507 -
Quote:I can see this being hard to decide. For teams, trials, tfs, if you were going to trick this guy out I'd say you have got to do Mind/. However, for a lightly IO'd build or soloing, Plant/ is going to be better.This is going to be a pretty general question actually, I have a name and a concept that makes me want to make a character that uses confusion powers. It doesnt have to be all they do, but something I can regularly use. I'm leaning towards a troller as I already have a tricked out dom, and I'd like to do something a bit different. Plant/ Mind/ Ill/ and Elec are all options, but I'm leaning towards Mind/ and Ill/ mostly. The other two can work, just that they require a slightly long conceptual leap.
I'm looking at a character that can do a bit of everything, solo, TFs, trials, pvp, whatever. I dont feel the need to excel in all those fields, but its nice to have a decent time at any of them.
Also open to suggestions for secondaries.
I'm leaning towards Mind/poison right now, simply because it looks like it'd be some nice single target damage for when I do solo, but could still add some good debuffs on a team environment, but I'm sure I'll change my mind 5 minutes from now.
I'm going to have to go with the above, however. If the concept really is just a confuser, a Mind/ Dom is going to hit it on the head a little better. With a Controller, you have to "suplement" the concept quite a bit with those exotic looking secondaries.
Quote:Just have to look into your context is all. Macbooks stopped supported 64-bit WEP when the majority of universities in the USA still used it as the standard. Then in the ultimate switcharoo, they have been about 3 years behind on most instances of WPA2-Enterprise, the current standard in private schools.Don't see why you can't do both PC and Mac. Like others, I recommend a macbook and a PC desktop. Although I did all my class work on macs in the labs, I kept the PC for games and home stuff. But when the sh*t hits the fan, having that portable mac is a godsend.
I've worked with and owned macs. I'd never even consider getting one for gaming. -
Quote:The game's down, so I can't look at this. I've always done ctrl+left click, so I'm not sure if shift will work for this as well.
Set it on auto (shift +left click) and forget about it.
Quote:But if you have 45 Defense and the enemy has above normal Accuracy, it might blow right through your defense as if you had zero.
Quote:Confusion Powers (not including Arctic Air)
The default slotting of Confusion powers will almost always be from the excellent and modestly priced (for a purple set) Coercive Persuasion set. The main decision is between whether you need Ranged defense (a huge +5 bonus!) or not.
Recharge and Defense: x6 Coercive Persuasio
Most characters will want to at least double-slot this, in some cases triple. A few with very high native endurance recovery may get away with one slot. Analysis of averages shows that the Performance Shifter: Chance for +Endurance proc provides more Recovery on average than a standard Recharge IO, although this is chance based.
Standard Slotting: x2 End Mod IOs, Performance Shifter: Chance for Endurance
I feel you may want to make this even more general than it is. On heroes that I don't put the health +recovery procs, I usually do 4 slots in Stamina, and I could see this necessary being the case with newer players.
I really, really like the guide over all. The only content change I think you ought to make is to give more love to S/L Defense builds. I don't know where you could give it said love. The only one I noticed missing that I have used to soft cap for S/L is Enfeebled Operation for immobilizes. -
Quote:You'd want to (re)cast it anyway. Auto Turret's defiance is 39.6% for 14.5 seconds. That's like the best part about it...We can have Auto Turret out perma now, but it comes at the annoyance of having to go through its lengthy, interruptable cast time every minute or so.
Yeah, it's only like 92% of the damage Aim offers (at least if you start counting post cast), but when you consider the incessant whining about a lack of BU it's really a surprise people don't count the Defiance numbers.
Timb Bomb is 52.8% for 16.5 seconds. Trip mine is 26.4% for 12.5.
If you play smart, run ahead on teams, etc, you can turn those puppies into a good chunk of burst damage without much detractor. Yes, Aim + BU are easier, simpler, etc, but as it were Blaster's require about the most finesse and forethought of any AT anyway. -
Empirically, Blasters. I've played more of them to 50 than any other AT.
Followed by Stalkers, the fastest I've leveled to 50 because they're just a hoot to play.
