returning player with MANY Kheldian questions




To start out, I'm coming back to the game, and now that EATs are unlocked at 20 instead of 50, I'd be a fool not to play them. That said? I have many, many questions, and with all the guides being "old" or "assuming I have basic knowledge that quite frankly, I lack", I'm goin straight to the forums

1. in general forum consensus, what'd be simpler to play for a returning player/lover of controllers/sorta-understand-er-of-VEATS-and-not-much-else, a tri-form peacebringer, or triform warshade? Triform WILL happen. I'm starting this toon out, I want to be awesome

2. Is there a time limit to how long you can be a dwarf/squid? I'm just wondering, cuz..they both seem awesome, and logically, there's a reason people aren't squids 24/7

3. when you first unlock dwarf/squid, you automatically get xyz powers, ya?

4. I understand that kheldians get boosts while in groups. do kheldians also GIVE boosts? VEATS have really cheap leadership pools with good numbers on them. How does that balance with Khelds?

5. I keep reading that i21 will do...something with khelds. I've googled "issue 21 COH Kheldian"(and it's various permutations), and I can't pull up any patch notes. What is happening in 21?

6. Why do people say Warshades are better than Peacebringers? Just...a general question. Is there some hidden power gem that massively unbalances one over the other? is it a "flight is worse than teleport" thing?

Thanks in advance for takin time with my silly questions.



1. WS's are more controllery, and more form-friendly; however, they are more difficult to play and only get really good later on.

2. No time limits, it's just the different forms offer different things. Controls? human. Need ranged damage? nova. Taking too much heat? dwarf. It can be tricky dancing around between the three, so you should check the binds thread stickied on this forum for some really helpful tools.

3. Yes; you need to be in the forms to use them. They will not initially show up in your powers tray, though. You will need to open up the Powers tab and drag them from your inherents onto your trays.

4. They do not give boosts to teammates, and this is a complaint of many people who like Veats. They are currently out of balance, but that's being somewhat worked on.

5. i21 will affect mostly pb's. Lightform, the tier 9, is being altered to be usable in forms and more frequent, like the warshade tier 9, Eclipse. Build Up is being turned in to Inner Light, which will extend a weakened version of its effects for an extra 20 seconds after the initial 10 second full-buff (helpful for form switching). Photon Seekers (pb "pet" which is really a mini-nuke) is having its recharge shortened, but it's still going to be too weak. Pb's will get a new fly-speed boosting power similar to the new one in the Flight pool, and Ws's will be getting a new zone-teleport power also similar to the one in the TP pool. Taunts of both Dwarves will be autohit. Shadow Cloak (Warshade) and Combat Flight (pb) are getting a bug fixed so that they offer typed defense as well as positional. The best AoE human pb's have, Solar Flare, will be usable from the air (used to be on the ground only, which was silly as you get an inherent version of hover). Some issues, like knockback in questionable places, are still not being fixed as the devs are afraid pb's will become overpowered (I'd lol, but it's more sad than funny).

6. Warshades can reach higher levels of power than Peacebringers, while Peacebringers are more consistent in their performance. That sounds nice and all, but the difference between power levels of the two is way too big. New Lightform makes Pb's much better on survival than they were (and I personally feel better than Ws's as a whole), but the damage difference between the two is horribly large in the Warshade's favor; this is entirely due to the pets, as warshades get pretty awesome pets (Dark Extraction) while Peacebringers get possibly the worst pets in the game.

Someone will be along shortly to point you to a certain "MFing Warshade" guide

The Inspiration Maker's Guide [i12] UPDATED with POPMENUS and Movement Binds!
A Flash in the Dark: The Electric/Ninjitsu Stalker [i23]
Kheldian Inspiration Macros UPDATED with POPMENUS and Movement Binds!
Guide to the Katana~Ninja Blade/Electric [i23]



Eh. I read the thread at the top of the forum. Last updated WS guide was I9.
It's I20 at the moment

that's an 11 issue difference.



I feel peacebringers are a bit more survivable on their own thou than warshades. As a peacebringer u have 3 heals that u can use just from ur primary and secondary counting the one in [White Dwarf] and that helps me fighting tougher single NPCs. Where the warshade needs a couple to a few dead or alive NPCs to surpass the peacebringer in survivability. Kinda like the peacebringer has a bit of Regen feel. I play a peacebringer pretty much exclusively so I am biased. Also not much has changed in those guides.



