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  1. Damn! I left my Elec/Dev blaster on the good server... I guess I will just hae to get over it.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Seraphael View Post
    Radiation Manipulation
    1. Electron Push: Melee, Minor, Foe Knockback (Energy Thrust)
    2. Contaminated Strike: Melee, Moderate, Foe Knockdown, -Defense (Shivan)
    3. Quicken Metabolism: Self +Speed, +Recharge, +Recovery, +DMG, Res(Eff) (Self only AM)
    4. Radioactive Smash: Melee, High, Foe Knockdown, Disorient, -Fly, -Defense (Shivan)
    5. Enervate Foe: Ranged Foe, -DMG, -Res (Single target click version of Enervating Field)
    6. Nuclear Shockwave: PBAoE Foe Knockback, Disorient (Lightning Clap)
    7. Lingering Radiation: Ranged AoE, Foe -Speed, -Recharge, -Regen
    8. Choking Cloud: Toggle, PBAoE Foe Hold
    9. Fallout Mutation: Self Rez, Special (Mix of Mutation and Fallout)
    love it... want it... I can see the usefulness in PvE and PvP
  3. InnerGlow

    New Issue

    These guys have probably started builds on wow.
  4. I like the fact that this is getting a lot of attention from the fan base. And your right seraphael.... There should be no excuse for this... There are many melée sets that can be worked with and add some other powers.

    Can we get some idea that we can look forward to something new?
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Aett_Thorn View Post
    Masterminds have as many different Primaries as you have secondaries, so that might not be the best option to argue. I'm not saying that more secondaries for Blasters wouldn't be good, just arguing that if we're going by that standard for who should get sets next, MMs are probably higher on the list.
    I see where you are coming from, but note that they just got one in the last issue. Yes, they do need more as well, but at this point you will see that blasters have been using the same secondaries much longer then MM's have been using the same Primaries.

    Plus, I am willing to assume that building secondaries for blasters would be much easier then a Primary for an MM. My main argument is, if we are relying on power proliferation then why haven't blasters received new secondaries when there are so many options available to them. Not many new animations would be needed as all the ones I mentioned are pretty much already made.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tokyo View Post
    I blame PVPEC. d;D

    I'd go with dark/cold, and rad/pain but then I'm all about team play, because I fail at this game.
    I think I'm already torn enough between so many toons... Really don't have that much love to give out.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by InsanityPeak View Post
    Here you go:

    Hero Plan by Mids' Hero Designer 1.707

    Click this DataLink to open the build!

    Level 50 Magic Tanker
    Primary Power Set: Ice Armor
    Secondary Power Set: Dual Blades
    Power Pool: Flight
    Power Pool: Speed
    Power Pool: Leaping
    Power Pool: Teleportation

    Hero Profile:
    Level 1: Hoarfrost
    • (A) Recharge Reduction IO
    • (3) Recharge Reduction IO
    • (3) Recharge Reduction IO
    • (5) Recharge Reduction IO
    • (5) Recharge Reduction IO
    • (27) Recharge Reduction IO
    Level 1: Nimble Slash
    • (A) Taunt Duration IO
    • (40) Taunt Duration IO
    • (42) Taunt Duration IO
    Level 2: Chilling Embrace
    • (A) Taunt Duration IO
    • (34) Taunt Duration IO
    • (34) Endurance Reduction IO
    • (34) Endurance Reduction IO
    Level 4: Ablating Strike
    • (A) Taunt Duration IO
    • (43) Taunt Duration IO
    • (43) Taunt Duration IO
    Level 6: Hover
    • (A) Endurance Reduction IO
    • (7) Flight Speed IO
    • (7) Flight Speed IO
    • (9) Flight Speed IO
    • (9) Endurance Reduction IO
    Level 8: Wet Ice
    • (A) Endurance Reduction IO
    • (33) Endurance Reduction IO
    • (33) Endurance Reduction IO
    Level 10: Hasten
    • (A) Recharge Reduction IO
    • (11) Recharge Reduction IO
    • (11) Recharge Reduction IO
    Level 12: Taunt
    • (A) Taunt Duration IO
    • (13) Taunt Duration IO
    • (13) Range IO
    • (21) Range IO
    • (21) Recharge Reduction IO
    • (23) Recharge Reduction IO
    Level 14: Super Speed
    • (A) Run Speed IO
    • (15) Run Speed IO
    • (15) Endurance Reduction IO
    Level 16: Fly
    • (A) Flight Speed IO
    • (17) Flight Speed IO
    • (17) Endurance Reduction IO
    Level 18: Combat Jumping
    • (A) Endurance Reduction IO
    • (19) Endurance Reduction IO
    • (19) Jumping IO
    • (27) Jumping IO
    • (31) Jumping IO
    Level 20: Blinding Feint
    • (A) Taunt Duration IO
    • (40) Taunt Duration IO
    • (40) Taunt Duration IO
    Level 22: Icicles
    • (A) Taunt Duration IO
    • (23) Taunt Duration IO
    • (31) Taunt Duration IO
    • (31) Endurance Reduction IO
    • (33) Endurance Reduction IO
    Level 24: Super Jump
    • (A) Jumping IO
    • (25) Jumping IO
    • (25) Endurance Reduction IO
    Level 26: Teleport Foe
    • (A) Range IO
    Level 28: Teleport
    • (A) Range IO
    • (29) Range IO
    • (29) Endurance Reduction IO
    Level 30: Energy Absorption
    • (A) Endurance Reduction IO
    • (37) Endurance Reduction IO
    • (37) Endurance Reduction IO
    • (37) Endurance Reduction IO
    Level 32: Glacial Armor
    • (A) Endurance Reduction IO
    • (36) Recharge Reduction IO
    • (36) Endurance Reduction IO
    • (36) Endurance Reduction IO
    Level 35: Sweeping Strike
    • (A) Taunt Duration IO
    • (43) Taunt Duration IO
    • (45) Taunt Duration IO
    Level 38: One Thousand Cuts
    • (A) Taunt Duration IO
    • (39) Taunt Duration IO
    • (39) Knockback Distance IO
    • (39) Knockback Distance IO
    Level 41: Acrobatics
    • (A) Knockback Distance IO
    • (42) Knockback Distance IO
    • (42) Knockback Distance IO
    Level 44: Frozen Armor
    • (A) Endurance Reduction IO
    • (45) Endurance Reduction IO
    • (45) Endurance Reduction IO
    Level 47: Whirlwind
    • (A) Endurance Reduction IO
    • (48) Endurance Reduction IO
    • (48) Knockback Distance IO
    • (48) Knockback Distance IO
    • (50) Endurance Reduction IO
    Level 49: Hibernate
    • (A) Healing IO
    • (50) Healing IO
    • (50) Endurance Reduction IO
    Level 1: Brawl
    • (A) Empty
    Level 1: Sprint
    • (A) Empty
    Level 2: Rest
    • (A) Empty
    Level 1: Gauntlet
    Level 6: Ninja Run

    | Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
    ZOMG! Perfect! Rolling now! I think I'll call her "fully Loaded". Nothing like a car with all the options in the world... but no "get up and go."
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Gehnen View Post
    I think you may have hit the nail on the head without realizing it. Proliferation would require quite a bit of tweaks to make other sets work as Blaster secondaries, and that's time that may be hard to justify.

    Personally, I'm very ready for more secondaries for Blasters. There's a pretty good selection of primaries now, so I think the secondaries are prime for a boost.
    It seems that we have the least amount of secondaries in the game (Aside from epics which only get one anyway). I think the reason for this is because there is no uproar. Personally, I think we need a few more options.
  9. It seems that other then Mental manipulation no other secondary set has been added to blasters since the game as been started.

    Has anyone heard why? Any reason? I think its about time we get some lovin... Have the dev's said anything at all?

    There are so many sets available... is it so hard to use "proliferation" and put something together. I'm thinking Dark Manipulation, Radiation Manipulation, and now kinetic Manipulation. There are so many options out there and it would be nice to see something new. I'm sure other can think of things to.

    Any thoughts?
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Silas View Post
    Since new PvP is basically all about damagedamagedamage and most support is now lol, Blasters > Corrs.
    In RV, I will would willing to bet that Corr's are more survivable and can lock a blaster down better then the other way around.
  11. I'm surprised that no one has taken this PvP wise. Who do you thinks is better in PvP at LvL 50?

    Usually I see Blasters die before Corr's all the time. With the ability to buff themselves the same time they debuff you... and in PvP Scourge is more useful.

    I miss the old defiance on my blaster though. Dropping from the sky while buffing to take out an MM at capped BG mode. Loved it.
  12. InnerGlow

    PvP Corruptor

    Originally Posted by Ethical View Post
    fire, sonic, and rad are good primaries. Secondaires: cold, therm, pain, rad can all work and be better than /dark in pvp imo.

    as far as how you play, generally you will want to set the target up (debuffs of any kind you can apply), then start throwing attacks...pretty simple.
    Thanks Guys! Very Helpful! Didn't know so many people played Cor's PvP lol... I guess that's who does my blaster in most of the time.

    I will go with /Therm... Now I'm just stuck on sonic/ or fire/... I hear all these good things about sonic, but it seems that file also does well. I guess its a battle between damage/snipe or -resist. Which one takes advantage of a cor's inherit in PvP more so then the other?
  13. InnerGlow

    PvP Corruptor

    Originally Posted by Big_Soto View Post
    P.S. Also a sonic/therm is real nice like TrueDarkLord mentioned, but I am a fan of the Pain
    Thanks! Very helpful! Whats the difference between the two (/pain or /therm)?
  14. InnerGlow

    PvP Corruptor

    Thanks, Both of these were helpful. I have a couple of questions though:

    First, how is a corr. played in PvP? Like a blaster that can buff itself or a defender that can fight for itself?

    Next, why sonic>fire? does one do more damage then the other? What are the pro's and cons?

