What is the general consensus on server emptyness?




Originally Posted by Panzerwaffen View Post
I have come to the conclusion that there simply must be different versions of City of Heroes in existence. That's the only explanation I can come up with for the wide discrepancy in reported player experiences about the same topic.
Congratulations! You've discovered the reason why anecdotal evidence is inherently unreliable. Please use this knowledge wisely!



Isn't it possible that the declines in population have nothing to do with marketing or the devs or the lack of server merges, but are just the natural, slow,inevitable decline of population that would be experienced by any 6 year old MMO?



Originally Posted by Camper View Post
Isn't it possible that the declines in population have nothing to do with marketing or the devs or the lack of server merges, but are just the natural, slow,inevitable decline of population that would be experienced by any 6 year old MMO?
Sure that's possible, but we can't be sure because NCSoft never does decent marketing in the first place.



Originally Posted by Camper View Post
Isn't it possible that the declines in population have nothing to do with marketing or the devs or the lack of server merges, but are just the natural, slow,inevitable decline of population that would be experienced by any 6 year old MMO?
Your suggestion contains far too much logic and not enough DOOM! for this forum. Please revise it to better fit in with the spirit of this thread.



Originally Posted by Coyote_Seven View Post
Congratulations! You've discovered the reason why anecdotal evidence is inherently unreliable. Please use this knowledge wisely!
Well, they say knowing something is half the battle... And we all know what the other half is.



never ever seen victory in third place in ages. I've seen at the top of the list (under the last accesses server), Hell I even seen it towards the middle but never in third or fourth from the bottom.

Compared to freedom and virtue, hell yeah victory feels empty. Even though it's a common running joke that victory is so empty that you might run into one other person, there is usually enough people, blue side, to form a team. Villian side might be hit or miss as many villians on that server seem to prefer to solo or it's more apparent since they are less of them. But with a lower population, there of course is a greater chance of not finding a team and every 8 man team on victory means more people that are left out of an 8 man team. On virtue and freedom, it's nothing to find hordes of 8 man teams, with a MS raid, LGTF a STF an ITF and you still can find plenty ofopen teams that are nearly full. On victory, get a couple of TFs going and that is less of a pool of people to team who a) might be afk b) might not want to team c) might not want to team because of level difference (not that it matters "much" but people are like that). or d) are looking for a team too that is bigger than 3. There is always an excuse for the low population of the low pop servers. One day "oh it's everyone is in beta. "oh, everyoen is on test." "oh it's a weekday." "oh it's a weekend." "oh it's a holiday" "Oh it'a not a holiday." all said on one server. Over a course of time I heard all of those and more on a "particular" server. Hell I guess the pop will be up when hell freezes over and flying pigs win the super bowl while wearing "Hail Butter!" tan tops while ice skating into heaven to pull God's beard. Wake me up when that happens.

Victory is third from top under protector and under my current server (at the top). "Man, Victory is sure is the second coming of New York city. Soooooooo many people."

-Female Player-
Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Evil_Legacy became one of my favorite posters with two words.
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard. Never change, E_L!



Originally Posted by Evil_Legacy View Post
There is always an excuse for the low population of the low pop servers. One day "oh it's everyone is in beta. "oh, everyoen is on test." "oh it's a weekday." "oh it's a weekend." "oh it's a holiday" "Oh it'a not a holiday." all said on one server. Over a course of time I heard all of those and more on a "particular" server. Hell I guess the pop will be up when hell freezes over and flying pigs win the super bowl while wearing "Hail Butter!" tan tops while ice skating into heaven to pull God's beard. Wake me up when that happens.
How dare people refute the doomcrying with facts. Simple truth is that despite all the doom and gloom people have been trying to proclaim every 2-3 months for six years about server emptiness, the game is still here and still going strong.



No need to worry anymore, the population is growing again. I've popped into the game on Pinnacle a couple times the last two days just because I had a new character idea in my head, started in Galaxy City and both times I saw another character there. BOTH times!!

