The City Scoop! ~Discussion~ September 21, 2007




Edition 18 of "The City Scoop" a publication for Supers by Supers!

Leading this week with an interview with Positron, Matt Miller, this week’s scoop is full of secrets and surprises. It’s another amazing edition of player creation, and we are continually amazed at what a quality publication this is week by week. Enjoy and happy hunting!

If you would like to do a feature article, have an event covered, or join "The City Scoop" team please PM Lemur_Lad or Marcian_Tobay

If you or someone you know should be considered for ‘Behind the Mask’ Teldon or ‘Encounters’ please contact MrsAlphaOne

If you need some “Advice” contact Lady_Athyna or would like to “Ask The X” contact LiquidX

For a printable version of "The City Scoop" please send an email to the following!

If you have an event you would like covered by “The City Scoop” please post your events under the event forum located here: Event Forum

Discussion on the latest edition of "The City Scoop" is located here.



good City Scoop again group. Good article with Posi, the EAT question was fun to read. Always nice artwork, we have a very good community of artists, and of course love /em Smack.

good jorb!



Wanted to post an errata.

The thumbnail for "Daisy Chain by John Becaro" actually leads to John Becaro's rendering for "Lucretia".

This is the correct link:

"City of Heroes. April 27, 2004 - August 31, 2012. Obliterated not with a weapon of mass destruction, not by an all-powerful supervillain... but by a cold-hearted and cowardly corporate suck-up."



Split keyboard! See, this Positron guy really knows what he's doing!



Very nice issue once again.

Posi is obviously the highlight.

What is "beer-can chicken"?

Also a bit surprised that they don't identify issue titles with pieces of literature! I thought that was a little 'metagame' with the players.

Also, rock on Lord Infamy. I also have a Plant/Thorns soon to be Mako, woot!

Great work!

Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes



Very nice issue once again.

Posi is obviously the highlight.

What is "beer-can chicken"?

Also a bit surprised that they don't identify issue titles with pieces of literature! I thought that was a little 'metagame' with the players.

Also, rock on Lord Infamy. I also have a Plant/Thorns soon to be Mako, woot!

Great work!

[/ QUOTE ]

I'd assumed this little doohickey that you ram up the open end of the chicken and then stand over an open can of beer/soda/whatever.



I think the cookie recipie in the scoop indicates that the Rikti will invade to take our cookies in issue 11.

That blue thing running around saying "Cookies are sometimes food" is Praetorian Cookie Monster!
Shoot on sight, please.



Very nice issue once again.

Posi is obviously the highlight.

What is "beer-can chicken"?

Also a bit surprised that they don't identify issue titles with pieces of literature! I thought that was a little 'metagame' with the players.

Also, rock on Lord Infamy. I also have a Plant/Thorns soon to be Mako, woot!

Great work!

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I'd assumed this little doohickey that you ram up the open end of the chicken and then stand over an open can of beer/soda/whatever.

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You don't even need the little doohicky. Beercan chicken is essentially where you put the chicken on a Barbecue Grill with a can of Beer (Or soda, or juice, or whatever) and cook it, so the liquid evaporates and soaks into the chicken, adding to it's flavor.

In fact, Steven Raichlen (Who does the excellent "The Barbecue Bible" cookbooks, which I highly recomend to anyone who loves to barbecue) has a book devoted to Beercan Chicken recipies (As well as other offbeat grilling types)



I saw the doohickey at the grocery store the other day. It was labelled, and I'm not making this up, 'Beer in the butt chicken'.



Another great issue!

I'm *very* glad to hear Posi is an Amber fan and player - as another, that moved him up notches in my book!

One thing I'd like to see, dear editors and contributors - how about one piece by the spotlight artist? Show off their skills. Something excellent, like THIS wonderful piece!

Seriously, this guy is very, very good - check out his web site or DA page - you'll see alot of CoH/V characters there.

My Deviant Art page link-link

CoH/V Fan Videos



I saw the doohickey at the grocery store the other day. It was labelled, and I'm not making this up, 'Beer in the butt chicken'.

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They stole that name from my aunt, who has been making "Beer in the Butt" Chicken for OVER 30 years now.



One thing I'd like to see, dear editors and contributors - how about one piece by the spotlight artist? Show off their skills. Something excellent, like THIS wonderful piece!

Seriously, this guy is very, very good - check out his web site or DA page - you'll see alot of CoH/V characters there.

