What is the general consensus on server emptyness?




Originally Posted by Decorum View Post
Meh, CoX has always proudly held itself up as not like the other MMOs (and they're not).
But it still holds itself as an MMO. A Massively Multiplayer Online Game.

Or are you seriously contending that one of CoX's differentiators and thus selling points is that more than half it's servers have almost no people in them?

"we have a low population because we like it that way" is probably not a viable business model for a subscription based service.

I mentioned two things earlier. CoX draws a bit of a different crowd than most MMOs. And it's all about expectations. The expectations that keep being held up here are going to be from gamers that have played other MMOs, I think. While this likely is a sizable portion of our playerbase, it's hardly a majority by itself. They're also usually more well-informed than the straight on MMO newb, and would more likely have the attitude of "Where is everyone?" rather than "There's no one here, I quit." People keep trying to attribute attitudes of new players, and usually without the "likely", "mostly" "somewhat" kind of qualifiers (EDIT: Even me, but I fixed ).
Look at it from the perspective of a business owner instead of that of a player with a vested emotional interest and you'll see things differently.

So, what you're saying is that people were there and you saw one. Mission accomplished!
Tell me, do you honestly feel, in your best estimation, that an accountant from NCSoft would be equally exuberant?

Maybe you should have asked him where the people were. He's have probably told you.
He'd have told me they're all on other servers?
I doubt it.

I spend a lot of time on these forums. For every person that acts like you describe, there will be 4-5 giving polite, helpful, solid advice.
Which, if it even hints at changing to another server, will be equally bashed.

It's not "head in the sand", it's "you're focused on something that you've mostly exaggerated to fit your doom".
Yes, I've exaggerated the population disparity. Ok. I admit it. I personally crashed victory to make only 2 people (including me) logged in and I created dozens of new accounts on Freedom just to prove a point.

And yeah, I personally made TR and DR go away due to low populations in anticipation of this moment.

And yeah, every other MMO that had server closures due to low population? I made those up. I fooled the entire MMO community just because I wanted to screw with your head.

You found me out. Good job.

Originally Posted by eltonio View Post
This is over the top mental slavery.



Smurch jumps:

I jump-packed to the main hubs (wents, the statue, the monorail station, etc).
So...two, three minutes, maybe?

Meanwhile, I just made a character on Freedom. There are SIXTY people in Atlas Park and I see a BUNCH of people right there under the statue as soon as I log in.

Sixty people on Freedom. Two on Victory. Which do you think makes a better impression on a new MMO player seeing the game for the first time (and be honest)?
Depends on what one is looking for.

But yeah, the population disparity? Totally exaggerated. I mean two is almost sixty if you add just 58.
No one, but no one ever claimed there was no population disparity nor that the lesser populated servers were lesser populated. "Empty" is a far different story than "lesser populated". And the disparity was not what I was saying was exaggerated. "Empty" was one part of the exaggeration. "People seeing other people in the game right off the bat is the most important thing" (never stated, very much implied) was also.

And, hey, I mentioned earlier that I see the problem, I just don't see it as being anywhere near as bad as you and Frosty do, nor as important. It'd be nice to see more people sometimes, but I still contend that it's not as important to player retention as is being claimed.

Dec out.



Originally Posted by Frosticus View Post

I'd make it so it displays as:
the infamous
Bill Z
Billz Inc. SG

Upon mouse over/highlighting:
the infamous
Bill Z
Billz Inc. SG

In the instance where a person has multiples of the same toon with the same global:
the infamous
Bill Z
Billz Inc. SG
Those look fine to me - but then I don't mind the @global in Champions Online as you can choose not to show it.

In the absence of a CO-style 'you can have any name you like even if someone has taken it' policy (which I like, but I know some people object to because they want to be unique), I'd like to see regular name purges - regular as in automatically applied; something like this:

Didn't activate that trial that lapsed 2 months ago? Name purge
Haven't paid for the last 3 months? Name purge up to level 10
Haven't paid for the last 6 months? Name purge up to level 20
...etc, increasing all the way to level 50.

By 'name purge' I'm thinking more like 'name unlocks/becomes available for someone else' so if you come back after a year or two there's a chance you'll still have it.

As a new player especially, spending the best part of an hour crafting a look only to find the name you wanted and everything you can think of that is similar is long gone, is very frustrating and a turn-off.