Originally Posted by BrokenFace View Post
Eh. I read the thread at the top of the forum. Last updated WS guide was I9.
It's I20 at the moment

that's an 11 issue difference.
The guide I was referring to was written like two issues ago. Did you check toward the end of the thread? I'd provide a link, but I'm on my phone here.


The Inspiration Maker's Guide [i12] UPDATED with POPMENUS and Movement Binds!
A Flash in the Dark: The Electric/Ninjitsu Stalker [i23]
Kheldian Inspiration Macros UPDATED with POPMENUS and Movement Binds!
Guide to the Katana~Ninja Blade/Electric [i23]



Originally Posted by Jot View Post
I feel peacebringers are a bit more survivable on their own thou than warshades. As a peacebringer u have 3 heals that u can use just from ur primary and secondary counting the one in [White Dwarf] and that helps me fighting tougher single NPCs. Where the warshade needs a couple to a few dead or alive NPCs to surpass the peacebringer in survivability. Kinda like the peacebringer has a bit of Regen feel. I play a peacebringer pretty much exclusively so I am biased. Also not much has changed in those guides.
Can your peacebringer do this?



Originally Posted by Jot View Post
Hopefully as well as the peacebringer in the video did.
Seeing as how the one peacebringer in that video stayed on the fringe of combat (I'm not even really sure she was attacking), I'm not sure what you're trying to say?



New set of questions
1. If I have stamina slotted with just..vanilla end/mod enhancements, does it do ANYTHING to nova and dwarf forms?
2. If I six slot a nova form, or dwarf(...and obviously, I'll be doing so..cuz..I LOVE shapeshifting), are there any invention sets floating around that are both flat-out MADE for khelds, AND affordable?
3. Are kheldian macros serverside, or clientside? Like..I set up all those complex "switch to tray, drop form, goto form" macros for nova and dwarf. will I have to set them up again for each computer I have CoX on? Or will they be there inherently?



Originally Posted by BrokenFace View Post
New set of questions
1. If I have stamina slotted with just..vanilla end/mod enhancements, does it do ANYTHING to nova and dwarf forms?
2. If I six slot a nova form, or dwarf(...and obviously, I'll be doing so..cuz..I LOVE shapeshifting), are there any invention sets floating around that are both flat-out MADE for khelds, AND affordable?
3. Are kheldian macros serverside, or clientside? Like..I set up all those complex "switch to tray, drop form, goto form" macros for nova and dwarf. will I have to set them up again for each computer I have CoX on? Or will they be there inherently?
1.) One slot stamina with a perf shifter +end proc.
2.) One slot Nova with a perf shifter +end proc
3.) Yes, you will have to reset your binds when you switch to a new computer.



1) Yes, Fitness powers now work across all forms, so slotting Stamina does now benefit you across all forms. This is a relatively recent change, only a few issues ago.

2) There are no particular Sets which are tailor-made for Khelds, though there are many that work well. Like any other character, it comes down to deciding what bonuses you want to put a premium on and gathering as many of those kind of bonuses as you can. Recharge tends to be a popular choice.

3) Macros and binds are distinct things here. Both remain with the character and are stored serverside, binds can also be saved to your hard drive using slash commands, while macros are grey player-made buttons in your power tray and have to be remade on each character. You will NOT need to redo either of them when playing on another computer, but if you have rotating binds that make use of bindloadfile commands, these will not work because those files are not present on the other computer. Basic trayswitching binds should work fine on any computer because they are stored serverside.

In fact, when making a new Kheld, I would highly recommand logging into an old Kheld and using the /bindsavefile command to copy the binds and then /bindloadfile to load them on the new Kheld. This works very nicely, though of course the power names are different so both need to be same type (both PBs or both WSs) for this to work.

With great power comes great RTFM -- Lady Sadako
Iscariot's Guide to the Tri-Form Warshade, version 2.1
I'm sorry that math > your paranoid delusions, but them's the breaks -- Nethergoat
P.E.R.C. Rep for Liberty server



Originally Posted by BrokenFace View Post
Eh. I read the thread at the top of the forum. Last updated WS guide was I9.
It's I20 at the moment

that's an 11 issue difference.
Only because it's been 11 issues since the devs made any changes to Kheldians...

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Originally Posted by Stone Daemon View Post
Seeing as how the one peacebringer in that video stayed on the fringe of combat (I'm not even really sure she was attacking), I'm not sure what you're trying to say?
Nothing really, I just saw some white flashes every now and again in the video. Assumed the peacebringer was in there somewhere.



