What is the general consensus on server emptyness?




Hello all, this is not intended as a "merge teh servars!" or "this game is dead" thread, but it really saddens me to see the emptiness on some of the servers. I recently moved my toons over to freedom because there was just not as many people on as there used to be.

I remember logging on Guardian(and any other server) in the i4-i8 span and seeing a populated atlas park with costume contests every day and a search full of level 1s through 50s. Now, a whois shows 3 people in atlas park who may or may not be AFK.

I am afraid that when GR hits there will be more people spread out and when new players hit the game they see it as a ghost town, think nobody plays, then quits.

I luckily found a great SG on Freedom, but was visiting my characters on other servers and it pales in comparison to what Freedom is like.

Some people make statements like "But we like our servers less populated" which is usually followed by paraphrasing a 15 year old spamming in a popular zone. I'm sorry, but I don't believe that you actually like being one of the only 14 heroes/villians on your server at that time. I can understand these people that make these statements are defending the game and reassuring themselves, so I do not hold anything against them.

Question: Is there any word if the devs will be offering free server transfers again?

Idea: Instead of a server merge, maybe a box can show up with a rough display on how many people are active at that time when you hover over the server name with your mouse. Something vague like Heroes online: Over 1000 and Past week: Over X. That way new players can make a better judgment on what kind of populous they want to join. Combine that with free server transfers(or lower the price..I'm not exactly hurting for money but $10 seems a little excessive) and you don't have to risk new players thinking CoX is a ghost town, or old vets thinking everybody left.

I was just wondering the general consensus is about all of this, or if there was any official word from the devs. I know somebody made a statement that they were very happy with their subscription numbers, but it honestly seems like there are less people playing now than their used to be.

In time, I'll come to forgive you.



Honestly, I don't see the same game as you. I am on Victory. I use global channels. I form teams. I post to the forums for events. I get blind invites. Did I mention I play on Victory?

And yes, IMO, I think maybe one day the devs will give free xfers again for some reason they know.

Edit - to clarify last sentence.



Originally Posted by Redd35 View Post
Some people make statements like "But we like our servers less populated" which is usually followed by paraphrasing a 15 year old spamming in a popular zone. I'm sorry, but I don't believe that you actually like being one of the only 14 heroes/villians on your server at that time. I can understand these people that make these statements are defending the game and reassuring themselves, so I do not hold anything against them.
I think you're exaggerating. Whenever I check the number of players on low population servers like Triumph, there are 50 or more players Blueside even in the middle of the day. At 9:30 AM CDT there were at least 21 villains and 33 heroes on Triumph, not counting any players who are hidden from team search.

I play on Triumph, Pinnacle, Champion, Virtue and Freedom, and there are a lot of things I don't like about Freedom: in particular, there's a noticeable difference in performance on Freedom. Freedom feels clunkier and less responsive, there are more dropped commands and discontiguous movement compared to other servers. The markets are more crowded, which means you're often getting spammed by three or four Demon Summoning MM pets at once.

And, actually, there are a lot of players who like to play solo, and they really don't care how many other players are on the same server. They have access to the markets across all servers, so server population doesn't really matter to them. And, if they feel like being in a crowd, they can always switch to an alt on another server.

Server population is going to be at its lowest now. Before a big release many long-term players take a break. Many of the most dedicated and knowledgeable players are in the closed beta, which means we'll be seeing a lot less of them.

In response to your question, the first server listed is always the one you last played on. The other servers appear to be listed in order of current population. Freedom and Virtue are always at the bottom, with the other servers changing places constantly, with no server having consistently more players that I've noticed. All that really needs to be done is to make that known to players in some fashion.

There's no doubt that there a fewer players now than when the game was new. But you have a server that you love playing on, one that's extremely crowded. Why do you moan and groan about the other servers?



Not the dreaded I can't find a team , server is dead tread again



We need more servers, even hidden with "Not Teaming" flagged, I get asked to teams.

There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.



Consensus? Here? In a forum?




There's degrees of emptiness? Thats about it.



Originally Posted by Redd35 View Post
I'm sorry, but I don't believe that you actually like being one of the only 14 heroes/villians on your server at that time.
I'm sorry, I don't believe you should be telling people how they should enjoy the game.

Some people might enjoy exactly what you don't. Some people dislike farming, others actually enjoy it. Some dislike the markets, some like them. Some like teaming, others don't.