Smurch goes to the dictionary:

But it still holds itself as an MMO. A Massively Multiplayer Online Game.

Or are you seriously contending that one of CoX's differentiators and thus selling points is that more than half it's servers have almost no people in them?
Again, "almost no people" is an exaggeration. And I will contend that "we have busy servers for those who want them and quiet ones for those who want them" IS a selling point. Versatility is always a selling point.

"we have a low population because we like it that way" is probably not a viable business model for a subscription based service.
We really don't have a low SUBSCRIPTION population, just a low population on some servers.

Look at it from the perspective of a business owner instead of that of a player with a vested emotional interest and you'll see things differently.
No I won't. I don't put emotion into these things at all (aside from, y'know, being a terminal wise-*** ). The business owners are doing just fine, thanks. They just had direct competition come out that has been roundly hailed as, if not a failure, certainly no threat. We'll see what DCUO has up its sleeve for round two.

Tell me, do you honestly feel, in your best estimation, that an accountant from NCSoft would be equally exuberant?
The accountants couldn't care less if the servers are busy or not. They only care about subscription, box, and peripheral moneys.


He'd have told me they're all on other servers?
I doubt it.
Why not? No skin of their nose to say "this is one of the slower servers and it's early in the morning U.S. If you're looking for crowds of people, they're usually on Virtue or Freedom." People do that all the time.

Which, if it even hints at changing to another server, will be equally bashed.
Where are you seeing this stuff? I've never seen anyone new bashed for moving to another server that I can remember. In fact, starting a new character on Freedom or Virtue is almost always mentioned in those threads. Those threads usually break out into fights further on, but it's almost always vets vs. vets.

Yes, I've exaggerated the population disparity. Ok. I admit it. I personally crashed victory to make only 2 people (including me) logged in and I created dozens of new accounts on Freedom just to prove a point.

And yeah, I personally made TR and DR go away due to low populations in anticipation of this moment.

And yeah, every other MMO that had server closures due to low population? I made those up. I fooled the entire MMO community just because I wanted to screw with your head.

You found me out. Good job.
See previous post for what I was saying was exaggerated. It wasn't any of that.

TR? DR? EDIT: Sorry, too me a minute to get that was Tabula Rasa and Dungeon Runners (and DR was awful, and an unwise idea to compete directly in the general fantasy MMO arena anyway).

Dec out.



OK...I play on 3 lower pop servers(Infinity, Victory and Justice). I play on those, not because they are lower pop, but because they were my servers of choice to start with.

When I started playing on them and years into the game, they did not feel empty. There were costume contests a plenty in Atlas. There were people all over the place. Heck, I used to curse Atlas and started in Galaxy for a lot of my toons because I found the Broadcast annoying at times.

I haven't seen any of that on those servers for a long time. Maybe my timing is off, I dunno.

I started a toon on Virtue recently and was annoyed with all the lag it caused me. I probably won't make more toons there. Still, it's not that I have something against high pop servers, it just never made that much of a difference before that Freedom and Virtue had bigger numbers, because there was no lack of visible players on the other servers.

So what I'm saying now is: Why is it that all of a sudden, low pop servers are a selling point for this game? Because that's what Decorum is trying to make it out to be. There isn't any inherent advantage in a lower pop server aside from network lag. And even that is more because the two main servers are overbloated with people compared to the others.

There is no advantage to having 2 servers full of people, while the rest are noticeably emptier. We can quibble at 'empty' versus 'almost empty', but in the end, the result is the same.

The structure of this game lends itself to a player being able to solo at will even on the most populated server. So the only 'advantage' to an almost empty server is that you don't see people. Are we really saying that having under-utilized servers is to facilitate the kind of people who absolutely don't want to see anyone around them anyway?

I play alone most of the time, but that doesn't mean that I like to see servers that appear empty. It's a City of Heroes/Villains, there should be quite a few of those running around even if I choose not to interact with them.



it is the summer. people doing things with their families and everything. just like every time a holiday comes up or people go back to school, the servers will look like no one is on because people are doing their own thing before getting back into the game.
i have quoted myself just because everyone who still doesn't understand this seems to have missed it.

this happens every year at the same times. "oh my god, there are 20 less people on, the servers are dead. i don't give a crap about your logical answers. only my own self deluted ones."

people take breaks. i know, it's blasphemy. again, pay attention to the time of year it is. this happens at least 5 times per year. when GR hits, what will be next, oh my god, there is no one starting in atlas/galaxy/mercy?