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Any and all art must be submitted in this thread by someone who has the authority to give permission for others to use it. It's a very lovely piece, and I hope to see it in an upcoming Scoop!



Just one small thing to mention... The name of the character in the painting that I submitted is All Hollows Eve, and not All Hallows Eve (there is an "O" in the name and not an "A"). The name was based on the Hollows zone and mixed with Halloween. Anyway, just a small thing...

...but THANK YOU for including my piece in the Scoop!

Keep up the good work.

50 Fire/Kin Cont
50 Fire/Axe Tank
50 Spine/Inv Scrap
50 Eng/Dev Blast
50 Claw/SR Scrap
50 Emp/Dark Def
50 Eng/Elec Brute
50 Fire/MM Blast

My DeviantArt Page



Another great issue!

I'm *very* glad to hear Posi is an Amber fan and player - as another, that moved him up notches in my book!

One thing I'd like to see, dear editors and contributors - how about one piece by the spotlight artist? Show off their skills. Something excellent, like THIS wonderful piece!

Seriously, this guy is very, very good - check out his web site or DA page - you'll see alot of CoH/V characters there.

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No offense but uhh.. Did you not see who I interviewed in the art section???



I laughed at /em smack and it was only a fart joke... I feel dirty, but happy and smiley all at the same time. I am happily sad.




Behind the Mask is losing its luster, I think. It's just the same questions to every person. I mean, I guess it's cool to hear about other players, but maybe a personalized question or two for everyone wouldn't hurt.

Also, how about a similar section for IN-character interviews? Like, instead of interviewing the Player, you interview the Character shown? Kind of like Ghost Widow a couple issues back, except.. you know, interviewing actual PCs and not NPCs.

Also, no City of Zeroes? Me = Sad Panda. Luckily, /EM Smack made up for it =)

Great Posi interview though. Hope to see more articles like that =)


Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)



Cool! Lots o' feedback! Thankies!




Behind the Mask is losing its luster, I think. It's just the same questions to every person. I mean, I guess it's cool to hear about other players, but maybe a personalized question or two for everyone wouldn't hurt.

Also, how about a similar section for IN-character interviews? Like, instead of interviewing the Player, you interview the Character shown? Kind of like Ghost Widow a couple issues back, except.. you know, interviewing actual PCs and not NPCs.

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They do this, but the whole rp thing isn't for everyone.

Also, no City of Zeroes? Me = Sad Panda.

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Actually... the last one was bad. I think the Scoop could do without it...

Frankly, I would like to see some actual short stories in the Scoop for me to peruse. Though, my actual attention to said stories would vary greatly depending on the stories...



Only correction I have is replace "BMZERO by John Becaro" with "Turbo-Ski by John Becaro"



MrsAlphaOne writes the Encounters interviews, which are solely RP-based. There just wasn't an article like that this week.



Only correction I have is replace "BMZERO by John Becaro" with "Turbo-Ski by John Becaro"

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Hehe, sorry Turbo Ski. I spent a little too long going through your gallery and got "BMZERO" stuck in my head ^^



I'm the one who handles in character interviews. And, unfortunately, I'm kinda, VERY Tied up right now. my husband is on the other side of the country, I'm stuck alone with two kids, and well, to be honest, it's a might bit difficult to do with a four year old nattering in your ear 24/7 and a nine month old clawing at your tit. (not to mention no sleep....)

Trust me, before my husband went away I had some decent output.

Right now, just logging into the game to check sales results in something catastrophic happening in my house due to my 4yo causing something to asplode. You should see my livingroom wall.

You'll get an in character interview from me this week...don't worry. But till you're willing to spring for a full time babysitter for me, my writing is well..very limited.

And short stories? I just wrote one. But it's DEFINITELY not Scoop safe lol.

Member of the [url=""]RIMC[/url]
[color=red]Official Beer Wench of PWNZ[/color] Arc 452196 When Madness Reigns over Reason. Play it and PM me your constructive criticism on what I can tweak before Oct 20th. <3 U all



Only correction I have is replace "BMZERO by John Becaro" with "Turbo-Ski by John Becaro"

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If it makes you feel any better, I noticed the character's name was wrong. Lots of Turbo Ski art in the Scoop to remember you by.



Boy, I just got around to reading this issue, I hadn't even realized they had included one of my pics. Kinda cool though.



The City Scoop is looking for writers and correspondents. Please PM Lemur_Lad or Marcian_Tobay with samples.

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I'm interested in details about this, actually... Not sure if there's a better place to post this though. :x