returning player with MANY Kheldian questions




Originally Posted by PC_guy View Post
yea but it isn't necessary and can be supplemented with everything else in the set. stealth, KB, stacking stuns, taking priority targets to make sure you always have something to SC off of, kiting, using nova to stay out of range ect.

Nothing is "necessary," when it comes to IO build goals. Warshades can be perfectly effective on SO's, but that doesn't mean global recharge isn't a huge help and it also doesn't mean that defense isn't a gigantic help on top of that.



Originally Posted by Stone Daemon View Post
It features quite a bit of PVP IOs. THB has a build he's playing with on test that he loves (and is working on collecting the ingredients on live), I think it's in one of his other threads.

But yes, most purple IOs excel in recharge, but there are other enhancements in which you can stack up some defense too.

Edit to add: Apparently I was thinking of his Monster PB build. His WS one only has a couple PVP ones (assuming this is it).

|78DA65946B4F1351108667BB5B4ACBB594CA1D5A1081164A1 79078C110859888204|
|5247E3264810536A9DBDA162F8911849878FDEC17FFA242F4 07D4D9790FCD6A9B34|
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|A7CA4280C8A4234FD2440A50172F0628D00DCCE85EC059B3D AE7002D2739C61630C|
|FA2A1D32B8ED05142D7173C8DA821495E48C3A2D468BC2309 1F38308852C1E09448|
|8D1941641AC80A9A4DE007478ED1308F33A43A0CA5A56CEB3 FD038208CB27A38C71|
|8A6F60DE0B1A06353F091ED9BE42CD560D34DB1E8B825E8BC 0D2C08AEDC00487A7F|
|C3592DCABE25AE7952773B101304D8BE4DD9B7C1BE17F6BDB 0EF87FD672E14459C1|
|11D138BFE71C1E0049002D2824F1C1E53C38AA16C02651328 9B40D9644CDA4CC605|
|6F392B8E33521CE331B8BF2E75802E1C2089038CE0005F38A 74735D6B322E6230F8|
|155C1D535E091E02B87F7A9F0BE59ECCC09AE5D07E68119C1 3B0E1F807D70E0580C|
|C74E80F7C0A960E24C60AE4BD637CE1A52A71F3A1769E202F 82D48FD01168125416|
|FC89B08B2865D91268B40017821982A0325C1097B8D6266FA E8029EE929C569CC50|
|21CAF5C7D528C731CA698CD2C4283B38208D004AE30A74B29 4414F5A063966A7E09|
|87DB3EABFCAC2A0DFF05DD02A7F28218A04555375BBD93AC5 AC5366EB94B93A65C5|
|AFA4A49555A3F662E0EB2583CA19B557016992176E27EF964 8774F8CDA35A4709F3|
First off thank you everyone for your imput! (Im dead tired so there may be some mistakes in this post forgive me). Ok I gotta give it to him, this is nice. I have never looked at all the PvP Sets since they are so hard to get. I like his use of them especially the Orbiting Death slottage.However, this is not my playstyle. Now that I have got in game with a WS I am loving the TriForm. Being a WS so far is like being Magic Johnson on the court, you can play like any AT. Im excited to get the pets so I can use them in conjunction with Lobster Form for added damage. Overall though I am just starting to see how many of these powers play out. Now I have more questions!

1. Eclipse: I see that Eclipse is able to be Perma'd. Is it worth slotting for Res? My initial thought is no since it depends on enemies hit.

2. Essence Drain: On a Tri Form how critical is this? One thing I am starting to notice is when I fight enemies like ghosts with no corpses left behind it hinders me. So I was thinking about using ED to help mid battle.

3. Semi-Tri Form: I kind of see my self not fully relying on my Nova/Dwarf forms at all times as I am loving to mix it up in combat depending on the situation/enemies. Which powers need a lot of slots other than the Trans Powers? I see that so far Sunless Mire, Stygian Circle, Gravity Well, and Dark Extraction are going to be my favorite powers. I think I can get away with slotting other useful powers like Orbiting Death and Gravitic Emanation moderately. What do you guys think?

