Sure Hero-Con had GR info.....




After reading and searching for a varity of GR information, I have to say, even though I am so far impressed with GR and all the neat graphic effects that are coming with it, I was upset with the seemingly limite, or absolutly lack of any new information about issue 17 or 18.

We have at the very least 6 months before GR goes Live and yes it is very exciting, but I would have liked to hear/seen about what is coming next. Heck we could be past issue 19 before GR goes live.

I suppose the answer to why the lack of information is simply the marketing team would not at this time reveal this information.

So if anyone that was there can answer this simple question as I assume it was at least asked while the convention was going on.



A lot of the things revealed at Hero Con were specifically NOT tied to Going Rogue. Power Pool Customization, Electricity Control, Getting Base Raiding Back, to name a few things. It's safe to assume some or all of those will be coming in the next several issues.

I think you're overestimating the amount of time between now and GR, the chances of 3 issues worth of stuff in one full year, much less half a year is unrealistic to say the least.

There's almost never a new issue in November and December, because of Holiday events, and the traditional Dev vacation over the real world holidays. Actually I mean, there isn't one launched when we haven't already heard about it before October. It's problematic to have a good Beta Test this time of year, and that's what would have to happen to get a new issue out in January or February.

Basically, unless the devs specifically listed it as a Going Rogue feature, there's nothing to say it will be. Side Switching, Ultra Mode, Praetoria zone(s) and the new powersets are specifically GR. Most other things are indeterminate.

"Null is as much an argument "for removing the cottage rule" as the moon being round is for buying tennis shoes." -Memphis Bill



Oh I agree, the chances of 3 issues going live before GR is released is a bit of a stretch. But I do believe that my question is at least valid. Yes GR is awesome, I'm excited to get my hands on it. Yet it seems, at least from everything I have so far seen, that this was the only new thing discussed at the Hero Con. I just had hoped that at least i17 was discussed as well. A side note as it were. If it wasn't talked about, then it wasn't talked about.



Like I said, a goodly portion of the things talked about were also specifically mentioned to not be part of GR. That means chances are, they will be in 17, 18, or farther in the future. So I guess I'm saying, I don't get how you are saying they only talked about GR just because they didn't garble the message by doing a rollout of I17 at the same time.

"Null is as much an argument "for removing the cottage rule" as the moon being round is for buying tennis shoes." -Memphis Bill



I would guess one more issue or two issues with the 2nd being lightweight like Issue 5 and 13 before the sync issue with GR.

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There is no Issue planned between now and Going Rogue, which would put the "issue patch" that accompanies GR at Issue 17.

However, it's been reported from HeroCon that Brian Clayton, the General Manager, said that they'll try to get the graphics upgrade (Ultra Mode) into our hands before Going Rogue. This would make that Issue 16.5 (like we had an Issue 11.5 which brought us Real Numbers, Debt reduction and XP curve adjustment, and tons of power fixes).

Or, if there's enough other-non-GR-stuff available, they'll wrap that into a tiny Issue 17 (which would make GR Issue 18).

I'm guessing they're shooting for the 6 year anniversary for GR, which would be 225 days after Issue 16, only three days longer than what we waited for Issue 7.

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The marketing crew has a iron deathgrip on the devs these days... mostly thanks to the dopes here who love to whine and scream about any poorly-made statement and anything that was announced, then cancelled.



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
There is no Issue planned between now and Going Rogue, ...
Source. Please, I guess, but that's just a ridiculous claim to make without sourcing when you make it.

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Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post
Source. Please, I guess, but that's just a ridiculous claim to make without sourcing when you make it.
Zombie Man's source is the forum post he linked to (here it is again). In that post, Lightfoot mentioned talking to Brian Clayton, who told him that more than likely, there would not be an issue between now and Going Rogue. He did say there was a chance that they might have enough non-GR stuff ready for a "16.5" or a "small" Issue 17, and they might try to get the graphics upgrade out with that if they could.

That's probably as official as we're going to get for awhile.



Reading Babs recent post, it appears that further Power Customization is not happening anytime soon.

EDIT: I meant to add that Sunstorm basically shot down any base love happening soon.

Go Team Venture!



Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post
Source. Please, I guess, but that's just a ridiculous claim to make without sourcing when you make it.
You laugh at one post I make when I provided a link presuming I misread the OP and now you snap at me for not providing one when I actually did.

What is your problem?

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Wait, what is this Ultra mode?



Originally Posted by Kierthos View Post
Wait, what is this Ultra mode?
Ultra mode is ultra mode.

Er, one of the things revealed last weekend was a graphics overhaul to the entire game. The cool twist is, the game remains playable for everyone else at the same minimum system requirements. If you have a new compy, though, you can switch ultra mode on and it looks like a brand new 2010 MMO.

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Does anyone know if this 'ultra mode' includes higher poly models? Compared to newer games like Aion, the toons here are looking a little boxy.



Originally Posted by Qurios View Post
Does anyone know if this 'ultra mode' includes higher poly models? Compared to newer games like Aion, the toons here are looking a little boxy.
I just watched the 28 minute youtube clip of the keynote address at HeroCon, and it does look like there have been some small adjustments to character models (and they mention during the keynote address that they plan to keep improving it, so the stuff you see in the clip is a minimum of what we're going to get as far as "ultra mode" goes"), including making reflective surfaces on character models. (I.e. you can see things reflected in someone's mirrored visor.)



Originally Posted by Qurios View Post
Does anyone know if this 'ultra mode' includes higher poly models? Compared to newer games like Aion, the toons here are looking a little boxy.
All New environmental textures, new rules for lighting, shadows, reflections (on costumes and environment), and water. No radical reworking of the character models themselves, from what I saw.

"Null is as much an argument "for removing the cottage rule" as the moon being round is for buying tennis shoes." -Memphis Bill



Originally Posted by Qurios View Post
Does anyone know if this 'ultra mode' includes higher poly models? Compared to newer games like Aion, the toons here are looking a little boxy.
As far as we know, it doesn't.

From what I can glean from various comments of various Devs is that the player character model engine is not expandable. It has an X amount of nodes and polygons baked into the coding of the engine without any expandability built into it. So, it was never coded for input so that a Dev can be queried by the system: "How many nodes do you want along the back? How many polygons do you want to use to create the hands?" Etc...

What *can* be done is to use textures and 'skins' that have more and more detail and texture. Look at the faces of the Scrapyarders and you'll see a photo-realistic face texture applied to them. Or, look at the costumes that come in the Booster Packs that looked 3D bumpy.

BAB already told people at HeroCon that non-mitteny five-fingered hands was not going to happen. And Jay told people that backpack-type items were still a way off because of severe clipping problems (PC models don't have a node easily available to hang the backpacks on).

Of course, 'never' doesn't always mean 'never'. They *could* totally rewrite the player character animation engine... but that would be a lot of work over a lot of time. There would have to be a decision made that it would be worth it both in the cost and in the management of resources. Programmers rebuilding the PC engine are programmers not working on the next Issue or Expansion (unless a new PC engine *is* the next Expansion).

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Originally Posted by BlackSun17 View Post
Reading Babs recent post, it appears that further Power Customization is not happening anytime soon.

EDIT: I meant to add that Sunstorm basically shot down any base love happening soon.
It's because the programmers are busy. Pretty much the rest of the powers customization (Pool powers, etc) requires new tech (to handle the fact you don't select them at character creation, and can respec out)

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Originally Posted by Qurios View Post
Does anyone know if this 'ultra mode' includes higher poly models? Compared to newer games like Aion, the toons here are looking a little boxy.
Ultra-mode is great! The new shades and refelctions really breathed new life into the game.

I do agree with this statement. New civilians and new cars moving around the city would be a HUGE improvement. However, I doubt it would have anything to do with Ultra-mode. I believe they would actually have to pull all the current civilians out of the game in order to put in new ones.

Civilian: "I WANTZ 2 BEH PRETTEH 2 !!!1!1!"
Dev:"Sorry, no amount of cosmetic surgery is going to help you, Mr. Boxhead Squarepants."

"You wear a mask to hide who you are, I wear a mask to show who I am"

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Originally Posted by Ozmosis View Post
Ultra-mode is great! The new shades and refelctions really breathed new life into the game.

I do agree with this statement. New civilians and new cars moving around the city would be a HUGE improvement. However, I doubt it would have anything to do with Ultra-mode. I believe they would actually have to pull all the current civilians out of the game in order to put in new ones.

