Non-fotm corr choices
Of those you listed
Sonic/Therm is really good and also FoTM so you wouldn't want to make that.
Stormies are still nice in teams if you are running a few and Rad Blast is probably near the top under sonic. Wouldn't call it FoTM, but nice team toon with other stormies.
Sonic/Rad doesn't have the same debuffs as a defender Rad/Sonic but it can work.
So I guess the least FoTM would be a Rad Blast/Sonic.
Really though I'd suggest going all out and rolling AR or Archery for a corrupter. An AR/Sonic would make you really really unique I'd say.
I'm thinking of a new char for pvp. I like to take/try different sets and viably pvp with it.
I was thinking of these few: rad/sonic sonic/rad (even though rad has it bad now) sonic/therm rad/storm Thoughts? ![]() |
Dark Blast / Cold Corr for Teaming
Your PvP host with the most.
4shes and Enigma 2v2 PvP
Open your Eyes to I13 PvP
An Introduction to I14 PvP
everything else you mentioned sucks
Positron's i13 letter: We are trying to make PvP more accessible to new players, while giving experienced PvP'ers the advantage that comes with formulating tactics around the new systems we're putting in place. PvP from now on will be on our priority list. If something isn't working out, we'll be in there tweaking it and making it work, for the entire future of the product, not just Issue 13.
i dont see as many sonic/therms but there used to be quite a few.
because not very many want to play a support toon in the zones.........
RIP:Southern Comfort PvP,PE PvP,INTEGRITY PvP,After School Special PvP Test SG's,TPvPL Season1+2 Runner ups
RIP:Southern Comfort PvP,PE PvP,INTEGRITY PvP,After School Special PvP Test SG's,TPvPL Season1+2 Runner ups
Don't really see how this could actually be since it wasn't the PvPEC's decision to make heal decay, buffing or healing cause travel suppression, having being attacked cause travel suppression which makes having any kind of evasion skill a nonexistent requirement, having buffs do pretty much absolutely nothing. That is what caused the lack of support toons, why play one when you are mostly ineffective in the role you are designed to fill?
Buffs and heals still play a role in RV, you just can't spam heals like you can in arena and last I remember AM still adds a significant recharge, Dam buff and recovery rate, so does pain bringer..mind link is pretty handy, forge is nice too . Luckily most buffers also have debuffs that are still quite relevant for RV play.
But what would I know. I play a rad in RV like some baddo. I'm a downie. d;D
Anyway Unhearted, debuffers and buffers are ALWAYS welcomed in RV, especially villainside. I have a rad/pain corr I've been working on, but leveling is just torture.
Positron's i13 letter: We are trying to make PvP more accessible to new players, while giving experienced PvP'ers the advantage that comes with formulating tactics around the new systems we're putting in place. PvP from now on will be on our priority list. If something isn't working out, we'll be in there tweaking it and making it work, for the entire future of the product, not just Issue 13.
[QUOTE=Tokyo;3115845]No but it was PvPEC that were going to support TS in ladder matches untill a loud enough majority told them to bugger off. PvPEC also has a history of encouraging fiteclub mentality.[quote]
um.. no and the PvPEC is all player based and run random events each month and attempt to do it so that they get multiple people to come to said event. So yeah I guess every so often we would see from them some type of 1v1 tourney but that doesn't mean it has to be a TRU WARRIR FC style, even though they could decide to do one. Just don't participate in it. I definately don't see them out there promoting FC mentality.
check out all these ladder kids that think they're gud because they can win a duel with a psi/em. XD
Does you say this also to the scrappers in RV that think they are good because of Heal decay and travel suppression.........??
Buffs and heals still play a role in RV, you just can't spam heals like you can in arena
Lets move on to shields type buffs, so worthless they are not even worth talking about, so that knocks out sonic/* defenders and */sonic corrs, no one but dahjee would even play one in a zone.
so to the point I was making, due to the buff ability and healing ability, of most support toons, being degraded or better yet diminished, then most people would rather not play them.
and last I remember AM still adds a significant recharge, Dam buff and recovery rate, so does pain bringer..mind link is pretty handy, forge is nice too .
