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  1. just an fyi to those that do not have twitter or facebook accts. you do not need to be signed up to view the posts. on the main coh page there are links to their accts that lets you see what has been posted.
  2. GlubGlub

    new video card

    i know this kind of question comes up alot, but i need a little help from those more knowledgeable than i.

    i was going to get me a Radeon HD 5870 for around $300. when i was looking around today i found a Radeon HD 6850 for $200. they seem to me to be about the same, but i wanted to make sure.

    thanks for any help
  3. is anybody else having trouble with their pets? twice today my bots have been stuck. i can't get them to attack or come to me when i call them. i tried to summon them again in a different spot, thinking it was a temp glitch, no luck.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SwellGuy View Post
    Or more to the point, villains cannot be in Paragon City so to assume a villain is running around Paragon City is silly. A villain who has repented to the point of being a rogue, yes.

    I would also expect a sudden influx of supers from a mirror universe would be news among the supers of Paragon City and the Rogue Isles.
    i actually plan on taking my stalker to the good side just to get all the location badges. i want to take pictures at all of the hero statues and such. make it like i had snubbed my nose at all the goody two-shoes by infiltrating their world. then go back to my haven of darkness

    just a fun little project for me
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Alter666 View Post
    Hey fellow CoXers I thought I'd just make a tread to talk to other players and hold some friendly conversations about stuff.

    I entered that MMORPG sweepstakes thing... I dought I'll even win the lower prizes but hey I won't know till 9ish. I would love that gaming mouse to the graphics card.

    I hope the next hero con is close to cincy because I'd love to go. I'd love to meet the people behind my favorite game, share my thoughts and idea's in person.

    If any of you play Victory and wanna team my handle is Grave001 hook me up and well hurt some stuff.
    i'm waiting for the results for the mmorpg. kepping my fingers crossed for one of them mice.
  6. GlubGlub

    hard drive gone

    hope somebody can help me.

    i scavenged a hard drive from one of my old computers and added it to my newer one, then i was dumb and upgraded to vista service pack 2 and now i can only see it when i start my comp in safe mode. anybody know how i can get it back?
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Electric-Knight View Post
    Just a really quick thing...

    Am I really the only player that doesn't mind mobs running away (And no, not just on my zappy zappy blaster)?

    Seriously... One of my favorite early/low-level newbie moments was on my scrapper in Atlas Park chasing down that Hellion that tried to run away... Chasing him up the fire escape, onto a roof... onto another roof... until finally slamming him hard to the ground.

    Me... I love some of the fresh new adventures that spawn from things like the Physics stuff and them running away.
    I'm just surprised to see nearly everyone say how it is a major flaw within the game.
    If I was about to get my butt whooped by some Super... I might try and run too... And it can lead to some fun now and then.
    (Also, I like watching some foolish players chase them right into several other mobs, haha)
    Maybe we can all play the Ducks In A Barrel MMO coming out (Can I mention that on these forums? *smiles sweetly*)!!

    you aren't alone. i think it's a blast. and i love it when i run around the corner and there is an orange or red con sitting there. makes it more exciting.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by seebs View Post
    Okay, worth knowing.

    BTW, I don't know of anything saying that ownership of characters would transfer to the people running the MMO, and I suspect they'd run into a horrible nest of legal trouble if they actually tried to assert any such thing. That is, in general, simply not how copyright works. You can claim an implicit license up to a point, but it's surprisingly hard to transfer copyright no matter what anyone says.

    In any event, since I've created the same character in another MMO and CoH, they can go sue each other. :P
    i think it has to do with using the character for publicity. if he creates the character, and by some oddball chance it is used in, say a magazine, he wouldn't be able to say anything. if somebody else were to make it and they used it, he could sue for not getting his permission. or something along those lines
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
    Can you take a day off from unemployment? Anyway I'll be there.
    every day is like the weekend, ain't it. hell, with my kid on summer break, i'm having a devil of a time keeping my days straight.

    so, yeah, i'll be there, day one. anybody know what time it's gonna go live?
  10. GlubGlub

    No Rules Weekend

    Originally Posted by Rowdy View Post
    This suggestion is purely for fun and was inspired by CoX's double xp weekends.

    The idea is to for two days, to remove the aggro and target cap and give season players of CoX that feeling of deja vu. Would it be abused by players herding entire maps then having a Elec/shield scrapper just tear through everything? Of course it would, but would it be loads of fun to relive the glory days? Heck yes!

