Blastervs Corruptor
A blaster is what most games would refer to as a "Glass Canon". While I think this oversimplifies things, generally a blaster is about dropping the enemy before they can drop him. He is powerful in both ranged and melee combat, despite the name seeming to infer a preference for ranged. The Blaster also generally sports some light control abilities to help manage his enemies a little better. Their first two attacks also ignore mez effects, meaning that if you are slept, disoriented, held, or whatever, you will still be able to retaliate against your enemies.
A Corrupter is more akin to a utility character with more of a focus on damage than the Defender, who is very similiar. Their primary difference from the defender is their 'Scourge' ability, which allows them a chance to do double damage to an enemy who is lower on health, especially useful against enemies with more HP. They do less damage than a blaster, but have a much wider array of utility powers that can effect both themselves and their team mates, keeping both alive longer than a blaster could. While they will often be the backbone of their party, they can still hold their own in a fight.
Check out this link for more information about the different level of damage different AT's can do. a sound bite, Blasters are more of a force, Corrs are a force multiplier.
Corrs are better for teams due to their buffs/debuffs. The buffs/debuffs can also make them more survivable solo.
Blasters do significantly better damage. Mez doesn't affect them as badly as Corrs (with the exception of /Sonic and /Traps Corrs who have good mez protection) since they can still attack with their first tier attacks.
Corrs buff the team, debuff the enemies and blow stuff up.
Blasters just blow stuff up, but they're much better at it.
If you're looking for a more nuanced/team-friendly character I'd go with a Corr. If you want a straight-forward glass cannon nuker, go with a Blaster.
The Melee Teaming Guide for Melee Mans
cool thx for the reply ^^
corrs and defs are a lot more similar than corrs and blasters.
Blasters are more like if you selected a dominator, but really skimped on the control powers, but with a lot more burst damage.
If it was still about half a year ago, I would say corruptors have more potential for damage, simply because of my AR/Kin, who would web envelope the whole mob, fulcrum shift, then hit the enemies with over 500 damage every 3 seconds from Ignite.
Those were the days (yeah, it would take 10 sec, but mmm so good.)
My new Youtube Channel with CoH info
You might know me as FlintEastwood now on Freedom

Corruptors are beyond good.
Blasters are fine except they are damage with small amounts of control. A Corruptor has both. Any */Dark corruptor is game changing.
A */Kin can multiply his damage using Fulcrum shift and with transference he can:
Fulcrum shift
Pop a blue and use transference and be completely full of end again.
There is no comparison of a blaster versus a Corruptor in any case I can think of the corruptor can multiply his and his teams damage and do so more safely. Going Rogue will allow you to see this if you haven't already thru mixed team Trials.
As said above, corruptors can be force multipliers, and blasters really concentrate on being a force to multiply. Blaster advantages include: higher damage multiplier (Flares from a blaster does a bit more than Flares from a corruptor, etc), access to a secondary full of utility powers and melee attacks, plus Build Up, which makes their nukes a lot more powerful. Outside of rare builds, blasters generally are strictly damage dealers. If you want to concentrate on taking the enemy down, blasters are an excellent choice.
Corruptor advantages include: Scourge, access to a secondary full of buffs and debuffs. Can be easier to solo. Can, with the right secondary, do incredible damage. Also can, with the right secondary, keep the enemy from doing much to your team. If you want to balance your attention between damage and protecting the team, or you want to do both damage and debuff/disruption to the enemy, corruptors are an excellent choice.
Angel Witch II - Chord of Souls - Storm Witch II - Princess of the Dawn - Standing Horse - Witch of Xymox
Silent Scream - Shadow Witch II - Liquid Serenade - Nebulous Dawn - Ghost Witch II -Xiberia
A */Kin can multiply his damage using Fulcrum shift and with transference he can:
Fulcrum shift Nuke Pop a blue and use transference and be completely full of end again. |
Often I'll have a concept and be like "I wanna shoot fire!" hover over the blaster tab, and then remember Kinetics and play a defender/corr instead.
If it was still about half a year ago, I would say corruptors have more potential for damage, simply because of my AR/Kin, who would web envelope the whole mob, fulcrum shift, then hit the enemies with over 500 damage every 3 seconds from Ignite.