The other night, when I was actually playing, I actually saw two other characters, in Galaxy City mind you, in the span of a half hour. (and that was on Champion).

So, based on the rules of evidence so far put forth by the doomsayers in this thread, given that I've never seen another toon in Galaxy City since 2006, it's now an irrefutable fact that server population is growing.

Also, my observations prove 90% of the player base have red costumes, and since red is the color of blood, this proves that most of the population are very violent, bloodthirsty people *shudder*.

@Doctor Gemini

Arc #271637 - Welcome to M.A.G.I. - An alternative first story arc for magic origin heroes. At Hero Registration you heard the jokes about Azuria always losing things. When she loses the entire M.A.G.I. vault, you are chosen to find it.



Yeah, they're quieter than Freedom and Virtue - I use those servers for my team playing, my heroes on Freedom and my villains on Virtue, even running my own SG and VG on the respective servers. I recently returned to Champion and reset up a base there so that i've got a place to play if F & V grey out. Sometimes I enjoy soloing though i usually can get a team on Champion ii really want one. Not sure as i'm try a tf or zone event on one of the quieter servers - not without a decent group and/or coalition suuport.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
How dare people refute the doomcrying with facts. Simple truth is that despite all the doom and gloom people have been trying to proclaim every 2-3 months for six years about server emptiness, the game is still here and still going strong.
Victory and most servers used to be a bunch of lively servers. In fact I remember it used to be as lively as Virute is now. Back in the day when Freedom stayed grayed out. I still think you're right about this game will be around a long time, assuming that the most populated servers dont go "empty". I dont think the total population of game have decreased to a panic point but I think it's more like a population shift. When's the next free transfer thingy gonna happen?

-Female Player-
Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Evil_Legacy became one of my favorite posters with two words.
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard. Never change, E_L!



I'll break from lurking and throw in with everyone else here. As so many of us noticed, the OP made some misguided presumptions about what we're all looking for in City of Heroes.

I read comic books. I especially dig the interconnectedness between many of the personalities in the Marvel universe. Shouldn't be surprising that I play almost exclusively on Virtue, with like-minded people who have put tons of creative thought and effort into their heroes and villains. Of course, insanely creative people can be found playing on every server. Virtue is my favorite alternate universe run amok, but I have, quite purposefully, made a couple of heroes on low population servers, intending to have them "exist in a universe" more like our own, with few (or none) super powered peers; they both actually have natural origins. This has been an enjoyable experience in its own right, and an experience the OP doesn't seem to have discovered an appreciation for.

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Guide to AltitisA Comic for New PlayersThe Lore ProjectIntro to extraterrestrials in CoH



Originally Posted by Sharker_Quint View Post
i have quoted myself just because everyone who still doesn't understand this seems to have missed it.

this happens every year at the same times. "oh my god, there are 20 less people on, the servers are dead. i don't give a crap about your logical answers. only my own self deluted ones."

people take breaks. i know, it's blasphemy. again, pay attention to the time of year it is. this happens at least 5 times per year. when GR hits, what will be next, oh my god, there is no one starting in atlas/galaxy/mercy?
Being able to observe a dip of 20 people is more my concern than the ever present excuses that are perpetually made to justify low numbers. That said, I wonder at what point explaining away low numbers at any given time stops and is just accepted as the reality of the situation?

Originally Posted by SwellGuy View Post
By and large it is the same posters saying it often as well.
That's the same for both sides of any cyclical topic around here. Noticing that we are a very small group of lifers is satisfactory in some ways I suppose.

Originally Posted by Scythus View Post
You are forbidden from using the name of my favorite VtM clan in your highly flawed arguments.
Scythus, you would have to get up pretty early to ever defeat one of my "highly flawed arguments". I see why you resort to what you do. Make your useless quips elsewhere or actually join in the fun of the conversation. thxbai.



