Blastervs Corruptor




If I want to "Defeat things now!" I play a Blaster, Scrapper, or Brute
If I want to "Defeat things." I play a Corruptor.
If I want to "Defeat things soonish." I play a Dominator.
If I want to "Defeat something sometime." I play a Defender or Tank.
If I want to "Have someone else defeat things for me." I play a Controller.



I have a corrupter rad/pain sure it has better survivability cause i can heal myself
but my electric, fire, rad, sonic/mm blasters are by far the best blasters and with a good tank everything has much better survivability that's what tanks are for.
I would prefer my blasters over my corr any day simply because the damage output that i can do and drain psi is insane turns you into a re-gen blaster for 30 seconds long enough for me to destroy my enemies before they get the drop on me and my drain psi is up every mob.
It's also a good de'buff against Av's, Gm's people that have seen my fire or electric/mm blaster know what i mean Pure Fun.

By the way i think Mental Manipulation is the best blaster secondary.



Originally Posted by Kaatrina78 View Post
I have a corrupter rad/pain sure it has better survivability cause i can heal myself
but my electric, fire, rad, sonic/mm blasters are by far the best blasters and with a good tank everything has much better survivability that's what tanks are for.
I would prefer my blasters over my corr any day simply because the damage output that i can do and drain psi is insane turns you into a re-gen blaster for 30 seconds long enough for me to destroy my enemies before they get the drop on me and my drain psi is up every mob.
It's also a good de'buff against Av's, Gm's people that have seen my fire or electric/mm blaster know what i mean Pure Fun.

By the way i think Mental Manipulation is the best blaster secondary.
I see the point, that the base damage of a Blaster is noticable higher than that of a corr, but they still seem rather exposed, and if they lose the upperhand in a fight they go down, were a corr or def could simply pull a bit back and start over so to say.

MM seems pretty good I admit, but i feel in love with Energy Manipulation I must admit hehe, the power rush is freaking fun, and it looks good and sensible for my avatar which has DP for main.

However, Ive decidede to press a DP/EM and a DP/Kin corr to level 20 and then decide which to stick with, perhaps Ill do both xD ..



Here's what you need to know about dealing damage with a corruptor:
Rain of Fire

Here's what you need to know about dealing damage with a blaster:

A corruptor that understands how to leverage RoF (it isn't hard) is godlike. A solid fire/x combo can nuke every spawn in a similar sense to how a Arch blaster does albeit with an extra attack or two.

But Blasters that understand how to use aim, bu, and play aggressively enough to have solid defiance deal a lot of damage. Enough where few corruptors can keep pace.

That said a corr that uses a power like freezing rain in a team just eclipsed pretty much anything a blaster can do in terms of kill speed short of nuking and the corr can do that for every spawn.



Originally Posted by Seraphael View Post
4. Corruptors have significantly better survivability, making it much easier for Corruptors to make good on their offensive potential. Theory doesn't always work in praxis.
Indeed, theory does not always work in the field. On teams, the survivability advantage is often nil or even in favor of the blaster.

Why Blasters? Empathy Sucks.
So, you want to be Mental?
What the hell? Let's buff defenders.
Tactics are for those who do not have a big enough hammer. Wisdom is knowing how big your hammer is.



Originally Posted by StratoNexus View Post
Indeed, theory does not always work in the field. On teams, the survivability advantage is often nil or even in favor of the blaster.
How do you even begin to figure that?



Originally Posted by Seraphael View Post
How do you even begin to figure that?
Once aggro is mostly neutralized and/or buffs/debuffs are tossed around, it does not matter that corruptors are personally more survivable. If the team makes the blaster strong defensively, what they can do to keep themselves alive becomes irrelevant and all they have to do is make dead things.

When the corruptor puts out Radiation Infection, AM, and/or Radiant Aura, those can all benefit the blaster on the team as well, but the blaster does not have to spend time animating them.

