? / Sonic
Sonic/Sonic, but I'd go defender (one of the rare occasions), because the of the modifier on -res.
(as always though, play what you enjoy. If you don't enjoy it you won't want to play it)
Sonic Blast is indeed much better on Defenders. I would try to avoid Sonic Blast(It's still a good powerset, I just couldn't bear the thought a sonic/sonic defender does everything I do better). I would also avoid Energy and Elec Blast, since they don't synergize well with Sonic, IMO(KB works against your buffs/debuffs, Sonic has nothing to help with Elec's end drain).
Keep in mind that the more end heavy blast sets(Rad, Fire) will take a toll on your endurance, something Sonic Resonance already does all too well by itself. The Cardiac Alpha solves that problem somewhat, but it could be a long way till you get 50.
Mains (Freedom) @Auroxis
Auroxis - Emp/Rad/Power Defender Pylon Video Soloing an AV
Pelvic Thunder - SS/Elec/Mu Brute
Sorajin - Elec/Nin Stalker
Neuropain - Sonic/Mental/Elec Blaster
Sonic Blast is indeed much better on Defenders. I would try to avoid Sonic Blast(It's still a good powerset, I just couldn't bear the thought a sonic/sonic defender does everything I do better).
I played a DP/Sonic Corruptor to 50. Honestly the early game was very slow going. It was pre-GR and I seemed to virtually never end up teaming with Brutes who could maintain aggro. The stacking debuffs and good damage you can do with DP/Sonic makes you a mob magnet.
Though you probably would not be surprised that this turned around in the 30's, especially picking up the tier 9s. Liquefy is way better than a lot of forum-goers give it credit.
I would recommend the combo. It's not too end heavy. Sonic isn't a very busy set, and I'd say DP can take advantage of that, switching ammo and positions as needed. The +res combined with Chemical rounds's -dmg stack nicely if that kind of mitigation is needed. Of course you're talking about some pretty tough enemies to notice that, and avoiding the extra debuff on your threat makes fire rounds more appealing a lot of the time.
I went with Dark Mastery to really emphasize my own resists and damage output. I didn't see any easy way to get reasonable defenses without sacrificing powers I wanted, though now with inherent Fitness it may be viable.
My second choice would be Dark Blast. Like you said, it has the heal. Combining it's -ToHit with your +Res helps for survivability too. TT could immobilize mobs inside Liquefy without negating the KD. I just didn't go this direction because I didn't want a crashing nuke with a toggle dependent secondary. Also, the idea of being able to turn off KB in DP was just so appealing. I wouldn't want to accidently Torrent enemies out of Disruption Field or Liquefy.
I play heroes on Champion.
I play villains on Virtue.
/Sonic surprisingly is a good solo set, but it doesn't mature until in the 30's when have enough slots to make it work. I suppose it has a reputation for being a poor solo set 1-20, but even then I have to question that as Sonic Siphon is one of the better out of the box powers you can have from level 1.
The reason why /Sonic is actually a good set late in the game is because you can take a lot more hits than normal which buys you enough time to unload all your heavy hitters (eg full auto). And because a lot of the powers are fire and forget, or situational, you spend most of the time blasting away. Liquefy increases your survivability when you need it the most against bosses or ambushes.
There's no primary that synergizes particularly well with /SR. I wouldn't worry about the endurance burn personally. There may be some rough patches in the leveling, but in the end you can make it work with IOs and APPs/Patron pools.
To me the main question would be if you are planning to address survivability primarily through IOs. If not, I'd pick a primary that helps in that area. Ice or Dark maybe. If you think you'll have that covered Fire would be a good choice IMO. Rad isn't particularly strong in any one area, but is pretty decent all around. It also allows you to slot the AH proc for a little more -res debuffing without sacrificing AoE potential the way you'd have to with Sonic Blast.
Archery is possibly also worth considering. There are so few click powers in /SR that redraw would hardly be an issue.
I'm of the opinion that archery's powers synergize quite well with sonic, throwing RoA onto your Disruption Field equipped brute's herd and Sonic Siphoned Blazing Arrow both appeal to me as combos, not to mention delicious Fistful and Explosive Arrow
"You should come inside the box... Then you'll know what I mean."
So, I'm spoiled. I like my mez protection. What would be a good primary to pair with the Sonic secondary? The old Corruptor standby of Fire seems just a... tad... end heavy for Sonic. Dark Blast would make up for Sonic's lack of healing, but I've had my fill of Dark Blast. Radiation perhaps?