My "last place" would have to be Tankers. I find them to be incredibly boring to play. It's simply too easy. Though my desire to have to think while I play only goes so far, because I never really got Warshades. I had more fun leveling my Peacebringer, but I remember respecing him several times, far more than any other AT. -
Quote:In CoV days, if there wasn't a Brute on your team, there was some buffs and some controls for you. So I'd flip off Hide and Scrap/Brute for them.I don't think it's unfair to say that Stalkers are a very solo-friendly archetype. They're certainly very friendly to my style of solo play.
But... my experience with my Stalker (she's still only 24) has made me wonder what role a Stalker could play on a team. (I've soloed her almost entirely, and the teams I've done have been pretty much random pickup teams with friends, so it's been like 'oh, sure, lol, do whatever').
Soo... teamed stalkers, what do you DO? Do you just run along and do your own thing?
In GR days, you are a Scrapper with fewer AoEs and lower max HP. On a tightly packed team of, I believe it's 5, you will out do the Scrapper's ST damage because of your passive. So do that.
Quote:This is the power of quoting out of context. The developers said nothing like this. The comment was that in a single PBAoE power, the damage potential would increase with KD instead of KB. PBAoEs have the effect of radial knockback, scattering enemies virtually regardless of how you handle it. Sure, you can stand to the side and fire them to the other, but they will still scatter.Thank you for wording this so well. I have been trying to put down in words why this lack of change rankles me, and you've done it perfectly. I have said before that knockback is great mitigation... for enemies. Now the devs have flat out agreed: knockback, by design, is used to limit player damage.
Ranged knockbacks (yes even targeted AoEs for the few who are still in la-la land) don't cause radial knockback. The only way to get them to is, you guessed it, stand in PBAoE position, either with a Targeted or by jousting a cone.
Find a post where the developers said ranged knockbacks rein in damage, or for Pete's sake stop taking what they say so far out of context. You might as well flat out lie about what they said.
Just to expound, lest the ignorance has lent itself to lysis:
The devs didn't say knockback would rein in damage, one dev said turning a melee power's KB to KD would increase damage.
...and because dead horses deserver a good whooping
Ranged knockback when used even semiintelligently can add oodles of damage potential, specifically by mitigating incoming damage and keeping enemies against a wall or in a corner. Energy Blasters have known this to be true for years. I can't believe it's still debated after all this time. Enemies who are not mezzed in some manner will run around and run away. Knockback used inapproriately can slow things down, of course, but at least with PBs you've always been restricted and should have gotten some idea of how to play the game before you rolled out. -
Quote:I can actually name that team easily and I play on it quite frequently: a task/strike force with a members built well enough that they split up into small groups or solo to clear more efficiently. Anything you do solo can be done then.Skipped it on my Sonic/Traps Corr, if you run on teams frequently skip the power. Name a team of people that will let you sleep a group, place a time bomb, and wait? I've never even seen a team wait for trip mine, doubtful Time Bomb will make much use. Maybe in situations like the platform and roofs of the ITF, you might find some use. But, IMO not worth taking. Might I add this power can be interrupted, making using it effectively a bit difficult at times.
Then on steam rolling teams, on my Arch/Dev Blaster I'd just hop to the next group if RoA was down and lay a toe-bomb Time Bomb if it was up. Steam rolling teams can handle the handful that survive.
I agree with the notion that Time Bomb is a lot more out of place in Traps than it is in Devices. However, the common forum idea that it's useless stems from a measure of value that would deem any power that couldn't simply be mashed out to be worthless. More power to button mashers, but it's not the universal measure. -
Just curious, how much is cost a factor?
At a glance I notice a few things I would change right off the bat. If you cut Aim and Concentration to 2 slots, you could use the 2 slots freed up to put a LotG:+Recharge into Hover and Weave. That would only cost you ~3% recharge in Aim/BU, but increase everything else by 15%.
Those puppies are expensive though, so if INF is any issue, you may want to use 2 alignment merits to pick them up.
You don't need 3 slots in Invisibility. I would only use 1 and put another LotG:+Recharge in there. The reason you don't need any end reduction is it applies "Only Affecting Self." Most of your powers won't work while you're Invisible. Also, if you're not interest in using Invis for a +Recharge IO, you could drop it and pick up a +Stealth IO for Sprint. Stealth + that IO would give you the same (or at least about the same) Stealth as Invisibility does.
I'd probably only use 1 End Redux in Stealth, if any at all. There's some awesome IOs for Defensive sets if you want o keep those slots (or put them in Hover). Aside from LotG there's Kismet +ToHit. I really like Gift of the Ancients +Run Speed for builds that aren't going to be min/maxed anyway. Knockback protection could go in those powers as well.
