The Defence Myth




I felt this deserved its own thread. The other had far too many points raised for this singular issue to be tackled and dealt with once and for all. Please keep this subject on topic as much as possible, though I know it's remarkably easy to stray on an internet forum and end off in the woods somewhere.

I typically only bother writing very short posts because the point is easily lost in an essay. Inevitably our audience is internet forum goers and so the attention span is naturally short. I know mine is. However given the amount of back and forth, and incorrect information, I have decided I simply must put a considerable amount more effort into this to finally 'close the case'.

The Myth

That when defence is added to a character, it is more valuable to a character near the soft cap than to a character who is at 0%.

The Origins of the Myth

In short, some bad maths, some troublesome semantics, and some analytical tools used that cause numerous amounts of confusion, which unfortunately have been repeated until it has become a 'truth' of the forum.

The origins arise from the fact that increasing defence gives exponential rises to survivability. This is not a point of contention. The problem lies in the semantics and then the further interpretation into other fields. The original thread which brought this to a head was one which compared an option of having either more regeneration or more defence.

What arose was the argument that the answer would be different depending on the initial defence. This comes from the Myth that it is more useful at or near the cap than at 0%.

What I will provide is a spreadsheet that categorically dispels this myth.

Some final disclaimers before I begin. More defence is always better, up to the cap. Defence provides an exponential boost to survivability. However, this is not some kind of inherent property of defence, but rather an inherent property of mitigation - the protection provided. All kinds of additional mitigation provides exponential benefits to survivability.

How do you compare choices?

The answer is simple: by the mitigation it provides.

An option that provides greater mitigation is the one that is to be chosen.

Why this can be muddled is that different forms of mitigation are applied in different ways.

Defence & Resistance, for instance, are dynamic, and their value is dependent on the damage you will face.

Regeneration is static, a constant amount of effective mitigation regardless of incoming damage.

For the mathematically inclined, it is of interest to note that having a high Resistance actually devalues adding additional Defence, because it inherently decreases the incoming damage by which Defence determines its value.

The Evidence

Here is the spreadsheet.

First of all take some time to examine what is actually written. Realise that it does not consider some extremely difficult to quantify situations such as potential debuffs to your stats, or your ability to actively mitigate damage via kiting, active crowd control, or jousting. It boils the situation down to a few key variables. Hopefully you choose to play with these variable to gather a better understanding of their interactions. By doing so you will reach a number of simple conclusions.

The only initial variable important is your initial resistance. Not your initial health, defence, or regeneration rate, contrary to how you might initially think.

The other important variables are by how much you wish to increase defence and regeneration. These two are the options you have.

The spreadsheet is initially set up with some generic numbers already in. Once again, to appreciate what I have done, please do spend some time to play with these numbers, else you will not understand the significance.

I have completed the spreadsheet quite quickly; it's possible there are errors. Please bring these to my attention and I will correct any. I believe the maths is sound but typos are almost my middle name

One final important point to note when playing with the spreadsheet: The indifference point. The point of indifference is an economic term for when two options are equal in utility to you. In simple terms, it's when you don't care, or are indifferent, to the options. When you change the fundamental terms that decide the model, the indifference point is calculated automatically.

This allows you to test the spreadsheet. By increasing DPS above the point of indifference, you will discover that defence provides better survivability. By lowering DPS beloow the point of indifference, you will find regeneration provides better survivability.

The indifference point is the solution to a question that asks which is better: regeneration or defence.

Please do spend some time playing with the model first before replying. It is much easier to see with your own eyes that the initial defence does not change the decision than it is to explain with long winded mathematics and counter-points that are tangents to the issue.

Thank you and good luck.

-special thanks to je_saist for getting me the google docs link so anyone can open and browse it easily.



um, two quick questions:

A: why didn't you use ISO/IEC 26300 / Open Document to store the spreadsheet?

B: could you please choose a different host. Places like Google Docs will let you upload documents like this without having to run the risk of introducing spyware or other malicious software packages to your downloaders.



Originally Posted by je_saist View Post
um, two quick questions:

A: why didn't you use ISO/IEC 26300 / Open Document to store the spreadsheet?

B: could you please choose a different host. Places like Google Docs will let you upload documents like this without having to run the risk of introducing spyware or other malicious software packages to your downloaders.
Thank you I didn't know about that!

I have updated the original post.



I've updated it so anyone can view it... please don't mess with the formula else I'll have to reupload

Much appreciated for the link, that's very very handy je_saist!



Any defense analysis that doesn't consider debuffs is flawed by design.

