Question the Answer.
What can be made into a great paint?
Shotgun Billy.
oh oh oh .. thats an easy on
What is Prof_Backfire nickname for his 'johnson' ?
Rocky Mountains
What's the most annoying obstical in the US?
French Cooking
What are French Fries, French Toast and French onion dip examples of?
Salad Shooters
what is a vegetarian with stomach problems called?
beanstalk farmers
land mines
Where does land come from?
boob job
Where does a boob go to work?
Quality Assurance.
That blue thing running around saying "Cookies are sometimes food" is Praetorian Cookie Monster!
Shoot on sight, please.
How do you know it's good stuff?
What did I pick the wrong week to stop doing to glue?
Convoluted question.
That blue thing running around saying "Cookies are sometimes food" is Praetorian Cookie Monster!
Shoot on sight, please.
What would you call "If I had two birds and one stone, which by the way is granite not marble, and threw the birds, which happen to be doves... not that that matters much, in the air dropped the stone and pick up picked up some chalk, would I be able to make a perfect cirlce before the birds were out of sight?"
What would the news about power proliferation be if it came today like the devs said?
whipped cream
What happens when cream has been naughty?
Kinky horse.
That blue thing running around saying "Cookies are sometimes food" is Praetorian Cookie Monster!
Shoot on sight, please.
What do you call an equine that needs a chiropractor?
the pie is a fib.
What is a blatant lie on the forums?
I r Tom4t305
What comes after I r Tom4t304?
Whose picture is that beside the word Random in the dictionary?
Solid State Sorcery
That's when you get magic supplies from RadioShack
If you aren't going anywhere for a while you are considered?
What is the name of quarterback Tom Brady's CoH toon?
For those who have fought for it
Has a meaning the protected will never know.
what does a volcano on a gaint's fave face spew?
george w. bush.
edited to avoid a Marvel lawsuit.
Who is the current U.S. President?
What you get if you sit on a Lady in Black.
Three Hole Punch.
What is the worst porn name ever?
Post the answer to the question of the next poster. Then the next poster writes the question and then answers the next question.
1st post: Stupid
Next Post: How would you rate this forum game?
Here is the 1st answer:
Gummy Bears.