Shed a tear for Kinetic Melee




To quote the patch notes:

Scrapper/Kinetic Melee

This power set was unintentionally receiving the Tanker damage bonus in PVP. This has been corrected, and all of the powers should now be doing their proper damage.
Fixed an issue where Concentrated Strike would deal double its intended damage in PvP.

How long has KM been out? A year at the least, 18 months. 2 Years? I am not sure..but it has been awhile. Since it came out, it has been regarded as one of, if not the, best melee set in pvp. Anyone with half a brain KNEW the set was overpowered. How could you not, when you hit squishies for 800+ easily? We knew a nerf, a fix, a balance was coming.

Which begs the question..if WE, the players, could tell KM, and particularly CS, was out of whack, thereby conforming to HAVING at least half a brain...WHY has it taken so long?

The fact the entire set somehow had 'tank' damage mods, clearly SUCH an easy mistake to make (if it was so easy to put a tick in the wrong box, a bit of code referencing the wrong other bit of code, why wasnt it just as easy to fix?) is fair enough. I can understand that. I was only a new set that supposedly went through vigorous beta testing..we cant expect the devs know..LOOK at in game performance, say, a month after release and think..Wow, whats up here?

If the rest of the set had slightly increased damage, ok, maybe that is a bit harder to spot. But..CS does DOUBLE damage. Rocket science to see it was hitting too hard, really. Could not a single dev, tester, gm, mod, you name it, have seen or heard about it, in two years??

And..sadly is why pvp in this game we love is lolpvp. Two years too fix a blatantly broken power. If the fix came in a month, people would have been a bit upset, but understanding. As things are now..two years is just a pathetic wait to gut a set. Much as I did hate getting hit by CS..I used it myself, and it was NICE to actually have a melee attack that seemed to redress some of the range vs melee imbalance (another issue of course).

Guess this leaves the only decent melee options as...stalkers with sharks (cause that is so melee) or ss with rage and earth epics (again, so melee). I am just glad my KM scrapper was made for pve anyway.

(Please note, I have not actually tried KM in i22 pvp yet, due to the genius cox team NOT preloading another 500+ mb patch. If someone can make a case for KM still being good, I am happy to go back on my words.)



Originally Posted by MisterD View Post
Which begs the question..if WE, the players, could tell KM, and particularly CS, was out of whack, thereby conforming to HAVING at least half a brain...WHY has it taken so long?
Because it wasn't an urgent matter given that, after all, it was just PVP.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



Zwill said there wasn't a Nerf done too it, but a bug that cause alot of damage and that they never got around too fixing yet.

I don't see anything wrong here, The power set is still good and works well.

What got you guys mad is the fact your Cheat Code isn't no longer working, you don't need it, too do good in pvp, True Skills come form the player and not a bug power set.

I been kicking azz in pvp on a Fire/Wp Scrapper for years with out any cheats or bugs such as what Km got.

Never play another NcSoft game, If you feel pride for our game, then it as well, I Superratz am Proud of all of you Coh people, Love, Friendship will last for a lifetime.

Global:@Greenflame Ratz
Main Toons:Super Ratz, Burning B Radical, Green Flame Avenger, Tunnel Ratz, Alex Magnus



Way to pay attention green. I admitted KM, and CS were broken. Did you not see that? My problem is that it took SO long to fix what was such an obvious issue. And saying that people are crying about their cheat code being fixed is just idiotic. KM was the flavour of the month, repeatedly, because it was GOOD. You are basically saying it is the players fault for using the set, for 2 years, because it was obviously busted and a nerf was coming.

Pretty much everyone agrees that Psy blast is OP, and especially with the placate proc. If that set got nerfed, fixed, update now, would you make the SAME argument? Everyone who made a psy blaster just needed a cheat code to win. How about everyone with a sharks stalker? A mind/fire dom? A ss tank with earth epics? People play the best because they want to win. expect them to NOT be a lil ticked off when their favourite set is gutted, just because it took the devs TWO years to work out that, hey, yes, CS was doing a tad too much damage?

Also..good to hear that CS is apparently still a good power. Just sad it took two years too get there.



Basically PvP is completely irrelevant at this point. So few people participate in it, and it's been so ridiculously broken for so long, there is no hope for it.

The strange thing isn't that they "fixed" KM after 2 years. It's that they actually spent time doing something at all for PvP. When almost every power, and essentially the whole system, is completely bugged, randomly fixing one of the broken powers seems pretty pointless. The rest is still broken, and there's still like 100 total people that even care.



Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
Because it wasn't an urgent matter given that, after all, it was just PVP.
This. Why spend lots of time and resources on content only a dozen people use.....

-Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. - Albert Einstein.
-I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use. - Galileo Galilei
-When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty. - Thomas Jefferson



People complain that things are broken and about how they've been broken a long time.

