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  1. Quote:
    Except for the part where they occasionally DO fix pvp bugs or other bugs YEARS after the fact, even after they've been told about it repeatedly AND don't comment on it. This is NOT new.
    fixing pvp bugs is pretty new. i can't remember the last time one was fixed. and it's especially new in that they've never done a fix that has completely nutter'd a set. i suppose it's just arbitrary to do a change like this, when they could have picked a bug that would have HELPED a set instead of hurting one. like say, idk, fixing indom will.

    like the guy said, fixing bugs is great. but when it's not done on a regular basis and its done in a very arbitrary fasion, it probably wouldn't be that big of a deal
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hatred666 View Post
    So, are you saying that if bugs aren't fixed within a certain time frame that you feel is acceptable, that it shouldn't be fixed at all?
    I think it was more the point that this change really serves no purpose. for instance, if you're car is broken and has a multitude of problems it really does no good to just change the spark plugs.

    and in this specific case, were they literally never touch pvp bugs (see my first statement about it being more surprising that they actually changed something than the subject of the change) and when they were told about the bug multiple times, in cb and after with no response, you grow to accept it.
  3. sig

    this really shouldn't surprise anyway. other than they actually touched anything regarding pvp.

    When it had the opposite effect, they pretty much gave up on it, realizing that it was going to be virtually impossible to balance PvP in a game that was not designed with it in mind in the first place.
    thats not technically true, and this conversation has been had multiple times.

    if the devs were creating content centered around getting more people to RP, they wouldn't ignore the RPers feedback and listen to pvpers would they? cuz thats basically what happened.

    it's unfortunate because of the potential the game has based on it's sheer mechanics being different than other games, and it really could have worked if both sides would have worked together, but each got up their own *** with pride, harsh words were said, and pvp has been dead ever sense.
  4. i always liked joe's suggestion of taking the 40% damage buff of nova and building that into the attacks
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Morganite View Post
    Wouldn't be the first thing I've thought they were wrong about.

    "Should never have" does not equal "is a bad idea for it to be able to".

    And if you don't see the reason why it's not all that much of an exploit, I'm starting to feel the same way about you?

    Eliminate the usefulness of the fix? You mean it'd also allow people to once again use HOs to get schedule A enhancement in powers that are only supposed to be enhanceable at schedule B and enhance DDR in Active Defense? The stuff that's something more resembling actually broken?

    Seriously, if the only thing the HO change affected was Eclipse, they probably wouldn't even have bothered.

    -Morgan. Would you like it more if I suggested putting schedule B resistance on Endoplasms?
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Fugacity View Post
    You are mistakenly equating hostility with pointing out the facts of the matter, facts which you have attempted to sidestep or ignore in every response you've made. You're comparing apples and oranges when talking about Accurate Healing sets and the situation at hand, it's a straw man argument.

    What you want, as you have plainly stated, is a new enhancement which will provide the same benefit that you had to use an exploit to gain in the first place. That's a definite sense of entitlement.

    If speaking the truth is equivalent to being "accusatory and flat-out rude", then color me guilty.

    I identified the thread as a zero-sum argument, in that the OP is claiming that something is owed(new IO) because something else(unintended Nucleolus HO functionality) is being taken away. But what is being taken away is a well known exploit of game mechanics, so I don't believe that anything is owed to balance things out. The exploiters played with fire, they should have expected to get burned eventually.
    if the point of the HO fix was never brought up, would we even be having this conversation? if this was a simple "can we have a acc/res enhancement/set/ho/whatever" would this even be an issue? of course not.

    personally, i agree with plasma, if the status quo doesn't change for 7 years and you let it go on with only 1 comment about it, players adapt to it. and even so, i thought that, while not intended, it did give HOs a more of a use the current IO world, atleast for me, I wouldn't have used them nearly as much if they didn't buff things they weren't supposed to and made builds more interesting. of course it was an exploit, and you can't be sad when they do fix them. i'm just treating this the same as the botz nerf.

