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  1. Thank you, I do enjoy coming up with those.
  2. <qr> I knew I told you it would be next week. Yeah, we've switched the deadlines around to make it easier on the "staff".
  3. We love you Ex. Now if I can just convince you that there is no underscore in my name, everything will be right in the world.

  4. [ QUOTE ]
    Hmm, no comments on the hidden links (one I got Mantid to put in, one I put in myself).

    Sad .

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Easter Eggs!!!!! WHERE!!!!!!
  5. [ QUOTE ]
    *fires Excelsior Messaging for revealing my daughter's secret identity in an advertisement*

    Wait a sec...when did I have a daughter?

    *hires lawyer*

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Damn I knew I saw that name somewhere!!! Note to self: Make sure that "Hero Names" are not taken.
  6. What's the most annoying obstical in the US?

    French Cooking
  7. [ QUOTE ]
    The April Fool's Costume Contest (Champion Server) will now be co-hosted by A Coven of Witches SG & The Galactic Empire VG in Pocket D.
    The Galactic Empire will be giving out 200 million in Infamy.

    NEW An April Fool's Costume Contest Poster

    We hope for a good turn out! PERC representatives will be attending to keep the masses flowing smoothly.

    ~Witch Spark

    [/ QUOTE ]

    GP thanks for the clarify on that one, I had to wing it since my computer craped out inthe middle of the interview.

    [ QUOTE ]
    We'll have an issue full of Cheesecake.

    Just wait till you see the pictures of the New York Style and the Strawberry Swirl!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Damn X now I'm gonna have to dig out the Sup'r Sekret Cheezzzz cake recipes again.
  8. The "nova" refered in the article is the brilliant flash effect that happens when a character levels.
  9. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Maybe if I beat enough of them, Rikti will let me be in his show....

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Sweet Jebus I cannot believe I've played this game for four years (okay on April 27th 4 yrs) and this is the 1st time I've ever heard a Lucille Ball reference in relation to the Rikti.

    Now give me a minute to think I'm trying to come up with a joke relating to taking a Pillbox in RV into "All in the Family".

    [/ QUOTE ]

    o/~ Oh Rikti what a pity don't you understand...
    That every fight's a retreat and your [censored] is in a can...

    Honest question though: I Love Lucy watcher, or (my guess.. ) did you know the line from the Weird Al song? ^_^

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Many moons ago, in the Blue King "City of Heroes" comic book, there was an advert for the "Rikti Lake" talk show. Just another cross pop cultur referance.
  10. [ QUOTE ]
    I came here expecting gushing and it's a bunch of complaints.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Honestly, it's the old cleche...
    "Give a man a fish and he'll complain that it's not fresh. Teach a man to fish and he'll say, 'Why are you teaching me to fish, you gave me a fish last week'."

    All the Vet Rewards are awesome, because we are getting them. We spend, like, up to $16 a month on this game and the Devs are actually saying, "Thanks for Playing". I've been playing since week 3-ish, on my own account, and the only thing I can compare to the Vet Rewards were some Lamer key chains I got with "that other game". And the key chains broke within a year, or less.

    listen, kiddies, being a "Critic" does not mean you criticize everything, it means you critique by look at the pros and cons of an issue and list them. Saying, "these Vet Rewards suxor 'cuz it ain't 'God Mode'" is just as lame as it sounds.
  11. [ QUOTE ]
    Thank you Paul Harvey. I'm sure there's a family in North Dekota that nukes up some velveda to go along with thier chips and salsa because the latin grocery store didn't open up until the mid-'90, thus making chiwawa unatainable. It doesn't mean I want to eat there on "Taco Night" though.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    And one from Southern Califorina (mine) that still does it that way and I make my machaca with canned roast beef (See issue 3 of The City Scoop). But I have a friend, full blooded Italian, from Staten Island, who makes her stuffed Manicotti with cottage cheese and hand made, 10 hour red sauce. To each his own.

    Before ANYONE gets into a huff, I am not mad and am deffending BOTH sides of the issue here. I also don't like people to be thought daft (in public) for their grastonomic beliefs, however I will giggle at them behind their backs.
  12. /em puts on Chef's hat....

    Ricotta or not ricotta...
    There are recipes for lasagna that come from regions of North America where ricotta wasn't avalible until the mid-70's, much like other "Ethinic Food" staples like soy sauce and canned refried beans. ( I have several recipes for "refried beans that call for canned pork-n-beans to be mashed, ick) Also, there are people out there who don't like the taste/texture of ricotta.
    My chefs, at culinary school always said that recipes are guidlines or suggestions, (way before PotC), if you like ricotta, use ricotta, if you don't, don't. Or even try a combo. But don't blame Mistress Noire, she's from Canada
  13. Happy Holidays and May NCSoft bless us, every one!!!!!
  14. Yeah, it wasn't pepper spray, it was mace, the ground hull of the nutmeg, a.k.a Allspice.
  15. Crap, I knew that sounded off. Thanks for correcting that. I would like to say, that however it happens freezeing delicate food is, well, just plain bad.
  16. [ QUOTE ]
    Nice work as usual to the City Scoop krewe.

    Question to LadyK on the shawarma recipe: 3 tbsp of cardamom? The other ingredients seemed pretty reasonable, but that appeared to me to be excessive. Holler if you see this and can elaborate.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I generally don't test or try the "Recipe of the Week" submissions. I will ask the recipes originator if this is too much. Thanks for pointing that out.

  17. Happy Happy Joy Joy ad nausium

    WB Mr. Fish
  18. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Nice, although I still think you're a Power Ranger, Sentai...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    /e Smack

    Thanks LadyK for the Classified ad!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Proof, once again, that I will put just about anything in the classifieds. If asked nicely enough, given enough time, and inf or RL money (j/k devs, j/k)
  19. [ QUOTE ]
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    [ QUOTE ]

    Arrived somewhat safely, looking for you.


    [/ QUOTE ]

    Eh? This some kind of I11 hint?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I guess so... It was in the previous scoop too. No idea what it can mean.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    This is a reader submitted ad for the classifieds. Anyone can submit an ad for the classifieds, factual or funny, just shoot it off to me in a PM.

    Classified Guidelines
    <ul type="square">[*]Classified deadline is Tuesday by 6PM (PST)for that Friday's Scoop[*]30 - 60 words long[*]Spell check your own work[*]Let me know if any errors need to stay (for in character stuff)[/list]
  20. [ QUOTE ]
    Other point is the main article, having the server location for it at the end of the article. Usually, main important details are listed early on. Maybe, in the 'where' area, had Croatoa train station, Liberty server ?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    The Sisterhood is located on Liberty.
  21. [ QUOTE ]
    The newspaper layout, recipes and artwork are my favorite parts of them so far!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Thank you Reiko, you've made my day.

    Lady K
  22. Thanks for the interest in "Recipe of the Week". Please remember that I'm only publishing them ONE AT A TIME, so please be patient. Oh and PLEASE send me more!!!!!!