4. Shields?: Now I see why that supershademan didn't take shields (PermaClipse), but I have so many powers that I don't want but have to get anyway.I was thinking that while I would get the S/L shield I would leave it at 1 slot. Then I can get other 1 slot powers like the new Zone TP Power in Freedom, Aid Other/Teammate Aiding Powers etc. Still unsure though...

5. Filler Powers: I picked up Hasten and SS to help fill the gaps what else can a WS put to good use? I got CJ(for the LotG), and I am thinking about Grant Invis (LotG/Teammate who can't Stealth) and Aid Other (for teammates/possible Doc Wounds Rch).

6. Nebulous Form: What's your take on this? It seems like an "Oh Snap!" power. Is there something more?

7. Stygian Return: I want it for the debuff it gives when I die since it has a Mag 10/50 is there something creative to slot it with (would Miracle Proc work here?)?

Hmmm I know Im forgetting to ask a few things but if they are important then I will ask! I wish I could get some of those PVP procs though, especially the -Res and 3% Def Proc.



Originally Posted by Meta_Genesis View Post
First off thank you everyone for your imput! (Im dead tired so there may be some mistakes in this post forgive me). Ok I gotta give it to him, this is nice. I have never looked at all the PvP Sets since they are so hard to get. I like his use of them especially the Orbiting Death slottage.However, this is not my playstyle. Now that I have got in game with a WS I am loving the TriForm. Being a WS so far is like being Magic Johnson on the court, you can play like any AT. Im excited to get the pets so I can use them in conjunction with Lobster Form for added damage. Overall though I am just starting to see how many of these powers play out. Now I have more questions!

1. Eclipse: I see that Eclipse is able to be Perma'd. Is it worth slotting for Res? My initial thought is no since it depends on enemies hit.

2. Essence Drain: On a Tri Form how critical is this? One thing I am starting to notice is when I fight enemies like ghosts with no corpses left behind it hinders me. So I was thinking about using ED to help mid battle.

3. Semi-Tri Form: I kind of see my self not fully relying on my Nova/Dwarf forms at all times as I am loving to mix it up in combat depending on the situation/enemies. Which powers need a lot of slots other than the Trans Powers? I see that so far Sunless Mire, Stygian Circle, Gravity Well, and Dark Extraction are going to be my favorite powers. I think I can get away with slotting other useful powers like Orbiting Death and Gravitic Emanation moderately. What do you guys think?

4. Shields?: Now I see why that supershademan didn't take shields (PermaClipse), but I have so many powers that I don't want but have to get anyway.I was thinking that while I would get the S/L shield I would leave it at 1 slot. Then I can get other 1 slot powers like the new Zone TP Power in Freedom, Aid Other/Teammate Aiding Powers etc. Still unsure though...

5. Filler Powers: I picked up Hasten and SS to help fill the gaps what else can a WS put to good use? I got CJ(for the LotG), and I am thinking about Grant Invis (LotG/Teammate who can't Stealth) and Aid Other (for teammates/possible Doc Wounds Rch).

6. Nebulous Form: What's your take on this? It seems like an "Oh Snap!" power. Is there something more?

7. Stygian Return: I want it for the debuff it gives when I die since it has a Mag 10/50 is there something creative to slot it with (would Miracle Proc work here?)?

Hmmm I know Im forgetting to ask a few things but if they are important then I will ask! I wish I could get some of those PVP procs though, especially the -Res and 3% Def Proc.
1. Eclipse? Best slotting I've seen so far is two acc/dam HOs, and two recharge IOs. (It doesn't show it in mids, but the HOs will cap your resistance with 5 targets.)

2. It's really not that great. You can get it if you feel you must, but as long as your enemies leave corpses (which is a vast majority of the game) and you kill fast enough (which also shouldn't be a problem, though I can understand not killing that fast while you're still a lowbie and with DO/SOs) Stygain Circle will more than fufill your every need. It really only becomes useful when you come up against a hard target. Even then, however, you have a better version of it on your Dwarf.