Why Blasters? Empathy Sucks.
So, you want to be Mental?
What the hell? Let's buff defenders.
Tactics are for those who do not have a big enough hammer. Wisdom is knowing how big your hammer is.



I think peoples ideas of the Corruptor "Rise" and Blaster "Exodus" when GR hits are going to die quickly. As Circuit Boy has so excellently shown, NO Corr. can compete with Blaster damage. Period.

To the OP, I know you said you were digging Energy, but if I might make a suggestion, try a Archery/NRG Blaster. You just might never give Corr's another thought. Their single target damage is just unmatched. And their nuke, Rain of Arrows (with BU and Aim) is unbelievable, not stamina draining, and up almost every other mob with the right slotting.

Type "Archery" in the forums and see for yourself.

Oh and real quick, anybody who tells you one shotting an opponent is overblown, can't one shot an opponent.

Le Blanc 50 Dark/Dark Scrap
High Huntress 50 Archery/NRG Blast
And a goatload of others. On a goatload of servers.
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Olle said

see the point, that the base damage of a Blaster is noticable higher than that of a corr, but they still seem rather exposed, and if they lose the upperhand in a fight they go down, were a corr or def could simply pull a bit back and start over so to say.
This is very true.

One thing that I've noticed [admittedly, I play a lot of Force Field defenders- all defense, very little offense] is that there is such a thing as "more than enough survivability"- once the enemies aren't killing any of the team, the only limiting factor is your ability to throw damage.

Blasters give up a LOT to be able to throw more damage than anyone, anywhere, any time, guaranteed*. But they can do it.

* Technically a Brute at their damage cap can do more than a Blaster at THEIR Damage cap with the same attack. Blasters tend to have better attacks available, though.

Mini-guides: Force Field Defenders, Blasters, Market Self-Defense, Frankenslotting.

So you think you're a hero, huh.
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Originally Posted by Le Blanc View Post
I think peoples ideas of the Corruptor "Rise" and Blaster "Exodus" when GR hits are going to die quickly. As Circuit Boy has so excellently shown, NO Corr. can compete with Blaster damage. Period.

To the OP, I know you said you were digging Energy, but if I might make a suggestion, try a Archery/NRG Blaster. You just might never give Corr's another thought. Their single target damage is just unmatched. And their nuke, Rain of Arrows (with BU and Aim) is unbelievable, not stamina draining, and up almost every other mob with the right slotting.

Type "Archery" in the forums and see for yourself.

Oh and real quick, anybody who tells you one shotting an opponent is overblown, can't one shot an opponent.
I'll take your archery/energy and beat you with archery/kinetics. His whole argument of a 'true nuke' is completely wasted because corruptors get the same nuke+fulcrum shift+higher usage from Assault. Go with /rad if you like so they get slowed, take extra damage, and can't hit you from infection. Go with heat loss and sleet and rain of arrows for that matter. He forgot about the difference in the buff from Assault which Blasters can't compete with, period.

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At the end of the day, however, the Corruptor adds nothing not already added by a Defender.

If anyone thinks Corruptors crossing over means "the end of Blasters", they're only deluding themselves. Defenders, on the other hand...

Also, why would you bother with Assault if you're using Fulcrum Shift? The Damage Cap is the Damage Cap--once you're at it, you can't go beyond it, even with Assault. It seems to be a strange point to argue, even if it weren't made irrelevant by the Damage Cap. Corruptor Assault adds +15% Damage, while Blaster Assault adds +10.5%. You're quibbling over 4.5%, which a Blaster makes up in Defiance 2.0 just by sneezing.

What I have not included in my analysis are the panoply of Area of Effect powers available to a Blaster, which multiplies the Blaster advantage across its number of targets and, furthermore, across the number of powers available to the Blaster.