But this complaint has its own spin. This post is complaining that it took too long to get fixed. As in, it's fixed now.

Am I missing a point? Or is that the size of this?

I won't be a part of your system!



It's actually not that uncommon. The idea is basically that if they were perfectly fine with it being broken for a whole 2 years, why do they suddenly fix it now? Fixing bugs is great, but it only makes sense if you actually take it seriously. Fixing one random bug out of a hundred really serves no purpose other than to annoy the people that the fix affects directly. I think that if they routinely fixed PvP bugs, nobody would complain about this issue. But the way this looks, it's like their only goal was to make yet another set worthless in PvP.



Originally Posted by Supermax View Post
Basically PvP is completely irrelevant at this point. So few people participate in it, and it's been so ridiculously broken for so long, there is no hope for it.

The strange thing isn't that they "fixed" KM after 2 years. It's that they actually spent time doing something at all for PvP. When almost every power, and essentially the whole system, is completely bugged, randomly fixing one of the broken powers seems pretty pointless. The rest is still broken, and there's still like 100 total people that even care.
As much as I hate to admit it - /this.

The more people do something, the faster the bug gets noticed and the higher priority it gets. AE farm that gives outsize rewards? Fairly quick. If, say, the SSA came out and wasn't locking the rewards (so you could run it 4-5 times in a row and get a hero merit each time,) that would get fixed quickly.

PVP's never been big in this game, and since issue 13 it gets so little attention that being seen as an after thought would be an improvement. It gets "attention" in that a redname might come in and agree to be beaten up from time to time, but it's been 9 issues since the major changes where they'd be "collecting data" and "adjusting," etc. afterward... yeah, right.

Wanted: Origin centric story arcs.
If you've only played an AT once (one set combo) and "hate" it - don't give up. Roll a different combo. It may just be those sets not clicking for you.



Originally Posted by Supermax View Post
Basically PvP is completely irrelevant at this point. So few people participate in it, and it's been so ridiculously broken for so long, there is no hope for it.

The strange thing isn't that they "fixed" KM after 2 years. It's that they actually spent time doing something at all for PvP. When almost every power, and essentially the whole system, is completely bugged, randomly fixing one of the broken powers seems pretty pointless. The rest is still broken, and there's still like 100 total people that even care.
Yep - lolpvp.

My new Youtube Channel with CoH info
You might know me as FlintEastwood now on Freedom



I *WAS* wondering why the Scrapper version of CS did twice that of the Stalker version...

Deamus the Fallen - 50 DM/EA Brute - Lib
Dragos Bahtiam - 50 Fire/Ice Blaster - Lib
/facepalm - Apply Directly to the Forehead!
Formally Dragos_Bahtiam - Abbreviate to DSL - Warning, may contain sarcasm
Originally Posted by Shubbie View Post
Im very good at taking a problem and making it worse.



Originally Posted by Supermax View Post
It's actually not that uncommon. The idea is basically that if they were perfectly fine with it being broken for a whole 2 years, why do they suddenly fix it now? Fixing bugs is great, but it only makes sense if you actually take it seriously. Fixing one random bug out of a hundred really serves no purpose other than to annoy the people that the fix affects directly. I think that if they routinely fixed PvP bugs, nobody would complain about this issue. But the way this looks, it's like their only goal was to make yet another set worthless in PvP.
There's no statute of limitations on bugfixes. The Hamidon exploit finally got patched up after how many years?

De minimis non curat Lex Luthor.



Originally Posted by tenzhi View Post
because it wasn't an urgent matter given that, after all, it was just pvp.



Originally Posted by Miladys_Knight View Post
This. Why spend lots of time and resources on content only a dozen people use.....
Perhaps it is time for a catastrophe to occur that wipes out the PvP zones, their entrances become closed off and the zones become Echoes in the Ouroborus zone? Players could still pvp in the echoes as well as get the pvp badges of course.



Sorry but: lolpvp

In all seriousness, from the moment Arenas were introduced it should have been clear to everyone involved that this game's core audience was not interested in PvP. The PvP zones are and have been dead for so long that they should simply be repurposed as PvE zones and all development on PvP should come to a halt as to not waste any more resources on it.

I know that would tick of the .000000002% of the population that still PvP's, but 8 years into the game, the reality that this game will never have PvP of any significance needs to be recognized.



Originally Posted by Miladys_Knight View Post
This. Why spend lots of time and resources on content only a dozen people use.....
I'm inclined to agree, but there's a possible chicken-or-egg question here.

Are the devs neglecting PvP because so few people play it? Or do few people play PvP because the devs so neglect it?



Originally Posted by Rigel_Kent View Post
I'm inclined to agree, but there's a possible chicken-or-egg question here.

