i'm looking to make a new Controller and i'd like some advice.




I have 4 Controllers right now and I'm looking to add a fifth. I currently have an Ill/FF, Plant/storm, Fire/Rad and a Mind/kin. I don't like to repeat sets if i can help it so the next one can't be any of those. I may be willing to repeat a secondery, but i'd rather not. I have defenders as well so i'm not really looking to repeat their sets either, so no TA and no empathy. So how does earth, Ice, and gravity stack up against each other?
For seconderies i was looking at Sonic and maybe thermal. I know cold is coming as well, but not to sure i want to wait for it.
the most important thing is I want a fun charecter to lvl, not just what will be fun at higher lvls. Any ideas?



Earth/Thermal, Earth/Sonic, and Earth/Trick Arrow are all pretty awesome.

Earth/Thermal is the ultimate team controller, in my opinion. Your primary has enough control in it that you dont really need more from your secondary. The Thermal secondary offers heals, damage resistance buffs, enemy debuffs, other team buffs, etc. Its a great all around controller. The build can be tight though.

Earth/Sonic is a fun theme character. Earthquake and vibrations, seismic tremor type stuff, etc. Also, Sonic is a decent teaming set, though it doesnt have the heals or the flexibility of thermal. Still, its an interesting set, with nice resistance buffing, a mez protection bubble, Clarity to give more mez protection, and it has some damage resistance debuffing as well, not to mention a (long recharge, sadly) acc debuff power in Liquefy (I hate Liquefy, but it can be useful). Earth/Sonic is a lot of fun.

Earth/Trick arrow is a control monster. It is maybe the top control set in the game, for sheer overkill. Overkill rules, by the way.

For later controllers down the line, if you play Gravity Control, I'd pair it with a set you havent done that has good control. That'd mean Trick Arrow would be best.

So, planning ahead, I'd say go with Earth/Thermal now, and Gravity/Trick Arrow next. Finally, you could go with Ice/Empathy or Ice/Sonic.

Of course personally, I dont find Ice Control to be especially exciting with /Empathy or /Sonic (though I do have a high level Ice/Emp that I like a lot). So, you could do Earth/Sonic now, Grav/Trick Arrow later, and Ice/Thermal later on (Thermal makes Ice Control more interesting for me).

Hopefully my lunch time ramblings help some.


Random AT Generation!
"I remember... the Alamo." -- Pee-wee Herman
"Oh don't worry. I always leave things to the last moment." -- The Doctor
"Telescopes are time machines." -- Carl Sagan



Well, Sonic and Thermal are certainly team support secondaries, so I suggest an Earth/Thermal. It has good thematic synergy as well as power synergy.

Earth controls are the best AoE controls in the game, handled from range. Therm works well with that, and has a number of similarities to Earth/Rad. In fact, I would suggest you take a look at my Earth/Rad guide, linked in my sig, for a lot of tips and details on Earth, and many of my strategies suggestions will work with Thermal.

Ice is a nice set, especially if you want to be in melee but not be a damage dealer. I have an Ice/Storm at 50 who is fun, but I overall like the Earth control set better. Grav is a good single target control and damage set, weak on AoE. My Grav/Storm has been fun to level up, but mostly plays solo.

I was on a bit PUG last yesterday on my Earth/Storm . . . and was thanked several times by the Tank and Blasters for the effectiveness of my controls. I let the tank take aggro, throw quicksand at his feet, then Stalagmites and Stone Cages to lock all the baddies down. Debuffs to keep them from being effective even after they recover from the Stun, or use Volcanic Gasses or Earthquake 12 seconds after the Stone Cages were laid down. And with all the -Defense in the Primary, those Blasters are sure to hit everything held in place.

LOCAL MAN! The most famous hero of all. There are more newspaper stories about me than anyone else. "Local Man wins Medal of Honor." "Local Man opens Animal Shelter." "Local Man Charged with..." (Um, forget about that one.)
Guide Links: Earth/Rad Guide, Illusion/Rad Guide, Electric Control



Among Grav, Earth, and Ice, (I've not played Earth, but still) the one I'd least like to miss out on is Ice. Among Sonic, Empathy, TA, and Thermal, (I've not played TA or Thermal), I'm not sure which I would prefer overall. Almost any of your 12 possible combos are going to be MUCH more defensive in nature than your first four. Gravity the least so, I suppose, but that may be something to do with gravity not being so strong. I really don't pay a lot of attention to thermal, but I get the impression it's defensive and practical.

I think in the end I might pick Ice/thermal or Ice/Sonic, and make sure to find big teams to run on. Also noteworthy: if you find that you do 4-man teams a lot and never play teams any bigger than that, Empathy would be worth a look, maybe even Grav/Emp. I have a grav/sonic at 35 who's OK solo and team, but not exactly ubar (he looks cool as hell though!). I tried Ice/TA for 14 levels, couldn't really get into it.

If you WERE going to repeat a secondary, you really ought to take another look at Kin. Earth/Kin particularly-- still a set that you'd want to play with a team, but potentially pretty awesome. In fact I'm tempted to go make one right now.

Choosing a Controller V2 | Splattrollers | Plant/Rad | Fire/Storm | Mind/Emp & Mind/Rad
Weird Controller Powers | Conf & XP/Time | Controller Damage
Being a Healer | The word Necessary | Natural Concept Characters



Originally Posted by Enantiodromos View Post
maybe even Grav/Emp.
Ick. Grav really needs a secondary with extra AoE control, otherwise you will be left feeling short. Possibles are /Rad(not that great due to the ranged nature of Grav, although it has it's fanboys), /Storm, /TA.

