Da PolahBear

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  1. I am also very interested in the reqs for this ultra mode. I know if my machine runs it now it will still be able to run the game when it gets upgraded. I was in the market for a new Machine, but now that ultra-mode is coming i want to make sure that my new machine will be fully up to the task. Maybe i should just buy a supercomputer.....wait my office isn't big enough, maybe i need to upgrde plot sizes....
  2. I'm torn between an Ice/sonic and an Earth sonic. I've played with Earth before but never to 32. I've never had an Ice troller before. Now i'm set on Sonic for the secondery, and i know it has shields to use on the pet, and that nice debuff aura thing too. Now how would the sonic stuff help out each pet. I know next to nothing about the ice pet, havn't seen one in ages. I know that the Earth pet is better than he used to be.
    I have to say I am leaning towards Ice, but i don't want to commit until I know for sure that the combo will be nice.
    So any advice on ICE/SOnic or Earth/Sonic is welcome.
  3. I was looking to slot a Guassions chance for buildup in dark nova. how does this work as a toggle does it give a chance every so often? or is it only the time you enter nova form? also what are some other good procs frankenslots for a tri-form WS?
  4. Pay attention to the combat numbers too. I notice on some of my lower level toons that their flight speed is capped with swift and flight speed IO's in both flight and hover. The speedcap increases as you level. A trick i use requires the Jump jet pack, that came with the GvE edition of the Game. It lets you jump up nicely and all, but it also gives a nice speed boost to flight. If you moniter the real numbers on speed you can usualy hit the the speed cap once you pop that power and thus see how far off you are. those slots may be better spent elsewhere at the lower levels.
  5. I would think if the trial account owner liked the names and planed to play again they would have upgraded to a full account for at least 1 month's play. Granted there is the chance most names held by trial acounts are RMT spam names, but they may be a few good or funny joke names people do want.
  6. Da PolahBear

    ice/mental ?

    3 solid answers i'm sold ill let you know how i like it. Thanks for the input
  7. Da PolahBear

    ice/mental ?

    Anybody have this combo? I've been on a spree making new toons with some of my extra slots, and i'm trying out sets i haven't used much
    I have never taken ice past 14, and the highest Mental was 20.
    I stopped using those charecters because i found some other concept to try.
  8. Ok so i looked into what I had and what you guys are suggesting. I decided that my current Mind/Kin is not going to be sticking around as I found something better to fit that charecters concept.
    SO i will be making 2 new controllers now.
    One will be Mind, but not sure of the secondery for it. I was thinking of mind/sonic any ideas how that will play? The toon will probably be solo alot, so not sure if a set that has ally buffs are as good a path.
    the other is still undecided, but it seems alot of people are suggesting Earth.
    Now As i will be dropping the Kin secondery it is open again. So if you factor that in does that make one primery more appealingout grav, ice and earth? I have heard good things of ice/kin and earth Kin.
  9. I have 4 Controllers right now and I'm looking to add a fifth. I currently have an Ill/FF, Plant/storm, Fire/Rad and a Mind/kin. I don't like to repeat sets if i can help it so the next one can't be any of those. I may be willing to repeat a secondery, but i'd rather not. I have defenders as well so i'm not really looking to repeat their sets either, so no TA and no empathy. So how does earth, Ice, and gravity stack up against each other?
    For seconderies i was looking at Sonic and maybe thermal. I know cold is coming as well, but not to sure i want to wait for it.
    the most important thing is I want a fun charecter to lvl, not just what will be fun at higher lvls. Any ideas?
  10. Let them work out the bugs before opening it up to higher lvls. Then if it is working nicely look at expanding it slowly. I'd say 1-10 first. Remember there was mentioning that they may expand it to more than 2 people in a pact at some point.
    I think the reason you dont see what you get until zoning is so they can make sure xp isn't getting lost. there were some issues with lost xp, I don't know all the issues, but i think this will be a temp solution so we can have pacted charecters until they can get it just right.
  11. It just seems like and error to me, because it looks like on some plot sizes the secure version is more expensive, sometimes it looks like the secure cost is that of the next sized hidden, if that makes sense. BUt i know that some are the same too. So it really looks like and oversight.
    If this goes live as is though and you upgrade to the secure plot, and then they change the price would that take the cost out of your bank?
    I'm not asking to get answers, because i'm aware most of you dont have them, but I am trying to get others thinking along these lines.
  12. Is it just me, or is the Secure and hidden plots the same cost for some sizes? such as 20 x 20 and 16 x 16?
    Seeing my banked prestige will have more mileage now I have to ask questions on a plot type I never saw as possible before.
    Is the only difference between Secure and hidden, the fact that secure allows more batteries and extra power control?
    Does that mean you can have 2 full control sources and 2 full power sources?
  13. for day jobs i hope the zone tweaks mean adding "places of employment" to the zones, like a music shop for any musicians, or a shoe store for any cobblers. Nothing fancy just a store sign to log off in front of.
    Other ideas would be a gym for athletes, i can allready see the movie theaters for actors and stuff.
  14. Im just wary of what may happen when you DC due to lag in a location thats not a great day job..like a factory over in KR. you log back on to find you have the sweat shop owner badge...then suddenly you arent so heroic
  15. Whats a song that rymes with mild fling?
  16. Who produces movies for 3 hole punch?

    Angelic vomit
  17. What did I get my wife for Xmas this year?

  18. Whats the name of the newest off broad way show?

  19. im worried now, 6months ago my billing was denied by my CC for all these reasons. If your card is denied 3 times in 1 day you must wait 24 hours before you can try again, and if you try before 24 is up it will auto deny and restart your 24 timer. Prior to this i was billing monthly, but this was frustrating so i opted for a 6month lump. Well my next biiling is Feb 7, last time i wasn't able to renew for 4 days. If i miss double XP for this man ill be ripped.
  20. I am sorry I ever clicked this thread....