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  1. Echoed_Respite

    98 Sketches!

    Thanks, Alex. Sadly I gave you a bad screenshot as Zero actually has the jester short on, but after looking at the close up... you can't possibly tell... X_X My bad...

    It still looks wonderful though, tell your gramps thanks for me.
  2. Echoed_Respite

    98 Sketches!

    [ QUOTE ]
    Tom turned out awesome! The energy effects from the suit are jaw-droppingly fantastic. Excellent work as always.

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    Probably the best one of the set so far.
  3. Echoed_Respite

    98 Sketches!

    98?! Best wishes to him. May he have many more birthdays to come.




    Zero Phantom

    Jonathan Terint is a former 'thief' and was given such nicknames as: The Phantom Thief, Zero, and just Phantom. Never giving himself an alias he melded the names into a moniker for himself. Using his Illusionary abilities and natural ability to throw his voice to deceive his targets he stole back what was rightfully his or others. In many ways he was a modern day Robin Hood. Sadly, such things never go unnoticed by those that are targeted by such a man and things preceded to go quickly to pot. His daughter was held ransom and he and his wife (and partner in 'crime') had to give themselves up to save her from the mad man that wanted revenge. Luckily for both him and his wife Nara, their daughter was persistent and managed to liberate them from their terrible imprisonment. Soon after, John Terint, using his previous name, formed the group 'Phantom' in order to preserve peace and protect himself, his family and anyone that needed aid from villains.
  4. [ QUOTE ]

    Sheesh I almost thought you were linking to this thread... I didn't even notice at first that it was a new one.

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    That would have been odd, it would have indeed. That thread just had a bunch more help so I just kind of channeled this thread to that one.
  5. [ QUOTE ]
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    This is the second piece for Echoed_Respite, his stalker;

    Quis Quecest

    I'm taking Friday and Saturday off (gotta have a free weekend every couple months), but the next mini starts Sunday!

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    Very nice, but I have to ask: How does she smoke with that mask one?

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    It's just cloth and nothing more.

  6. [ QUOTE ]
    Phew, all done with the above-mentioned piece!

    Circuit One

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    I still couldn't be more pleased with my first piece of character artwork.
  7. [ QUOTE ]
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    That seems obvious if you start thinking like you are roleplaying and not accumulating "score" in some game you made up for yourself. Having badges for specific jobs allows a specific reward for playing your character consistently: If you play a doctor, and consistently log out in the hospital, you will soon start to get more rewards from logging out in the hospital than would a roll-player who goes there because they currently want that reward.

    It's about time an MMO company started making mechanics that rewarded people for role-playing. Too many things that coudl be done along those lines are too exploitable. (For example, a real superhero does not say to the old lady who is being mugged, "I'm sorry ma'am. I don't get any exp for helping you so you can just suffer." But if there were any reward at all for defeating gray enemies, some rollplayer would exploit it so there isn't.)

    I like this idea on many levels, but most especially because it's a tangible incentive to roleplay characters at least a tiny bit.

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    No you see real RPing would make you take on a job in game and grind it while not in control of your superpowers. So if you are a cop you get a gun attack and a pistol whip and that's it. You have to then pick the night or day time to do this job then the other time you can use your superhero powers. If you are late to work by not reporting to your supervisor then you get debt.

    The longer you do the job the more xp your earn for that job which gives you extra powers in your job and badges. THATÂ’S RPing in a game not logging out and pretending you are doing a job.

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    I totally wanted to grind for the 'File TPS reports' badge.
  8. [ QUOTE ]
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    i remember seeing some where that the day job badges were linked to costumes

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    And the 30 days is what we are initially going with. The values may change in beta.

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    I am rather curious as to find out how you are going to reliably test that in beta. Are we going to be waiting for a couple months, because you can test the day job effects rather easily, but we'll be waiting at least 2 months if you want to beta test all those accolades-- assuming you just don't hand out the accolades to the beta testers to test...
  9. Echoed_Respite


    So... this is what happens when you give a mouse a cookie...

    I finally understand the true origins of Mighty Mouse.
  10. Echoed_Respite

    Cyborg costumes!

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    Not a lot of cyborg pieces on this guy, but the face parts worked beautifully i thought! Rocket Fool

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    You may have thought, but I agree completely. Kudos on that one.

    I haven't touched the Cyborg stuff. I went to make a new costume when it came out and ended up going steampunk. :s
  11. [ QUOTE ]
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    They need an extra weekly column that explains that comic.

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    From what I got: She ran Katie Hannon TFs so much that Katie exploded and she became the new contact for the Katie Hannon TF. Go figure.
  12. [ QUOTE ]

    Behind the Mask is losing its luster, I think. It's just the same questions to every person. I mean, I guess it's cool to hear about other players, but maybe a personalized question or two for everyone wouldn't hurt.

    Also, how about a similar section for IN-character interviews? Like, instead of interviewing the Player, you interview the Character shown? Kind of like Ghost Widow a couple issues back, except.. you know, interviewing actual PCs and not NPCs.

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    They do this, but the whole rp thing isn't for everyone.

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    Also, no City of Zeroes? Me = Sad Panda.

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    Actually... the last one was bad. I think the Scoop could do without it...

    Frankly, I would like to see some actual short stories in the Scoop for me to peruse. Though, my actual attention to said stories would vary greatly depending on the stories...
  13. I laughed at /em smack and it was only a fart joke... I feel dirty, but happy and smiley all at the same time. I am happily sad.
  14. You'll all have to excuse me while I get aboard the Doom~ train, but all this is crazy.
  15. Echoed_Respite

    My First Movie

    Oh, I got a good laugh from that. That's my kind of comedy... I look forward to seeing more.
  16. [ QUOTE ]
    I'm digging your stuff man.

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    I would also like to add: ~Faboo~
  17. Powerforge > costume generator

    I really hated those clunky looking pieces, but you made them look superb. I guess the right color combination can make anything look grand.
  18. [ QUOTE ]

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    I agree... it's always good for a laugh.
  19. Can't really read the text bubbles... something about Winnie the Pooh, maybe, but I like the poster in the back. Loserman... That got a laugh from me.
  20. No comments here yet?

    Well, I personally like the style of the art.

    Frankly, I thought Katyousha turned out rather awesome despite the qualms that were posted on DA, but it seems that everyone else thought so as well.
  21. [ QUOTE ]
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    So, the first five people to post a character reference get drawn... yup...

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    Please be: "and quartered." *crosses figures*

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    Oooooooh.... kaaaaay.... weird torture fetish.... Oo

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    Come on now, some of us just like irony, puns, and some good pows now and again.
  22. [ QUOTE ]
    So, the first five people to post a character reference get drawn... yup...

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    Please be: "and quartered." *crosses figures*
  23. Poor gal. She still gets no respect and still lacks a decent pair of pants.
  24. If all else fails I may be convinced into making it for you. I do love messing around with Image Ready. I like making gifs, but, as of late, I barely use it. So if you can't figure something out, feel free to PM me with the images and I'll try it.