Originally Posted by Smurch View Post
Because I'm telling you, I heard the same stuff you're saying now echoed loudly in the TR forums a mere month before the game was dropped. I don't want to see that happen here. I'm still in mourning over TR. I LOVED that game, I never had problems finding teams or getting enough people to do Capture Points. Despite that, it was still closed by NCSoft who were unhappy with it's numbers.

But hey, no way that could happen to YOU right?
but people have been saying merge the servers here for the entire time i have been visiting these boards. i joined the boards in april of '08.

the thing i find the funniest (not specifically from you smurch) is the the idea that forcing me onto a more populated server will make me team. if that is what i wanted then i would have moved there already.

if what people are worried about is newbies seeing lots of people, make them start on freedom or virtue. then when they sign in again they will see that there are more server choices and, possibly, find out what the deal is.



Slashman plays there:

OK...I play on 3 lower pop servers(Infinity, Victory and Justice). I play on those, not because they are lower pop, but because they were my servers of choice to start with.

When I started playing on them and years into the game, they did not feel empty. There were costume contests a plenty in Atlas. There were people all over the place. Heck, I used to curse Atlas and started in Galaxy for a lot of my toons because I found the Broadcast annoying at times.

I haven't seen any of that on those servers for a long time. Maybe my timing is off, I dunno.
I will certainly agree here. The visible population is down. The whole "hang out under Atlas" thing seems to have gone out of vogue on the lower pop servers a couple of years ago. I would contend that people left are more playing the game than just hanging out somewhere.

So what I'm saying now is: Why is it that all of a sudden, low pop servers are a selling point for this game? Because that's what Decorum is trying to make it out to be.
Ehhhhh, ssssssort of. I'm not really claiming it's a selling point, because I don't think either one really is. I'd say having a variety of population servers is a good thing, but I wouldn't advertise either one.

There isn't any inherent advantage in a lower pop server aside from network lag.
Inherent? No, I'd agree there. It's more a preference thing. It's easier to be a big fish in the small pond, for instance. Some people don't like the constant Broadcast babble. Some don't like the constant blind invites to teams and SGs. Everyone's different. Myself, I was more intimidated than excited my first time logging into Virtue. "Other people" were a low thing on my list, as I'd just started and hadn't even really figured out how to play yet. It was a while before I wanted to team.

And even that is more because the two main servers are overbloated with people compared to the others.
Point, noting that "busy/quiet" are relative to each other.

There is no advantage to having 2 servers full of people, while the rest are noticeably emptier. We can quibble at 'empty' versus 'almost empty', but in the end, the result is the same.
The advantage is in variety of choices.

The structure of this game lends itself to a player being able to solo at will even on the most populated server. So the only 'advantage' to an almost empty server is that you don't see people. Are we really saying that having under-utilized servers is to facilitate the kind of people who absolutely don't want to see anyone around them anyway?
To a degree, but exaggerated. Not "no one". Just not large crowds.

I play alone most of the time, but that doesn't mean that I like to see servers that appear empty. It's a City of Heroes/Villains, there should be quite a few of those running around even if I choose not to interact with them.
And that comes down to "What's 'quite a few'?" is variable between people. I'm not saying at all that it would be bad to see some more capes fluttering in the wind, but I'm also saying not seeing it isn't cause for doom.

Dec out.



Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
Quite true. But, in the short term, we will have FREAKING EPIC CROWDS in Praetoria. They need to use that to show just how active the game is.
For the new player who doesn't buy Going Rogue and enters into Atlas Park or Mercy?

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



Originally Posted by Qurios View Post
Good lord that would cause chaos for the people that refuse to believe some servers are dying.
Not nearly as much as the idiots who think the game is dead and the servers are empty.

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



Originally Posted by GlubGlub View Post
but people have been saying merge the servers here for the entire time i have been visiting these boards. i joined the boards in april of '08.
By and large it is the same posters saying it often as well.

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



Originally Posted by Decorum View Post
And that comes down to "What's 'quite a few'?" is variable between people. I'm not saying at all that it would be bad to see some more capes fluttering in the wind, but I'm also saying not seeing it isn't cause for doom.
I'm not saying all servers should have the same 'feel' to them. I distinctly remember back in the day when I could almost tell what server I was on just from the differing vibe each of them had.