Originally Posted by Captain_Electric View Post
but I have, quite purposefully, made a couple of heroes on low population servers, intending to have them "exist in a universe" more like our own, with few (or none) super powered peers; they both actually have natural origins. This has been an enjoyable experience in its own right, and an experience the OP doesn't seem to have discovered an appreciation for.
While I can't speak for the OP I know you can do this on Freedom during a 2x xp weekend if you want. I know this because I have several 'lone wolf' characters on that server.

The game being almost entirely instanced content ensures one's ability to play in that style.

What a server like Freedom can't provide is playing in a twilight zone-esque landscape that is devoid of all life provided you are looking to do that specifically in one of the hub zones. If you are ok with going to any of the 10 or so other zones blue side you can still experience entire zones where you are the only person loaded.

I think the devs bend over backwards to supply us with a single player game MMO. Most of their changes seem aimed at furthering the single player aspect. That might be coincidence, or it might not be. I'm just not sure it is fair to expect the open game world to cater to that single player style even though it does in many cases already.



Originally Posted by Frosticus View Post
While I can't speak for the OP I know you can do this on Freedom during a 2x xp weekend if you want. I know this because I have several 'lone wolf' characters on that server.

The game being almost entirely instanced content ensures one's ability to play in that style.

What a server like Freedom can't provide is playing in a twilight zone-esque landscape that is devoid of all life provided you are looking to do that specifically in one of the hub zones. If you are ok with going to any of the 10 or so other zones blue side you can still experience entire zones where you are the only person loaded.

I think the devs bend over backwards to supply us with a single player game MMO. Most of their changes seem aimed at furthering the single player aspect. That might be coincidence, or it might not be. I'm just not sure it is fair to expect the open game world to cater to that single player style even though it does in many cases already.
MMMMmmm the fresh smell of anecdotal notes in the twilight of a new day is great.



They're nowhere near as populated as they were between 2004 and 2006, but people seem to have forgotten that. Nowadays they're okay with the ghost town servers. A lot of folks actually prefer it. I enjoy playing on Virtue and Freedom now cause there's always folks to play with there.

It is what it is unfortunately.



I love that on a 'dead server' I was part of two simultaneous SF's last night.

It was originally planned for one but:
Poorer populated redside
16 people (actually more wanted in, not sure if a 3rd got going) wanted on a SF.

That's more than enough populated for me.

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617



I love how Freedom is touted as the only "good" server, just because it is the only one that approaches the level of jam-packed-ness that some other MMOs "enjoy".

People complain that they can never get onto a TF or a team. I play pretty much exclusively on Pinnacle (one of the "dead" servers), and there have been many occasions where I have not only goten on a TF, but I was forced to decide which one I wanted to run because 3 were starting simultaneously. This isn't a "back in the day" anecdote, this was last Wednesday. And it wasn't peak time either, it was about 2 PM.

I happen to be a member of several global channels, so I have more trouble deciding what to do than I do finding a team. Anyone who is on the forums complaining has the same resources I do to find global channels to join. Go down to the server forums and look on the server you play on, there should be a sticky listing global channels for that server. Globals reach everywhere, cross-zone, inside missions, on other servers, PvP zones. Your team request will reach everyone on that channel, regardless of where they happen to be. Broadcasting that you're looking for a Kahn TF in Founders Falls probably isn't going to have much success.

I personally feel that Broadcast is the laziest way of looking for a team there is. Some people do things like broadcast "level 36 tank lft" in Galaxy City at 9 AM and declare that the server is dead because they didn't get inundated with tells.

Or they put up their LFT flag and just stand there, expecting the team to come to them.

Yes, the population IS slightly down, I'm not arguing that point, but it's not even close to the "no one plays anymore, the game is dying!" that some people try to make it out to be.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



always thought pinnacle to be decently populated on average.

-Female Player-
Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Evil_Legacy became one of my favorite posters with two words.
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard. Never change, E_L!



Originally Posted by Catwhoorg View Post
I love that on a 'dead server' I was part of two simultaneous SF's last night.

It was originally planned for one but:
So this was a planned event. And you expect surprise that you got people involved in it? I've said earlier in this thread that I personally can team when I want. Any 4+ year veteran should be able to form a team through their own contacts, SG/VG and an in depth knowledge of using the team tools.