Any regeneration analysis that doesn't consider burst damage and downtime is flawed by design.

On another note, you're making a thread to argue "initial defense doesn't matter" and your attempt at a proof is a spreadsheet where the initial defense is always equal to 0?... Boy, that sure convinces me.



Originally Posted by Nihilii View Post
Any defense analysis that doesn't consider debuffs is flawed by design.

Any regeneration analysis that doesn't consider burst damage and downtime is flawed by design.

On another note, you're making a thread to argue "initial defense doesn't matter" and your attempt at a proof is a spreadsheet where the initial defense is always equal to 0?... Boy, that sure convinces me.
You can set the DPS very high to simulate burst damage, and you will witness that Defence outperforms Regen very quickly.

There are two sets of formulas in the spreadsheet. The first has the defence set to 0% and compares it to 0 + x%. The second puts the defence at soft cap and compares it to 45-x%. This allows you to compare the most extreme examples typically faced. That is: when you add defence to nothing, or when you add defence and get to exactly the soft cap.

If you have any further questions please feel free to ask, but what you have asked is already considered in the spreadsheet. Take time to read it carefully please.



If you have a question about the functionality I am logged in right now and you can talk to me in real time



Burst damage isn't the same thing as consistent high damage. Burst damage means you will get hit by varying amounts of damage, not a consistent, steady stream of X DPS.

My bad, I didn't understand the spreadsheet well. Let me rephrase my rhetorical question : on another note, you're making a thread to argue "initial defense doesn't matter" and your attempt at a proof is a spreadsheet where the initial defense is always either 0 or 40? Boy, that sure convinces me.



Originally Posted by Nihilii View Post
Burst damage isn't the same thing as consistent high damage. Burst damage means you will get hit by varying amounts of damage, not a consistent, steady stream of X DPS.

My bad, I didn't understand the spreadsheet well. Let me rephrase my rhetorical question : on another note, you're making a thread to argue "initial defense doesn't matter" and your attempt at a proof is a spreadsheet where the initial defense is always either 0 or 40? Boy, that sure convinces me.
I have attempted to explain the underlying maths numerous times but unfortunately in the past don't get it. So I have created this spreadsheet so people can set it to whatever they feel like.

I encourage you to be adventurous.

Be aware that the initial defence does not need to be 40. That is just using the default 5%.

You may set the difference in defence to be, for example, 25%, and then it will examine the difference between moving from 0 to 25%, and 20 to 45%. You'll notice that it doesn't matter. The point in fact is that you can select anything under the cap and it doesn't matter. Being close, or being far, from the soft cap is irrelevant

I have purposely selected the most extreme possible results (barring hugely negative defence due to debuffs, but that is outside the scope and would be confusing to people, but still give the same result) so that people might recognise that hitting the soft cap doesn't contribute as much as people think.

As for incoming damage, you should read a bit more on probability theory and you will should come to the conclusion that erratic numbers can be accounted for simply by taking their possible damage and multiplying it by the probability of such happening. This is fundamental to all economics, probability, finance, and likely countless other disciplines.



You should spend a little less time telling people what they should do and a little more time actually playing the game, as casual playing would tell you that the probability of burst damage happening is 100%. We call it "jumping into a group", or alternatively "being a scrapper".



Nihilli, the key factors you should be looking for when you explore the spreadsheet are:

First, set an amount of regeneration vs defence to compare. Naturally, set the regeneration to something reasonable, because defence is quite good. Leave resistance at 0% until you get a good feel of how everything else works.

Look at the indifference point, and set the DPS to that.

You'll notice now that regardless of whether you applied the defence to reach a soft cap, or if you added the defence to 0% and 'just started', they are both equal.

This is an important observation. Regeneration is a static form of mitigation. You would expect that Defence would become more useful towards the cap, but it is not. It remains just as useful at all stages.

To test this theory, then increase, or decrease, the DPS by a small amount. You'll notice that if you increase the DPS, the result is that defence pulls ahead. This should be expected, because the value of defence (it's mitigation) is proportional to the amount of incoming damage. Likewise, if you decrease the DPS, you'll find that suddenly regeneration is more effective than defence, because you are reducing the value (the mitigation) of Defence.

Originally Posted by Nihilii View Post
You should spend a little less time telling people what they should do and a little more time actually playing the game, as casual playing would tell you that the probability of burst damage happening is 100%. We call it "jumping into a group", or alternatively "being a scrapper".
This is a study to debunk a myth that has been circulating endlessly and repeated until it has become a false truth. If you don't want to contribute then the game is running right now for you



I've just debunked your so-called study in my first post in this topic, much like the question that got you all angry in that other topic was answered by the second post. This thread was rendered useless for its intended purpose past that point, although it still does a good job at providing cheap thrills, such as seeing you trying to deflect a direct answer as invalid because it's based on ingame experience.