Those were the days (yeah, it would take 10 sec, but mmm so good.) |
(for those just tuning in, you used to be able to slot for higher damage, and there used to be no AOE cap on how many critters you could taunt OR how many critters you could hit with an AOE. I've personally seen over 300 badguys get roasted by one Inferno. )
Mini-guides: Force Field Defenders, Blasters, Market Self-Defense, Frankenslotting.
So you think you're a hero, huh.
@Boltcutter in game.
Seen it?! I've done it!
40062: The World's Worst PUG
84008: Jenkins's Guide to Super-Villainy
230187: The Hero of Kings Row
No H8 - 08.04.10
@Circuit Boy - Moderator - Pride global chat channel
My wife started on Blasters. I started on Scrappers, as you may recall.
Mini-guides: Force Field Defenders, Blasters, Market Self-Defense, Frankenslotting.
So you think you're a hero, huh.
@Boltcutter in game.
When I hear "Those were the days" I expect stories of, like, issue 4. I'm kinda disappointed. 500 HP is, like, Aim/Fireball/Firebreath.
(for those just tuning in, you used to be able to slot for higher damage, and there used to be no AOE cap on how many critters you could taunt OR how many critters you could hit with an AOE. I've personally seen over 300 badguys get roasted by one Inferno. ) |
Virtue: @Santorican

Dark/Shield Build Thread
Corruptors are beyond good.
Blasters are fine except they are damage with small amounts of control. A Corruptor has both. Any */Dark corruptor is game changing. A */Kin can multiply his damage using Fulcrum shift and with transference he can: Fulcrum shift Nuke Pop a blue and use transference and be completely full of end again. There is no comparison of a blaster versus a Corruptor in any case I can think of the corruptor can multiply his and his teams damage and do so more safely. Going Rogue will allow you to see this if you haven't already thru mixed team Trials. |
The above statement ends this argument satisfactorily. As a blaster player with quite a variety under my belt, I was skeptical about corruptors for good long while. Now it is unlikely I will waste my time with a blaster again. My Fire/Dark and AR/KIN corruptors are unstoppable juggernauts that steamroll just about anything I put them up against. Blasters, (for which I was a long advocate and later apologist) do not compare and cannot compete.
Stand UP.
When I hear "Those were the days" I expect stories of, like, issue 4. I'm kinda disappointed. 500 HP is, like, Aim/Fireball/Firebreath.
(for those just tuning in, you used to be able to slot for higher damage, and there used to be no AOE cap on how many critters you could taunt OR how many critters you could hit with an AOE. I've personally seen over 300 badguys get roasted by one Inferno. ) |
Also, this is just from Ignite, which would come up every 3 seconds without any enhancements. Since it takes 10 seconds to dish it out, this means that without recharge, you could stack ignite and this isn't even counting scourge. Aim is also available for corruptors too, plus I had Assault running. It was because of this ability that the entire set was changed less than a year ago.
My new Youtube Channel with CoH info
You might know me as FlintEastwood now on Freedom

I'm addicted to Blasters and probably have close to 500 Blaster levels under my belt. No other AT is even remotely as squishy and the living on the edge play style is part of the attraction, but also part of the problem. To me it is obvious Blasters sacrifice too much for too little. Blaster offensive output under ideal conditions (fully protected by support in teams and/or very specific IO-builds) is formidable, but some Corruptor builds have comparable offense while also having significantly better survivability (often allowing them to actually make good on their offensive potential unlike Blasters) and infinitely better force multiplication/support ability. Several ATs step on Blaster toes in terms of offense, but no other AT is saddled even remotely with such a lack of defense.
Going Rogue is likely to illuminate the discrepancy.
Okay so here is my thoughts so far... I started up a Blaster and got him to level 10, yeah ino woaw I'm awesome -_-.. Anyways it gave me an impression of the AT. So the blaster seems to have a lot of firepower, and thats fine and all, but their inherieted skill seems rather useless at this point. I mean it will probably not hit more than a 30-35% buff on your damage (Im running a DP/Energy) and with the rather low damage at this level then 30% of 0 is still 0, so not much of a buff there.. I can only guess that at higher levels this skill really starts to kick in, but a major problem is still if you get hit, slowed, knocked down or whatever you lose the benefit you just build up, and if your not on top in the beginning of the fight you wont win...