Ranged Shot is virtually useless with those slots. I'd just drop it. If you could fit in Static Discharge and Psy Scream you could use those 3 for a good AoE chain with no knockback.
Subdual is also virtually useless with those slots.
I'd drop the extra slots there and put them in Drain Pschye. Extra recharge in that power is always good, as would be a Health IO. Franken slotting some Acc/Hold/Recharge into Shocking Bolt would be nice as well.
Anyway, those are the changes I'd make without betraying your power choices or making the build way more expensive. -
Quote:I would just footnote this.. I believe there is one thing a Son/Son Corruptor still does better. On a very small team (like a duo or trio), they should put out more damage. IIRC once you get to 4+ the -res modifier's big enough that unless you're somehow sans any damage-focused ATs, the Defender contributes more through them.Sonic Blast is indeed much better on Defenders. I would try to avoid Sonic Blast(It's still a good powerset, I just couldn't bear the thought a sonic/sonic defender does everything I do better).
I played a DP/Sonic Corruptor to 50. Honestly the early game was very slow going. It was pre-GR and I seemed to virtually never end up teaming with Brutes who could maintain aggro. The stacking debuffs and good damage you can do with DP/Sonic makes you a mob magnet.
Though you probably would not be surprised that this turned around in the 30's, especially picking up the tier 9s. Liquefy is way better than a lot of forum-goers give it credit.
I would recommend the combo. It's not too end heavy. Sonic isn't a very busy set, and I'd say DP can take advantage of that, switching ammo and positions as needed. The +res combined with Chemical rounds's -dmg stack nicely if that kind of mitigation is needed. Of course you're talking about some pretty tough enemies to notice that, and avoiding the extra debuff on your threat makes fire rounds more appealing a lot of the time.
I went with Dark Mastery to really emphasize my own resists and damage output. I didn't see any easy way to get reasonable defenses without sacrificing powers I wanted, though now with inherent Fitness it may be viable.
My second choice would be Dark Blast. Like you said, it has the heal. Combining it's -ToHit with your +Res helps for survivability too. TT could immobilize mobs inside Liquefy without negating the KD. I just didn't go this direction because I didn't want a crashing nuke with a toggle dependent secondary. Also, the idea of being able to turn off KB in DP was just so appealing. I wouldn't want to accidently Torrent enemies out of Disruption Field or Liquefy. -
Quote:It's both actually. I think with the way mez resistance works, it's not very good in toggles because it will suppress anyway. It's most often found in auto powers.And I could be wrong, but even though acro is hold resistance (as opposed to defense/protection), I haven't noticed getting held at all running acro.
Quote:Originally Posted by City of Data-2 Knockback, Knockup, Held for 1.25s -
Quote:That's a good point and worth mentioning. The short comings of otherwise awesome sets should always be kept in mind. It didn't jump out at me on this build because there was more than a +45% global accuracy bonus AND Focused Accuracy.I didn't look at the build so I don't know if Siphon Life needs more recharge but I would slot more accuracy in it. Kinetic Combat gives very low accuracy only 22%. To me that is too low so I would slot it with 2 Touch of the Nictus( Accuracy Healing, and Healing) it also gives you a Hit point bonus.
Yeah, I don't think it's that important for Kinetic Melee either. The 100% critical on Burst is too tempting most of the time anyhow. My current Stalker won't take AS till 38. I took it at 6 or 8 on my ElM Stalker and will respec out of it for i19 until down the road.
Quote:/Mental and /Ice both get their second melee attack then.3. Stone Mallet: Might be a wee bit early for the second melee attack...but good choice.
4. Quicksand: Eeeehhhh...unless it was made a LOT smaller than the troller version of this power a la Ice Patch, i'd have to say no. And even then, for what QSand does, a micro version would almost not be worth it. Maybe a ST Version of Stalagmite.
I don't think Quick Sand from the Tanker epic would be too bad at all. Tankers do get the same Ice Patch, too.
Quote:9. Tremor: I've got 2 problems with this one. One, is that unless they gave this a signifigant boost, this would be a crap-tastic tier 9 power. It's a pbaoe that does roughly the same damage as stone fist to whatever it hits. To wade thru 32 levels only to have THAT greet me would honestly disappoint me to no end. See my remark for Heavy Mallet. Either swap these two powers...or move this to HM's slot and replace Tremor with Seismic Smash (although i'd reduce the hold mag). Personally i'd do the latter.