    as for you, you're mistaking a simple idea and request with a sense of entitlement. TBH didn't come on here saying "THE DEVS BETTER MAKE THESE ENHANCEMENTS CUZ THEY BROKEDEDED MY BUILD WITH THEIR HO NERF" he was simply saying in light of the change, would that be possible. there was no sense of entitlement with his request. this wasn't your "rage at nerf" thread. it would appear that you are trying to make an argument and argue out of nothing.

    as for the idea, i think acc/res is too narrow a category, since off the top of my head i can't think of another power that uses such a mechanic,(not to say there aren't any, i just can't think of them). however if there was some way to make a "damage mitigation/acc" set or enhancement that would boost res *or* defense depending on the power, i think that has more applications. but either way it'd be nice to have
  7. PC_guy

    Kheld Grace

    Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
    Alright, Alien, this is just for you.

    Positron's Blast, six slotted nets you the following.
    47.7% Acc
    99.08% Damage (Or 127.2 before ED)
    47.7% Endurance
    15.94% Range
    26.5% Recharge

    Look at those numbers closely, because it seems to me you're the one who has forgotten about ED. None of those numbers except damage have enough enhancement to even be close to affected by ED, and damage is through the roof. Recharge is found only on a pitiful half of an enhancement. This is a bad set any way you slice it.

    For a set to be "good," it should have at least 80% in recharge. Let's look at a commonly used PBAoE set. Obliteration.

    66.25% Accuracy
    96.6% Damage (Or 108.65% before ED)
    18.55% Endurance
    89.93% Recharge (Or 92.75% before ED)

    This is more like it. Notice how the Damage enhancement is 20% shy of what Posi offers and it doesn't change anything. Then look at how it's gotten better accuracy, "way better" recharge, and only sacrifices a bit of endurance. The important attributes all get the enhancement they need.

    Now let's look at Kheldian's Grace. Mine is reporting:

    97.1% Damage
    66.3% Accuracy
    96.6% Recharge
    39.7% Endurance

    Wow, those numbers are even better than Obliteration's. It doesn't have proc damage, but it does have this nifty Form Empowerment thing, so I'll call that a wash.

    So let's take a step back here and look at the whole picture. Posi's blast is a bad set. Obliteration is a better set. Kheldian's Grace is even better than that. One might even go so far as to say that Kheldian's Grace is ... I don't know... way better than Posi's Blast.

    Now, Alien, you're entitled to your opinion and all that good stuff, but next time you go spouting stuff like you're someone who contributes to the site with guides, check your *** **** facts.

    I will repeat myself. Positron's Blast is a bad set. There just don't happen to be any better alternatives. Not until now.
    I always liked air burst
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by The_Masque View Post


    Originally Posted by Syndace View Post
  9. ugh can't believe i'm feeding but whatevs

    Everyone here forgets now about people saying after I13 it became "neccessary to have an escape power" like phase or hibernate due to I13 mechanics? Really? Just as many peeps today with those powers as before I13 right? C'mon people... it just takes looking here on the PvP boards at just about every build suggested in the last 3 years to know better. I think the problem here is that if you say to me that yes, escape powers are needed in zones today due to I13 mechanics... you'd be admitting that it's harder to evade without them. This would of course be blamed on TS and HD... but no one here wants to admit that removing TS and HD will make it easier to evade in a zone. Simply baffling.
    no one is not saying that. that is exactly what we are saying. thats the entire point of this thread. removal of TS (not so much HD) would imporve evading and overall increase the speed of pvp. period.

    Without TS and HD people in zones would not have to rely on these powers as much due to the fact that they would not be suppressed, the fact that they could spam heals, and they could evade better and die less. At the same time however, this all implies that with TS and HD in tact as it is today... PvP requires better tactics than before, better strategies than before, better insp management than before, more situational awareness than before, more skill than before, and a greater knowledge of how to evade than required before I13.
    it does not imply that at all. all that it implies is that all those things you just mentioned were completely taken out of the system making them non factors.

    simplier =! better

    In it's current form PvP also requires one to first reduce their emphasis on simple damage output to recognize and/or accept the above statements as true.
    no it doesn't. it doesn't at all.
  10. Quote:
    Light Form is your 'temporary god-mode'.
  11. PC_guy

    New Thread

    Originally Posted by Sentai_Sage View Post
    get your ****ing ponies out of my forums
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by hemmingway3 View Post
    The point of this thread is to answer the question: How would you, as a PvP community, feel about the out-right removal of Heal Decay and Travel Suppression.

