possible for perma indomitable will

Call Me Awesome



like the topic says. i have an elec/kin troller, want some mez protection... normally i would do this myself, but i no longer have mids. my new computer won't load it for some reason. i would prefer without hasten, but if it's not possible, so be it.



Originally Posted by MoonlightSonata View Post
like the topic says. i have an elec/kin troller, want some mez protection... normally i would do this myself, but i no longer have mids. my new computer won't load it for some reason. i would prefer without hasten, but if it's not possible, so be it.
Yes, it's possible, but you're going to need a ton of recharge and Hasten is a must. I don't have the exact figures but it's around perma-PA levels of recharge so you're shooting for over 200% global recharge + ED cap recharge in IW.

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Hmmm 360 base recharge, perma at 90, means roughly 300% total recharge. And indeed that is the same ratio of needed recharge for perma PA (240/60 vs 360/90). A friend's Plant/Storm with IW has around 213% global recharge yielding about 2 to 3 seconds of overlap.



OMG!!! *jaw drop* ok, well in anyone's opinion is perma-IW really needed if I control the enemy mob well enough?



Another player wanted this on a controller that didint suit it, and it was just an excersice in maths and a mids experiment to make a build for it.

However both Elec and Kin live in melee range, so it seems ideal. However locking yourself into that epic pool for IW is a poor choice, in my opinion, though the KD from psychic tornado wont be affected by your primary, which is a plus...

if you went say earth mastery you could probably net yourself a melee range ST hold for overlapping mag. a Self Heal/+HP power and some effort towards softcapping yourself towards incomming damage.

The trouble with shooting for perma IW is that its a big investment, and when you get hit, its gonna hit you hard. And face planting is the cruelist mez of all, one IW offers no protection from.

Originally Posted by VoodooGirl View Post
[*]Watching out for the Spinning Disco Portal of D00M!*



This isn't a question I see as having one obvious answer. It depends a lot on what sort of enemies you're fighting, whether you're teaming or not, tactics, ...

For example. I have a mostly soloing Fire/Kin with about 225% total recharge for IW before Syphon Speed. I'd estimate about a 15-25 second downtime on IW, depending on how much I've been able to double or triple stack Siphon Speed.

When I'm fighting Council, I don't usually bother with it. I get stunned sometimes, but not often and it's not usually a big deal. I'm far more concerned with those stupid Warwolves who just won't hold still.

When I'm fighting Carnies... not so much. Because at some point, I'll be fighting an Illusionist, and they'll do their little "Unaffected!" dance at my controls, and then they'll use Flash, and at that point things go downhill rapidly. Unless I have IW up, in which case Illusionists become not particularly dangerous, merely annoyingly durable.

Break Frees can, of course, get you out of the odd mez here and there. But they aren't suited for preemptive use, and since Hot Feet is a significant component of my mitigation strategy, having to wait for it to recharge is it's own issue. Never played an Elec, so I don't know how important Conductive Aura is to your defenses. (Or if it in fact plays a part at all.)

Overall I'd say having *literally* perma IW is not absolutely necessary. It certainly doesn't seem like it'd make as big a difference as perma PA does to an Illusion controller. But it's possible to get it down to a pretty short downtime without getting into the most incredibly expensive IOs, and it was definitely worth it for me, since if something kills me, there's a pretty good chance me being mezzed for a while was part of the chain of events.

-Morgan. Also, I just don't like Fissure.



Yep foes you typically fight would have a lot to do with it. An additional factor in the utility of perma vs nearly so is the duration of many high level mezzer mezzes. One is vulnerable to not just the mezzing that occurs for the 5 or 10 seconds IW is down ... but for any mez who's duration extends into the down period ... you know like the malta stuns that last "forever". And many controller builds high recharge is a plus for many powers not just IW. IW may be just another power benefiting from the recharge needed to get it perma.

Also worth noting IW is NOT just mez protection but offers a large amount of +defense vs Psionic attacks, like a great deal of Carnie, Arachnos and other high end mobs. Large as in +34'ish when slotted up.



Originally Posted by MoonlightSonata View Post
OMG!!! *jaw drop* ok, well in anyone's opinion is perma-IW really needed if I control the enemy mob well enough?
Here's the problem: if you don't have IW perma (and my Fire/Rad still doesn't, even w/the Spiritual alpha slot), when the power drops, even if it's for a few seconds, if there's a status effect on you during that time, you're mezzed. And then you can't turn on IW. So the difference bet. 10s down and 20s down is, well, it's big, but sometimes it's not as big as bet. 0s and 1s downtime.