Take a Fire Blast / Fire Manipulation / Electrical Mastery Blaster on the one hand (Fire Ball, Breath of Fire, Rain of Fire, Inferno, Combustion, Fire Sword Circle, Static Discharge, Aim, and Build-Up--and that's not counting Blazing Aura and Consume as AOE damage powers), and a Fire Blast / Kinetics / Soul Mastery Corruptor (Fire Ball, Breath of Fire, Rain of Fire, Inferno, Soul Drain, and Aim). The Blaster has two more fairly high-damage AOE attacks, and Static Discharge delivers more damage to its 10 targets (and has a larger actual AOE) than Soul Drain does to its.

Allow me to demonstrate, again:

Blaster Fire Ball (3 SOs + Aim + Build-Up): 202.12 Damage (per target)
Corruptor Fire Ball (500% Damage Cap): 187.70 Damage (per target)

"But, CB, that doesn't look so bad!"

I'm not done. We have to multiply that over the maximum number of targets, in this case, sixteen:

Blaster Fire Ball (3 SOs + Aim + Build-Up): 3233.92 Total Damage
Corruptor Fire Ball (500% Damage Cap): 3003.20 Total Damage

The Corruptor, who's going all out, still does 230.72 less total damage than the Blaster who's not going all out. The Blaster's still got lots and lots of room for more damage:

Blaster Fire Ball (500% Damage Cap): 4504.00 Total Damage

This leaves the Corruptor behind by 1501.80 Total Damage.

And that's just with one AOE.

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Yes, a corruptor adds damage above a defender, so that first sentence is wrong already. Is the defiance argument discounting scourge altogether? I don't see it mentioned anywhere, and it wasn't our conversation - I was replying to Le Blanc. Comparing top damage classes from blue to red is blaster vs brute anyhow.

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Originally Posted by JayboH View Post
Yes, a corruptor adds damage above a defender, so that first sentence is wrong already. Is the defiance argument discounting scourge altogether? I don't see it mentioned anywhere, and it wasn't our conversation - I was replying to Le Blanc. Comparing top damage classes from blue to red is blaster vs brute anyhow.
Well wasnt really comparing top damage dealers, just the blaster vs the corr as they are very similar, tho the corr is a weird result of the defender clashed with the blaster it seems :P

Which makes one wonder, how does the defender stand in all this? Same defensive capabilities as the corr and basically the same offensive power, but they dont have scourge.. so do they even compete with either?



Originally Posted by JayboH View Post
Is the defiance argument discounting scourge altogether? I don't see it mentioned anywhere...
Actually, I mentioned it nine times in the post on 7-31-2010. I figured nine times was enough, but apparently not.

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Originally Posted by Silas View Post
Blasters have the edge in damage dealing pretty much all the time.

However, Corr secondaries mean the whole team does more damage.

Blasters are an incredible force. But for teams, nothing beats force multiplication.
And Blasters are force that is good to multiplicate.

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Originally Posted by New Dawn View Post
And Blasters are force that is good to multiplicate.
good point



Comparing Blasters to Corrs in terms of raw damage is farcical anyway. Blasters are a pure damage AT, Corrs are a damage/support AT.

Of course the Blaster is going to do much more damage, it's all they do.

Edit: re: Blasters being a good force to multiply, this is true. Blasters doing great amounts of damage winds up with some pretty obscene results when teamed with buffers and debuffers.

Even on a team with 7 Corrs I'd rather add another Corr or Defender than a Blaster. The only exception to this would be if all the Corrs/Defenders were kins

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Outside of really a single outlier (kinetics), the Blaster is leagues ahead in damage (well, at least, their own contribution anyway). The beauty of the Blaster is you pretty much know what it brings no matter what type of Blaster you invite. It will always be damage and lots of it

As for the rest of the arguments, they are pretty much spot on. Corrupters are going to be more wanted in a team because they benefit a team more by multiplying the value of everyone present.



At least we are starting to get some mixed opinions so far ^^ the first half of this thread is simply pro corr :P

As I see it a blaster can do nothing a corr cant, only he does it better ^^

However, a corr will be much easier to solo as they are not dependent on others to protect him all the time, as a Blaster relies on his mates or suffer the consequences of being alone..