    I would also LOVE for the community team, part of whose job it is to represent OUR interests to the development team, to be a part of this discussion.

    neither of which will happen.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Warkupo View Post
    What is it about PVP that people automatically assume everyone who doesn't like to play it the way they do is automatically an inferior player? I didn't say I *can't* chase people around with a travel power, or that I don't know how to use a temp power from a vendor (I'm not sure how using web grenade would be hard for anyone, really), I'm merely stating that I don't *like* to do these things. They are not enjoyable for me.

    I do appreciate you trying to meet me half-way, but I really want to know *why* it's so important that TS is removed if it doesn't, as is being claimed in this thread, change game-play in any reasonable fashion? If it's simply because you find it more fun, that'd be fine, we could just disagree on what is fun and that'd be the end of it.
    i've explained it twice and it really does seem that you're either ignoring me, ignoring the other people in the thread that have also explained it too you, or you're just hardcore trollin or some combination of the three.

    Unfortunately, I just can't buy that as the only reason people want TS removed, because that's not the emotion I am reading in this forum.
    you're exactly right, thats not what you're reading in this thread. because absolutely no one is saying this but you.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by AresSupreme View Post
    We've become complacent. Every since i13 hit all I have heard is complaining and complaining. This time how about we actually organize PVPers to join the forums and start posting on the subject of PVP so we can get a majority opinion.

    When you're in zone/arena chat, let people know. Tell them to go to the forums and comment on such an important subject.

    We were supposed to get PVP changes i21...well i21 has come and gone. Go figure.

    Even PVEers think we as a PVP community do not exist. We are better organized than any of them. Put it to better use...
    because thats happened before and doesn't matter? we can organize an put lists together and do whatever else organized things do. it won't make a difference. we've already done, afew times now, and the bottom line is, it'll get done when the devs want to get it done. the devs don't want to, and probably never will want to, get it done in a correct fashion.

    there is not much point in yelling and screaming, no matter how correct it is, when it falls on deaf ears.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Warkupo View Post
    That's true regardless of whether or not TS is implemented. Find me some other reason for TS to be off other than for people to run away more effectively in fights, and I might consider it.
    it drastically slows down the pace of the game? it suppresses regen for no reason at all? if i want to buff myself with an insp i intern debuff myself by slowing me down?

    those are just afew off the top of my head.

    Right now I just keep getting this same opinionated argument, and the long and short of it is simply that I don't find what you find to be fun, fun. I am certainly willing to listen to other perspectives, but they're going to be opinionated on what you think is fun. I'm not saying you shouldn't ask for what you think is fun. I'm certainly not saying what I think is fun is right. I'm telling you why I don't like the idea of TS being turned off based on what I enjoy. I don't expect any more or less from anyone else.
    thats fantastic and all but thats not really whats going on. it really just looks like you're completely ignoring our reasoning and summing it up by saying "we like to chase people" and "i don't like to chase people" which is completely ludicrous and borderline troll.

