Get rid of Temporay Power drops
I hate getting them because they're worthless, but there's no need to change them at all really.
true, but they do fill up your recipe allotment very quickly. I frequently have to stop mid mission to delete a bunch of them less I am no longer able to receive a decent drop.
I rate their annoyance factor higher than spam emails in this game. Temp drops are like spam drops from the dev team and they are annoying.
Alternatively, they could remove the limit on storage.
Or, potentially, make the Temp Power Recipes not count towards said storage limit.
Still would rather more storage space, for all things.
Just to clarify one thing, getting a temporary power drop doesn't deny you a decent drop. Temporary power drops and other recipe drops are rolled independently so you can potentially get one of each from the same kill.
The problem that most people are seeing with the "increased" drop rate isn't that the drop rate for temp powers was suddenly increased arbitrarily or that the drop rate for other powers went down: it's that additional recipes were added to the potential drop database and, because what drop you get is determined by the system randomly picked one from the database of potential drops based on your level and the enemy defeated and, because it's not weighted and so many new temp powers were added, the chances of a temp power dropping were increased simply because more were made available. The drop percent that determines what recipe you get from a kill is zero sum and, by increasing the number of temp powers on the list without adding a similar number of common recipe entries the chance was skewed.
Posi explicitly said that the drop rate is zero sum and the system operates by providing an equal chance for each item on the database to be chosen. Though he never said how weighting was done (and I don't believe it was ever done to pool A), because of this, I'm confident that the weighting was likely done by simply adding redundant entries into the database to create the desired ratio (which would be the easiest way rather than assigning a specific chance to each recipe and forcing the database query to do some substantially funkier stuff). The spike in appearances of temp powers follows with this design: they added temp powers to all of the recipe pools and the zero sum system shifted the chance for IO recipes to decrease and temp powers to increase.
Unless the devs want to weigh all of the temp powers and common recipes by usefulness, it would be better to simply generate a number of entries equal to the previous number of entries for temp powers that then sends a secondary query to a sub-database of all of the applicable temp power recipes so that the rate of temp power drop actually goes back to where it was rather than the inflamed rate that it is currently at.

true, but they do fill up your recipe allotment very quickly. I frequently have to stop mid mission to delete a bunch of them less I am no longer able to receive a decent drop.
I rate their annoyance factor higher than spam emails in this game. Temp drops are like spam drops from the dev team and they are annoying. |
Fine if we're gonna get rid of stuff just because a few people find them annoying then we can get rid of Speed Boost as well. From what I've seen on the forums more people find that power annoying than the temp power recipe drops.
This should be an easy no programing change.
Prof Radburn controller,Celtic Ice Maiden,blaster,Miss Knockout scrapper,Mistress Davina controller,Stone Hart,tank Split Personality PB.Queen Lostris controller,Fridgid Mary blaster,Shocking Fire blaster Future Elfling defender, Little Weed controller,Capo Angelo MM, Commander Buzzsaw MM, Justice Tank tank all 50,s
I didn't say get rid of them from the game I said make them recipes you can buy instead of drops. That way the few people that want them can buy them at a fixed price.
This should be an easy no programing change. |
You are not the elected playerbase representative, and you have no idea what everyone wants. You only speak for yourself.
Just because some people are too lazy to use their delete button once in a while isn't a valid reason for the devs to punish the rest of the playerbase by taking away some of their free drops.
I use them. A lot. I store extra ones in emails to be grabbed when the one I have runs out. I like them just the way they are, thank you.
However, it turned out that Smith was not a time-travelling Terminator
I love the new temp powers, and some of the older ones too.
If they were merely items that could be bought from the auction house or contacts then I might just avoid them altogether.
However, I've found them very useful on my most recent characters during levelling because they either fill a void that my powers don't cover, or they provide amusement (Stun Grenades, Hand Grenades, Plasmatic Taser - I'm looking at you!)
The easiest way to rectify the number of drops would be to visit a store and sell the recipes, for 'free inf'. Win win. Not everything has to be an exercise in maximising profit.
Nobody wants these things and yet they seem to drop more often now than any other recipe.
Make them fixed price item purchases at the markets and give me back some decent drops . |
Since the purple recipes were introduced my main hero has had 3 drops and my main villain has had 1. Since these recipes were introduced, I haven't had a single purple drop. Even the yellow and orange recipes are dropping with less frequency.
At level 50 I don't want temp powers, I want yellows, oranges and purples so I can finish my build or make enough money to purchase the recipes I need for said build, along with scavenging for merits wherever I can.
As it is, I feel that the Temporary Power Recipes have thrown a spanner in the works and seriously messed up with the other recipe drops. This needs to be reviewed.
Rabbits & Hares:Blue (Mind/Emp Controller)Maroon (Rad/Thermal Corruptor)and one of each AT all at 50
MA Arcs: Apples of Contention - 3184; Zen & Relaxation - 35392; Tears of Leviathan - 121733 | All posts are rated "R" for "R-r-rrrrr, baby!"|Now, and this is very important... do you want a hug? COH Faces @Blue Rabbit
However, it turned out that Smith was not a time-travelling Terminator
I, for one, have created a Dual pistols/Devices Blaster who makes good use of the various temp powers as a gadgeteer... And an MA/Will scrapper who does the same.
All those useless IOs keep getting in the way of my temp power storage. They should be moved to the store so the few people who use them can buyt hem and I can save my storage for power drops.
Everyone wins because I say so.
/Vote for drop rates reduced and stats increased.
Either that or have them only drop from low level foes and lower their crafting costs for players who will actually find them useful.
Yeah these temp powers are rather common. SO common that people are buying them from the market at below sell price and making money off of them. Why people sell them below their store sell price IDK, but it is happening.
Nobody wants these things and yet they seem to drop more often now than any other recipe.
Make them fixed price item purchases at the markets and give me back some decent drops .