Originally Posted by Jot View Post
Nothing really, I just saw some white flashes every now and again in the video. Assumed the peacebringer was in there somewhere.
Nah. I looked over the video again, and it's part 1 (taken a few minutes before it) and the PB was off on the fringe (mostly).



Originally Posted by Stone Daemon View Post
Nah. I looked over the video again, and it's part 1 (taken a few minutes before it) and the PB was off on the fringe (mostly).

The white was probably your lore pets. You use the storm elementals right?



Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
The white was probably your lore pets. You use the storm elementals right?
I do, yep. But I don't think they were up for those videos. I did see her use pulsar a few times (which probably led to her death in part 1, unfortunately) though, so that may have been it.

I also noticed at around 1:00 in part 2 you can see her blasting from a connecting tunnel, then hopping to the other side of the mob.



Originally Posted by Stone Daemon View Post
I do, yep. But I don't think they were up for those videos. I did see her use pulsar a few times (which probably led to her death in part 1, unfortunately) though, so that may have been it.

I also noticed at around 1:00 in part 2 you can see her blasting from a connecting tunnel, then hopping to the other side of the mob.

I pretty much gave up on trying to see what's going on, there's just so much. I know I'm right in there destroying things but there's so much purple destruction I can't even find myself.



Ive been away from EATs for a long time so I am kind of in the same predicament. I have a few questions as well. Im rolling a 3man team with 2 of my friends they are stalker(with experience playing) and a Dp/Cld Corr (with maybe medium experience playing). So I figure I will need something with a backbone so I chose an EAT.

1. Which would be a better fit for this team PB or WS and why? I think Ill prolly spend a lot of time in Lobster-mode with this team but we also team with other people so who knows.

2. If I went WS would I be better off as an all Human form?

3. When it comes to IO Set Bonuses I have been messing around with Rech and doing okay. However I am not used to not having a lot of Def (Coming off of a shield brute aint helpn).

4. Do you have to be in human form to use your Incarnate powers?



Originally Posted by Meta_Genesis View Post
Ive been away from EATs for a long time so I am kind of in the same predicament. I have a few questions as well. Im rolling a 3man team with 2 of my friends they are stalker(with experience playing) and a Dp/Cld Corr (with maybe medium experience playing). So I figure I will need something with a backbone so I chose an EAT.

1. Which would be a better fit for this team PB or WS and why? I think Ill prolly spend a lot of time in Lobster-mode with this team but we also team with other people so who knows.

2. If I went WS would I be better off as an all Human form?

3. When it comes to IO Set Bonuses I have been messing around with Rech and doing okay. However I am not used to not having a lot of Def (Coming off of a shield brute aint helpn).

4. Do you have to be in human form to use your Incarnate powers?
First of all, good choice on picking a kheld

1. With the upcoming changes to PB, it's really a matter of choice. Any preference I would give you would be biased towards warshades, because they are awesome right now. One thing to keep in mind, I guess, is that a shades pets are still superior to a peacebringers, and that you can have 3 of them out there full time, blasting away like little happy fluff-balls (whereas PB ones just fizzle out and explode).

2. It depends on how much you're willing to invest in your WS. If you plan on doing a moderately expensive build (or less) I recommend tri-form. If you plan on investing billions, human form. (From what I've heard, there is a certain threshold of money that you can throw at your WS in which human form becomes more effective overall. You'll have to ask someone else about that though.)

3. Recharge is really all you need, just enough to get perma hasten/eclipse. After that, any SL defense you can stack up (generally by way of kinetic combats) can only help.

4. Nope, you can be in your forms and still use them.



Stone pretty much covered but I'll give my two cents.

1.) The best way I can think to put this is that with i21, Peacebringers will have more consistent survivability but Warshades will have more diverse survivability. The debuffs from cold won't benefit either a Peacebringer or Warshade more, so it really comes down to preference.

If one of the people you're playing with is a Stalker, you might honestly be better off with a Peacebringer. Warshades are in their element with more enemies so that might put your friend at higher risk. Peacebringers like stalkers excel against single targets.

2.) That question is very subjective- I think everyone should level up as Tri Form. It's the best way to get acquainted with how the Archetype functions, figure out what you do and don't like, and then you can go from there.

Like Stone said, Human only Warshades are more effective at the high end price tag wise, but the game isn't played on a spreadsheet so your main concern should be what you have the most fun playing.

