What is the general consensus on server emptyness?




Originally Posted by Ad Astra View Post
Frosticus - just curious, but what third option would you see?
All names are changed to @global - character name

EDIT: Which would suck, be dumb, break immersion, be distasteful, be annoying and generally be a rotten idea. Did I mention I'd hate this option?

Be well, people of CoH.



Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
All names are changed to @global - character name

EDIT: Which would suck, be dumb, break immersion, be distasteful, be annoying and generally be a rotten idea. Did I mention I'd hate this option?
No really - tell us how you really feel, BillZ.

I agree with you.

But isn't that "changing the naming system"? At least how they display?

Altoholic - but a Blaster at Heart!

Originally Posted by SpyralPegacyon

"You gave us a world where we could fly. I can't thank you enough for that."



Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
All names are changed to @global - character name

EDIT: Which would suck, be dumb, break immersion, be distasteful, be annoying and generally be a rotten idea. Did I mention I'd hate this option?
wait, bill, are you saying you don't like that idea?

i would hate to see this also.

to everyone else for server mergers, for the last time, can we shut up about server mergers. obviously there are enough people on each server to warrant keeping it around.



Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
All names are changed to @global - character name

EDIT: Which would suck, be dumb, break immersion, be distasteful, be annoying and generally be a rotten idea. Did I mention I'd hate this option?
That is sort of one method I've tossed around. I'd make it so the global doesn't even show up until mouseover though. It would of course be shown in the team search window. So the search window would have an additional column.

I'd make it so it displays as:
the infamous
Bill Z
Billz Inc. SG

Upon mouse over/highlighting:
the infamous
Bill Z
Billz Inc. SG

In the instance where a person has multiples of the same toon with the same global:
the infamous
Bill Z
Billz Inc. SG

The inhumanity of it! Anyone that would quit over something like that is the same type of person that quits because the markets are being merged. I'm tempted to quit because I accepted an sg invite and it now appears under my name...grrr so mad. Well actually nothing shows on my character because I have that disabled, but I get so mad when I click another player and it shows their info. My immersion is of course broken the second their name appears above their head, but that is too easy to pick on.

This isn't changing the name system anymore than it is changing the name system when I choose whether or not to select a title at lvl 15.

Originally Posted by Sharker_Quint View Post
to everyone else for server mergers, for the last time, can we shut up about server mergers. obviously there are enough people on each server to warrant keeping it around.
You make a compelling argument.
I'd like to point out again that I'm not even pro-merger. I'm just anti "the way most of you argue against a merge".



Oh Frosticus, how easily you lapse down to the low, feeble position of attacking the poster rather than defending your pet project.

Did I say I'd quit over it? No, I said it was a stupid idea that should never occur.

Are you going to have it show in the team window? No, not unless mouseover occurs? Great! I'll have a full team of Bill Zs. Won't that be fun?

Edit: "Bill Z, you take point!" "Got it!" "Aye!" "Yup!" And the blaster, defender and dom all face plant while the brute and tank sit back stating, "Oh, were you talkin to me?"

Be well, people of CoH.



Originally Posted by SwellGuy View Post
Here is what I would suggest to help people:

Next to each server name put the current online population and the max population of the previous (day/week).
Good lord that would cause chaos for the people that refuse to believe some servers are dying.



Everything dies. Either spend your time worrying about dying or spend it living. The servers WILL get shut down one day. Mergers are NOT going to sustain it. This game, like every other game out there, will eventually end.

Be well, people of CoH.



Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
Oh Frosticus, how easily you lapse down to the low, feeble position of attacking the poster rather than defending your pet project.

Did I say I'd quit over it? No, I said it was a stupid idea that should never occur.

Are you going to have it show in the team window? No, not unless mouseover occurs? Great! I'll have a full team of Bill Zs. Won't that be fun?

Edit: "Bill Z, you take point!" "Got it!" "Aye!" "Yup!" And the blaster, defender and dom all face plant while the brute and tank sit back stating, "Oh, were you talkin to me?"
The "quit" wasn't directed at you, but was in reference to earlier people continually saying any such changes would cause people to quit. I didn't mean for it to be a low blow against you and I apologize if it came across that way.

If you have 8 accounts and you log in 8 of the same named toons I could see that being a problem. But then it is all being played by you so conversation would already be quite entertaining in a Malkavian sort of way (not to be confused with Machiavellian)

Otherwise the chances of running into multiple occurrences of the exact same name would probably be pretty low. If and when it did happen I've noticed that when people chat there is this little bubble that pops up above their head. Useful? maybe. If people are in multiple zones with the same name (say setting up the Numina hunt) that could be an issue, but it is already an issue that takes multiple confirmations on a team with all different names so I doubt it would be much more of a roadblock.