I like the idea and would like to see an Earth Blast primary and Earth mastery ancillary! The lack of thematic pairs is the only problem I see off hand, but as you said we're on Blaster secondaries and there's not much in the way of obvious themes. -
Quote:Will Power uses typed defense (like Smashing, Lethal, Energy, etc) rather than positional (melee, aoe, ranged). Gaussian's and Blessing of the Zephyr are both slot effective for positional defense, but not so much typed defense.Ok, I am still somewhat new to the forums and posting builds for review by some of the advanced players. The build below is my main character and it was made for me. I didn't build it myself. The survivability is really good for my purposes and since the i19 release with inherent health and stamina, I was wondering if I could tweak it a bit. I wanted to add Shadow Punch as another part of my attack chain, but in the process I would lose slots to accomplish it. Any help in that area would be great
Since you have KB protection in Indomitable Will, you don't get very much out of BotZ in Combat Jumping. I'd drop the two extra slots and put an LotG:+Recharge in it.
Similarly, I'd replace the 3 LotG:End/Rech with LotG:+Recharge. These are expensive, but worth it. They only cost 2 Alignment Merits though. If you make this change, you'll be well enough over the ED cap on IW, Heightened Senses, and Weave that you can drop the plain Defense IO (it'd only net you 3% defense enhancement anyway).
If you still feel thin on slots, drop the End Mod in Physical Perfection. You have so much recovery already, and it only adds 5%.
Kinetic Combat is your friend. It's expensive, of course. If you replace Smashing Haymaker with it and put it in Shadow Punch, you'll increase your S/L defense. Which "is a good thing."
Siphon Life is decent for self healing, but the IOs you have in there aren't so hot. The Theft of Essence proc is mostly a waste, as it should fire on average every 5th time you use the power. Touch of the Nictus doesn't add any damage and has relatively low +recharge. If your attack chain has holes in it (as I'm guess it does if you're considering Shadow Punch), I'd rather see Siphon Life with 4 of Kinetic Combat (sans the proc) and 2 Heal/Recharge pieces in it.
Similiarly, you've skirted your damage by enhancing Soul Drain that way. You already have a ton of +accuracy. If you really want to keep that accuracy bonus, replace it with Scirocco's Dervish or (my preference) Obliteration. They both have the same +9% accuracy.
A Kismet +6% Acc would be awesome in Combat Jumping. Because it's actually +ToHit and not a global Accuracy bonus, it would stack fantastically with your +Acc. I actually don't think you need all the accuracy you have, FWIW.
Anyway, this isn't an optimal or super charged build or anything, but staying true to your power choice with the tweaks I'd make at a glance you'd end up with something like this:
Code:Hero Plan by Mids' Hero Designer 1.90 http://www.cohplanner.com/ Click this DataLink to open the build! Level 50 Magic Scrapper Primary Power Set: Dark Melee Secondary Power Set: Willpower Power Pool: Leaping Power Pool: Fighting Ancillary Pool: Body Mastery Hero Profile: Level 1: Smite -- Hectmb-Dmg(A), Hectmb-Dmg/Rchg(3), Hectmb-Acc/Dmg/Rchg(7), Hectmb-Dam%(36) Level 1: High Pain Tolerance -- RctvArm-ResDam/EndRdx(A), RctvArm-ResDam/Rchg(5), RctvArm-ResDam/EndRdx/Rchg(15), RctvArm-ResDam(34), RctvArm-EndRdx(34), Heal-I(34) Level 2: Mind Over Body -- RctvArm-ResDam/EndRdx(A), RctvArm-ResDam/Rchg(3), RctvArm-ResDam/EndRdx/Rchg(11), RctvArm-ResDam(36), RctvArm-EndRdx(36) Level 4: Shadow Maul -- Oblit-Dmg(A), Oblit-Acc/Rchg(5), Oblit-Dmg/Rchg(15), Oblit-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx/Rchg(31), Oblit-%Dam(31), Oblit-Acc/Dmg/Rchg(37) Level 6: Fast Healing -- Heal-I(A), Heal-I(7), Numna-Regen/Rcvry+(37) Level 8: Combat Jumping -- LkGmblr-Rchg+(A), Ksmt-ToHit+(9) Level 10: Siphon Life -- KntkC'bat-Acc/Dmg(A), KntkC'bat-Dmg/EndRdx(11), KntkC'bat-Dmg/Rchg(37), KntkC'bat-Dmg/EndRdx/Rchg(40), RgnTis-Heal/Rchg(40), H'zdH-Heal/Rchg(46) Level 12: Indomitable Will -- LkGmblr-Def/EndRdx(A), LkGmblr-Def/Rchg(13), LkGmblr-Def/EndRdx/Rchg(13), LkGmblr-Rchg+(43) Level 14: Super Jump -- Jump-I(A) Level 16: Rise to the Challenge -- Numna-Heal/EndRdx(A), Numna-Heal(17), Numna-Heal/EndRdx/Rchg(17), Numna-Heal/Rchg(19), Heal-I(19), ToHitDeb-I(31) Level 18: Shadow Punch -- KntkC'bat-Acc/Dmg(A), KntkC'bat-Dmg/EndRdx(23), KntkC'bat-Dmg/Rchg(25), KntkC'bat-Dmg/EndRdx/Rchg(25), Mako-Acc/EndRdx/Rchg(45) Level 20: Quick Recovery -- EndMod-I(A), EndMod-I(21), EndMod-I(21) Level 22: [Empty] -- Heal-I(A) Level 24: [Empty] -- EndMod-I(A) Level 26: Soul Drain -- Oblit-Dmg(A), Oblit-Acc/Rchg(27), Oblit-Dmg/Rchg(27), Oblit-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx/Rchg(40), Oblit-Acc/Dmg/Rchg(42), Oblit-%Dam(43) Level 28: Heightened Senses -- LkGmblr-Def/EndRdx(A), LkGmblr-Def/Rchg(29), LkGmblr-Def/EndRdx/Rchg(29), LkGmblr-Rchg+(45) Level 30: Boxing -- Acc-I(A) Level 32: Midnight Grasp -- KntkC'bat-Acc/Dmg(A), KntkC'bat-Dmg/EndRdx(33), KntkC'bat-Dmg/Rchg(33), KntkC'bat-Dmg/EndRdx/Rchg(33) Level 35: Tough -- RctvArm-ResDam/EndRdx(A), RctvArm-ResDam/Rchg(42), RctvArm-ResDam/EndRdx/Rchg(42), RctvArm-ResDam(43), RctvArm-EndRdx(45) Level 38: Weave -- LkGmblr-Def/EndRdx(A), LkGmblr-Def/Rchg(39), LkGmblr-Def/EndRdx/Rchg(39), LkGmblr-Rchg+(39) Level 41: Focused Accuracy -- GSFC-ToHit(A), GSFC-ToHit/Rchg(46), GSFC-ToHit/Rchg/EndRdx(48), GSFC-Rchg/EndRdx(50), GSFC-ToHit/EndRdx(50), GSFC-Build%(50) Level 44: Conserve Power -- RechRdx-I(A) Level 47: Physical Perfection -- Heal-I(A), Mrcl-Rcvry+(48) Level 49: Strength of Will -- S'fstPrt-ResDam/Def+(A) ------------ Level 1: Brawl -- Empty(A) Level 1: Sprint -- Empty(A) Level 2: Rest -- Empty(A) Level 1: Critical Hit Level 4: Ninja Run Level 2: Swift -- Empty(A) Level 2: Hurdle -- Jump-I(A) Level 2: Health -- Heal-I(A), Heal-I(9), RgnTis-Regen+(46) Level 2: Stamina -- EndMod-I(A), EndMod-I(23), P'Shift-End%(48)
That leaves one pick, and probably 1-3 slots, depending on how you put Maneuvers and Focused Accuracy. Hasten or Assault would be my picks probably. -
Quote:The problem is you "decide" long before you go against a group of enemies. You don't get to change your build based on the damage of what you'll be fighting. Even if you did know, the incoming damage will change rapidly.You might say that mine has limited use because it can be difficult to judge just how hard enemies hit you. But, assuming you can figure this out (Werner did for his calculations), then you can make a decision. A decision rule that is accurate is more useful than a decision rule that is not.