Some people like romantic comedies, some like action movies. Same idea.

I'm surprised you've made it this far in life without encountering at least one person who disagrees with you. I think you have some uncomfortable adjustments coming your way.



PennyPA is a hometown girl:

Honestly, I don't see the same game as you. I am on Victory. I use global channels. I form teams. I post to the forums for events. I get blind invites. Did I mention I play on Victory?.
Victory shuns Broadcast and the out-of-doors.


Dec out.



Redd35 thinks not?:

I'm sorry, but I don't believe that you actually like being one of the only 14 heroes/villians on your server at that time.
Well, it never gets THAT low, but I definitely like a smaller server and don't really care at all for the crowds of Freedom or Virtue (where I started out). Different people like different things. If you don't believe that, you probably have an inability to "put on someone else's shoes" as it were.

Dec out.



Last time I checked Pinnacle, there were 50 villains and about 100 heroes found in search. This doesn't count those that run around hidden from searches. Like me.

So let's be extra nice and assume that half the player population is hidden. (I seriously doubt that.) That would mean there were 100 villains and 200 heroes on Pinnacle that night.

As a soloist, I don't care about player population for my own purposes. I do care, however, about player population being high enough that the servers stay open so that I can continue my soloing ways.

I'm not sure that an average 500 players on line per server is going to cut it.

Be well, people of CoH.



Recently, I was getting worried that the forums were basically dead and that it felt like people were just gone. Then I remembered that a heck of a lot people were most likely in Beta right now.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
Last time I checked Pinnacle, there were 50 villains and about 100 heroes found in search. This doesn't count those that run around hidden from searches. Like me.

So let's be extra nice and assume that half the player population is hidden. (I seriously doubt that.) That would mean there were 100 villains and 200 heroes on Pinnacle that night.

As a soloist, I don't care about player population for my own purposes. I do care, however, about player population being high enough that the servers stay open so that I can continue my soloing ways.

I'm not sure that an average 500 players on line per server is going to cut it.
On allegedly "dead" servers Protector, Pinnacle, and Triumph I see many people while I am out and about on the streets. Granted on Freedom and Virtue there are so many they create clutter and get in my way and the broadcast channel is always popping but the other "dead" servers are far from dead.

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



Based on what I've seen outside of Freedom and Virtue, I think the question on server merges has gone from "if" to "when".

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"And I say now these kittens, they do not get trained/As we did in the days when Victoria reigned!" -- T. S. Eliot, "Gus, the Theatre Cat"



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Recently, I was getting worried that the forums were basically dead and that it felt like people were just gone. Then I remembered that a heck of a lot people were most likely in Beta right now.
Sam! Now we're going to get buried in more "I am a 6 year vet, blah blah blah and I didn't get my promised invite to beta yet!" posts/threads.

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



Originally Posted by Venture View Post
Based on what I've seen outside of Freedom and Virtue, I think the question on server merges has gone from "if" to "when".

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



Originally Posted by SwellGuy View Post
Sam! Now we're going to get buried in more "I am a 6 year vet, blah blah blah and I didn't get my promised invite to beta yet!" posts/threads.
You managed to sink both me and yourself, Swell Guy. And after I went to so much trouble with my choice of phrase

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



I play exclusively on Virtue so never had a problem with population.

I do sometimes play on other servers to test a character out before "committing" to using a slot on Virtue, but thats about it. Still, those servers do seem pretty quiet in comparison :/

Hopefully GR will bring in some fresh blood and returning players. I know some people don't like crowded servers, but I think for the games health and players in general it would be nice to see a more lively, buzzing community. Playing on your own for most people is pretty boring.

Also... the lower the populations go, the more people will avoid low population servers and instead migrate to servers which are popular. So even if the devs don't do anything, unless something changes you are only going to see the quieter servers get quieter and the busier servers get busier, which has already been happening for a while now.



Eve Online did it right. Single Server for every one that plays the game. This gives you the best sense of cohesion and community. It also solves a number of problems inherent in MMO's. For examtople playing with your friends is easier if theirs only one server its. Its also better for the devs so they can do big events. Unfortunately at this point all our servers are too well-established to effect a server merge, people would scream bloody murder.

Also asking for a general consensus on a forum for voicing your personal opinion is.... a bit redundant.