3. On a tri-form you probably won't be using orbiting death too often, but Gravitic emanation (Or stun cannon, as I like to call it) is your bread and butter attack to keep enemies from mezzing/overpowering you. Aside from that, you seem to have named the other key powers, though to be honest I'm not looking at the build atm.

4. On a tri-formers (with perma-eclipse) final build, you'll most likely never use your shields. While leveling, you probably still won't use them, as you'll have dwarf. The first shield is useful to take as a steadfast proc mule.

5. Pick up powers you can use as a LotG: +Recharge mule. Combat Jumping, Maneuvers, Vengeance, grant invis, etc. You won't need the medicine pool--in fact, I advise against it because you aren't a defense focused build, so you'll never be able to use it in combat. Out of combat, there are respites and rest.

6. Nebulous form can be useful if you get overwhelmed, or you want a safer time ghosting on missions where you might get seen by snipers, etc. It can also be useful for it's +jumping side effect, but it's benefits in that area may or may not mean much to you.

7. No to the miracle proc on Stygian Return. Those function only while the power is active--in other words, you won't get that bonus unless you die and use it. I just slap a recharge IO in there and call it a day.



Oh yeah I remember now! Binds! I have the Iscariot Binds:

/bind NUMPAD2 "powexec_toggle_on Dark Nova$$goto_tray 3"
/bind NUMPAD3 "powexec_toggle_on Black Dwarf$$goto_tray 4"
/bind NUMPAD1 "powexec_toggle_off Dark Nova$$powexec_toggle_off Black Dwarf$$powexec_name Gravity Shield$$goto_tray 1"

but for some reason the Forms wont fire off with these. The trays switch just fine but thats all. Did the game mechanics change something over the years or what? Also Im on the fence about Quasar... I dont like Nukes but in this case I have end galore, but no slots, so I don't know. Also P Shifter +End, if I got 2 and put one in Nova and one in Stam would that be efficient since Stam effects Nova now?



Not sure what's with the forms on those binds - other than the order of the numpad keys, my binds are pretty much the same and work fine.

NUMPAD1 "powexectoggleon Dark Nova$$goto_tray 7"
NUMPAD2 "powexectoggleoff Dark Nova$$goto_tray 8$$powexectoggleoff Black Dwarf$$bind_load_file c:\binds\wshumantp.txt"
NUMPAD3 "powexectoggleon Black Dwarf$$goto_tray 9$$bind_load_file c:\binds\bdwarftp.txt"

(The underscores don't make a difference. You can have them your way, my way, or p_o_w_e_x_e_c (etc.) and it won't care.)



Indeed those should be working.

I found my reflexes weren't up to snuff trying to use keys for the forms though, so I decided to use the back and forward buttons on my mouse.

I have it set on all my toons for back to use a respite and forward click to activate my travel power. But the warshade is so much easier to form switch not having to let go of the mouse.

/bind button4, "powexectoggleon Dark Nova$$goto_tray 9"
/bind button5, "powexectoggleon Black Dwarf$$goto_tray 8"

However, I'm still having to use the numpad to toggle off, I was using one to turn on Nova and the other to turn off, until I got Dwarf.

Is there a way to bind it so I can have more than one command connected to the mouse buttons? Say like I have above but then have holding shift and clicking turn them off? I'm still learning the ins-outs of binds and macros.

Maestro Mavius - Infinity
Capt. Biohazrd - PCSAR
Talsor Tech - Talsorian Guard
Keep Calm & Chive On!



Originally Posted by Meta_Genesis View Post
Oh yeah I remember now! Binds! I have the Iscariot Binds:

/bind NUMPAD2 "powexec_toggle_on Dark Nova$$goto_tray 3"
/bind NUMPAD3 "powexec_toggle_on Black Dwarf$$goto_tray 4"
/bind NUMPAD1 "powexec_toggle_off Dark Nova$$powexec_toggle_off Black Dwarf$$powexec_name Gravity Shield$$goto_tray 1"

but for some reason the Forms wont fire off with these. The trays switch just fine but thats all. Did the game mechanics change something over the years or what? Also Im on the fence about Quasar... I dont like Nukes but in this case I have end galore, but no slots, so I don't know. Also P Shifter +End, if I got 2 and put one in Nova and one in Stam would that be efficient since Stam effects Nova now?
I would probably try doing like how Bill recommended, and removing the underscores, see if that works for you. Watch for spelling errors (I know I find myself adding an "r" to powexec all the time) and watch your system messages for any errors.