Different SGs/VGs did all sorts of things and had their own feel to them. Whether it was recruiting or contests or whatever. I liked that. I may have gotten annoyed by broadcast sometimes, but there was a 'pulse' to every server...a personality even. Now it feels like only Freedom and Virtue have any personality of their own.

I'm not crying doom or advocating server merges, but I honestly do not think we have the healthiest population distribution currently. And I think that it can, and probably is, affecting perceptions of this game.

Compounding all that is NCSoft's 'lay back and chill' approach to marketing and generally, potential new players are going to be educated by the vocal fools on the internet with a grudge against COX. And there are a surprising number of them out there.



It's really hard to say (and, yes, the doom comment wasn't aimed at you...we're just talkin'). Things fluctuate a lot due to many and various reasons and we've hit quite a doldrums area here before GR hits. Like the usual pre-issue lull except amped up. Heck, a bunch of my SG-mates went "missing" for quite a while when STO hit, with promises that they were coming back for GR. Populations jump up and down and it's often difficult to sort out who's really gone and who's just taking a break until The Next Big Thing.

Dec out.



Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
Everything dies. Either spend your time worrying about dying or spend it living. The servers WILL get shut down one day. Mergers are NOT going to sustain it. This game, like every other game out there, will eventually end.
Hey! You shut your damn dirty mouth!


They all laughed at me when I said I wanted to be a comedian.
But I showed them, and nobody's laughing at me now!

If I became a red name, I would be all "and what would you mere mortals like to entertain me with today, mu hu ha ha ha!" ~Arcanaville



Originally Posted by Frosticus View Post
If you have 8 accounts and you log in 8 of the same named toons I could see that being a problem. But then it is all being played by you so conversation would already be quite entertaining in a Malkavian sort of way (not to be confused with Machiavellian)
You are forbidden from using the name of my favorite VtM clan in your highly flawed arguments.



Originally Posted by SwellGuy View Post
You play on multiple servers?
Yes I do. I have multiple accounts and run both on different servers at the same time when I'm soloing.

Which one are you on NOW. That is one column. That is what 'online' means in English.
Right now while I'm online here I'm also toggling between Guild Wars and STO.



Originally Posted by SwellGuy View Post
For the new player who doesn't buy Going Rogue and enters into Atlas Park or Mercy?
Because we all know that new players, having never played the game, instinctively know that Atlas Park is the social hub and never choose Galaxy City as their starting zone.



Originally Posted by Frosticus View Post
No. And I've never claimed to. One side is making very bold claims about how we'd definitely lose our names/sg's/etc. That is fear mongering at best and outright lying to convince people at worst. I don't need to resort to that to make pertinent points.
I'm sorry but, something is wrong with your presentation of your point Frosticus. I'm trying to wrap my head around it and it is not my intention to attack you but, it may come out that way. It seems to be a bit hypocritical. On one hand you say that neither side knows what the result will be, blasting the opposing view for presenting a hypothetical as fact. On the other, you are making claims that they will change the system in some way to allow people. This claim is just as hypotetical. Yet those you propose a different possible outcome, are lying? Fear mongering? Ok maybe (though I think that is a bit harsh) since it is the worse case senerio. But until the mergers and exactly what happens is announced, it is possible outcome. And you cannot really deny that as a possiblity and more then I can about your claim. The main difference between us is which one we believe to be more likely.

To steal your line of bluntness, a satellite service has nothing to do with a merger. The only thing it serves to show us is that they would indeed need to devise a way to ensure players could keep their unique identifiers. But we already know that.
This is truely where we disagree. To me, they would only do mergers as a cost cutting measure. And as such are not likely to develop new tech for a one off situation instead of using existing tech that is already in place.

As for the bolded line, Know? Really? When did the announce the mergers and the results of that action? Again, you blast others for stating things as fact but, do it youself.

If preserving that information wasn't a priority they likely would have already closed down some servers regardless of the business reasons I covered earlier. The EU servers are indeed empty, they are remote enough to be buried without generating negative press about a merger (I think at one time there was even Asian servers) and they are probably not generating enough revenue to support the GM's monitoring them.

That to me is a pretty clear indication that unless there is a very substantial business reason to proceed they will first ensure that the players are taken care of in the event that they ever do merge.
You seem to have direct information about discussions regarding merger or shutting down the EU servers. Where is this information located, please?

