 90% or more of bullets fired by cops miss their targets -- even more so in war where most machine gun fire is suppressive: they shoot millions of rounds resulting in only thousands of casualties. And most of the casualties are not from gunfire these days.
- Most attacks in (evenly matched) fencing matches are parried or dodged.
- Most punches and kicks in (evenly matched) martial arts contests are dodged or parried.
In blood sports like boxing they tend to get a higher percentage of hits in (mostly body blows that the fighters seem to ignore), but there's still a lot of ducking and weaving. This style of fighting seems to have been developed to heap punishment on the participants. If the boxers weren't getting hit the fans would be disappointed. -
When I miss stationary items it just reinforces the old saying "can't hit the broad side of a barn"
then again maybe the desk I'm trying to destroy is just really swift and maneuverable so I sometimes miss it. -
Quote:I realize what you said, but if you stick all of them onto the same server(s) segregated from all (or practically all) of the paying customers, what do you think you've just created?What I'm saying is DON'T make a newbie world for them. Just use one of the existing low-pop servers. Hence, the existence of high level players to give them advice and look up to and all that.
-A newbie world
specifically in this case a newbie world that you leave a few unlucky paid players to survive in.
The way to avoid that is to integrate them into the game but gate them off from certain paid areas. Considering that is already in place it makes a lot of sense too.
For instance a free account would not have access to (just off the top of my head):
Cim, Ouro, PI, Praetoria, Grandville, Pocket D, AE, the ability to build/edit supergroups (but could be part of one), and who knows what else.
That way they are frequently exposed to people that do have access to those things which gives them incentive to purchase them because the goal is to always convert a free player into a paid player. The very fact that you want to stick them all on a low pop server of their own with but the few paid customers that happen to reside there has drastically reduced any potential for conversion to paid status.
To be totally honest, if they ever move to a F2P model they will want to condense the population as much as possible for maximum potential sales to the free customers. F2P is more of a reason to merge than it is to not merge. -
Quote:As long as they crank "you've been thunderstruck" by AC/DC at that exact moment then I too will join the crowd in going wild!Well we all know is going to happen. At some point when he finally proves that he is worthy to wield Mjolnir, he'll be able to call it from it's desert resting spot, it'll fly into his hand, he will strike the ground with it and with a lightning display rivaling Tesla he'll appear all costumed up and ready to kick some Destroyer and Loki behind.
The crowd goes wild. -
Quote:Conversely, gated zones were a way of life for us up until a very short time ago and would achieve segregation of the free players and paid players even better without unnecessarily separating them from each other for content they may want to experience together.Just a minor idea against server merges:
First Dungeons and Dragons Online and now Everquest 2 have announced free to play mode, where most of the game is available to new players free of charge.
Let's supposed eventually CoH chooses to go the same route. What better place to put free to play newbies than a low population server? The hardware is there and not being used, a flood of newbies all the same level will create an environment where they can all team together, and there's still a few high level players who can act as mentors and inspiration to the newer players. Win-win I think.
Free-to-play seems to be the coming thing, so keeping a low pop server rather than merging seems better than having a newbie island somewhere where players don't get the full game or the best experience. Low pop servers seem the ideal alternative.
That way the free players get to hear about what they are missing out when someone says "hey lets go rock the ITF in Cim" and they say, "oh free accounts don't have access to Cim".."oh you should pay up, it is awesome".
If you have gated them to their own little world where pretty much only they exist then they will simply find harmony in their existence, however limited it may be. And then what happens if they decide (despite practically no compelling reason to do so under your model) to upgrade their account. Do they then get free transfers off of freebie world, or are their original characters stuck there unless they pay even more for a transfer? -
If that were true then why even bother with a name change and an icon change?
seems like a lot of trouble when they couldn't be bothered to change the name of poison trap across two sets when the power is totally different. -
I'm not opposed to a select few powers bypassing the 5% rule. As mentioned, snipes and assassin strike would be strong candidates for such a thing.
I'm also not opposed to select buffs bypassing the 5% rule by certain degrees. Like aim could take you up to 100%, build up up to 96%, targeting drone up to 97%.
I dunno, it always sort of bothered me that aim doesn't actually do what it says if you have moderately slotted your toon.
At the same time, while I see a reasonable enough argument to allow such things, I don't see a compelling enough game reason to do it. In fact if someone was pressed they could probably come up with some balance reasons why not to allow it, though I think if it was used sparingly those reasons would fall flat. -
Quote:Kin Melee has Power Siphon not Siphon Power. They even use a different icon.Siphon Power is going to be changed for Build Up the same reason Follow Up from Claws was changed to Build Up, it requires a tohit check and breaks your Hidden status.
Aside from that though, logically speaking all stalkers have buildup, so unless Power Siphon provides the functional equivalent, which is largely increasing the burst damage of a burst damage focused AT, then it is probably reasonable to assume Buildup will sub in for it. -
Quote:I don't even think much of thor, he's cool and all, but never followed him at all. I thought the trailer was pretty awesome though. I'm definitely interested. I like that they are focusing on the "humanity" angle because I get the feeling that is pretty important to establish for a Norse God. Whereas for Iron Man it was important to establish just how anti-human and even god-like the character could be.However, the thing that works against it is the first ComicCon Iron Man trailer that came out a year before the movie and when it got to the end with Iron Man flying it already looked awesome with Thor I thought "it could be ok".
Just my admittedly uneducated interpretation though. -
Just as an FYI all new accounts will only be able to create characters in Praetoria until they have reached lvl 20 with one of them and then they will unlock the ability to create characters in Paragon City or the Rogue Isles.
Seems someone important enough to call the shots had the exact same thought as me about how new players should be gated into Praetoria. Be sure to send Posi, or WW, or whoever made that call a PM telling them the same things you told me when I said it should happen.
I'm not saying I'm always right, but I'm better than this guy from the Simpsons:
Smooth Jimmy Apollo: "Well, folks, when youre right 52% of the time, youre wrong 48% of the time." -
corrs and defs are a lot more similar than corrs and blasters.
Blasters are more like if you selected a dominator, but really skimped on the control powers, but with a lot more burst damage.