But is it "needed"? Not if you carry & always combine for break frees. No matter how good your control, you *will* get mezzed, but it's not that big a deal usually. Out of all my controllers, I only have Psi (for IW only) w/my Fire/Rad. My other guys have Fire (for damage) or Ice (for theme) and do just fine, though I'm more careful to combine for BFs with them.

For QoL, IW is just nice to have if you run a lot of offensive toggles. My Fire/Rad runs 3 that are somewhat long-animating to turn back on, and that's not counting RI & EF that will be on a hard target, so 5 total offensive toggles that get turned off if I get mezzed, even for a split second. Compare that to my Ill/Kin & Earth/TA who have 0 toggles to turn on after eating a BF. My Ice/Storm has 1 usually (AA, 2 if I want Hurricane on, 3 if you count Snow Storm), but after casting like LS, Tornado, FR, Ice Slick and Ice Storm, I'm perfectly happy to take a nap for a few sec while all my "pets" do their work.

An Offensive Guide to Ice Melee



If you can afford to be mezzed for a second or 2, maybe going with the Leaping pool and acrobatics will be enough for you. That's what I did with my ill/rad. And I could be wrong, but even though acro is hold resistance (as opposed to defense/protection), I haven't noticed getting held at all running acro. Also, acro has kb protection which IW lacks. Of course, with -kb IO's this is rendered academic, but still. With inherent Fitness, it's easier to fit acro in, if you don't mind SJ as your travel power. I like CJ for the small defense and immob protection, so nothing in these 3 powers is really wasted. Food for thought...



Originally Posted by Happy_Cat View Post
And I could be wrong, but even though acro is hold resistance (as opposed to defense/protection), I haven't noticed getting held at all running acro.
It's both actually. I think with the way mez resistance works, it's not very good in toggles because it will suppress anyway. It's most often found in auto powers.

Originally Posted by City of Data
-2 Knockback, Knockup, Held for 1.25s
Edit: Just to note, -2 means it should protect you from one standard (mag 3) hold effect. The resistance on it causes you to shed that effect more readily. However, two holds and you should be a sitting duck. IW not only covers more mezzes, but it's mag 10! That means it'll take 4 standard holds to get you.

I play heroes on Champion.
I play villains on Virtue.



Originally Posted by MoonlightSonata View Post
OMG!!! *jaw drop* ok, well in anyone's opinion is perma-IW really needed if I control the enemy mob well enough?
No, perma IW is NOT needed . . . but an occasional mez will probably slip in every now and then. I use IW on both of my level 50 Fire/Rads, and yeah, every now and then I will get mezzed during the down time. It is rarely a big deal, since I usually have a Break Free handy, or teammates take the aggro, or my Imps take the aggro, or every now and then, I may faceplant. No biggie. I'm not willing to make the sacrifices to the rest of my build that would be needed to get perma IW.

Not every character has to be max slotted for Recharge, Defense, Resistance and Body Odor Prevention. Moderately built characters are still fun and a bit more of a challenge.

LOCAL MAN! The most famous hero of all. There are more newspaper stories about me than anyone else. "Local Man wins Medal of Honor." "Local Man opens Animal Shelter." "Local Man Charged with..." (Um, forget about that one.)
Guide Links: Earth/Rad Guide, Illusion/Rad Guide, Electric Control



Originally Posted by Local_Man View Post
No, perma IW is NOT needed . . . but an occasional mez will probably slip in every now and then. I use IW on both of my level 50 Fire/Rads, and yeah, every now and then I will get mezzed during the down time. It is rarely a big deal, since I usually have a Break Free handy, or teammates take the aggro, or my Imps take the aggro, or every now and then, I may faceplant. No biggie. I'm not willing to make the sacrifices to the rest of my build that would be needed to get perma IW.

Not every character has to be max slotted for Recharge, Defense, Resistance and Body Odor Prevention. Moderately built characters are still fun and a bit more of a challenge.
thank you all, much appreciated. I will def. be going with the, not so worried, method



I tried to make a build for perma-IW on my Ill/Cold, and was able to...but I did not like the outcome with certain powers' slotting...so I stuck with my heavy recharge focus with S/L almost soft capped.

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