As to Quasar, it's delicious on a tri-former since you don't have any toggles to worry about, but you say you don't have the slots for it? May want to take a look at your build to see what you can cut out without hurting it. And yes, the two +end works fine for your end needs as long as you use stygian circle as needed.

Originally Posted by MaestroMavius View Post

/bind button4, "powexectoggleon Dark Nova$$goto_tray 9"
/bind button5, "powexectoggleon Black Dwarf$$goto_tray 8"

However, I'm still having to use the numpad to toggle off, I was using one to turn on Nova and the other to turn off, until I got Dwarf.

Is there a way to bind it so I can have more than one command connected to the mouse buttons? Say like I have above but then have holding shift and clicking turn them off? I'm still learning the ins-outs of binds and macros.
You could try /bind shift+button4 "(insert bind here)"

So, for example, if you wanted to use it to toggle off Dark Nova...

/bind shift+button4 "powexectoggleoff Dark Nova$$gototray 1"



Originally Posted by MaestroMavius View Post
Is there a way to bind it so I can have more than one command connected to the mouse buttons? Say like I have above but then have holding shift and clicking turn them off? I'm still learning the ins-outs of binds and macros.
Yes, shift+button, ctrl+button and alt+button are considered "different" macros.

Originally Posted by Stone Daemon View Post
I would probably try doing like how Bill recommended, and removing the underscores, see if that works for you. Watch for spelling errors (I know I find myself adding an "r" to powexec all the time) and watch your system messages for any errors.
Thinking you misread me The underscores are ignored by the game (thus mentioning you could do p_o_w_e_x_e_c... and have it work - they're in to make it easier for us to read.

He can, of course, just export the binds and go over them (or copy them to here) to see if there are any errors - /bindsavefile wsbinds.txt for instance.

Edit: Side consideration, though I'm not 100% sure what the effect would be - did you type them in directly or copy/paste? I seem to recall the curly "smart quotes" (not what you'd get from just typing them in, more like copying them from word) causing problems.



Also, to save yourself binding room, you can set a catchall bind to detoggle your forms and activate commonly used powers, like eclipse/mire/stygian circle. Like so:

/bind shfit+button4 "powexectoggleoff black dwarf$$powexectoggleoff dark nova$$powexecname sunless mire$$gototray 1"

Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post

Thinking you misread me The underscores are ignored by the game (thus mentioning you could do p_o_w_e_x_e_c... and have it work - they're in to make it easier for us to read.

He can, of course, just export the binds and go over them (or copy them to here) to see if there are any errors - /bindsavefile wsbinds.txt for instance.
Nah, I saw what you were saying...what I meant to say (but it didn't come across quite right) was to take the bind that you set out, since it works for you, and use that.



Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
Nothing is "necessary," when it comes to IO build goals. Warshades can be perfectly effective on SO's, but that doesn't mean global recharge isn't a huge help and it also doesn't mean that defense isn't a gigantic help on top of that.
i didn't say that either wasn't a help but a recharge only build is going to be a much cheaper one, while still being expensive, and yield you enough defenses to basically survive the entire game. it's not that defenses aren't a help, I just think they make builds very tight which isn't helpful on an AT that is already in a slot crunch and the sheer expense to get enough defenses makes it not worth the time and inf.

Positron's i13 letter: We are trying to make PvP more accessible to new players, while giving experienced PvP'ers the advantage that comes with formulating tactics around the new systems we're putting in place. PvP from now on will be on our priority list. If something isn't working out, we'll be in there tweaking it and making it work, for the entire future of the product, not just Issue 13.