So Grav/TA I guess, if you want a Grav, and do not want to repeat any power sets.

Oil Slick + the AoE immob is good stuff too, assuming nothing has changed since I was really in touch with the game. Long road though.



Originally Posted by Enantiodromos View Post
If you WERE going to repeat a secondary, you really ought to take another look at Kin. Earth/Kin particularly-- still a set that you'd want to play with a team, but potentially pretty awesome. In fact I'm tempted to go make one right now.

I have one. Works great as long as you have a good tank who can grab aggro. As long as I'm patient and let the tank grab aggro, my Earth/Kin is very effective. Otherwise, the AoE controls of Earth and the melee nature of Kin draws a lot of attention. Appropriately, mine is named, "Dirt Napper." (Of course, it could be because he was my first Earth controller, so I was just learning how to play the set.)

The Recharge nerf for pets really hurt one of the best things for Earth/Kin -- Speed Boosted Rocky. He is still much better Speed Boosted, as he can run around faster.

LOCAL MAN! The most famous hero of all. There are more newspaper stories about me than anyone else. "Local Man wins Medal of Honor." "Local Man opens Animal Shelter." "Local Man Charged with..." (Um, forget about that one.)
Guide Links: Earth/Rad Guide, Illusion/Rad Guide, Electric Control



Originally Posted by Local_Man View Post
I have one. Works great as long as you have a good tank who can grab aggro. As long as I'm patient and let the tank grab aggro, my Earth/Kin is very effective. Otherwise, the AoE controls of Earth and the melee nature of Kin draws a lot of attention. Appropriately, mine is named, "Dirt Napper." (Of course, it could be because he was my first Earth controller, so I was just learning how to play the set.)

The Recharge nerf for pets really hurt one of the best things for Earth/Kin -- Speed Boosted Rocky. He is still much better Speed Boosted, as he can run around faster.
One thing to mention with Earth/kin is that Kin lives and breathes by needing to hit. Earth offers -def as a secondary effect. I would still go Ice/kin before Earth though, but that's more because of Ice's more melee based nature.



I recommend earth both for its boomy graphics and sounds as well as its effectiveness.

As for Ice, I really disliked it for a while because I wasn't leveraging slows to their fullest effect and was trying to proc out Artic Air and Choking Cloud for damage. After I dropped the proc's it felt like I would never be able to drop anything on my own though. It took a while to find a balance with the damage procs and enough acc/end reduction in the auras. Overall, it's worth a try and provides a play style a bit different from most of the other trollers I've played.

Then there's gravity... >.>



Ok so i looked into what I had and what you guys are suggesting. I decided that my current Mind/Kin is not going to be sticking around as I found something better to fit that charecters concept.
SO i will be making 2 new controllers now.
One will be Mind, but not sure of the secondery for it. I was thinking of mind/sonic any ideas how that will play? The toon will probably be solo alot, so not sure if a set that has ally buffs are as good a path.
the other is still undecided, but it seems alot of people are suggesting Earth.
Now As i will be dropping the Kin secondery it is open again. So if you factor that in does that make one primery more appealingout grav, ice and earth? I have heard good things of ice/kin and earth Kin.



I have no experience with Mind/Sonic.

However, to your other question, I'd go Earth/Kin since you have /Kin available again. Well, at least, if you are still interested in /Kin.


Random AT Generation!
"I remember... the Alamo." -- Pee-wee Herman
"Oh don't worry. I always leave things to the last moment." -- The Doctor
"Telescopes are time machines." -- Carl Sagan



Mind and sonic have a quite few points in which they don't mesh very well. Without a pet, a solo mind troller has no target for the ally shields, Clarity, and Disruption Field and Sonic Repulsion both of which require an ally to toggle on. That basically leaves you with Sonic Siphon, Sonic Cage, Sonic Dispersion, and Liquefy. Of those four, Forcefields can pull the same tricks as Sonic Cage and Sonic Dispersion (with def, rather than resist).

If it fits your concept and playstyle then I'd strongly recommend a solo mind/ff'er over mind/sonic.



If you're making a new Mind, considering what you have available left, actually I still would recommend Mind/Emp, because it has serious synergy for *small* team play.

Seriously build toward and attempt to play on four-man teams with yourself and three blasters. Ignore your healz and rez. Take (and slot where necessary) Dom, Mes, Lev, Confuse, Fortitude (max rechg), Clear Mind, Rec Aura, Assault, Tactics, and the Stamina sequence. Use dom, mes, and lev as a blast/'troll combo, and confuse as a second, surgical control tool, opening fights with bosses by applying confuse twice (max it's rech too). Later add Vengeance, Hasten, Superspeed. Top off in the 30+ game with area controls and other awesome Empathy powers, e.g., adrenaline boost.

Solo up through 4-man teams, especially up to L32, well balanced, safe, and aggressive.

Choosing a Controller V2 | Splattrollers | Plant/Rad | Fire/Storm | Mind/Emp & Mind/Rad
Weird Controller Powers | Conf & XP/Time | Controller Damage
Being a Healer | The word Necessary | Natural Concept Characters



IMHO Ice/Sonic is very visually beautiful once one gets the Dispersion bubble equivalent.

Earth/Kin is a well-estabished pairing; Earth/Therm would be a nice jack-of-many-trades.

If we are to die, let us die like men. -- Patrick Cleburne

The rule is that they must be loved. --Jayne Fynes-Clinton, Death of an Abandoned Dog