Again, you can't resolve a problem through maths if you ignore most of the variables. This is just common sense.

Another basic thing that anyone remotely interested in both probabilities and human behavior should know is that the more people try to refer to hard sciences and external sources in an argument, the less they actually know. Internet only amplifies this behavior through relative anonymity.

While we're on covering the bases, what's the difference between good math and bad math? Bad math twist the facts so they fit the model, good math twist the model so it fits the facts.



Originally Posted by BunnyAnomaly View Post

You may set the difference in defence to be, for example, 25%, and then it will examine the difference between moving from 0 to 25%, and 20 to 45%. You'll notice that it doesn't matter. The point in fact is that you can select anything under the cap and it doesn't matter. Being close, or being far, from the soft cap is irrelevant
Didn't check the spreadsheet because I don't have time for a thorough analysis, but based on what you said in this quote I'll give my response.

There is no myth. It depends whether we're talking about absolute or relative increase in performance. When talking about absolute change in performance it is irrelevant if we're close to or far from the soft cap. If we're talking about relative increase in performance, it is far from being irrelevant.

Consider this: To halve damage at 0% Defense you need either 50% Resistance or 25% Defense (in 99% of the cases this applies for Defense). To halve incoming damage at 40% Defense it's again 50% Resistance or 5% Defense, making Defense much more "effective" when we're near the soft cap.

EDIT: Same applies, of course, for Resistance. The closer we are to the Resistance hard cap, the less Resistance we need compared to Defense (if Defense is reducing less incoming damage) for a relative increase in survivability.

- @DSorrow - alts on Union and Freedom mostly -
Currently playing as Castigation on Freedom

My Katana/Inv Guide

Anyone who doesn't take truth seriously in small matters cannot be trusted in large ones either. -Einstein



Originally Posted by DSorrow View Post
Didn't check the spreadsheet because I don't have time for a thorough analysis, but based on what you said in this quote I'll give my response.

There is no myth. It depends whether we're talking about absolute or relative increase in performance. When talking about absolute change in performance it is irrelevant if we're close to or far from the soft cap. If we're talking about relative increase in performance, it is far from being irrelevant.

Consider this: To halve damage at 0% Defense you need either 50% Resistance or 25% Defense (in 99% of the cases this applies for Defense). To halve incoming damage at 40% Defense it's again 50% Resistance or 5% Defense, making Defense much more "effective" when we're near the soft cap.

EDIT: Same applies, of course, for Resistance. The closer we are to the Resistance hard cap, the less Resistance we need compared to Defense (if Defense is reducing less incoming damage) for a relative increase in survivability.
It is essential you view the spreadsheet before posting. That is where the meat of the post is actually contained. I simply don't have time to address people's thoughts on the matter which aren't relevant to the specifics. Such relationships are already presented in the body of the text, however, if you read it entirely. I am concerned by you pointing out what I have already written, it suggests you simply haven't read it.

Some final disclaimers before I begin. More defence is always better, up to the cap. Defence provides an exponential boost to survivability.
Defence & Resistance, for instance, are dynamic, and their value is dependent on the damage you will face.
For the mathematically inclined, it is of interest to note that having a high Resistance actually devalues adding additional Defence, because it inherently decreases the incoming damage by which Defence determines its value.
The original thread which brought this to a head was one which compared an option of having either more regeneration or more defence.
The question being posed is not actually about layering defence and resistance (although if you look at the spreadsheet, I have given you the capability of doing so), but rather what is the benefit of additional defence, and does this benefit change depending on where you sit with your existing defence, and further if the method of compensation changes too.

Common misconception is that the survivability should favour defence as it approaches the soft cap, and that you are less likely to want regeneration. That however is demonstratably false. It highlights the problem of describing the benefit as a % increase. One would assume a high % increase is better.



There is no myth. Your thesis is flawed.

Assume I have a character with some amount of defense. At that level of defense, whatever it is, I can find a number of some given foe, that, on average, will never kill me. (I might still die if a large number of them manage to hit me at once.)

Now I add defense. I add enough defense to halve the average rate of damage that lands on my character. By definition, I can now survive, on average, twice as many of my chosen type of foe.

We understand that the math of defense means that it is easier to halve the average DPS that lands on a character the closer we are to the "soft cap".

