So About That Mutant Booster Pack...
What is the next booster pack and when is it going to be released? War Witch: The next booster pack, as you have already asked about, is the Mutant Pack! We're working to get it to you before we release the Expansion. I can't give specifics, but you'll dig it! |
Johanna Sinclair: when is the Mutant Booster coming out? Positron: Mutant Booster details are "soon" TM |
Lady Ghost.: can you plz tlk about the upcomin mutant pack..wats gunna be in it? Dark Watcher: Cool stuff will be in the Mutant Pack. Back Alley Brawler: the mutant pack will contain 3 things: [At this point, I *almost* sent him a tell telling him to tread carefully not to do something that would get him in trouble.] Back Alley Brawler: 1) Stuff, 2) things, and 3)dealies [I'm glad I didn't.] Dark Watcher: _Cool Stff_ (tm) Back Alley Brawler: You guys pretty much know what's gonna be in it |
[center][size=1][color=#FF99CC][font=Tahoma] GLOBAL: @Antoinette |[/font][/color][color=#FF99CC][font=Tahoma] MAIN: [/font][/color][url=][color=#FF99CC][font=tahoma]Pinkrise[/font][/color][/url][color=#FF99CC][font=Tahoma] | SG: [/font][/color][url=][color=#FF99CC][font=Tahoma]The Ethereals [/font][/color][/url][font=Tahoma][color=#FF99CC] | PROJECTS: [/font][/color][url=][color=#FF99CC][font=tahoma]Rogue Magazine [/font][/color][/url][/size][/center]
Man, I can hardly wait for "things".
Meh, things are overrated. I'm seriously interested in those dealies!
Dec out.
Pfft, I'm eager for the whatchamacallits.
I swear if this pack has more things then it does dealies I am so quitting and going to CO.. they have a TON of dealies over there!
No one goes there anymore, it's too crowded...
"The potato goes in the FRONT."
Question: What could they do with mutants tho that you can't do in the costume creator? Other than adding 2 extra arms or something that is it.

Question: What could they do with mutants tho that you can't do in the costume creator? Other than adding 2 extra arms or something that is it.
- More animated tails. (Timing of tails with i17 pre Mutant Booster has me banking that THIS will definitely be a part of it...)
- Big reflective fish/alien eyes as a detail, similar to how insect eyes are now in the CC.
- Huge heads so we can experience City of MODOK.
Beyond costume bits:
- Costume Change Emotes including melting into a pool of slime and rising up in a new costume.
- A sprinkling of new power customization animations that include a few melee attacks with more feral flavor to them and a few missile attacks that look more like spitting.
- Auras that include drippy slime or and plant hybrid stuff like leaves that swirl about you.
- Another travel power like Ninja Run that include padding around on all fours with lovely feral leaps.
- Other as to be seen custom powers. A self res with a massively long cooldown timer has been suggested on several occasions here on the forums.
- An emote or two?
Of course it all depends on what the crew took "Mutant" to mean. And from some of the recent chat sessions, it sounds like there was a wide range of interpretations of that term within the CoX universe.
Aye according to War Witch this is what the dev team argued about (loudly) for 30 minutes or so because each one of them had a different interpretation of what 'mutant' should really be.
It is kind of a broad idea. redheads and people who taste the extra flavor in broccoli are mutants, and in comics pretty much anything can be a mutant, from the normal looking jean gray to the less than normal looking nightcrawler. In this case it really seems to be coming down to giving stuff to characters who have a more monsterous theme, something that players like myself have been asking for for a while. If it has fish fins and fox tails, i will be really happy. but really the packs are all about single takes on broad themes, not all natural heroes are practitioners of asian martial arts, but the natural pack focused on that(to my distinct pleasure), so really it is as much an attempt to make a focused fix of a thematic hole as anything. and we need some new monster parts.
Oh jeez, now I'm REALLY hoping for fins. I don't even have a character to use them on, I just want to see more fishmen.
Squirrel and fox tails....pleeeesssee squirrel and fox tails.....
Also focusing on theme allows them to make more than one of each origin. It's probably why they didn't give them the origin names but rather the theme name. I'm still waiting for Super Booster: Enemy Mine for some NPC parts (go on dev know you want to).
It is kind of a broad idea. redheads and people who taste the extra flavor in broccoli are mutants,

In this case it really seems to be coming down to giving stuff to characters who have a more monsterous theme, something that players like myself have been asking for for a while. If it has fish fins and fox tails, i will be really happy. but really the packs are all about single takes on broad themes, not all natural heroes are practitioners of asian martial arts, but the natural pack focused on that(to my distinct pleasure), so really it is as much an attempt to make a focused fix of a thematic hole as anything. and we need some new monster parts. |
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
keep in mind you are talking to a guy who'se main is a dragon, with beast 6 as a head, and his sub-main villain has the wolf face..some of us like our fangface :P, but i get your drift, and would have no issue with stuff for that as well.. I know we are on the same page about the fox/bushy styled tail though, right? my only other big take is i want fins, and i know from the other thread that david at least acknowledged my request, even if there was no specific commitment, so i'm hoping for the best.
Personally, I would love to have the 'monstrous' heads with more options and, y'know, the ability to put other parts on them? Glasses, bionic eyes, sat-comms, etc.
And yes, definitely there for the tails. Some non 'Grinning knife-rack' Dragon heads. Heroic dragon faces, y'know?
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Back tentacles or arms; like the Crab backpack but more organic.
Cyclops face.
A face that's just a gaping fanged maw, with no eyes or anything like that.
Face/head tentacles.
Bird head.
Tails & wings studded with eyes and fanged mouths.
A "Rularuu eyeball" chestpiece.
Back spines/spinal ridge.
Arc #40529 : The Furies of the Earth
Not really, the general definition of a mutation is a change in the DNA that isn't found amongst the general population of an organism. Being a redhead isn't a mutation, it's simply the result of a genetic combination that occurs infrequently in random genetic pairings. If we wanted to as a society we could set up a program to deliberately breed for redheads. Pretty much every trait started as a mutation but once it becomes present in a decent percentage of the population it can't really be considered a mutation anymore (otherwise we're all mutants for having spines).
I will admit that while i was double checking, i didnt find your definition anywhere, as most mutation definitions i found dealt specifically with the offspring and its "parents" and how it was defined by either environmental or genetic error alterations to have traits not predicted by its genetic fore bearers.
It will contain stuff and things... but mostly stuff.
...any word yet beyond "soon" and "likely before the release of i18/GR" yet?
The stealth release of the Ninja Pack may have been thematically appropriate, but this subscriber prefers a little foreplay. What do you say Devs and Marketing? Hows about a screenshot to whet our appetites?