    Again, it would only last for a weekend, heck, I'd settle for just 24 hours. I can't imagine it being too much of an imbalance, simply because it wouldnt be combined with double xp, just in it's own merit, and removing the target and aggro cap would just be a different way of conveying double xp, since missions would be finished in twice...err three times the amount of time.

    Anyways, standard code rant applies as to if it even can be done (which I'm sure it can, just don't know how easily). And besides, just because you have the option of taking on an entire map, doesn't mean you can.

    All in all, I've just been searching for ways to spice things up a bit in the CoX universe. This is what I got.
    they could do this on the test server so that it wouldn't impact the live. it would be fun to see, since i wasn't there in the beginning
  11. where on the boards do they post the code?
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by sevenshade View Post
    I have a few questions, will going rogue have all the previous boosters? or do you still have to buy them seperately?

    also is $30 for the prepurchase in the ncsoft store actualy just $30? or will my card be charged again for another $10 when its out?

    also since its a digital download, how many times am i limited to downloading it? as many as needed? or just once?

    for obvious reasons that things can go wrong with a computer hard drive and loss of data.
    because a few others didn't realize, there is also the pre-order. you can preorder the game for $40. with it you get the items and one month of play time.

    with the pre-purchase, for $30, you get early access to the dual pistols and demon summoning at's, but not the goodies, and not the month of play.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lucky666 View Post
    lol sacred? do you even know the meaning of that word? cause I don't think you do.

    Sacred: Dedicated to or set apart for the worship of a deity.
    : Made or declared holy
    : Of or relating to religious objects, rites, or practices.

    so ya names in video games aren't sacred even if you decide to make the Pope himself.
    So like the pvp crowd and peeps on the forums the people that quit the game over a name are most likely a very vocal minority.
    Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
    You apparantly don't because I notice that you deleted several definitions that the dictionary lists. Or did you do that because it blows your pathetic attempt to troll Catwhoorg out of the water?

    sa·cred [sey-krid]


    1. devoted or dedicated to a deity or to some religious purpose; consecrated.

    2. entitled to veneration or religious respect by association with divinity or divine things; holy.

    3. pertaining to or connected with religion ( opposed to secular or profane): sacred music; sacred books.

    4. reverently dedicated to some person, purpose, or object: a morning hour sacred to study.

    5. regarded with reverence: the sacred memory of a dead hero.

    6. secured against violation, infringement, etc., as by reverence or sense of right: sacred oaths; sacred rights.

    7. properly immune from violence, interference, etc., as a person or office.

    So yes by the complete definition of the word they can in fact be held sacred.
    oh my,that's just too good.

    well done forbin
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Rowdy View Post
    The question is in the title. When you're playing CoX, what kills your enjoyment the most and makes you want to just take a break for awhile?

    Reason I ask is because I was on an 8-man team earlier today and the leader insisted that we fight +0 council mobs. Imo, that's fine when you're trying to gauge the effectiveness of your PuG, but he kept it through every mission; and MAN was it boring. I think I stuck with the team for maybe 3 missions until I decided to leave and find another, but when I did quit, I just felt like...ugh. Anyways, that's just one of my buzzkills; don't get me started on rogue fire/kins.
    drives me crazy when the last guy i have to kill gets stuck in a wall. he's right there in front of me, but i can't hit him and i can't finish the mission.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Smurch View Post
    Because I'm telling you, I heard the same stuff you're saying now echoed loudly in the TR forums a mere month before the game was dropped. I don't want to see that happen here. I'm still in mourning over TR. I LOVED that game, I never had problems finding teams or getting enough people to do Capture Points. Despite that, it was still closed by NCSoft who were unhappy with it's numbers.