Are the devs neglecting PvP because so few people play it? Or do few people play PvP because the devs so neglect it?
The first one.

PvP was never the most popular feature of the game.

If you recall, the i13 changes were intended to draw more players into it.

When it had the opposite effect, they pretty much gave up on it, realizing that it was going to be virtually impossible to balance PvP in a game that was not designed with it in mind in the first place.

So it doesn't get much attention as a result. The devs are going to spend their time working on stuff that more than 5% of the total playerbase participates in at all. And maybe 2% PvP often enough to really care about anything the devs do. The other 3% are like me in that they'll PvP once in a while when they feel like it, but don't devote much time or energy to it.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



Originally Posted by Judas_Ace View Post
Sorry but: lolpvp

In all seriousness, from the moment Arenas were introduced it should have been clear to everyone involved that this game's core audience was not interested in PvP. The PvP zones are and have been dead for so long that they should simply be repurposed as PvE zones and all development on PvP should come to a halt as to not waste any more resources on it.

I know that would tick of the .000000002% of the population that still PvP's, but 8 years into the game, the reality that this game will never have PvP of any significance needs to be recognized.

I'd agree with you if "PvP related work" wasn't limited to drunk interns accidentally introducing bugs to the PvP game from time to time. That's actually the only thing keeping PvP alive right now. If not for new exploits and unintended consequences, nobody would PvP. Well that plus farming purple recipes.



Prior to I13 PvP was not the most popular thing in the game but it actually drew a PvP averse person like myself to it. After I13 I have only been back once and it was unreal how much pure SUCK they introduced at that time.

The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.




this really shouldn't surprise anyway. other than they actually touched anything regarding pvp.

When it had the opposite effect, they pretty much gave up on it, realizing that it was going to be virtually impossible to balance PvP in a game that was not designed with it in mind in the first place.
thats not technically true, and this conversation has been had multiple times.

if the devs were creating content centered around getting more people to RP, they wouldn't ignore the RPers feedback and listen to pvpers would they? cuz thats basically what happened.

it's unfortunate because of the potential the game has based on it's sheer mechanics being different than other games, and it really could have worked if both sides would have worked together, but each got up their own *** with pride, harsh words were said, and pvp has been dead ever sense.

Positron's i13 letter: We are trying to make PvP more accessible to new players, while giving experienced PvP'ers the advantage that comes with formulating tactics around the new systems we're putting in place. PvP from now on will be on our priority list. If something isn't working out, we'll be in there tweaking it and making it work, for the entire future of the product, not just Issue 13.



Originally Posted by MisterD View Post expect them to NOT be a lil ticked off when their favourite set is gutted, just because it took the devs TWO years to work out that, hey, yes, CS was doing a tad too much damage?
Originally Posted by Supermax View Post
But the way this looks, it's like their only goal was to make yet another set worthless in PvP.
So, seriously, Scrapper Kinetic Melee underperforms by a large margin every other melee set in PvP unless CS does far more damage than the formulas say it should?

Wow, that really does suck.

Here i was hoping it was just a bunch of over the top hyperbole by people who believe that everything has to be exaggerated or it will be totally ignored.

Has a minor itch on their ankle="MY FOOT ITCHES LIKE A THOUSAND BURNING WEASELS!" while screaming and writhing on the ground.
Is starting to feel like they'll need to use the bathroom sometime in the next hour="HEY! IF I DON'T GET TO USE THE BATHROOM IN THE NEXT TWO SECONDS MY BLADDER WILL EXPLODE AND KILL AN ENTIRE CITY IN PERU!!!" while throwing themselves against the car door and flailing their arms.

Oh, hey, neat. i'm starting to see the appeal of ludicrous hyperbole.

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



Originally Posted by MisterD View Post
WHY has it taken so long?

Originally Posted by Miladys_Knight View Post
This. Why spend lots of time and resources on content only a dozen people use.....
It's not just because it's pvp related. Things taking massively abnormal amounts of time to be fixed/balanced/debugged is not at all uncommon for NCsoft. At best being pvp related was only a contributing factor, and more than likely it was a small one. You just can't expect anything (pvp related or not) to happen quickly around here.



Originally Posted by Supermax View Post
It's actually not that uncommon. The idea is basically that if they were perfectly fine with it being broken for a whole 2 years, why do they suddenly fix it now? Fixing bugs is great, but it only makes sense if you actually take it seriously. Fixing one random bug out of a hundred really serves no purpose other than to annoy the people that the fix affects directly. I think that if they routinely fixed PvP bugs, nobody would complain about this issue. But the way this looks, it's like their only goal was to make yet another set worthless in PvP.
So, are you saying that if bugs aren't fixed within a certain time frame that you feel is acceptable, that it shouldn't be fixed at all?