Civilian: "I WANTZ 2 BEH PRETTEH 2 !!!1!1!"
Dev:"Sorry, no amount of cosmetic surgery is going to help you, Mr. Boxhead Squarepants."
Problem being that a large boost in poly count would completely negate one pro of Ultra mode: it's completely optional, and the engine is fully backwards compatible to the requirements we have now.

It's not that they can't do it if they want, but if they did, they'd alienate all the players running lower-end systems.

Meanwhile, the tech that they're putting in, IMO, does a lot more than just what pumping more polys could accomplish alone.

I've always been a fan of using texture and shader technologies instead of just making more detailed models.

That, and if it's possible to add tesselation support into the engine (supported in Windows by DX11), it'd already be adding more polys without having to do much to the models. Unfortunately, that wouldn't help lower end video cards or Mac users. But really, only the Mac users would be left out, because lower end video cards would need to be running "low" (i.e. what we have now) poly models just to play anyway.



Originally Posted by Hellguard View Post
Zombie Man's source is the forum post he linked to (here it is again). In that post, Lightfoot mentioned talking to Brian Clayton, who told him that more than likely, there would not be an issue between now and Going Rogue. He did say there was a chance that they might have enough non-GR stuff ready for a "16.5" or a "small" Issue 17, and they might try to get the graphics upgrade out with that if they could.

That's probably as official as we're going to get for awhile.
I also tallked with Brian Clayton who gave me the same answer: There will likely be an Issue 17 before Going Rogue (which isn't due to come out until April-May-June). Some of the stuff (like Ultra Mode) may be ready to toss into Issue 17 and will be if it is.

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Originally Posted by PuceNonagon View Post
I also tallked with Brian Clayton who gave me the same answer: There will likely be an Issue 17 before Going Rogue (which isn't due to come out until April-May-June). Some of the stuff (like Ultra Mode) may be ready to toss into Issue 17 and will be if it is.
You're saying what seems to be the opposite of what Lightfoot reported.

Lightfoot said Brian said there is no definite plan for an Issue 17 and there will only be an Issue 17 *if* they can scrape up some non-GR stuff ready-to-go before GR hits.

You're saying Brian said there is a likely plan for Issue 17.

I guess the two reports can be reconciled if they would like to do an Issue 17 and have some stuff they know they can put into it and hope to have more to make it a full issue but that's not a sure thing at this point.

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Originally Posted by PuceNonagon View Post
I also tallked with Brian Clayton who gave me the same answer: There will likely be an Issue 17 before Going Rogue (which isn't due to come out until April-May-June). Some of the stuff (like Ultra Mode) may be ready to toss into Issue 17 and will be if it is.
Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
You're saying what seems to be the opposite of what Lightfoot reported.

Lightfoot said Brian said there is no definite plan for an Issue 17 and there will only be an Issue 17 *if* they can scrape up some non-GR stuff ready-to-go before GR hits.

You're saying Brian said there is a likely plan for Issue 17.

I guess the two reports can be reconciled if they would like to do an Issue 17 and have some stuff they know they can put into it and hope to have more to make it a full issue but that's not a sure thing at this point.
I don't think our answers are necessarily mutually exclusive. I cornered Brian literally 5 minutes after the Keynote Address. I was two people away from the mike when they stopped taking questions, so I was burning to get my question answered.

It is possible that PuceNonagon talked to Brian later in the day after he had had a chance to mull over my earlier question or talk it over with the rest of the Devs.

That being said, I think time will be a little too tight for there to be a full issue. If we get 16.5, it will need to be in the Training Room by early / mid November so as not to interfere with the Going Rogue testing.

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Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
I would guess one more issue or two issues with the 2nd being lightweight like Issue 5 and 13 before the sync issue with GR.
[Random] I find it interesting you picked 13 over, say 15 lol. 13 was dayjobs and PXP, a massive amount of numeric work and locations to have dayjob activators setup, while some like 15 were simply a TF.

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Oops, I blame old age. Actually I was trying to remember a "short" issue before a major (as in BIG feature) issue so I thought back to MA and not power customization.

You are right, I meant Issue 15, not 13.

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