Having all this said, I have a hard time figuring out what I actually like the most :P I mean the blaster is great fun, but in some cases broken.. the corr is a little less fun, as I have to worry about using defensive skills aswell, but it means I can take care of myself xD gwarh

What annoys me the most about the Blaster is their Defiance.. The buff it gives is ridiculous I must say, there I said it.. Its way to low, or it last for to short amount of time to actually make a reliable damage difference



Originally Posted by TheOlle View Post
At least we are starting to get some mixed opinions so far ^^ the first half of this thread is simply pro corr :P

As I see it a blaster can do nothing a corr cant, only he does it better ^^

However, a corr will be much easier to solo as they are not dependent on others to protect him all the time, as a Blaster relies on his mates or suffer the consequences of being alone..

Having all this said, I have a hard time figuring out what I actually like the most :P I mean the blaster is great fun, but in some cases broken.. the corr is a little less fun, as I have to worry about using defensive skills aswell, but it means I can take care of myself xD gwarh

What annoys me the most about the Blaster is their Defiance.. The buff it gives is ridiculous I must say, there I said it.. Its way to low, or it last for to short amount of time to actually make a reliable damage difference
Really? I find Blasters to be quite easy to solo. They can blast through anything in no time flat if you play it right. I also build mine to pick up a decent chunk of defense (about 30% to ranged or S/L, depending on the build), so they don't take too many dings in the short amount of time stuff is kicking. Inspirations and other utility powers help out for the rest.

I'm still working on getting my Corruptor to higher levels, but my Ice/Storm has a much harder time of it at low levels. He's puffing for endurance and takes a longer time to kill stuff, meaning it's easier for him to get beat up a bit. He's still fun, but I prefer to get him on a team right now. My Blasters... they're good to go solo or on teams from their first level.

As for Defiance, the biggest bonus there is the ability to attack while mezzed. I always miss that when I'm on a Controller, Corruptor, Dom, or Defender (my one Defender is Sonic and is only vulnerable to Sleep, but he gets slept annoyingly often). The damage is just gravy on top of that.

I dunno, you may not notice the damage buff as much when you're teaming, since things are exploding all over, but solo, I know when I have a bit of defiance built up and when I don't. Without the defiance buff, I may have to use an extra attack on a target. With it, they fall sooner. It's not huge, but if it was huge, the balance crowd would rightly complain that Blasters are too strong. Still, it's not that hard to get a boost in the 15-20% range if you're going at a good clip, and I won't begrudge that.

Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc:
Belated Justice, #88003
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Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory



Grey Pilgrim, that's just Ice Blast. Even for Blasters, it's always been known to be a little heavy on Endurance use. I'm totally with you on that, though--I have an Ice/Cold Corruptor (50). Slot it for Endurance Reduction, when you get a chance--it makes a difference.

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Originally Posted by Circuit_Boy View Post
Grey Pilgrim, that's just Ice Blast. Even for Blasters, it's always been known to be a little heavy on Endurance use. I'm totally with you on that, though--I have an Ice/Cold Corruptor (50). Slot it for Endurance Reduction, when you get a chance--it makes a difference.
It's more of a difference for ATs than the powerset, though. Blasters can be a lot lighter on the endurance bar because their attacks do such heavy damage. You just don't have to attack as much to drop your targets.

I have things set up for each character I play to have a healthy endurance bar (I have end reducs slotted where I can fit them in at this point on that Corr), but it's pretty easy to do that with Blasters compared to some other ATs.

Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc:
Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory



Originally Posted by Circuit_Boy View Post
Actually, I mentioned it nine times in the post on 7-31-2010. I figured nine times was enough, but apparently not.
...because counting helps.

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I'm surprised that no one has taken this PvP wise. Who do you thinks is better in PvP at LvL 50?

Usually I see Blasters die before Corr's all the time. With the ability to buff themselves the same time they debuff you... and in PvP Scourge is more useful.

I miss the old defiance on my blaster though. Dropping from the sky while buffing to take out an MM at capped BG mode. Loved it.