    But hey, no way that could happen to YOU right?
    but people have been saying merge the servers here for the entire time i have been visiting these boards. i joined the boards in april of '08.

    the thing i find the funniest (not specifically from you smurch) is the the idea that forcing me onto a more populated server will make me team. if that is what i wanted then i would have moved there already.

    if what people are worried about is newbies seeing lots of people, make them start on freedom or virtue. then when they sign in again they will see that there are more server choices and, possibly, find out what the deal is.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mister_Chicken View Post
    Please vote here to have Mission Transporter, for which you shelled out $10.00 of real dollars, recharge time be reduced from 2 hours, to 30 minutes(or even 1 hour). This would put it in tune with other powers that you probably got for free (or even paid for), such as Pocket D Transporter, Base Transporter, Assemble the Team, Orborous Portal Power, Jump Pack, etc. At 2 hours, the power is almost worthless. You will probably only get to use it once per play session and you never know WHEN you should use it. By the time you DO use it, an even greater need for it arises a little while later, but you realize it too late. The limitations of the power are not divulged on the store website. In fact, here is a paste from the ONLY selling points of this feature: "Mission Teleporter Power - Players can save time and get right into the action by teleporting directly to their active mission." Save time? Once per play session I get to save a few minutes and zone loads for $9.99? It doesn't make sense.
    i can't complain. i knew it ws a 2hr recharge when i bought it. i also got a free month and costume sets so where the 10 bucks for just the one powere comes from is lost on me.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Redd35 View Post
    Some people make statements like "But we like our servers less populated" which is usually followed by paraphrasing a 15 year old spamming in a popular zone. I'm sorry, but I don't believe that you actually like being one of the only 14 heroes/villians on your server at that time. I can understand these people that make these statements are defending the game and reassuring themselves, so I do not hold anything against them.
    this is as far as i got. anything you say after is useless when you decide you know me better than i do.

    i love the "smaller" servers. i have ONE character on freedom, simply because i wanted to see the home for the "rude tells" thread. if i wasn't happy on my other servers, i would have made many more on freedom and virtue

    you sir/madam, fail
  18. i love the new temp powers, i am actually bummed that i havn't gotten one in the last 10 or so hrs that i have played.

    so, devs, please increase the drop rate so that my toons can have all of the temp powers.

    thank you
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Kitsune Knight View Post
    If the AE mission set your to a higher level than you naturally are, they're not supposed to stay with you after being returned to your normal level, so that'd be Working As Intended.
    yup, that's what it did. thanks
  20. when i finished an ae mission and exited, my pets didn't come with me. wasn't sure if this a bug or intended?
  21. i just got netgear wireless router from comcast and i was wondering if there are any tips or tricks that i need to know to go wireless?

    since i have started using it i am having trouble with city of. i was wondering if there might be something with my connection at the pc. i use a 2wire 802.11g usb wireless adapter and am not sure if there is some way to configure it for optimal play.

    any help would be greatly appreciated.

  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Master-Blade View Post
    How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
    He would chuck, he would, as much as he could,
    And chuck as much as a woodchuck would
    If a woodchuck could chuck wood.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SuperFerret View Post
    Oh internet, how I missed this part. Yes, my statement was misworded there. I deeply apologize. Let me rephrase.

    There's a difference between a "furry" and someone who likes anthropomorphic animal characters. Furries are those who sexualize their liking of anthropomorphic animal characters and gain sexual gratification from engaging in such behaviour.
    that's not so. i used to think this as well, but that was because i had never met anybody that participated in these types of activities. i have since met a gentleman that does participate and we had discussion about it. he let me know that, yes there are people that enjoy the sexual aspect of it, but there are a lot of people that go to the same parties simply for the interaction with people that like to dress up like animals.

    now, you might be saying that as far as most of the people who aren't "furries" use that term to mean the sexual side, but i now know that in their community it doesn't.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by EU_Damz View Post
    There are many different "groups" of people ingame.
    • Pvpers
    • Roleplayers
    • Farmers
    • Badgers
    • Base Builders
    • Rich lucky *****
    I consider myself a mixture of them all but one thing that i think is my main weakness is that when i see a temp power, i MUST have it. I tend to go through stages of trying to collect the temp powers, especially more lessen seen ones like the warwolf/nukes/event only temps.

    Does anybody else do this? Go through the game determined to get as many of the temp powers as possible, regardless of whether or not you'll actually use them?

    My name is damz and i am a temper!
    my 50 has every temp that he was given. like you, he has to collect them all (yes, i played the pokemon red and blue, and yes i DID have to collect them all. i was actually happy to have known all of them until the expansions) and i will do all i can to get him these new temps
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Inazuma View Post
    What 50 of yours will be the first to go Incarnate when GR goes live in July?

    For me, it has to be my sword-and-board Scrapper. I can't wait to see how the Incarnate system will make her even cooler.
    my first 50, a stalker named Susurro.