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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SwellGuy View Post
    Here is what I would suggest to help people:

    Next to each server name put the current online population and the max population of the previous (day/week).
    Good lord that would cause chaos for the people that refuse to believe some servers are dying.
  2. Add another vote for the 'real' thigh high boots please.

    Also, didn't females have nipples at one time? Pretty sure they do in real life.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    My biggest fear is damaging my expensive hardware, my desk, or possibly my the bones in my hand, really.
    Seriously? No really, seriously?
  4. Against my better judgment, I came back to ati and got a 5670- a cheap, low power requirement card for my modest gaming needs. For the life of me I can't get AA working in this game, through the game, or the driver. Anyone else have this happen? The 9.12 hotfix I doesn't seem to support 56xx cards. I tried the latest beta CCC, and no joy. My other PC game, Dragon Age, runs just fine.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lemur Lad View Post
    Yup suck is so irrevocable that you were definitely being ripped off. You should sue.

    Pay no attention to the several fixes that have been put out in the last couple patches, and the posts addressing costume issues that say more fixes are on the way. That's completely irrelevant to your point.
    Right, 'cause if my credit card got bugged and I missed a payment, I'd still be able to play while I iron out the bugs...
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Willowpaw View Post
    Big question. If your preferred server were to get merged with another server, would you have any problem whatsoever with having to possibly change all your characters' names due to someone else possibly having those names on the other server?

    All you have to do is look up one of the threads about how easy it is to think up names. They have tips offered by the same obnoxious people who get their knickers in a knot when someone mentions server merges.
  7. Qurios

    COH on Windows 7

    I'm running CoH on a laptop with a fresh win 7 install. Try installing directX 9c. Win7 I think comes with at least DX10. It shouldn't be an issue, but who knows what might have changed from DX 9 to DX10. It worked for me in running Aion. Might work here too.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Bright Shadow View Post

    That's not the issue.

    As of now, there is no way at all to convert infamy to influence....snip
    If this is true, what happens to my inf when I switch sides? If it's not convertible, then shouldn't I lose it all? If I don't, then somewhere along the way my influence is being converted to infamy and vice versa, isn't it?
  9. I got back into the game by playing Aion. Aion is a fun game, because it's new and shiny, but truly it made me appreciate it here more.

    The general chat in Aion is a few step below neanderthal, which makes me appreciate most of the people here. CoX seems to attract a more laid back, less selfish crowd.

    In the actual game, I got tired of dying when a second mob would aggro and kill me. Takes alot more than 2 even cons to kill me here!

    It's also great that it doesn't take a long time to get from A to B here. It's also doesn't cost alot of ingame currency to do anything. There's no bots here, and very little inf selling.

    In short, check out some other games. the grass isn't always greener over there.
  10. I was hoping a market merge would be part of GR. bummer.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by EnigmaBlack View Post
    That's a good idea. Personally I've been neg repped and left stupid comments simply because I don't agree with certain popular forum posters.
    Yep. The only thing it serves to do is enforce the mob mentality. Well, I guess it also serves for cowardly people to make funny comments without fear of reprisal since they seem to be anonymous. It's a perfect system for those without the stones to take responsibility.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Obsidius View Post
    Oh, so we have you to blame for the current predicament?
  13. I'd like at least for spawns to be moved or randomized. They're always at the same spots on the same maps. Being surprised by a spawn I wasn't expecting would be a....surprise.
  14. Does anyone know if this 'ultra mode' includes higher poly models? Compared to newer games like Aion, the toons here are looking a little boxy.
  15. OP, I noticed it on double XP weekend too. I had to check to website to make sure I had the right weekend. I ended up moving my active toons to virtue and freedom, since the others are dead. I hope GR comes out soon, and is worth it to kick some of the tumbleweeds away.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Cynical_Gamer View Post
    I kinda hope that there's an option to start at level 1 after you switch sides.
    Why not just roll a new toon?
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Clave_Dark_5 View Post
    My question would be if the graphics engine is getting an update or not.
    Same here. A few more poly's never hurt anyone.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by KingSnake View Post
    What i got from the artical is, CoH is getting old, and ncsoft needs to start planing a sequal NOW if they want it ready in a few years, like the end of 2011 into 2012, when city will really be showing it age and up against some STIFF compatation.