If I go from 40 defense to 45 defense, I halve the amount of average DPS I am suffering, which again means I can double the number of foes I can survive. To do this starting at zero defense I require an additional 25 points of defense. Therefore, 5 points of defense is more valuable starting at 40 than 5 points starting at zero.

The absolute contribution is practically meaningless to the application of how we play the game. The relative contribution is more applicable.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
There is no myth. Your thesis is flawed.

Assume I have a character with some amount of defense. At that level of defense, whatever it is, I can find a number of some given foe, that, on average, will never kill me. (I might still die if a large number of them manage to hit me at once.)

Now I add defense. I add enough defense to halve the average rate of damage that lands on my character. By definition, I can now survive, on average, twice as many of my chosen type of foe.

We understand that the math of defense means that it is easier to halve the average DPS that lands on a character the closer we are to the "soft cap".

If I go from 40 defense to 45 defense, I halve the amount of average DPS I am suffering, which again means I can double the number of foes I can survive. To do this starting at zero defense I require an additional 25 points of defense. Therefore, 5 points of defense is more valuable starting at 40 than 5 points starting at zero.

The absolute contribution is practically meaningless to the application of how we play the game. The relative contribution is more applicable.
Here's the problem:

Suppose I present you a choice. You are currently at 0% defence. You can slot IOs in such a fashion that you either get, say, 5% defence, or an amount of regeneration that will make you just as survivable as that 5% defence. It really doesn't matter about the specific quantity of regen that this might be.

Now I provide you the same choice but under slightly different circumstances. You are at 40% defence. I offer you either 5% defence, or the exact same amount of regeneration as in the first choice.

According to how I interpret your writing, you would say that when faced with the second choice, the defence is a clear cut answer. If they were just as good at 0%, and you were only adding 5% survivability from defence, then surely when at 40%, where the defence is adding 100% survivability, you should choose the defence?

The problem is: you're wrong.

They'd both give you the same mitigation and so long as they were equal in the first choice, they are also equal in the second choice.

You may test this by using the spreadsheet or some basic maths on a calculator.

This is why expressing it in terms of a % increase leads to false conclusions.

The template is (hopefully) currently saved in such a way to demonstrate this exact relationship. You'll see that the survivability has been set so that 5% defence = 25 hp/s regen, and that both going from 0-5% and 40-45% changes nothing. You still live just as long.



Originally Posted by BunnyAnomaly View Post
Common misconception is that the survivability should favour defence as it approaches the soft cap, and that you are less likely to want regeneration. That however is demonstratably false. It highlights the problem of describing the benefit as a % increase. One would assume a high % increase is better.
I don't understand "less likely to want regeneration". That's not a part of the standard claims about defense asymptotes. In fact, having a given regeneration rate is fundamental to the assumptions behind models like immortality lines or time-to-defeat.

Where did this part of your thesis come from?

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



heh heh

nice spreadsheet (seriously). useful for answering the +16.7% vs. HP/Sec argument.

I'm not sure its of as much practical value for the folks that are likely to respond to this thread, simply because incoming DPS for those individuals is typically very, very, very high



Originally Posted by BunnyAnomaly View Post
Here's the problem:

Suppose I present you a choice. You are currently at 0% defence. You can slot IOs in such a fashion that you either get, say, 5% defence, or an amount of regeneration that will make you just as survivable as that 5% defence. It really doesn't matter about the specific quantity of regen that this might be.

Now I provide you the same choice but under slightly different circumstances. You are at 40% defence. I offer you either 5% defence, or the exact same amount of regeneration as in the first choice.

According to how I interpret your writing, you would say that when faced with the second choice, the defence is a clear cut answer. If they were just as good at 0%, and you were only adding 5% survivability from defence, then surely when at 40%, where the defence is adding 100% survivability, you should choose the defence?

The problem is: you're wrong.
I am not wrong, because I would not say what you have suggested I would.

I believe you are misstating the conventional wisdom regarding defense. That convention is that a point of defense is more valuable near the cap than a point of defense far from the cap. It makes no claims about regeneration rate at all. I agree with your statement about regeneration rate, but I don't understand why it's under debate.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
I don't understand "less likely to want regeneration". That's not a part of the standard claims about defense asymptotes. In fact, having a given regeneration rate is fundamental to the assumptions behind models like immortality lines or time-to-defeat.

Where did this part of your thesis come from?
The argument that has been posed numerous times is this:

40-45% is worth more than 0-5%.

The problem is... well... it's not really. You can argue a few semantics (I agree that increasing mitigation provides exponential benefits), but the face is you can substitute, say, an equivalent amount of mitigation that was equal to the 0-5%, and it would satisfy you for the 40-45%.