I don't actually understand how this thread has gone on so long. Was the original +Regen hypothetical value really +200 HP/s in this spread sheet? How in the world could it be just as easy build wise to get 200 hps as it is to get 5% defense? By comparison, using 5 slots to use the +regen procs, a Numina's: Heal, finish enhancing Health and get another 10% (From LotG or Entropic, what have you), only represents about an increase of 10 hp/s on Scrappers. The same 5 slots used for Guassian's get you 2.5% defense. That's almost the best slot:+regen ratio against a middle of the road slot:defense ratio.
Anything better will be centered around a specific power (RttC, IH, etc). Is the question really to skirt slotting on a key +Regeneration power in your defensive powerset or to softcap? If that's the case... use those numbers from actual builds. Even if you want to use pretend builds... imagine a Tanker who doesn't slot RttC with 10 mobs in range and 45% defense vs a Tanker w/slotted RttC and only 40% defense. There may just be a case or two in the game where Bunny has a point.
I've seen on a few other threads that Bunny likes to insert irrational values into mechanical formulas to try to make a point... but all it does is disconnect the arguments founded in hypothetical situations further and further from the actual game. Even when the math is completely wrong and the values inserted are irrational, the argument continues.
Sure, if you know the DPS coming in, and you could achieve a ton of +Regen with the same amount of slots that it takes to get a wee bit of defense, then he might have a point.
We had a similar discussion in another thread about how good IH really is. I made the case that with DP it's just as good as a crashless tier 9, because in order for such a power to match the mitigation of DP+IH you have to be taking so much damage already that you'll be dying quickly. I think this is the sort of case Bunny is trying to make across the board. However, the problem is with crashing tier 9s, it quickly turns on its head. The initial DPS required for something like Unstoppable to match DP+IH only leaves ~8 DPS. Anything much above the 53 DPS that IH+DP can mitigate, and any crashing tier 9 is better. In other words, with lower incoming DPS, +Regen can shine, but it quickly falls apart when the +Def and +Resists are "comparable" and the DPS rises. Comparable in the sense of the same number of powers or slots devoted to a particular form of mitigation.
Anyway, there are no myths about Defense. The claimQuote:Conclusion: Initial defence is not a parameter in deciding between +defence and +regeneration.
Please read:
Arcanaville's Guide to Defense 1.10
Arcanaville's Scrapper Secondary Comparisons (from before IOs)
Dechs Kaison's Guide to the Softcap -
Quote:Oops! Yes, I was incorrect, but for a slightly different reason. The situation in which a Corruptor does 50% more is with Vigilance at 0%. My mistake. However, I was not referring to the damage boost from Scourge alone -- I was referring to how it multiplies (otherwise) final damage.Actually the bonus damage from Scourge is probably closer to 20% than 50%. Against minions you tend to Scourge when your attack would kill the enemy anyway. It is more useful against LTs and bosses though.
Statistically, Scourge will be a 30% increase to damage, if all your attacks were evenly paced and for the same amount of damage. As you say, it will sometimes kill them and the damage will be wasted anyway. So against even level minions, sure, call it 20%.
In that case, I agree with you. With no teammates, a Corruptor will only do about 20% more damage. With a full team, anything +level and/or not flooded with minions, the Corruptor will do close to 50% more.
And, again, any powersets leaning heavily on psuedopets with the same base damage will draw the damage closer. Damage contribution will also draw closer with sets using different -resist values (Sonic, Rad, Trick Arrow). -
In Mid's it should show the damage for each hit at level 50 (9.18). IIRC, in the game it shows if all of them hit (probably close to 150, but I'm not positive).
Quote:I believe it will return to the original target if there's enough mobs to jump around on. The jumps are 2 seconds apart. The same target can't be "jumped" twice within 5 seconds, so I'm guessing it would have to jump 4 times to end up back on the original target. It will return to past targets if there's not 16 to "max out" on. I doubt that it's likely, but it's possible.How does Jolting chain work exactly? That is, will it ever return to the original target, or any other target more than once if there are less than its maximum number of targets in range,, or will it strike as many targets as possible ONCE and then defuse. How does it work if you cast it with only one target in range?
If you cast it with only one target, it will hit them and stop.