    And i agree. When this game is up agains DC online, Marvel online(maybe), and Champions (maybe, if it's still around) being the old dog on the block with dated graphics and a (more then likely) dwindleing comunity, then is not the time to start planing a sequeal. it's to late. do it now.

    That's my take on the article. and man of man, did reading about Asheron Call bring back a FLOOD of found memories... i had ALOT of fun in that old game.
    I read the article the same way. I really like this game, but it's getting pretty long in the tooth. the toons have low polygon counts, the lighhting effects are dated (I'd love to play in sewers that are actually dark), and the sounds are pretty weak.

    I find gameplay (combat) a little slow and empty, when I come back to it from newer games. It feels like slow motion- it'd be great if the game engine had a throttle and the animations could be sped up.

    I do feel super in this game though. Playing Aion alot, if 2 mobs aggro me, I'm pretty much dead or very close. I can't think of many games where I can take on a number of mobs except for here.

    If they do remake this game, I hope they use the same game style. I hate how every MMO created now tries to be WoW with game play mechanics.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ms. Mesmer View Post
    I do agree with that. You will find it for any game out there. There are literally legions of disaffected former WoW players, for instance. Not every game is going to be every player's cup of tea, even those with a very broad appeal.
    Unfortunately, most of them seem to have gone to Aion. It's a great game, but the people on it drive me nuts to the point of cancelling. I hope WoW stay current for a long time, just to keep those players out of other games.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
    I know how you feel.

    Four Tasksforce this week (Mon-Thursday), all 8 man teams, all PuGers...this game is dead. Virtue must be dying!
    Right. There are at least 8 people on your server, case closed.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
    Unsurprisingly, you ignore what you've been told. If I could red-rep you again, I would.

    I've been hopping between Aion and here for the last week. For someone coming from another MMO, yes, COH *Looks* more sparsely populated. Why?

    Because everyone's running around outside in other games. You're competing for kills with them for that "Get X Enemy-item" and "Defeat X Bad Guy," while another's going for the "Take the soup to Jim" mission.

    COH? People are *inside* instanced missions. Yes, there's some travel. No, you don't have to compete to "Defeat 10 Hellions" - because there's around 300 in a 1000 yard radius, if not more. You see me going to a contact, then a door - *and my team vanishes from the map as we all go inside.*

    Gee, why does someone who doesnt' spend half a second to think about it think "the servers are empty?"

    As has been pointed out, AGAIN, even those of us on "small" servers have no problems getting teams with a *bare minimum* of effort (IE, not just standing there going "vlv 10 nincompoop lft!" in local or broadcast.) Oh, and not every team has to be 8-person, one-of-each-AT minimum, etc.

    You also, AGAIN, ignore all the problems with a server merge - including a *very* solid impression that the game's about to die that such a thing sends.

    Go learn something before spouting off instead of ignoring what's been told to you.
    Repping guys poorly while your own is off eh? Nice. Give the guy a break. Servers have needed a merge for quite some time now. Only server transfers have lessened the amount of post regarding a merge.

    Point it out all you want AGAIN, server populations have gone down. It doesn't take a jeenyus to see that, and only the very obtuse or naive would think levels are the same over the long haul. Sure the game is instanced based- it always has been- but crowds under Atlas have always been there, but smaller now. Crowds in the average WW were always there, but smaller now. Chatter in broadcast used to be very annoying, and constant, and it still is, but....it's smaller now. Is the game dying? Of course it is, it's what, 5 years old now? Is it dead? Not until NC says so, and obviously they sit fit to release another expansion.

    It's great that some old timers have a tight circle that they can count on for good times. That doesn't help the new guy. Neither do posts like this. Some people have been here so long the sense of entitlement is overwhelming, and apparently the entitlement covers opinions over others' as well.
  22. In my time here, I have exactly one 50. After I get that last costume slot, I have a tough time the final 10 levels.
  23. I'm sitting at 8.9 k/sec (DSL connection). For some reason it wants to fix 2.8gig of files, even though I copied over a fresh (ie, current issue 15) install to a test folder. In a mere 87 hours I'll be able to play.
  24. [ QUOTE ]
    I miss when the Suggestions Forum was not in the fun n games section...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    lol, I was just going to edit my post to add this. I loved that forum!