So i started a Corr to compare, and boy do they seem far supior? !! .. their scourge seems like 10 times better as it can dish out so much more damage on tougher enemies, and they got the ability to heal themselves.
Guess my new question is, those Blasters start to shine at some point?, cuz up till now its just been a rather fun but pointless toon to play..
Kin corr is awesome and it does shoot your damage through the roof. However, keep in mind that corruptors do not get Fulcrum Shift until level 38. This means you'll spend a large chunk of your corr's career dealing less damage than a blaster.
Also, if your concerns are dealing damage, as a corr you will be expected to be use your secondary to support the team. Essentially, this means you'll be spending less time dealing damage than a blaster.
Both are great, don't get me wrong, but since this thread seems very pro corr I thought I'd share some experience from playing both ATs to 50 several times.
Currently on Virtue:
Jinrazuo - Crab Spider
RWZ All-Pylon Solo Run
First off, not all Corruptors are */Kinetics.
Second, a Blaster with a "true nuke" can wipe a spawn off the map, and if they've got a blue and/or Power Sink, Drain Psyche, Consume, or Conserve Power, they can be back in action in another 3 seconds, continuing to do damage.
Blasters' Damage Scale is also higher than Corruptors', at 1.125 vs. 0.75 Ranged, and 1.00 vs. 0.75 Melee, meaning that a Blaster is still going to do more actual damage than a Corruptor who's using the same power. Also, note that Corruptors don't have access to Build-Up, and their version of Aim does +42.5% Damage, vs. a Blaster's Aim at +62.5% Damage.
Let me demonstrate.
Zapp (Electrical Blast) in the hands of a Blaster does 172.67 base damage at level 50.
Zapp (Electrical Blast) in the hands of a Corruptor does 115.11 base damage at level 50.
At the base, there's a 57.56 Damage difference in favor of the Blaster, although if the Corruptor Scourges, she or he would be in the lead by 57.56 Damage (funny how that worked out).
Let's assume they've each slotted with three Damage SOs (+96.5%):
Blaster Zapp (3 Damage SOs): 339.30 Damage
Corruptor Zapp (3 Damage SOs): 226.19 Damage
At this point, there's a 113.11 damage difference. It's only going to get worse. Of course, Scourge would make up that difference, if the foe is below 50% Health.
Let's assume the three Damage SOs and that the Corruptor uses Tar Patch or some other -30% Damage Resistance Debuff:
Blaster Zapp (3 Damage SOs): 339.30 Damage
Corruptor Zapp (3 Damage SOs + Tar Patch): 294.05 Damage
The Corruptor is still trailing by 45.25 Damage, though that can be made up with Scourge.
Let's assume the Blaster has three Damage SOs (+96.5% Damage) and uses both Aim (+62.5%) and Build-Up (+100% Damage). The Corruptor doesn't have Build-Up, but she or he does have Aim (+42.5% Damage).
Blaster Zapp (3 Damage SOs + Aim + Build-Up): 619.89 Damage
Corruptor Zapp (3 Damage SOs + Aim): 275.11 Damage
Things aren't looking so good for the Corruptor at this point. She or he is behind by 344.78 Damage. Even Scourging the entire amount for double won't catch up to the Blaster, and this isn't including Defiance.
Let's assume all of the above, but the Corruptor uses Tar Patch or another -30% Damage Resistance Debuff.
Blaster Zapp (3 Damage SOs + Aim + Build-Up): 619.89 Damage
Corruptor Zapp (3 Damage SOs + Aim + Tar Patch): 357.64 Damage
Again, the Blaster leads by 262.24 Damage, though the Corruptor could get lucky and Scourge, taking the lead.
Now let's look at each at the Damage Cap (500%):
Blaster Zapp (500%): 863.35 Damage
Corruptor Zapp (500%): 575.55 Damage
Again, the Blaster's still ahead, now by 287.8 Damage. Scourge will make that up, provided it actually triggers, putting the Corruptor in the lead by 287.75 Damage.