I suggest you look over this thread here. It started on a different topic, but lead to the sort of thing you're asking about. If you're in a hurry skip to Arcanaville's posts. -
Quote:...and because Scourge multiplies your damage and Vigilance is a damage buff, Scourge has a much greater effect. Even with Vigilance in full effect, a Corruptor should do about 50% more damage than a Defender.Yep, they now get a 30% damage buff while solo that decreases by 10% for each teammate you add up to 3 (so on a team of 4+ it's 0%, it doesn't go negative).
What this means is that solo Defenders and Corruptors do about the same base damage the differences being Corruptors get more benefit from other damage buffs and get scourge.
The damage gap is much shorter with sets whose DPS relies heavily on psuedopets (like if you went TA/Archery or use Ice Blast), and Defenders can contribute more when comparing sets with varying -resist values, on teams that is.
The really nice thing about Defenders is the higher values in their shields, both for themselves and allies. If you have it in mind to soft-cap a support character's defense, Defender is going to probably have the easiest time doing so. -
Oh, brother.
Quote:I did quote you. Several times. Scroll up.Just love it when other people tell you what you meant. "What you're trying to do is similar..." of course you use a metaphor because you don't have an actual quote to point to. Funny that.
Quote:Good to see you can use wikipedia for your definitions as well but how about you save the time and just link the definitions instead of having you regurgitate them?
Quote:Inconsistency! Or is it in specific situations procs increase in priority? No lets stick to blanket definitions!
Quote:If, in your opinion, Freezing Rain/Sleet it's the best possible place to slot damage procs why don't you do it? You even thought they procced more then they did (making them even better) and still didn't slot them.
In my build mentioned, I tried to match Sleet to Ice Storm. Again, that's irrelevant. I never made any claims about the priority of damage procs. You did. My personal opinion and use of procs is based on a different set of qualifiers than yours. I haven't even shared them. No one asked. You, however, did share yours. I don't actually get how this is complicated.
Quote:I even mention slotting Freezing Rain power with damage IOs in one of my earlier posts. It works really well for Caltrops.
Anyway, I am picking up on an unnecessary elevation in this disagreement. I apologize for the personal remark, but you appear to be unable to operate from a point of objectivity and at your current pace will turn solely to personal attacks. As such, I will just agree to disagree. For as is the case with anyone who is unable to face their own inconsistencies, there is absolutely nothing another person can do to try to persuade them otherwise. -
Quote:That makes a bit more sense than what you said originally.So that fact that some sets have a high internal competition for slots does not count? That some powers have a high internal competition for slot does not count? Or are you arguing that slots in all patch powers are all equally useful?
Quote:It's not free it costs 4 slots. Nothing wrong with slotting procs in there if you have no where else to put them. Slotting 4 procs is only slightly better then slotting 2 procs and 2 damage IOs 59.72 damage (0.83 x 72) versus 51.33.
Quote:How about instead of going slippery slope on me you actually stick to the argument I make? Instead of "logical progression" (ie we can exaggerate it so we can strawman).Quote:Relax, I regularly debate/argue about politics and religion. Compared to that this forum is tame.
You set up the premises from which we responded... and we only responded with their immediate corollaries/conclusions. That's called Modus ponens. It's not a slipperly slope.
Similarly, a Strawman is when you claim someone is arguing something other than what they truly are and then attack it instead. Notice, however, that above I quoted you... verbatim, and not out of context.
What you're trying to do is similar to arguing that "all drugs are bad, because they are an improper use of resources and it's unethical to modify ourselves as organisms in nature." Then when someone says "well, what about Aspirin and antibiotics?" you turn around and say "now, I didn't say that! Of course you can still take Aspirin!"
The person who asked about Aspirin knew you were being inconsistent and called you out on it. Then you back pedaled. The only "logical fallacy" here is your own regress argument. You set up the premises to argue conclusion A, which also dictate conclusion B, then demand greater justification for conclusion B than your own.
Quote:Do you slot Tar Patch with damage procs? Pretty much no one does. Does that fact suddenly mean you don't slot Caltrops with damage procs?
I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you actually meant me. Me, personally, I would not slot damage procs in Caltrops, but I might in Tar Patch. Tar Patch has a larger area, a -res, and will be up almost all the time.
According to what you said:
Quote:The most important aspect of slotting is opportunity cost. Virtually any IO you slot into any power will provide some benefit. The question is which one gives the largest boost to performance.