I think it's important to get a set with a decent offensive punch to make the most of the -res /Sonic brings. Dark...really doesn't. Sonic/Sonic would be highly effective, but as others have said better as a Defender. Not to mention booooooring as hell, my god.
I think Rad would be a good pairing with it. It's not end heavy, its got decent damage and AoEs to make the most of the -res, the -def in conjunction with your secondary makes you a debuffing machine. Plus you can put an Achilles -res proc in Irradiate for even more -res spamming.
The Melee Teaming Guide for Melee Mans
Archery has the best synergy with sonic given these points:
1. Sonic Siphon is single target, and as a result it can unload a single attack chain during the duration of the debuff at significant range given sonic siphon also has good range. In other words, against bosses, or AV you can really bring the pain from a distance.
2. Fire may do more damage than archery, but archery has a smoother attack chain, slightly more accurate (gives you options for slotting), and most importantly end friendly. Being end friendly allows you to keep the anchor on your teammate a lot longer.
3. Biggest reason why I chose to roll an AR/Sonic corruptor was it was not only rare, and due to concept, but mostly because it has a crashless nuke. DP works too as it has been mentioned, but I think Archery has the best crashless nuke compared to AR/DP. Especially given it can be dropped on the same place where you drop liquefy for maximum effectivness.
Fire is awesome with Sonic, but as you say it's very end heavy. This can be solved by APP/PPP powers (but that's only 40+) or IOs and slotting (which can be pricey).
I think it's important to get a set with a decent offensive punch to make the most of the -res /Sonic brings. Dark...really doesn't. Sonic/Sonic would be highly effective, but as others have said better as a Defender. Not to mention booooooring as hell, my god. I think Rad would be a good pairing with it. It's not end heavy, its got decent damage and AoEs to make the most of the -res, the -def in conjunction with your secondary makes you a debuffing machine. Plus you can put an Achilles -res proc in Irradiate for even more -res spamming. |
Mains (Freedom) @Auroxis
Auroxis - Emp/Rad/Power Defender Pylon Video Soloing an AV
Pelvic Thunder - SS/Elec/Mu Brute
Sorajin - Elec/Nin Stalker
Neuropain - Sonic/Mental/Elec Blaster
/Sonic surprisingly is a good solo set, but it doesn't mature until in the 30's when have enough slots to make it work. I suppose it has a reputation for being a poor solo set 1-20, but even then I have to question that as Sonic Siphon is one of the better out of the box powers you can have from level 1.
The reason why /Sonic is actually a good set late in the game is because you can take a lot more hits than normal which buys you enough time to unload all your heavy hitters (eg full auto). And because a lot of the powers are fire and forget, or situational, you spend most of the time blasting away. Liquefy increases your survivability when you need it the most against bosses or ambushes. |
Sonic is about the worse solo set of them all for buffing and debuffing.
Of the powers that don't require a teammate:
- Sonic Siphon takes up animation time and end that could be filled with another attack instead. Its therefore only useful against Boss class or higher when solo. Many other set's Res debuffs also apply other effects, eg Acid Arrow, Freezing Rain.
- Sonic Cage will slow you down. Its good as a panic button, but its situational.
- Sonic Dispersion. OK, this it good. But even slotted it gives you about 18% resistance as a Corrupter? 36% stacked with Tough. That effectively gives you as many hit points as an unarmoured Blaster.
- Liquefy. Great, but the recharge is a bit long.
So for plowing through a radio/tip mission solo, you're a low damage Blaster, just using your primary, with the bonus of mez protection. I don't think any other set does worse than that solo. When you meet the boss at the end, and maybe the odd time inbetween, you can pull out Liquefy and Sonic Siphon and get a bit more out of it.
I really like the set, and have four Sonic Resonancers myself, but I can't say it solos well. You can solo with it, sure, but other powersets bring more.
My one Sonic res Corrupter is Fire Blast/Sonic, and I enjoyed that combo quite a bit, but found it very lacking in personal protection. I really like Energy Blast/Sonic together, because of the defensive uses of Knockback.
I really can't agree with this assessment.