    Thanks guys... so much has changed since I last played.
  15. InnerGlow

    PvP Corruptor

    So, with the open of GR coming, I was thinking of rolling a Cor, though I am very Zone PvP oriented and I do not know to much about the villain side of powers to I wanted to know what builds people suggest. I have heard /dark is good, but should I be looking at another build? I think it will be RV based. Is there any favored build?

    Thanks in advance!

    PS: I usually play blasters but I am not sure if the blast sets differ any. And if so, what blast sets would be recommended?
  16. InnerGlow

    Animation Times

    Originally Posted by Psyrene View Post
    No, because damage is also hit with the DR bat so it really is mostly a waste of end and of a power choice.

    Take :
    maneuvers for a karma, a lotg 7.5 and maybe a kismet +acc
    vengeance for another karma, and a lotg 7.5
    tactics for 5 adjusted targetings and a rectified recticle.
    Thanks, you are just boat loads of information.
  17. InnerGlow

    Animation Times

    Originally Posted by Psoma View Post
    Maneuvers allows you to slot needed IOs like Karma: KB Prot and LotG 7.5's. Assault does not.
    Is Assault even worth getting then?
  18. InnerGlow

    Animation Times

    Originally Posted by macskull View Post
    Lots of people used to have Aid Self (on dueling builds, usually) because you had to bring a different set of inspirations (i.e. Break Frees). With the I13 mez changes and DR most people just bring a tray of greens (or some blues as well if fighting a Therm or Kin) so Aid Self isn't needed.
    Thanks for the update. been looking at builds with leadership and it seems that people are getting Maneuvers before or instead of Assault. Is there a reason not many people are getting Assault?
  19. InnerGlow

    Animation Times

    Originally Posted by Psyrene View Post
    not many people use aid self on blasters. For the others it really depends on you. On test for my team build I use tactics/Force and some people use phase/force. On live in zones you mostly see tactics/cold for hibernate and hoarfrost because you very rarely see an emp on a team in a zone.
    Thanks for the heads up. That was actually very helpful. I remember when back in the day every blaster used aid self. With PB I can heal for at least 350 on my ice/nrg/force. it helps but I think I might try to respec one of his builds to include tactics/cold to see how I like it.

    I think I might go tactics/cold... though I am sure I will have to think a lot more about the end cost now... I'm sure it is very heavy.
  20. InnerGlow

    Animation Times

    Originally Posted by Antigonus View Post
    Because Fitness/SS/SJ is a given, the other pools to choose from to round out your build are those he listed. The proven builds will have either Tactics or Concealment pool and Cold or Force APPs.
    What about healing pool. I know most everyone used to have aid self. Is this not so good compared to the 2 you mentioned above? Which of the three do you think would prove more effective? I think I would choose cold over force but will need to test it out when I get to that level.
  21. InnerGlow

    Animation Times

    Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
    City of Data on the left
    Then Power Quantification

    Pick the AT, pick the powerset, pick the power, see cast time.

    What does it matter about the animation times, right now there is not a better blaster than a Psi/Em, there are multiple reasons, be it the delayed damage, slotting of the placate proc in Will Dom for a dueling build and it always firing. Just take TK blast,Will Dom, Psionic Dart, Mental Blast, Psionic Lance, Scramble Thoughts and Psychic Focus from the primary and Power Thrust, Build up, Boost Range and Power Boost from /EM and then you can choose between tactics/Force or Tactics/Cold or Phase/Force. There are plenty of threads with the builds below this one just take some time to do some searching they are there.
    Yes, thanks. I am aware of the builds. Though, I want to make sure that I am building the toon that I want to play. I can look at other peoples toon's all day, but that wont change the fact that I will be playing the toon. Thus why I haven't asked about specific powers and more about simple direction to items I'm concerned about.

    What do you mean by "tactics/Force or Tactics/Cold or Phase/Force". I think I am thinking something different then what you are saying.
  22. InnerGlow

    Animation Times

    Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
    Red Tomax sent his database to the folks at CoHTitan.

    Thar tis.
    Sorry, can you supply a direct link to them. I cannot seem to find them.

  23. InnerGlow

    Animation Times

    Originally Posted by Deus View Post
    mids gives you the exact numbers and if you create a new toon you can see the power animation when you change the colors of the powers.
    Thanks! That works. Wish I could see the power still. I know there used to be a site that did that before many people left the game.
  24. InnerGlow

    Animation Times

    OK, so I have been doing A LOT of work preparing for a new toon (I hate getting to 20 and then not loving the build). I tend to PvP a lot but I know animation times are a big problem sometimes. Is there a place I can go (official or not) that can show you the animation times of the powers? Via either Gif, video, written times, or all three.

    This will help me understand my build without having to study youtube videos of toons fighting frame by frame lol.

    I think I might run a Psi/ blaster but not sure yet. I want to see some of the animations of the powers. Also, what primary powers in Psi/ should I avoid for PvP.

  25. InnerGlow

    Defender PvP

    Yes, IR is so sexy. Though, I think I might just run a blaster then... I miss the days when PvP zones first launched. Everyone seemed even then, you just had to learn your build and you could make any toon good.