That's more than enough populated for me.
This, right here, has been my issue with arguments from the camp of 'nothing is wrong'. Just because we both got on teams last night or the night before does not make the servers seem less empty to the uneducated. A new player jumps on the game and sees nothing but empty streets and maybe 1 or 2 other players over the course of 30 minutes. What kind of impression do you imagine that makes?

Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
Yes, the population IS slightly down, I'm not arguing that point, but it's not even close to the "no one plays anymore, the game is dying!" that some people try to make it out to be.
I thought that this discussion had moved past this point. I'm more looking at a population distribution issue than a 'game is dying' issue. Because I think that the distribution issue can have a negative effect on the perception of the game. I believe it already does have one.

Now yes, I know a lot of you don't care about that because you're fine as long as you can keep getting teams. I just don't happen to think that because veterans and lifers can get teams, that it means that all is well in terms of server populations.

I believe that we have too many people occupying 2 servers out of 11 and are underutilizing the other 9 servers.



I wsh the devs would put up population numbers or averages and then it will end it all. But that would be much work on them on top of what they already have. it would be nice but at the same time I rather they keep focus on the more "important" stuff and get to it when they get to it. only if it was a way to see raw data of actual population of the srvers at anygiven time.

-Female Player-
Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Evil_Legacy became one of my favorite posters with two words.
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard. Never change, E_L!



Originally Posted by Slashman View Post
So this was a planned event. And you expect surprise that you got people involved in it? I've said earlier in this thread that I personally can team when I want. Any 4+ year veteran should be able to form a team through their own contacts, SG/VG and an in depth knowledge of using the team tools.
I never knew you had the insight to all server and events at all times in the game. I had stuff like that happen over the last few weeks on the same server as him being all pug'd.

Ya know my secret to get this? I opened a search window and sent tells to people who could be interested in teaming. Also send shout outs on global channels. It is an amazing feat not being a wallflower.



Originally Posted by Slashman View Post
Now yes, I know a lot of you don't care about that because you're fine as long as you can keep getting teams. I just don't happen to think that because veterans and lifers can get teams, that it means that all is well in terms of server populations.
So...these days I play between about midnight and 6 AM PST. The people on my globals list are sleeping, and I don't belong to an SG. I also have never learned to use global channels. Looked at them the other night after reading this thread and had no clue which ones are even being used.

Despite this, if I want a team I always get one. So what, exactly, are the tools available to me as a long-time player that a new player does not have to get teams? To my knowledge, the team search window is not a Vet reward, and that is my sole means, other than random invites which I get a minimum of one an hour from different people.

I have toons on almost all the servers, but play most often on Champion, Justice, and Guardian. Now, Justice seems to be the Aussie server, and I play during their prime time, so I'll give you that one, but how do you explain the fact that these other "dead" servers are not difficult to find teams on in the wee hours of the morning? Are you going to tell me there are less people on during the day?

This is why what you or I observe means absolutely nothing. And dismissing observational data that does not match your own as being the result of special lifer powers does not make your argument any more true.

@Doctor Gemini

Arc #271637 - Welcome to M.A.G.I. - An alternative first story arc for magic origin heroes. At Hero Registration you heard the jokes about Azuria always losing things. When she loses the entire M.A.G.I. vault, you are chosen to find it.



Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post

2) Each gets generic'ed and a rename token. First one to log in and grab the name they both had gets to keep it.

Not cool. Not cool in the slightest.

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Originally Posted by Smurch View Post
Tabula Rasa's servers were busier than some of the lower pop servers here, and we all know what happened there (much to my personal dismay).

That's all I'm saying.
The problem was that Tabula Rasa had massive development costs that were never going to be made back without WoW level subscriptions. Shutting it down let NCSoft write off a chunk of that massive development cost for a huge tax break that year.

COX has already earned back it's development cost and is covering it's ongoing maintenance and development cost and still bringing in money. Thus it is a massively different case.

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