The most important aspect of damage is time. Since time is the only resource that is truly finite and can't be recouped after it has past. -
Quote:Ah, yes. My current main (and easily my toon with the most expensive build) is MC/Energy/Ice Dominator. I figured you had love for Power Boost because I wouldn't want to give it up and that's with perma-dom. For me, //Ice was the clear option because I was also seeking AoE damage. For Dominators, it has Sleet though.Yep, it's mostly Power Boost I'm after, for inobvious reasons.
That's awesome about Terrify + Energy Torrent though. You may already have the best set up for AoE damage with those sets then (w/o giving up your safety of course). If Sleet didn't have knockdown I'd have to try it! -
First of all, welcome to the game!
One of the "big guys on campus" here on the forums is all about Claws/SR, named Bill Z Bubba, so he would be a good person to know.
Quote:A quick side note: you might be interested in Widows. They use a kind of Claws, with defense based shields, have the stealth/sneak attack motif, and the Fortunata path gets some hard controls. You have to get a villain AT to 20 to make one, if you haven't yet.I loveume Rogue's in WoW, so I assd I'd love stalker's in CoH, but I was wrong. What I loved about rogues was control, and 0 damage coming in with very high damage going out. Scrapper's are nice, but my first brute attempt (DM/WP) was so much fun.
Quote:Now, so far I'm a little squishy. I'm looking at the powers and I think I want everything. But since sr blooms late I'm putting off some of SR for right now, to build the attack chain first.
Quote:I'm eyeballing Air Superiority, Combat Jumping, Aid Self, and Boxing->Tough->Weave to help mitigate the squish factor in SR while I'm building.
Quote:- Build Up is a force multiplier, make sure it hits 2-3 acc, and 1 recharge to ensure it's on all the time.
- Add slots for damage later when they aren't necessary elsewhere
Once you get some influence, if you have the ability to 6 slot build up it can take a set called Gaussian's Syncronized Fire Control which is great for SR characters.
Early on your Brute is going to be rocking out damage something fierce. That's because you have Fury, but you (like all other ATs with lower damage modifiers) start with higher base damage in your attacks. What this means is by the early 20's, you will notice you're doing less damage relative to your opponents hitpoints. From my perspective, it's a LOT less. You won't want to skimp on damage enhancements.
Your thoughts in this area look good. Once you have some influence, or if you work on alignment merits post level 20, you can buy a Performance Shift: Chance for +Endurance proc and put it in Stamina. I prefer to give it its own 4th slot. You can also look at Miracle: +Recovery and Numina's Convolesence: +Regen/+Recovery to put in Health.
Eh, people have different takes on this. I'd personally put it around level 22. I don't like click mez protection powers before Single Origin enhancements. Practiced Brawler is a click that lasts for 2 minutes. Until you get 2 Single Origin Recharge enhancements in it, you can't have it up all the time anyway.
Quote:- If endurance is tight get autopower
- Otherwise get a toggle delay these till DOs/SOs
- Pick up combat jumping early for a nice boost to go with the Melee toggle, spec out later if necessary
- Early endrdx > defbuff on toggles
- As endurance gets looser defbuff > endrdx
- No more then 3 slots on auto
- No more than 4 slots on toggles
Quote:- Air Superiority > Combat Jumping for damage mitigation? I like this idea because it gives soft control and can replace an attack power early
- Boxing -> Tough -> Weave for defense purposes in the middle between SOs and IOs/Sets (16->30 range)?
- Aid Self early to mitigate squish factor in DO levels (14-25).
Like I said above, figure out when you want your attacks, take everything in SR as soon as you can. Delay for any travel powers, of course. Then when you have all that laid out, I would put Boxing/Tough/Weave whereever the open spots are.
Aid Self is a good idea, IME and IMO. The build might be kind of tight though.
Quote:Finally for concept I like Combat Jumping + Super-Speed or no travel power at all with 2 slots to swift/run and 2 slots in hurdle and 2 in Combat Jumping. Not uber travel but fits the concept of middle of the road strength/speed increases that the character would naturally have.
Also remember Quickness helps your run speed. Doing 2 slots in Sprint/Swift/Quickness would get your running speed up there for pretty cheap, and it wouldn't suppress and slot you down while fighting. It all depends on if you have extra slots or extra power picks in your build. If you're stretching slots thin, taking a travel power might be better, but if you've got a lot of lightly enhanced powers, then the "natural runner" thing might work better.
Good luck! -