Yes, the Korean servers were shut down in July 11th of 2007, the EU servers though dead, have not been. That to me is a pretty clear indication that the EU servers are still sufficiently paying for their cost. As NCSoft seems to have no problem doing so. The real question I have for you is, why do you beleve they would even do a merger of the EU servers instead of just shutting them down like the Korean ones?

Having a fear of the unknown and proclaiming absolute truth about that unknown are two very different things. We don't know enough to make any definitive statements at all. Which again, one side of this discussion resorts to frequently. It's doubtful the devs know enough about this to make any absolute statements until they really sunk their teeth in to the matter. And even then they likely lack the expertise to make strong forecasts about the outcome. They don't know and we don't know exactly what would happen or how it would happen.
We are back to the beginning of this little post, I won't repeat it beyond this: So, it is ok for you to may difinitive statements about a hypothetical situation but, no one else can?

I don't believe anything more needs to be said than that in conjunction with the business reasons stated earlier. Simply put, we don't know enough to take the risk and the ROI likely wouldn't be good enough to proceed. There is no need to come off like a religious zealot proclaiming the end of your sg's and all your names will burn in the fiery pit. It's unnecessary and frankly embarrassing. And to be blunt again, it is the reason I'll usually side with the merger people even though I don't think a merger is necessary or even the right way to proceed.
I don't believe that anyone is coming off like a religious zealot. We just hold a different opinion of what the outcome of the mergers would be. There is nothing wrong with that.





Originally Posted by Smurch View Post
I originally played on Protector. When I came back to the game after a hiatus a year ago January, Protector was dead. All the SGs I knew: gone. Streets: Empty. Pocket D: Vacant 99% of the time.

I moved to Virtue, and things were much better. Recently, a player we knew from the old days logged back in after a couple years break and said Protector was so dead, so he moved to Virtue too.

I understand having loyalty to your chosen server to a degree, I do, but honestly, many of the servers are seriously underpopulated these days, especially compared to how they used to be. To pretend the populations haven't been steadily shrinking because you have "no problems" finding a team is sticking your head in the sand.

Sooner or later, the devs are going to need to cope with the fact that some servers have populations that are drying up. As someone pointed out, it's not good for the game for a new player to log in the first time, select a server at random, and see no one else around. Eventually, something will need to be done: a server merge, a single-server solution, something.

You can stick your fingers in your ears all you want but there is a reality that while you might enjoy playing on a server where you can usually pretend successfully that it's a single player game, this is not good for a business, and a business decision is likely to be made at some point that is probably going to make you very unhappy.

It'd be alot more productive to talk about real solutions to dwindling populations on some servers and thus have at least some voice in shaping that eventual solution than to keep asserting that everything is fine and nothing needs to change, ever. Because like it or not, that's probably not true.
I have come to the conclusion that there simply must be different versions of City of Heroes in existence. That's the only explanation I can come up with for the wide discrepancy in reported player experiences about the same topic.

I started on Protector 2 years ago. I'm still there. I can say, with absolute 100% sincerity, that from my perspective, the population is MORE active than it was when I started 27 months ago. There is always activity on our global channels, there is always something going on, and I can find or form a team any time, on any day of the week, redside or blueside.

I've always paid attention to the number of players showing in Team Search ever since I first started. The numbers, on average, really haven't changed much, outside of spikes like when Exploit Entertainment was released. SG's come and go. Players come and go. Many of the players I knew when I first started have moved on, but there are plenty of new ones to fill their shoes though.



Panzerwaffen doubles up:

I have come to the conclusion that there simply must be different versions of City of Heroes in existence. That's the only explanation I can come up with for the wide discrepancy in reported player experiences about the same topic.
Ha! Nah, just different timing and the luck of the draw. And a little personal perspective (visible people vs. those "hiding" in the global channels, etc.).

Dec out.



Originally Posted by Decorum View Post
Ha! Nah, just different timing and the luck of the draw. And a little personal perspective (visible people vs. those "hiding" in the global channels, etc.).
This. But, of course, those of us that use global channels are burying our heads in the sand. Oh and we are telling new players they are stupid if we show them how to do the same.





Originally Posted by Radionuclide View Post
This. But, of course, those of us that use global channels are burying our heads in the sand. Oh and we are telling new players they are stupid if we show them how to do the same.