I disabled chat bubbles my first week in game. I found them distracting and silly.

Be well, people of CoH.



Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
I disabled chat bubbles my first week in game. I found them distracting and silly.
Not a comic book fan I would guess?



Originally Posted by Slashman View Post
Not a comic book fan I would guess?
Collected them for 6 years or so in my youth. Still read stuff that grabs me like The Walking Dead. But I don't need crap popping up on my screen and getting in my way of targeting enemies.

Be well, people of CoH.



Merge the servers would make a great April's Fools Joke next year.



Originally Posted by Afterimage View Post
Merge the servers would make a great April's Fools Joke next year.
Rather like this thread

@Doctor Gemini

Arc #271637 - Welcome to M.A.G.I. - An alternative first story arc for magic origin heroes. At Hero Registration you heard the jokes about Azuria always losing things. When she loses the entire M.A.G.I. vault, you are chosen to find it.



Slashman fears rumor:

So you might be surprised to hear someone comment on an article on Bluesnews that Virtue is the only server worth joining if you are going to play COX and don't want to play in a ghost town.
Oh, we wouldn't be surprised. People say stupid and ill-informed things about CoX all the time.

Dec out.



RemianenI reminds me of something:

Frosticus, you and people who hold the same opinion are making some very strong assumptions about the so-called "new player" (in fact, those assumptions are similar to the ones made about the mythical "casual player"). You're assuming that new players to this game have never played another MMO in their lives. You're assuming that new players to this game have done no research or reading about this game. You're also assuming that new players to this game WANT to be surrounded by a bunch of people they don't know, all up in their faces with their often inane and banal chattering, while they're trying to learn the basics of how to play this game.

I've turned many people on to MMOs, people who are new to the genre overall (who had never played one in their lives). Not a single one of them fits into your 'new player box'. No one in my WoW or EQ guilds that I've told about CoX has been like that either. The new players I know of tend to read up on a game to see if they like it before committing to playing it. Their playtime is precious to them so they're not going to jump into a game, sight unseen, and run the risk of wasting said playtime. They prefer to try to learn basic gameplay before they shackle themselves to other people (often before they even tell me they're playing). You seem to portray new players as whimsical idiots who act on their first impulse. Perhaps the new players you know or have known have colored your view in that manner, I don't know.
Really, the whole thing's starting to sound like a bad sitcom based on the premise that they won't ask the OBVIOUS question that any sane person would.

Dec out.



Smurch has communication issues?:

How did they know to choose Virtue or Freedom?
Ask someone?

When I was a new player, I chose "Protector" because I liked the name. I didn't know anything else about the servers. My first impressions of the game, and my decision to subscribe, were based on my early experiences on that server back in 2006.

Very very few players ever look at the forums. Many will just log in, see no one around, and assume the game is dead and not subscribe.
To me, this just sounds strange. It's like you're saying they're going to quit if in the first glance around in the first five minutes they don't see anyone. I'd counter that people with that level of impatience probably won't stick with the game no matter what. If you look around to different zones and wait 15 minutes or so you WILL see at least someone (EU servers excepted, because I don't know from personal experience and they have their own separate but equal issues that don't apply to the NA servers and vice versa). Victory is hardly the top of the heap, but I see people in the mainly traveled zones (Atlas, Steel, Talos, PI) at all hours of the day and night.

They might be, but there then needs to be some way to communicate that to new players who download the game and log in without coming here to the forums to find out which servers actually have a population.
Like I said, they can ask the people they see. They can ask in Broadcast. Anyone who would log in, not see a lot of people and base things entirely on that seem like very stupid people indeed to me. Not because I'm so familiar with the game but because people who wouldn't ask questions in that scenario just makes no sense.

Dec out.



Originally Posted by Decorum View Post
Ask someone?
You over-estimate the average computer gamer by half.

Originally Posted by eltonio View Post
This is over the top mental slavery.



Originally Posted by Decorum View Post
It's like you're saying they're going to quit if in the first glance around in the first five minutes they don't see anyone. I'd counter that people with that level of impatience probably won't stick with the game no matter what.
MMOs are a highly competitive market. You need to outshine the other guys and you generally have a brief window in which to do it. You never get a second chance to make a first impression.

If you look around to different zones and wait 15 minutes or so you WILL see at least someone
Or, on more populated servers, you'll enter the game next to several someones right in the tutorial.

but I see people in the mainly traveled zones (Atlas, Steel, Talos, PI) at all hours of the day and night.
Funny, I logged in one of my old characters on Protector the other night just to see, and did a /whoall in Mercy. There were THREE people listed. THREE. I SS'd around the zone and spotted one of them.