Perhaps that's a bad explanation as it's quite late in my part of the world. I'll say it another way in case that first one isn't clear.

People might assume that because a 0-5% increase in defence is quite small, it is easy to get a similar amount of mitigation to replace it. They might also assume that because 40-45% defence provides a 100% increase to survivability (only half again of the attacks are hitting you), it's very difficult to substitute for that. They would be wrong. You could substitute the same amount of mitigation (I have used Regen consistently because it remains perfectly static, and was the actual question initially posed) that equals 0-5% and it would also equal 40-45%.

To view this, simply do the following.

Set the +defence to 5%
Set the regen to 25 hp/s
This will make the indifference point 500
Set the DPS to 500.

Now you can see that they are just as good at either 0-5% or 40-45%. It doesn't matter.

If you set the DPS higher, it will favour Defence. If you set it lower, it will favour Regeneration.



Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
I am not wrong, because I would not say what you have suggested I would.

I believe you are misstating the conventional wisdom regarding defense. That convention is that a point of defense is more valuable near the cap than a point of defense far from the cap. It makes no claims about regeneration rate at all. I agree with your statement about regeneration rate, but I don't understand why it's under debate.
The point it is under debate is that people don't believe me!

This thread hopefully explains it quite succinctly.

Some of the origins of the thread lie in the problem of stating your improvements in % terms. They are fickle and don't serve much purpose unless you can awkwardly state everything in the same term, which is a veritable nightmare.

People that insist on stating 40-45% = x2 survival struggle to grasp that this same amount of survivability can be substituted from different sources, just as perfectly easily, as the difference between 0 & 5%.



So your spreadsheet shows me you're wrong.

All else being equal, going from 0% to 5% defense makes my time until defeat change from 8.33 seconds to 9.30 seconds, a net gain of a whopping 0.97 seconds. Going from 40% to 45 % defense makes my time until defeat change from 50 seconds to 133.33 seconds, a change of 83.33 seconds. I suggest that 83.33 is a larger number of seconds than 0.97, which I can back up with references from my kindergarten teacher. Therefore, in any situation that actually matters, the last 5% is going to keep me alive a lot longer than the first, and the closer you get to softcap, the more of a difference it makes (Kaison, 2009). Conclusion: the last point of defense is worth a lot more in terms of survival time than the first.

Edit: values of spreadsheet not noted, but the experimental results remain similar or identical in terms of increase to survival time.

I'm glad we had this talk.


Kaison, D. (2009). Why is reaching the softcap so important? City of Heroes Forums. Retrieved from



Originally Posted by BunnyAnomaly View Post
To view this, simply do the following.

Set the +defence to 5%
Set the regen to 25 hp/s
This will make the indifference point 500
Set the DPS to 500.

Now you can see that they are just as good at either 0-5% or 40-45%. It doesn't matter.

If you set the DPS higher, it will favour Defence. If you set it lower, it will favour Regeneration.
Again, I reiterate, you're misrepresenting the argument.

The argument is, specifically, for a given regen rate, 5% defense is more valuable at 40% than at 0%. You are muddying the water considerably by comparing 5% defense to some amount of HP recovery/sec, which simply isn't what anyone reasonable talks about on this subject.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA




The majority of the individuals that will reply to this thread view the following statements as functionally identical:

"40-45% is worth more than 0-5%." (Post 20)

"The origins arise from the fact that increasing defence gives exponential rises to survivability. This is not a point of contention." (OP)

I foresee that this thread will sadly not end well



Originally Posted by Emberly View Post
So your spreadsheet shows me you're wrong.

All else being equal, going from 0% to 5% defense makes my time until defeat change from 8.33 seconds to 9.30 seconds, a net gain of a whopping 0.97 seconds. Going from 40% to 45 % defense makes my time until defeat change from 50 seconds to 133.33 seconds, a change of 83.33 seconds. I suggest that 83.33 is a larger number of seconds than 0.97, which I can back up with references from my kindergarten teacher. Therefore, in any situation that actually matters, the last 5% is going to keep me alive a lot longer than the first, and the closer you get to softcap, the more of a difference it makes (Kaison, 2009). Edit: values of spreadsheet not noted, but the experimental results remain similar or identical in terms of increase to survival time.l

I'm glad we had this talk.


Kaison, D. (2009). Why is reaching the softcap so important? City of Heroes Forums. Retrieved from
Unfortunately you haven't even looked at what I have written. Please actually read this and come back to me.

The amount of regeneration that you need to substitute for the survivability moving from 0-5% is equal to that needed to substitute going from 40-45%.