I don't have a problem finding a team if I feel so inclined(I am rarely inclined...but still). There is almost always someone in my global list or SG that I can team with if I feel like it. I just jump to the server they are on or they come over. That doesn't mean that the server I'm on doesn't visibly look empty. That doesn't mean that finding a team via broadcast or other standard methods that a new player would try isn't more difficult.

As an Issue 1 veteran, I would be pretty pathetic if I couldn't find at least some folks to team with. The difference is, of course, how much easier it is to get a team on Virtue or Freedom. You basically can just stand there and get random invites. I was on for 35 minutes last night and got about 4 invites on Virtue. I can tell you that hasn't happened to me on Infinity or Victory in a good long while.

And I think it is good that you educate new players on how to get a team more effectively on lower pop servers, but are you managing to catch every new player that joins the game? Are you managing to catch every new player before they build up a high degree of frustration and maybe think that it isn't worthwhile anymore?

For the most part, in most MMOs, people use general broadcast to look for teams. That's not something alien, and it used to work pretty well in this game up til a while ago. If that dynamic has changed, then it means something more needs to be done to make it easier for new players to get a feel for that. Whether it is an improved tutorial or whatever.

If people are having trouble running into players in the street, then where exactly are they going to keep hooking up with veterans to guide them to the right place for the experience they are looking for?

In my mind it's not right that it should be this way in the first place, we are not any more heavily instanced than we were 3 years ago, but the streets are emptier(save for 2 servers out of 11).

Again, it is easy to sit in a comfortable bubble and say: 'I'm fine so there's nothing to worry about'. But there are also people external to the game who spread all sorts of crap about COX and jump on stuff like this. And there is no one telling people any different. NCSoft certainly isn't.



Originally Posted by Frosticus View Post
It's not important in the sense that you are depicting, but rather in the sense that if a new player were to pick any server from the top...say +/- 6 servers on the list they are more than likely going to run the tutorial alone. Not necessarily a problem in and of itself, but they then roll the die and if they pick Galaxy they will load in and again see no one (this is the case even on Freedom usually). Is that really presenting a MMO in the best light?

I rolled up a blaster about a month ago on my original server (Infinity). I ran the tutorial, chose Galaxy, then went to Kings, then went to Steel. I didn't see another player until I was level 11 ninja jumping my way to Valkyrie. If I was a new player and experienced that there would be zero chance I'd continue playing this game because frankly there are better single player superhero games on the market.

*why not choose atlas? because there is a 50% chance of not choosing it and I was pretending I was new to the game so I chose a server I have no idea of any channels and no friends to look me up.

I don't really care one way or the other who likes to play on an empty server and who likes to play on a less empty server in this game. But can anyone honestly say that a new player is going to get a good MMO experience if they pick a server like Infinity?

*The reason I mentioned the tutorial in my last post was nostalgia. It wasn't until I reached the end that I remembered it was an open instance and then I fondly remembered running it around other lvl 1 newbs.

I think when GR launches they should disable starting in Paragon City or the Rogue Isles with a new character on any account that is less than 1 month old. Think about it for a second. All of us are going to be in Praetoria. Can you imagine how bad (ie deserted), even compared to now, that your starting experience would be if you didn't choose to start in Praetoria? I mean you probably wouldn't see anyone else even on freedom during that period. Imagine the other servers. If they want any new player to stick with the game, pray they select Praetoria with their new toon. If you can't make it the only option for new players at least put some big flashing arrows pointing to it so they know they should pick it.
This is a very real problem, the starting restriction for new players would be a terrific way to funnel new players into a lively area and allow them form bonds with other new people and vets alike.

Although I don't support server merges, it may be a good idea to list the 3rd and 4th largest pop servers at the top of the server selection screen, putting new players that just click the top server when selecting a server into medium population servers. Once they learn the game some they can build future characters on lower or higher pop servers to fit their play styles. This of course would require more programming than the more simple high → low or the low → high display we have now.



Originally Posted by Sashman View Post
I don't have a problem finding a team if I feel so inclined(I am rarely inclined...but still). There is almost always someone in my global list or SG that I can team with if I feel like it. I just jump to the server they are on or they come over. That doesn't mean that the server I'm on doesn't visibly look empty. That doesn't mean that finding a team via broadcast or other standard methods that a new player would try isn't more difficult.
My post was actually more a jest at Smurphy's frequent posts in this thread saying that anyone who likes a smaller sever and saying they can find teams just fine on said server is burying their head in the sand. You see, the fact that I can find teams on a smaller server is not mutually exclusive with me seeing a reduction in my server's population.