Originally Posted by PC_guy View Post
i didn't say that either wasn't a help but a recharge only build is going to be a much cheaper one, while still being expensive, and yield you enough defenses to basically survive the entire game. it's not that defenses aren't a help, I just think they make builds very tight which isn't helpful on an AT that is already in a slot crunch and the sheer expense to get enough defenses makes it not worth the time and inf.

It's certainly not unreasonable to build for defense, especially considering the fact that he was asking about a high budget build. I know for a fact that I'm not the only one to make Warshade builds with perma eclipse, high defense, and good enhancement values. "Not worth it" may be how you feel for your personal build but that doesn't make it a fact.



Originally Posted by PC_guy View Post
i didn't say that either wasn't a help but a recharge only build is going to be a much cheaper one, while still being expensive, and yield you enough defenses to basically survive the entire game. it's not that defenses aren't a help, I just think they make builds very tight which isn't helpful on an AT that is already in a slot crunch and the sheer expense to get enough defenses makes it not worth the time and inf.
Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
It's certainly not unreasonable to build for defense, especially considering the fact that he was asking about a high budget build. I know for a fact that I'm not the only one to make Warshade builds with perma eclipse, high defense, and good enhancement values. "Not worth it" may be how you feel for your personal build but that doesn't make it a fact.
Considering that his teammates are a stalker and a corrupter, I don't think it's unreasonable of him to want to add some defenses to his resistance, just in case. That said, it is entirely up to him on how he wants to build his character, and we can only offer him our advice/opinions.

For what it's worth, I agree with TwoHeadedBoy. If Meta_Genesis ever plans on doing harder content with his 'shade, pure resistance isn't really the safest route. For simple missions at +0/x8, sure, he'd be fine. For incarnate class problems or tricky enemy types (I'm looking at you, Arachnos and Malta), the more defense the better. It's not really all that hard to throw in a couple kin combat sets, anyway. A little pricey, sure, but again, that is up to him.



I know for a fact that I'm not the only one to make Warshade builds with perma eclipse, high defense, and good enhancement values.
perma eclispe? sure perma hasten? thats something different. perma hasten without taking spiritual? i'd love to see that build.
It's certainly not unreasonable to build for defense, especially considering the fact that he was asking about a high budget build.
building just for defense isn't unreasonable. I don't think it's reasonable to accumulate a significant amount of defense while maintaining a high amount of recharge.
and I would assume that someone who is looking/wanting at a high recharge build, that perma hasten is your ultimate goal.
"Not worth it" may be how you feel for your personal build but that doesn't make it a fact.
fair enough, if you'll allow let me go back and put a retroactive "this is my opinion" disclaimer on my posts.

or what it's worth, I agree with TwoHeadedBoy. If Meta_Genesis ever plans on doing harder content with his 'shade, pure resistance isn't really the safest route. For simple missions at +0/x8, sure, he'd be fine. For incarnate class problems or tricky enemy types (I'm looking at you, Arachnos and Malta), the more defense the better.
I don't agree with his at all. defense is very good. it does increase survivability. but you don't need it to excel against high level groups. pure resistance by itself won't cut it either. but if you couple that with everything else the warshade has, and smart play then I feel its overkill for survivability. much like adding recovery or endurance discount to a toon that has no endurance problems (vigilance). incarnate stuff just fills whatever remaining holes you have and there are ways around those tougher enemy groups.
to be fair, a build that is able to get, say 20+ defense to afew types/positions is going to be more survivable. and once over i think both builds we're talking about here are viable and good builds. I just think that those situations that you're going to need that extra survivability is very very rare. (I could throw out some personal experiences here if you'd like) especially if you're making good use of all your powers and playing smart. so why not take those slots that you're using for defense turn em around to get more recharge, perma hasten, not force yourself into taking spiritual and give yourself abit more freedom with your slots.

also if you(I) ever find yourself in a situation were i do need more defense or derp playing or whatever, i can always pop some purples and be fine. you can always increase you defense with insp but you can't increase your recharge with em.