    What I don't understand is how people are telling me that people running away isn't helped by doing it with un-suppressed superspeed
    no one is saying that it wouldn't. thats exactly what it would do. and that exactly what it should do.

    while simultaneously inferring that there is some other use for travel powers that isn't simply greater ability flee during battle. I have a feeling nobody wants to mention any other uses because they might accidently reveal a disparity between melee and ranged powersets when TS is off.
    look man, it's not entirely based on improving the ability to flee, albeit thats part of it but a small part. imporving one's ability to evade would intern improve the pace of the overall gameplay experience. thats the main argument behind it.

    also if they remove TS and also fix how slows and mez work, you're then able to bring back a use for ATs that have slows and mez and you now have a reason to bring them onto your team. which ironically, was the entire point of i13 and why it failed so hard.

    basically the only point you've conveyed about keeping TS in is that you don't like chasing people in fights. alright, fine. neither does anyone else. thats why you get someone on your team that can lock them down so you aren't chasing people around the map. post i13 that doesn't exist. the closest thing you have is webnades to get the -jump and -fly but thats a hollow shell of what it was/should be. it's a very simple concept that i honestly can't understand why you wrap your mind around.

    I'm just guessing on that last part, of course~
    well it's pretty far off.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Warkupo View Post
    Again, this is a simple argument from my perspective, and not a stance I am going to change. Yes, people can and do still attempt to flee, but the fact of the matter is that using a travel power is only useful for running too an enemy, or running from an enemy. I do not like chasing people, and removing TS is only going to further aggravate my irritation with having to chase people around.

    Arguing that you like chasing people around is fine and dandy. I can meet that with a simple "fine, but I don't like doing it." Neither one of us is 'right' at that point, and majority rules. I'm okay with that.

    Arguing that people won't be able to run away more effectively with a travel power, however, is simply absurd. We both know they will, so let's not pretend like they won't.
    except thats not at all what he was arguing.

    he was saying that no TS kept the speed of the game fast, and that having it in there has significantly slowed down.

    Not having TS adds another aspect to the game that you have to account for. for instance, before i13 everyone was bouncing around like jumping beans how do you get a kill if everyone is fleeing and actively trying to *not* die? you get someone on your team that has a slow, immob, hold, mez, ect. so that when whoever was calling a target calls the target, it's easier to kill. it added another element to pvp that your team had to account for and handle in order to be effective and ultimately added to team diversity because it was much more useful to have someone on your team to take care of that.

    you don't have that now because of what happened to slows and mez.

    now if you want to argue whether or not that is "better" is one thing, but atleast acknowledge that its more complicated than "i like chasing people, i don't like chasing people" because it is.

    and even then, I think you should atleast acknowledge that if TS is left in place, that it atleast in it's current state is overkill and needs to be lighten'd up alot. suppressing when you when you pop an insp, buff, debuff, ect. is completely absurd.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Boomie View Post
    Hey guys just like the question states what are the essentials I need to know? I've never made a PB before and I've only leveled a WS to 26 so I have hardly any experience with the Khelds. Since the lightform changes I've become interested in making one. I would like to make a human only PB but I'm not sure on what's good and what's not. It looks like PB's do mostly KB and don't have a hold like WS's so what are the tactics for cysts and other dangerous things?

    Any help will be greatly appreciated.
    incandescent strike is a mag 3 hold. the differnce being that WS's have a bunch of stuns that stack on each other where as PBs only have the 1 that is mag 2. *knock on wood that that gets changed soon*

    from my pb experience though, PBs are pretty straight forward though.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zahyl View Post
    Maybe the devs don't take you guys seriously on the forum because all you guys ever do is attack eachother? I'm only new to the forum, not the game. I thought it would be fun to hop on here and debate, yet all I see are a bunch of arrogant, bitter players whose main points have been simply that it is a bad mechanic, with no facts or ideas supporting their idea.
    because whats the point in continuously supporting ideas with facts over and over and over again if they never get listened to?

    eventually even the most staunch players, get bored and tired. it's easier just to say its a bad mechanic as short hand for explaining why, because the why has been said, literally thousands of times that no one old feels that it needs to be said anymore. hell the "why" is sticky'd at the top of the entire section.

    How can the devs take you guys seriously when all you can do is scream and call people names?
    they can't take us seriously because they don't want to. people always joke about "devs hate x", the thing about pvp is, its basically true. they could give a **** about anything pvp related. they don't care. they don't care if we know they don't care.

    this thread has no point because it's main idea is never going to happen.