Like I said, they can ask the people they see. They can ask in Broadcast.
You mean the same people who, when they DO find their way to the forums, yell at them and tell them it's all their fault for not properly using the various team locating tools they had no way of knowing about and generally making them feel stupid for asking in the first place?

Yeah, that will garner tons of subscriptions!

Good job with the head in the sand approach, by the way. It worked really well for all of us over on Tabula Rasa. And on Dungeon Runners. And Auto Assault. All of which had more populated servers than some of the servers here. Hey, it worked for them, it can work for you!

Because I'm telling you, I heard the same stuff you're saying now echoed loudly in the TR forums a mere month before the game was dropped. I don't want to see that happen here. I'm still in mourning over TR. I LOVED that game, I never had problems finding teams or getting enough people to do Capture Points. Despite that, it was still closed by NCSoft who were unhappy with it's numbers.

But hey, no way that could happen to YOU right?

Originally Posted by eltonio View Post
This is over the top mental slavery.



Originally Posted by Decorum View Post
I sincerely doubt that, unless a gamer's inherent is "Three's Company stupidity".
Can you please make up your mind how you feel about the level of intelligence of other people?

Originally Posted by Decorum View Post
Oh, we wouldn't be surprised. People stay stupid and ill-informed things about CoX all the time.

Originally Posted by eltonio View Post
This is over the top mental slavery.



Originally Posted by Decorum View Post
Victory is hardly the top of the heap, but I see people in the mainly traveled zones (Atlas, Steel, Talos, PI) at all hours of the day and night.
As of right now, there are two people in Atlas Park in Victory.

And I'm one of them. I have no idea where the other guy is.

Originally Posted by eltonio View Post
This is over the top mental slavery.



Smurch goes on:

MMOs are a highly competitive market. You need to outshine the other guys and you generally have a brief window in which to do it. You never get a second chance to make a first impression.
Meh, CoX has always proudly held itself up as not like the other MMOs (and they're not). I mentioned two things earlier. CoX draws a bit of a different crowd than most MMOs. And it's all about expectations. The expectations that keep being held up here are going to be from gamers that have played other MMOs, I think. While this likely is a sizable portion of our playerbase, it's hardly a majority by itself. They're also usually more well-informed than the straight on MMO newb, and would more likely have the attitude of "Where is everyone?" rather than "There's no one here, I quit." People keep trying to attribute attitudes of new players, and usually without the "likely", "mostly" "somewhat" kind of qualifiers (EDIT: Even me, but I fixed ).

Or, on more populated servers, you'll enter the game next to several someones right in the tutorial.
Oh, hey, many many times on the lower populated ones, too. I was positing an "at worst" scenario.

Funny, I logged in one of my old characters on Protector the other night just to see, and did a /whoall in Mercy. There were THREE people listed. THREE. I SS'd around the zone and spotted one of them.
So, what you're saying is that people were there and you saw one. Mission accomplished! Maybe you should have asked him where the people were. He's have probably told you.

You mean the same people who, when they DO find their way to the forums, yell at them and tell them it's all their fault for not properly using the various team locating tools they had no way of knowing about and generally making them feel stupid for asking in the first place?

Yeah, that will garner tons of subscriptions!
I spend a lot of time on these forums. For every person that acts like you describe, there will be 4-5 giving polite, helpful, solid advice. There's dinks everywhere, it really can't be escaped, only countered.

Good job with the head in the sand approach, by the way.
It's not "head in the sand", it's "you're focused on something that you've mostly exaggerated to fit your doom".

Dec out.



Smurch goes to check:

As of right now, there are two people in Atlas Park in Victory.

And I'm one of them. I have no idea where the other guy is.
This is probably the slowest time of day for Victory. And there's still someone there. And how long did you wait around to see if anyone crossed your field of vision?

Dec out.



Smurch wants assessments:

Can you please make up your mind how you feel about the level of intelligence of other people?
It is now, and has always been "it varies wildly, with most people in the middle and tapering off towards the endpoints".

Oh, one need not be unintelligent to say stupid or ill-informed things. Hell, I'll admit to it from time to time and I have a near-genius IQ (not that that's really an indicator).

Dec out.



Originally Posted by Decorum View Post
This is probably the slowest time of day for Victory. And there's still someone there. And how long did you wait around to see if anyone crossed your field of vision?
I jump-packed to the main hubs (wents, the statue, the monorail station, etc).

Meanwhile, I just made a character on Freedom. There are SIXTY people in Atlas Park and I see a BUNCH of people right there under the statue as soon as I log in.

Sixty people on Freedom. Two on Victory. Which do you think makes a better impression on a new MMO player seeing the game for the first time (and be honest)?

But yeah, the population disparity? Totally exaggerated. I mean two is almost sixty if you add just 58.

Originally Posted by eltonio View Post
This is over the top mental slavery.