Sonic is about the worse solo set of them all for buffing and debuffing. Of the powers that don't require a teammate: - Sonic Siphon takes up animation time and end that could be filled with another attack instead. Its therefore only useful against Boss class or higher when solo. Many other set's Res debuffs also apply other effects, eg Acid Arrow, Freezing Rain. - Sonic Cage will slow you down. Its good as a panic button, but its situational. - Sonic Dispersion. OK, this it good. But even slotted it gives you about 18% resistance as a Corrupter? 36% stacked with Tough. That effectively gives you as many hit points as an unarmoured Blaster. - Liquefy. Great, but the recharge is a bit long. So for plowing through a radio/tip mission solo, you're a low damage Blaster, just using your primary, with the bonus of mez protection. I don't think any other set does worse than that solo. When you meet the boss at the end, and maybe the odd time inbetween, you can pull out Liquefy and Sonic Siphon and get a bit more out of it. I really like the set, and have four Sonic Resonancers myself, but I can't say it solos well. You can solo with it, sure, but other powersets bring more. My one Sonic res Corrupter is Fire Blast/Sonic, and I enjoyed that combo quite a bit, but found it very lacking in personal protection. I really like Energy Blast/Sonic together, because of the defensive uses of Knockback. |
Sonic Cage does slow down the rate of ambushes, and more importantly it is single target allowing your team to finish off the minions if you are having problems with a boss, and you lack a controller/dominator, so when the target emerges from sonic cage you can burst them down with all your effort. I would label sonic cage a must have solo tool while on teams it is too situational.
Sonic Dispersion has hold and immobilize protection, which the epic shields do not offer, and the villain epic shields also do not offer. Indomitable Will is arguably better than Sonic Dispersion, but it is only a click power that lasts 90 seconds, and not persistent like sonic dispersion. You have the option of shooting for IO set bonuses focusing on defense to compliment the shields for an amalgam of overall protection or even having other resistance shields to stack with sonic dispersion.
Liquefy recharge is long, but you don't need to have it up at every spawn given your AoE's mature by the time you pick up Liquefy anyways.
Blasters solo fine 1-25, but as many have said when they start go to beyond level 25 towards 50 they start to run into trouble. This is why many have to go pick up the epic shields or build defense up with IO set bonuses. How much damage you deal out starts to matter a lot less in 40+ range, but how much punishment you can take to be able to dish out more damage is paramount.
Before I started a Sonic Resonance character I accepted that the common wisdom that it wasn't a good solo set. But after trying it out myself I disagree completely, and have changed my mind. 1-25, it doesn't matter that Sonic Siphon is single target because your AoE's having been fully slotted out by then anyways to take advantage of sonic siphon if it were an AoE debuff instead of single target. Being able to survive long enough 40+ so you can dish out damage is too important to overlook. I am officially a convert.

One final thought, there are many tip missions where you can make use of applying shields to NPC's that help you on a mission map, or even use as an anchor to drop Disruption field on. Best part is your anchor is mobile, and not static which allows you to breeze through tip missions effortlessly while keeping your escort safe with your shields.
Sure. But compared to say, Force Field (and I'm obviosuly thinking of Defenders here), Sonic Offers a lot less for the solo-er.
You don't have the personal safety provided by Force Bolt and Repulsion Field, because Sonic Repulsion needs an ally. (You do have the odd NPC helper, or vet combat pets, patron pets or temp power pets, but none of them are there on tap.)
Your 24% resistance (Defender numbers) from Dispersion keeps you much less safe than the 16% Defence from Dispersion Bubble. More incoming damage, and debuffs are not diminished.
You can't really leverage your offensive buffs (sonic's big bonus over FF) too well solo, because Disruption Field needs an ally.
And Force Field is never really touted as a strong solo-er.
Which buff/debuff set soloes worse than Sonic Resonance in your opinion, and why? I'm at a loss to think of any. I'm not trying to make out that Sonic is impossible to solo with, more that its strengths lie elsewhere.
Sure. But compared to say, Force Field (and I'm obviosuly thinking of Defenders here), Sonic Offers a lot less for the solo-er.
You don't have the personal safety provided by Force Bolt and Repulsion Field, because Sonic Repulsion needs an ally. (You do have the odd NPC helper, or vet combat pets, patron pets or temp power pets, but none of them are there on tap.) Your 24% resistance (Defender numbers) from Dispersion keeps you much less safe than the 16% Defence from Dispersion Bubble. More incoming damage, and debuffs are not diminished. You can't really leverage your offensive buffs (sonic's big bonus over FF) too well solo, because Disruption Field needs an ally. And Force Field is never really touted as a strong solo-er. Which buff/debuff set soloes worse than Sonic Resonance in your opinion, and why? I'm at a loss to think of any. I'm not trying to make out that Sonic is impossible to solo with, more that its strengths lie elsewhere. |
/Thermal has warmth, but that is all it has solo wise till 35/38 for Heat Exhaustion and Melt Armor, and only one of those powers can be used against multiple targets (Melt Armor), and it is a small sphere.
