Sure Hero-Con had GR info.....




Does anyone have any idea what the minimum specs might be to run Ultra mode smoothly? Anyone care to speculate?

50 Claws/Regen Scrap, 50 Energy/Energy Blaster, 50 SS/Invuln Tanker, 50 Robot/Traps MasterMind, 50 Fire/Kin Controller, 50 Ninja/Ninja Stalker, 50 Elec/Shield Brute, 50 Elec/Time Controller



I am also very interested in the reqs for this ultra mode. I know if my machine runs it now it will still be able to run the game when it gets upgraded. I was in the market for a new Machine, but now that ultra-mode is coming i want to make sure that my new machine will be fully up to the task. Maybe i should just buy a supercomputer.....wait my office isn't big enough, maybe i need to upgrde plot sizes....



Since they are not done working on it yet, I doubt the Devs know exactly what the specs will be for it. If you would wait until it was closer to going into Closed Beta (In probably 2 months) then someone might have an idea.

Justice Blues, Tech/Tank, Inv/SS
Fighting The Future Trilogy