Also fort using mind link is not a support toon.
Luckily most buffers also have debuffs that are still quite relevant for RV play.
So I still stand by what I said before, most people that come into RV do not want to be on a support type toon, they all want to come in on damage dealing, more survivable type toons. Hence the reason you see tons of scrappers,tanks,brutes and stalkers and blasters and not so many defenders,corruptors, and controllers.
RIP:Southern Comfort PvP,PE PvP,INTEGRITY PvP,After School Special PvP Test SG's,TPvPL Season1+2 Runner ups
So I still stand by what I said before, most people that come into RV do not want to be on a support type toon, they all want to come in on damage dealing, more survivable type toons. Hence the reason you see tons of scrappers,tanks,brutes and stalkers and blasters and not so many defenders,corruptors, and controllers.
having buffs do pretty much absolutely nothing. |
I could argue that playing a support toon in RV takes much more skill than it does in arena BECAUSE you do not have the abiliy to evade or spam heals. But then I'd be getting into an argument I'm much too lazy to engage in. d;D
competitive pvp is a joke in this game. It isn't anyones fault but the developers.
Always nice to have fellow downies in RV willing to play buffers though. That's where the challenge is (Playing a buffer, not RV). d;D
I could argue that playing a support toon in RV takes much more skill than it does in arena BECAUSE you do not have the abiliy to evade or spam heals. But then I'd be getting into an argument I'm much too lazy to engage in.
That's good because there is zero chance of you ever convincing me of that, since I have done both and if that were so then all the zone PvPr's that played in any kb's or arena events wouldn't be farmed as bad as they get farmed since they would have more skill at evading and healing since they could do it in zones with TS and HD in effect and TS and HD are turned off in most kb's or team matches but I just don't normally see that.......
RIP:Southern Comfort PvP,PE PvP,INTEGRITY PvP,After School Special PvP Test SG's,TPvPL Season1+2 Runner ups
Dark Bard, Zoobait, Debacle
Por vezes d� vontade...
speak american godamnit
Fixed, buffs not required, any organized team of 4 can wipe the map clean. 4 stalkers can pretty easily kill just about anything on the map, same can be said about 4 blasters or 4 of any damage dealing toons, since all that matters in zones is dmg,dmg,dmg Now what would be better would be 3 damage dealers and a debuffer, but I will agree that an organized team of 4 can wipe the map, doesn't necessarily have to be a buffed team.
That's good because there is zero chance of you ever convincing me of that, since I have done both and if that were so then all the zone PvPr's that played in any kb's or arena events wouldn't be farmed as bad as they get farmed since they would have more skill at evading and healing since they could do it in zones with TS and HD in effect and TS and HD are turned off in most kb's or team matches but I just don't normally see that....... |
P.s. DR is still on in most arena matches so those shield buffs you were talking about not working in RV still don't work in arena. And mez protection is useless in both zone in arena because the developers decided to break mez in PvP. Ya, maybe at one PvP took atleast some form of skill but Even in arena now, it's no longer about skill but who can put out the most DPS.
No but it was PvPEC that were going to support TS in ladder matches untill a loud enough majority told them to bugger off. PvPEC also has a history of encouraging fiteclub mentality; just check out all these ladder kids that think they're gud because they can win a duel with a psi/em. XD
Funny, I see arena kids get farmed in RV constantly to the point some of them no longer go to RV.
hmm. I never agreed with you on the competitive PvP being a joke, it is just very much different now than what it was pre-I13 and those of us that have stuck around have adapted to it, not sure if that is the best way to put it. Lets say we live with it and find ways to make it work because really right now there is no other MMO's out there right now with good PvP.
P.s. DR is still on in most arena matches so those shield buffs you were talking about not working in RV still don't work in arena. And mez protection is useless in both zone in arena because the developers decided to break mez in PvP. Ya, maybe at one PvP took atleast some form of skill but Even in arena now, it's no longer about skill but who can put out the most DPS.
And there is still some skill involved in 8v8's or the match results that we normally see would be a lot different....
I've said it before, to other people, you get 8 people that zone PvP and we will get our 8 in a match and I will bet you we win by a very large margin.