    Hopefully Zwillinger will be able to talk some sense into them. He's legitimately our only chance at change.
    doubt it. mod08 was our last legitimate chance. Z has just as much power as he did but doesn't care as much. and after the mac client fiasco with i21, I have little faith in Z.

    Dude just ignore Dahjee. He's arguably the most successful troll in PVP history.
    please. have you seen his sonic/sonic in RV? no one stands a chance

    it even beat je saist's spine/shield scrap. i've never been able to do that
  19. see the thing about this is, there is really no point in doing it anymore. and by it I mean SGs. they really serve no purpose. joining triumph watch serves the same purpose for finding groups to do content.

    not to discourage or anything, but in todays game, the game where SGs have little/no point, joining the server tf chan should satisfy your need to play with other people if you can't find an SG.
  20. PC_guy


    Originally Posted by je_saist View Post
    I'd really like to see you try and back this insult up.

    But I think I would die of old age before you could come up with enough times where I was inaccurate.
    well do you remember that time were you suggested someone to roll a spines/shield because it would be an aoe monster?

    or that time where you posted anything about pvp. ever.

    or that time when you said that the devs would be stupid to merge the markets and that it would never ever happen.

    of course you wouldn't know any of this because when people call you out on your misinformation, you don't return to the thread.
  21. PC_guy

    Dark Blast

    Originally Posted by Klatteja View Post
    Very happy to see Dark/Dark proliferated over to Blasters. Haven't really gotten out of the gate on playing mine yet, however; I'm looking at YOU, Real Life Concerns! Reading here and elsewhere, it seems that there's little or no synergy between the primary and secondary. Maybe even a little working at cross-purposes going on, to boot.

    Okay, fine, so long as I can use the Dark primary for a Blaster. Some folks are saying Energy Manipulation as a secondary (have used many times, and like), and some folks are saying Mental Manipulation (have used once, on my current main, actually). One or two folks have even mentioned Fire.

    Intended uses for my blaster: mostly soloing and duoing, since I've gotten into the habit the past couple of years. I think teams are fun, but I'll have to fight my own tendencies to join them more often than I do now (which is, as stated, almost never these days).

    What would you recommend as a secondary? Energy? Mental? Fire? Something else? I'm especially interested in why you'd use your suggested secondary with Dark Blast as a primary.

    Thanks for any and all suggestions and advice!
    I think mental is the best bet. it covers dark/'s main hole which is lack of AoE. you get that with psi shockwave and psi scream. not to mention you can DP through nuke crashes, and get some pretty good slot mules with scare and WoC.

    the thing about /dark is. the only thing I can figure out that it has going for it is soul drain. on my dark/dark i plan to get enough recharge to perma it. but other than that there really isn't much. dark consumption is nice but doesn't really help you in terms of AoE. midnight grasp is also really good but I'm not sure how it works in terms of a ST chain, although i can't imagine adding it in over one of the blasts would increase dps, but i have no clue.

    /nrg has the ability to incrase the -to hit debuff if im not mistaken. and boost range is nice for the cones. also the quick melee attacks.

    but i think you have to go with one of these three. mm being the best and dark/nrg tieing for second.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
    First of all when did I say I didn't use Spiritual Alpha? I have the paragon. Global Recharge sits around 170% on my Human Form build and 180% on my Tri Form build.
    you didn't. that was just a general statement. thats a personal preference.

    You're welcome to your opinion... I think we've had this discussion before. Dechs Kaison doesn't build for defense on his Tri Form Warshade either... I've seen it in action and it's a beast. I never said defense was required, but once again: Nothing in terms of set bonuses is required. That doesn't change the fact that perma eclipse on top of good defense dramatically increases survivability
    yes. and we're both in agreement about that. the point that i'm arguing is wether that increase in survivability is needed.