Positron's i13 letter: We are trying to make PvP more accessible to new players, while giving experienced PvP'ers the advantage that comes with formulating tactics around the new systems we're putting in place. PvP from now on will be on our priority list. If something isn't working out, we'll be in there tweaking it and making it work, for the entire future of the product, not just Issue 13.



Originally Posted by PC_guy View Post
perma eclispe? sure perma hasten? thats something different. perma hasten without taking spiritual? i'd love to see that build.
First of all when did I say I didn't use Spiritual Alpha? I have the paragon. Global Recharge sits around 170% on my Human Form build and 180% on my Tri Form build.
building just for defense isn't unreasonable. I don't think it's reasonable to accumulate a significant amount of defense while maintaining a high amount of recharge.
I never said anything about building just for defense, either. See my last post. It's perfectly reasonable to build high recharge and high defense. Have you seen my human form build? (edit: updated with latest version) dare you to find a problem anywhere with enhancement values
and I would assume that someone who is looking/wanting at a high recharge build, that perma hasten is your ultimate goal.
Check and check.
fair enough, if you'll allow let me go back and put a retroactive "this is my opinion" disclaimer on my posts.
You're welcome to your opinion... I think we've had this discussion before. Dechs Kaison doesn't build for defense on his Tri Form Warshade either... I've seen it in action and it's a beast. I never said defense was required, but once again: Nothing in terms of set bonuses is required. That doesn't change the fact that perma eclipse on top of good defense dramatically increases survivability.
I don't agree with his at all. defense is very good. it does increase survivability. but you don't need it to excel against high level groups. pure resistance by itself won't cut it either. but if you couple that with everything else the warshade has, and smart play then I feel its overkill for survivability. much like adding recovery or endurance discount to a toon that has no endurance problems (vigilance). incarnate stuff just fills whatever remaining holes you have and there are ways around those tougher enemy groups.
When you're soloing on +4x8, especially against debuff and mez heavy groups, you aren't going to be able to mitigate enough of the damage all at the same time to not still get hit hard. Defense comes into play here-- That, resistance, and mitigation tools combined are the reason my Warshade is able to do the things he can do.

to be fair, a build that is able to get, say 20+ defense to afew types/positions is going to be more survivable. and once over i think both builds we're talking about here are viable and good builds. I just think that those situations that you're going to need that extra survivability is very very rare.
I have been speaking in terms of maximizing performance. How often you're in a situation where you need high survivability depends on how often you put yourself in those situations. I have been known to go in the opposite direction of my league/team in Incarnate trials, bum rushing entire groups by myself with hardly a scratch on me to show for it... This includes without any barrier buffs or anything else to help my survivability aside from my own build, powers, and playstyle. This is not something I could do without good defense.
(I could throw out some personal experiences here if you'd like) especially if you're making good use of all your powers and playing smart. so why not take those slots that you're using for defense turn em around to get more recharge, perma hasten, not force yourself into taking spiritual and give yourself abit more freedom with your slots.
I have perma hasten. My human form build has enough recharge for the ideal Warshade single target attack chain and great enhancement values to boot. My sunless mire is perma, my eclipse is perma, and I have 3 fluffies up at a time consistently.
also if you(I) ever find yourself in a situation were i do need more defense or derp playing or whatever, i can always pop some purples and be fine. you can always increase you defense with insp but you can't increase your recharge with em.
Once again: You can get great recharge values and still have high defense. I implore you once again to look at my build.



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
Not sure what's with the forms on those binds - other than the order of the numpad keys, my binds are pretty much the same and work fine.

NUMPAD1 "powexectoggleon Dark Nova$$goto_tray 7"
NUMPAD2 "powexectoggleoff Dark Nova$$goto_tray 8$$powexectoggleoff Black Dwarf$$bind_load_file c:\binds\wshumantp.txt"
NUMPAD3 "powexectoggleon Black Dwarf$$goto_tray 9$$bind_load_file c:\binds\bdwarftp.txt"

(The underscores don't make a difference. You can have them your way, my way, or p_o_w_e_x_e_c (etc.) and it won't care.)

Man tell me about it, they work fine on a toon I have on another server too! Weird.



Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
First of all when did I say I didn't use Spiritual Alpha? I have the paragon. Global Recharge sits around 170% on my Human Form build and 180% on my Tri Form build.
you didn't. that was just a general statement. thats a personal preference.

You're welcome to your opinion... I think we've had this discussion before. Dechs Kaison doesn't build for defense on his Tri Form Warshade either... I've seen it in action and it's a beast. I never said defense was required, but once again: Nothing in terms of set bonuses is required. That doesn't change the fact that perma eclipse on top of good defense dramatically increases survivability
yes. and we're both in agreement about that. the point that i'm arguing is wether that increase in survivability is needed.

When you're soloing on +4x8, especially against debuff and mez heavy groups, you aren't going to be able to mitigate enough of the damage all at the same time to not still get hit hard. Defense comes into play here-- That, resistance, and mitigation tools combined are the reason my Warshade is able to do the things he can do.
And my shade is able to solo groups on 4/8 as well and I haven't found anything that has been too much for it to handle with little defense. stay out of melee range/kite cuts out a good bit of damage. keep things KBed with GE and stunned with GE/inky/unchain combo. I have yet to find stuff that that hasn't worked on.

I have been speaking in terms of maximizing performance. How often you're in a situation where you need high survivability depends on how often you put yourself in those situations. I have been known to go in the opposite direction of my league/team in Incarnate trials, bum rushing entire groups by myself with hardly a scratch on me to show for it... This includes without any barrier buffs or anything else to help my survivability aside from my own build, powers, and playstyle. This is not something I could do without good defense.
again, sounds like we have a similar playstyle i.e. playing stupid :P and I don't seem to mind it.

I have perma hasten. My human form build has enough recharge for the ideal Warshade single target attack chain and great enhancement values to boot. My sunless mire is perma, my eclipse is perma, and I have 3 fluffies up at a time consistently.
same. the big difference i can tell is that my performance doesn't drop as much when i'm not at 50 since i'm not relying on spiritual and I took musc so in theory i'm doing more damage. while still maintaing everything you just listed and enough survivability(note: not *more* but enough for the game which is my point) also would open up some slots for perhaps more proc slotting which would also increase damage and HP which is always fantastic.

Positron's i13 letter: We are trying to make PvP more accessible to new players, while giving experienced PvP'ers the advantage that comes with formulating tactics around the new systems we're putting in place. PvP from now on will be on our priority list. If something isn't working out, we'll be in there tweaking it and making it work, for the entire future of the product, not just Issue 13.



Originally Posted by PC_guy View Post

yes. and we're both in agreement about that. the point that i'm arguing is wether that increase in survivability is needed.
So then we're all agreed. It's not needed, but it is nice to have. And it is up to each individual person to make the choice for themselves whether or not he/she wants it. Can we drop this now?



Stone puts foot down!

It's super effective!



I'll just jump in to say that while I used to build solely for recharge, I have added defense since incarnate powers came out and seen a staggering rise in survival such that I can solo anything, including the baf adds and the lambda collections. With perma eclipse and other tools alone I could survive via stunning and kb, but I wouldnt be able kill things fast enough because of how active my mitigation would be. The softcap allows me to focus on killing my targets.

The Inspiration Maker's Guide [i12] UPDATED with POPMENUS and Movement Binds!
A Flash in the Dark: The Electric/Ninjitsu Stalker [i23]
Kheldian Inspiration Macros UPDATED with POPMENUS and Movement Binds!
Guide to the Katana~Ninja Blade/Electric [i23]



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
Yes, shift+button, ctrl+button and alt+button are considered "different" macros.
Originally Posted by Stone Daemon View Post
Also, to save yourself binding room, you can set a catchall bind to detoggle your forms and activate commonly used powers, like eclipse/mire/stygian circle. Like so:

/bind shfit+button4 "powexectoggleoff black dwarf$$powexectoggleoff dark nova$$powexecname sunless mire$$gototray 1"

Very cool, thanks!

Maestro Mavius - Infinity
Capt. Biohazrd - PCSAR
Talsor Tech - Talsorian Guard
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