RIP:Southern Comfort PvP,PE PvP,INTEGRITY PvP,After School Special PvP Test SG's,TPvPL Season1+2 Runner ups
hmm. I never agreed with you on the competitive PvP being a joke, it is just very much different now than what it was pre-I13 and those of us that have stuck around have adapted to it, not sure if that is the best way to put it. Lets say we live with it and find ways to make it work because really right now there is no other MMO's out there right now with good PvP. |
And there is still some skill involved in 8v8's or the match results that we normally see would be a lot different.... |
As an "Arena Kid" I find that zones are pretty much the easy mode of PvP. It doesn't take a lot of coordination to get kills, even against teams backed with support toons. Just throw enough damage for a long enough period and someone is going to die. Get a few people together and keep throwing damage, and they can't even evade with TS.
As far as getting farmed, in zones its hard to be immortal on most arena toons (outside of stalkers) but I can't remember the last time I've teamed with any arena buddies where the kill to death ratio wasn't significantly better than the rest of the "Zoners" crowd. With 2 or 3 people its usually enough to simply wrack up kills, on the rare occasion you get like 5+ into the zones on a team I've never seen the other side last more than 10 minutes before they'd be base camped just because the level of coordination is that much better.
Along the line of what Psyrene said, 8 v 8 Would be a complete blow out (even if HD and TS were on) in the arena. 6 v 8 with numbers favoring the zoners with HD and TS off would be a complete blow out.
do the sonic/rad. its not as common as the other fotms and its good on both teams and solo.
You're having trouble even convincing yourself of the above statement, aren't you? d;D
As an "Arena Kid" I find that zones are pretty much the easy mode of PvP. It doesn't take a lot of coordination to get kills, even against teams backed with support toons. Just throw enough damage for a long enough period and someone is going to die. Get a few people together and keep throwing damage, and they can't even evade with TS.
As far as getting farmed, in zones its hard to be immortal on most arena toons (outside of stalkers) but I can't remember the last time I've teamed with any arena buddies where the kill to death ratio wasn't significantly better than the rest of the "Zoners" crowd. With 2 or 3 people its usually enough to simply wrack up kills, on the rare occasion you get like 5+ into the zones on a team I've never seen the other side last more than 10 minutes before they'd be base camped just because the level of coordination is that much better. Along the line of what Psyrene said, 8 v 8 Would be a complete blow out (even if HD and TS were on) in the arena. 6 v 8 with numbers favoring the zoners with HD and TS off would be a complete blow out. |
As an "arena kid", even though I haven't been considered a "kid" in ohh 3 or 4 decades, yes I said decades, I would even say 5v8 the score would probably be a lot for the 5 "arena regulars" and zero for the 8 and yeah the other nite we got 7 of us together on vills and even with the very lopsided hero to villian ratio in the zone, the heroes were back in the base in something close to 10 minutes or less. Pretty easy to get teamed up and damage spam someone until they die in a zone, all you do is target them, let them phase/hiber then as soon as they are done the no-phase timer is in effect and you just damage spam them to death because they will never be able to escape with the Travel Supression or they won't be able to be saved by a teammate because of Heal Decay.
RIP:Southern Comfort PvP,PE PvP,INTEGRITY PvP,After School Special PvP Test SG's,TPvPL Season1+2 Runner ups
RIP:Southern Comfort PvP,PE PvP,INTEGRITY PvP,After School Special PvP Test SG's,TPvPL Season1+2 Runner ups
And if you have never "competitively", i.e. Test, PvP'd in CoX then how can you say there is none or that it is not. As I have said before it may not be pre-i13 competitive PvP but for the people on the teams that have stuck around and still play on test, it is as competitive as we can get.
Not on this game because..well, be honest with yourself, PvP is a joke. I'm sure you and some of the old school PvPers on test have "skill" and that helped "back in the day" but competitive PvP in this game post i12 is a complete joke.. it doesn't require skill, just an ability to count to 3 and evade a spike. I don't consider that skill, that's just common sense.
I'm thinking of a new char for pvp. I like to take/try different sets and viably pvp with it.
I was thinking of these few:
sonic/rad (even though rad has it bad now)