    When you're soloing on +4x8, especially against debuff and mez heavy groups, you aren't going to be able to mitigate enough of the damage all at the same time to not still get hit hard. Defense comes into play here-- That, resistance, and mitigation tools combined are the reason my Warshade is able to do the things he can do.
    And my shade is able to solo groups on 4/8 as well and I haven't found anything that has been too much for it to handle with little defense. stay out of melee range/kite cuts out a good bit of damage. keep things KBed with GE and stunned with GE/inky/unchain combo. I have yet to find stuff that that hasn't worked on.

    I have been speaking in terms of maximizing performance. How often you're in a situation where you need high survivability depends on how often you put yourself in those situations. I have been known to go in the opposite direction of my league/team in Incarnate trials, bum rushing entire groups by myself with hardly a scratch on me to show for it... This includes without any barrier buffs or anything else to help my survivability aside from my own build, powers, and playstyle. This is not something I could do without good defense.
    again, sounds like we have a similar playstyle i.e. playing stupid :P and I don't seem to mind it.

    I have perma hasten. My human form build has enough recharge for the ideal Warshade single target attack chain and great enhancement values to boot. My sunless mire is perma, my eclipse is perma, and I have 3 fluffies up at a time consistently.
    same. the big difference i can tell is that my performance doesn't drop as much when i'm not at 50 since i'm not relying on spiritual and I took musc so in theory i'm doing more damage. while still maintaing everything you just listed and enough survivability(note: not *more* but enough for the game which is my point) also would open up some slots for perhaps more proc slotting which would also increase damage and HP which is always fantastic.
  23. Quote:
    I know for a fact that I'm not the only one to make Warshade builds with perma eclipse, high defense, and good enhancement values.
    perma eclispe? sure perma hasten? thats something different. perma hasten without taking spiritual? i'd love to see that build.
    It's certainly not unreasonable to build for defense, especially considering the fact that he was asking about a high budget build.
    building just for defense isn't unreasonable. I don't think it's reasonable to accumulate a significant amount of defense while maintaining a high amount of recharge.
    and I would assume that someone who is looking/wanting at a high recharge build, that perma hasten is your ultimate goal.
    "Not worth it" may be how you feel for your personal build but that doesn't make it a fact.
    fair enough, if you'll allow let me go back and put a retroactive "this is my opinion" disclaimer on my posts.

    or what it's worth, I agree with TwoHeadedBoy. If Meta_Genesis ever plans on doing harder content with his 'shade, pure resistance isn't really the safest route. For simple missions at +0/x8, sure, he'd be fine. For incarnate class problems or tricky enemy types (I'm looking at you, Arachnos and Malta), the more defense the better.
    I don't agree with his at all. defense is very good. it does increase survivability. but you don't need it to excel against high level groups. pure resistance by itself won't cut it either. but if you couple that with everything else the warshade has, and smart play then I feel its overkill for survivability. much like adding recovery or endurance discount to a toon that has no endurance problems (vigilance). incarnate stuff just fills whatever remaining holes you have and there are ways around those tougher enemy groups.
    to be fair, a build that is able to get, say 20+ defense to afew types/positions is going to be more survivable. and once over i think both builds we're talking about here are viable and good builds. I just think that those situations that you're going to need that extra survivability is very very rare. (I could throw out some personal experiences here if you'd like) especially if you're making good use of all your powers and playing smart. so why not take those slots that you're using for defense turn em around to get more recharge, perma hasten, not force yourself into taking spiritual and give yourself abit more freedom with your slots.

    also if you(I) ever find yourself in a situation were i do need more defense or derp playing or whatever, i can always pop some purples and be fine. you can always increase you defense with insp but you can't increase your recharge with em.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
    Nothing is "necessary," when it comes to IO build goals. Warshades can be perfectly effective on SO's, but that doesn't mean global recharge isn't a huge help and it also doesn't mean that defense isn't a gigantic help on top of that.
    i didn't say that either wasn't a help but a recharge only build is going to be a much cheaper one, while still being expensive, and yield you enough defenses to basically survive the entire game. it's not that defenses aren't a help, I just think they make builds very tight which isn't helpful on an AT that is already in a slot crunch and the sheer expense to get enough defenses makes it not worth the time and inf.