/Traps has a lot of awesome tools to help soloing, but it is still very slow and cumbersome, so I would say it is the worst soloing set due to how inefficient it is in terms of time investment despite being "the safest". I have a level 50 AR/Traps corruptor and it no way it is an efficient soloing set in terms of time spent, especially in terms set up. Is it as bad as /Devices for blasters? No, but it isn't that much better. Especially with the nerf to poison gas trap.
/RE is the premier soloing set as it is amazing at the start, middle game, and the end. Only concern is to not kill the anchor first, but if your anchor dies (eg Lt) more than likely the minions are dead too, so it doesn't matter. Still the best solo set top to bottom.
/Cold matures late when it picks up Benumb, Sleet, and Heat Loss. It isn't a friendly solo set until you can pick up sleet (35) and Heat loss (38). Once it reaches that point it picks up the pace significantly solo.
/DM starts off really strong, but other than fluffy (38) its potency doesn't stand out as much late in the game and you have to rely on a heal that requires an accuracy check. Coupled with that it has become overrated it is not surprising either.
/Kin is a really, really late bloomer and the worst solo set till level 38 easily. It has a heal, but it requires you to be in melee range to receive the benefit of it when you have no defense, or res shield to protect you. But once it picks up FS it becomes a lot better solo wise, but still overrated as solo set, and underrated in a team setting.
/Storm is probably the second best solo set as /RI beats it out, but it has something to offer a soloist throughout the leveling process 1-50 and freezing rain is available at level 16.
/Trick Arrow, with the recent animation improvements, is underrated as a solo set, which is why I think it has passed /Traps now. It still is under appreciated on teams though.
/Pain I do not have much experience with, but I have heard it is a decent solo set, but I still wouldn't consider it better than Sonic Resonance, although if I do roll one myself I reserve the right to change my stance for this secondary.
I have a Dark/Sonic Corr and I would have like to have tried a Rad/Sonic corr. I remember back when a lot of people were making sonic blasts with rad debuffs and I never made one. I always wondered how a Rad Blast and Sonic secondary would play. With -defense in the primary and -resist in the secondary it should mesh well. On my corr I got the pet so I can buff it when solo.
/DM starts off really strong, but other than fluffy (38) its potency doesn't stand out as much late in the game and you have to rely on a heal that requires an accuracy check. Coupled with that it has become overrated it is not surprising either.
-twilight grasp: yes requires a acc check, but acc really isn't that much of an issue for MOST of the game..even with just SO's.
-tar patch: 25 radius, easily up for every spawn with just SO's and offers -30% RES and -90% run speed.
-Darkest Night: -30% base -tohit and -15% damage anchor.
-Howling twilight: The BEST rez (aoe) in the game, but it's not just a rez and I RARELY use it as one. It's an alpha neutralizer. Used as a weapon and not a rez it is a a spawn neutering monster. I tend to use it on just about every spawn..solo or otherwise.
-shadow fall: a pretty good team\self buff of defence and +RES to energy\negative\PSI (and fear protection..but the biggie is PSI).
-Fearsome stare: This is a game changer if there was one in dark (but really so far..they all are). MASSIVE cone fear with a base -tohit of -15%. Easily perma if necessary (rarely is)
-Petrifying Gaze: Ok..it's a hold and not a fantastic one...while not the best, I rarely pick it up as I generally never need it with what we have listed previously, but it's not horrible either..especially if you have something to stack it with like ice blast's hold's.
-Black hole: Yes..it's a complete and utter turd.
-Dark Servant: Fluffy...he does all kinds of things...not the least of which is his MASSIVE -tohit he applies around him.
So out of the 9 powers in dark miasma, 1 is a dud, and 1 is a meh...the other 7 are fantastic powers that not only benefit the user, but their team as well. I find it hard to understand how this set is 'overrated' and there is A LOT in-between twilight grasp and fluffy that DM has to offer.
My 2inf anyways...and yes...I LOVE Dark Miasma.
The Porcelain God - DarkKinetics Corruptor
Meat Juice - DarkDarkSoul Brute
Pretty and Strong - Do you really have to ask?
If you go electric/sonic, can you put disruption field on your Voltaic Sentinel?
The Porcelain God - DarkKinetics Corruptor
Meat Juice - DarkDarkSoul Brute
Pretty and Strong - Do you really have to ask?
So, I'm spoiled. I like my mez protection. What would be a good primary to pair with the Sonic secondary? The old Corruptor standby of Fire seems just a... tad... end heavy for Sonic. Dark Blast would make up for Sonic's lack of healing, but I've had my fill of Dark Blast. Radiation perhaps?
@Celestial Lord and @Celestial Lord Too