As an Issue 1 veteran, I would be pretty pathetic if I couldn't find at least some folks to team with. The difference is, of course, how much easier it is to get a team on Virtue or Freedom. You basically can just stand there and get random invites. I was on for 35 minutes last night and got about 4 invites on Virtue. I can tell you that hasn't happened to me on Infinity or Victory in a good long while.
Natually, there is more of everything on Freedom and Virtue because there is more players.

And I think it is good that you educate new players on how to get a team more effectively on lower pop servers, but are you managing to catch every new player that joins the game? Are you managing to catch every new player before they build up a high degree of frustration and maybe think that it isn't worthwhile anymore?
Oh I know I don't catch everyone but, it is not my responsibility to. I am happy to help them when the question comes up though. Again, a little poking fun at Smurphy's insistance that telling people how we find teams is calling those people stupid.

For the most part, in most MMOs, people use general broadcast to look for teams. That's not something alien, and it used to work pretty well in this game up til a while ago. If that dynamic has changed, then it means something more needs to be done to make it easier for new players to get a feel for that. Whether it is an improved tutorial or whatever.
Ignoring the we aren't most MMOs retort. :P ... An improved tutorial would be great. There is lots left out; for instance the search functions and global channels, and much more. Hopefully, the devs will address that in the future.

[quote]If people are having trouble running into players in the street, then where exactly are they going to keep hooking up with veterans to guide them to the right place for the experience they are looking for?

Remember, this is about responses that have been made to others posting in these very forums. They already know where to go. This is not to say all new players do that or come here and that should be addressed in game.

In my mind it's not right that it should be this way in the first place, we are not any more heavily instanced than we were 3 years ago, but the streets are emptier(save for 2 servers out of 11).

Again, it is easy to sit in a comfortable bubble and say: 'I'm fine so there's nothing to worry about'. But there are also people external to the game who spread all sorts of crap about COX and jump on stuff like this. And there is no one telling people any different. NCSoft certainly isn't.
You right, it is not right. But, that is the way it is. In part, because new players are encouraged to go to Freedom or Virtue both on these forums and outside of them, at this point. Virtue and Freedom have always been the largest servers one being the beta server and the others agreed to by the community involved as being the home of RP. What it comes down to, the problem is not with the overall player population (at least yet) but, with the distribution of them.

Is population declining? yes. Should that be addressed by the devs and publisher? yes. Do I think merging the servers for a perception of more player subscriptions is the answer? No. Do I know what the solution is? No but, marketing of the game sure would be nice. I could thing of a few more, like locking new character creation on Freedom and Virtue. or may SD (server diversification) I think you can see where that idea goes :P. Ok, I'm not serious about those two.

Again, saying "here is how I find teams on a smaller server" is not saying that "I'm fine so there's nothing to worry about." It is this leap that Smurphy makes that I have the problem with. As I stated before, one is not mutually excluse to the other. I can still find teams but, worry about the declining populations.





Originally Posted by Radionuclide View Post
Is population declining? yes. Should that be addressed by the devs and publisher? yes. Do I think merging the servers for a perception of more player subscriptions is the answer? No. Do I know what the solution is? No but, marketing of the game sure would be nice. I could thing of a few more, like locking new character creation on Freedom and Virtue. or may SD (server diversification) I think you can see where that idea goes :P. Ok, I'm not serious about those two.

Again, saying "here is how I find teams on a smaller server" is not saying that "I'm fine so there's nothing to worry about." It is this leap that Smurphy makes that I have the problem with. As I stated before, one is not mutually excluse to the other. I can still find teams but, worry about the declining populations.

This is pretty much where I stand on this topic. I wish NCSoft took this a bit more seriously. They are spending a gajillion dollars on GR. It seems ludicrous that they would let marketing for the game sink to this level.

Server merges may or may not be the ideal solution(it of course seems the most obvious to people who are a bit more emotional), but doing nothing is a bad thing too.

I'll reserve final judgment til a few months after GR goes live on how much worry was misplaced over this, but simply banking on returning players to make up your numbers seems like a pretty crazy thing to do for an expansion of this size and scope. Maybe I'm not the type to see this from a corporate POV so I'll leave it at that for now.