Captain Den'Rath 53* Merk/Traps MM, Rivona 50Energy Blast/Time Cor,Victoria Von Heilwig 53* Dual Pistols/Traps Cor, Crab Spider Webguard 53* SOA, Accela 53* Bot/FF MM,Valkyrie's Executor 53* Broadsword/Shield Def Scrap. On FREEDOM! @Knight Of Bronze
"Hypocrisy, the human inherent." "Let not this work be wasted, apply yourself always."



as i always ask, are you on your global channel? the instanced nature of the game makes things look very empty. That said, I would prefer things be a great deal more full, but since a lot of people from the forums have commented that their friends are waiting for going rogue, we will have a clearer picture when that goes live.

I know at the zeb the zombie hunter event on liberty the zone was packed, and this was at 3pm pacific durning the weekday, and our msr's spawn extra instances of the rwz, and lib is not a traditionally high pop server.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
You managed to sink both me and yourself, Swell Guy. And after I went to so much trouble with my choice of phrase
I just realized those posts were going to happen regardless of yours. I should have kept my keyboard silent.

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



I'd say the general consensus is... no consensus.

Some of the pertinent details have already been brought up, such as the highly instanced nature of the game, the use of various global channels to manage teaming across multiple servers, and so on. There are also external game factors, with multiple other desirable games having launched over the past couple of months, the recent Steam Forth of July sale, and competition with other MMO's, such as World of Warcraft and AION. MMO populations rise and fall, as other things happen outside of the MMO population.

I do want to assuage Bill's worries that servers might be turned off, or that a server merge is in the future of the game.

First, the setup of City Of Heroes isn't really conducive to merging the servers. Too many servers have players with the same name, or supergroups with the same name, or many other factors.

Second, the running cost for a server is actually pretty small at this point in time. The servers have, by and large, paid for themselves multiple times over, and there's money left in the bank to finance bandwidth for a considerable time. Ergo, there's no push to turn off servers due to operating cost overhead.

Also, NCSoft has also committed itself to a multi-year plan with City of Heroes, and I think NCSoft will only revise / revisist the intent of it's multi-year plan if Going Rogue has an extensive weak market performance.

Going Rogue will be launching towards the end of summer and the beginning of the US school year (I think the EU also gets summer off? yes? no?). I suspect NCSoft will be looking at the expansions performance figures over the fall / winter quarters before making any judgment calls over whether or not the game is genuinely bleeding subscribers that won't come back, or if the slow-down is indeed linked to external factors.

Ergo, we probably won't see any major moves from NCSoft over City Of Heroes till next year at the earliest.

If subscriber numbers don't meet NCSoft's expectations within that time, that's probably when we'll see the call on whether or not CoH continues as is, or if Paragon Studios is tasked to get CoH2 out the door while putting the original CoH on standby.

My opinion is that CoH2 is NCSoft's Nuclear option. They'd rather not pull an SOE and fund an entirely new engine / new game when the old game is still very viable for upgrades / enhancements...



Originally Posted by rian_frostdrake View Post
as i always ask, are you on your global channel? the instanced nature of the game makes things look very empty. That said, I would prefer things be a great deal more full, but since a lot of people from the forums have commented that their friends are waiting for going rogue, we will have a clearer picture when that goes live.

I know at the zeb the zombie hunter event on liberty the zone was packed, and this was at 3pm pacific durning the weekday, and our msr's spawn extra instances of the rwz, and lib is not a traditionally high pop server.
Victory had lots of people at that event, as well. It was too hard to get a count hero side, and I saw a lot of characters with the titles for the event red side, so I'd have to assume a decent turn out there.

Additionally, Victory gets pretty decent turn out for ship raids and have recently started running Hami raids with more regularity.

And we've seen no problems with putting together TFs and teams, and I've personally witnessed veterans returning to the game and a few "out of the box" newbies running around with all of 3 badges to their names.

This is on one of the "dead" servers.

As others have said...many veterans ARE taking breaks. Some are returning to reacquaint themselves with the game before the big update. And there is a closed beta going on.

The servers aren't dead. This game is far from dead.

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Originally Posted by Venture View Post
Based on what I've seen outside of Freedom and Virtue, I think the question on server merges has gone from "if" to "when".
Launch day was the day it became 'when'. Server mergers are inevitable in any MMO. Be they in 6 months, 6 years or 60 years. Its is only a matter of time.

The only way to avoid it, is never to reach launch day.

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