3.) You can get a very good amount of defense on a Kheldian build. You shouldn't worry about hitting the softcap to anything, as it is not necessary with 85% resistance to all damage (all but Psi in a Peacebringer's case.) Your main goal should be enough recharge for perma Eclipse or Light Form respectively.

If you post up a build for either, I (and I'm sure a few others) would be happy to help you find something you're comfortable with.



Thanks a lot guys that helped me come to a decision on which one.I think I will want to go with Tri Form WS since we want to be 50 BEFORE Freedom. Also I like AoE and the chaos that comes with it lol. However now I want to know about this Superior Human Form build.

Sounds interesting so Im guessing Purple IO Sets are the cause?

Speaking of Purple IOs, aside from the level wide coverage, they don't give you any def and such so I don't really use them too much. Am I missing something?



Originally Posted by Meta_Genesis View Post
Thanks a lot guys that helped me come to a decision on which one.I think I will want to go with Tri Form WS since we want to be 50 BEFORE Freedom. Also I like AoE and the chaos that comes with it lol. However now I want to know about this Superior Human Form build.

Sounds interesting so Im guessing Purple IO Sets are the cause?

Speaking of Purple IOs, aside from the level wide coverage, they don't give you any def and such so I don't really use them too much. Am I missing something?
It features quite a bit of PVP IOs. THB has a build he's playing with on test that he loves (and is working on collecting the ingredients on live), I think it's in one of his other threads.

But yes, most purple IOs excel in recharge, but there are other enhancements in which you can stack up some defense too.

Edit to add: Apparently I was thinking of his Monster PB build. His WS one only has a couple PVP ones (assuming this is it).

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Originally Posted by Meta_Genesis View Post
Thanks a lot guys that helped me come to a decision on which one.I think I will want to go with Tri Form WS since we want to be 50 BEFORE Freedom. Also I like AoE and the chaos that comes with it lol. However now I want to know about this Superior Human Form build.

Sounds interesting so Im guessing Purple IO Sets are the cause?

Speaking of Purple IOs, aside from the level wide coverage, they don't give you any def and such so I don't really use them too much. Am I missing something?
purples are great for recharge and not defense, as you've already figured out.

purples are great for warshades because they don't really need the defense as much as they do the recharge because they can benefit more from the recharge. faster attacks in forms, perma eclipse, faster SC, faster mires ect. other toons tend to be the opposite (benefit more from defense than recharge i mean)

once you hit a point with your recharge, you don't really need defense bonus. for instance, my WS has perma hasten and has no room for defense bonuses, but i don't feel I need them so it's not skin off my back since i've yet to find anything that is overly difficult that i just simply can't survive.

Positron's i13 letter: We are trying to make PvP more accessible to new players, while giving experienced PvP'ers the advantage that comes with formulating tactics around the new systems we're putting in place. PvP from now on will be on our priority list. If something isn't working out, we'll be in there tweaking it and making it work, for the entire future of the product, not just Issue 13.



Originally Posted by PC_guy View Post
purples are great for recharge and not defense, as you've already figured out.

purples are great for warshades because they don't really need the defense as much as they do the recharge because they can benefit more from the recharge. faster attacks in forms, perma eclipse, faster SC, faster mires ect. other toons tend to be the opposite (benefit more from defense than recharge i mean)

once you hit a point with your recharge, you don't really need defense bonus. for instance, my WS has perma hasten and has no room for defense bonuses, but i don't feel I need them so it's not skin off my back since i've yet to find anything that is overly difficult that i just simply can't survive.
While recharge gets priority, defense isn't something that can be discounted. When it comes to soloing ridiculous things defense really plays a pretty big roll. 85% resists to all is definitely good survivability but the combination of capped resists and good defense can make a tremendous difference.



Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
While recharge gets priority, defense isn't something that can be discounted. When it comes to soloing ridiculous things defense really plays a pretty big roll. 85% resists to all is definitely good survivability but the combination of capped resists and good defense can make a tremendous difference.
yea but it isn't necessary and can be supplemented with everything else in the set. stealth, KB, stacking stuns, taking priority targets to make sure you always have something to SC off of, kiting, using nova to stay out of range ect.

Positron's i13 letter: We are trying to make PvP more accessible to new players, while giving experienced PvP'ers the advantage that comes with formulating tactics around the new systems we're putting in place. PvP from now on will be on our priority list. If something isn't working out, we'll be in there tweaking it and making it work, for the entire future of the product, not just Issue 13.