Also, note that the Corruptor at the Damage Cap isn't doing as much damage as the Blaster using 3 SOs + Aim + Build-Up:
Blaster Zapp (3 SOs + Aim + Build-Up): 619.89 Damage
Corruptor Zapp (Damage Cap 500%): 575.55 Damage
Again, the Blaster's ahead by 44.34 Damage, under his own power, and that's without Defiance 2.0 added into the mix. Again, Scourge will make up that difference and more, if it triggers.
Also, as I said before, */Kinetics aren't the only Corruptors out there. A */Kinetics Corruptor can get himself or herself to the Damage Cap under his or her own power fairly easily, but the others are generally going to struggle to even get close to it.
In fact, you might note that a Blaster just using three Damage SOs out-damages a Corruptor using three Damage SOs and Aim:
Blaster Zapp (3 Damage SOs): 339.30 Damage
Corruptor (3 Damage SOs + Aim): 275.11 Damage
In this case, the Blaster--not doing anything and not including Defiance 2.0--is ahead by 64.19 Damage. Again, Scourge would catch up the difference (and more), if the RNG is being kind.
Granted, most Corruptor secondaries have a Foe -Resistance Debuff power at around 15-30% or so, and that also contributes to actual damage done, and Corruptors do add more to a team than just damage.
However, for them to get on par with Blasters in terms of personal damage, they tend to have to either get lucky with the RNG and Scourge, or pull out all the stops.
40062: The World's Worst PUG
84008: Jenkins's Guide to Super-Villainy
230187: The Hero of Kings Row
No H8 - 08.04.10
@Circuit Boy - Moderator - Pride global chat channel
Blasters, (for which I was a long advocate and later apologist) do not compare and cannot compete.
As Circuit_Boy already showed at length however, Blasters can compete. It depends on style, skill, and builds, of course. That's about how every AT vs AT debate goes in the end.
I play heroes on Champion.
I play villains on Virtue.
Actually, an "apologist" can be an "apologist for" someone else, too. It's not necessarily self-referential; in fact, according to Random House, it refers to a belief or an idea, not a person. It'd be correct to say that John Milton was an apologist for Oliver Cromwell's Glorious Revolution, for example. It'd be equally correct to say he was an advocate for it.
You are, however, correct in the overall idea--"apologist", contrary to popular belief, does not mean someone who apologizes for something, in the sense that the thing being defended is necessarily wrong, incorrect, or broken.
40062: The World's Worst PUG
84008: Jenkins's Guide to Super-Villainy
230187: The Hero of Kings Row
No H8 - 08.04.10
@Circuit Boy - Moderator - Pride global chat channel
Well thx a lot Circuit Boy, awesome reply, and you break it down quite nicely... I will try to level both a bit more and see what feels best for my play style ^^
And thx cuz I had no idea that there were different base damage modifiers ^^
Excellent breakdown, Circuit_Boy. I just wanted to throw in the fact that one Kinetics Corruptor can keep all the Blasters at their damage cap. Extra */Kinetics wouldn't help anyway. Multiple Corruptors stay useful only as long as their power(set)s are conducive. Blasters always do what they came to do.
1. Drain Psyche won't overcome the endurance crash of nukes in almost any circumstance. Nor will Conserve Power. Realistically, it will at best lessen the need for multiple blues after a true nuke (but there will still generally be too short a supply on blues if a Blaster nukes whenever possible). That means only two secondary sets truly allows for Blasters to "nuke n' go". Corruptors have access to several endurance management tools in their secondaries and all may choose Power Sink at epic levels.
2. Circuit Boy left out that all Corruptors may choose Soul Drain at epic levels to further boost their damage potential.
3. Corruptors (and Defenders) benefit from using Blaster damage scalars in a few attacks like Ice Storm, Blizzard and Rain of Fire.
4. Corruptors have significantly better survivability, making it much easier for Corruptors to make good on their offensive potential. Theory doesn't always work in praxis.
As for your comment, you imply every team has one kinetic or even several. In reality most (blueside, don't know how it is red side) teams doesn't have a single one unless you count farming teams. You also seem to neglect the particular Blaster debt problem; a defeated Blaster doesn't do any damage at all.
Hey all, I'm pretty new to this game and was thinking.. These two AT's look alike a lot, but can someone put down the Pros and Cons compared to each other?
Would be awesome