The City Scoop! ~Discussion~ Sept. 14, 2007




Waiting on baited breath we are happy to announce Edition 17 of "The City Scoop!" a publication for Supers by Supers!

In this edition we are pleased to announce the latest player committee the Player Event Resource Committee (PERC) which has been started by community members who are interested in running and helping others run dynamic events in City of Heroes and City of Villains. This is the third community group and like the contributions from the PVPEC and The City Scoop, we are anxious to see the results of their planning. See their first Contest Announcement Here!

If you would like to do a feature article, have an event covered, or join "The City Scoop" team please PM Lemur_Lad or Marcian_Tobay

If you or someone you know should be considered for ‘Behind the Mask’ Teldon or ‘Encounters’ please contact MrsAlphaOne

If you need some “Advice” contact Lady_Athyna or would like to “Ask The X” contact LiquidX

For a printable version of "The City Scoop" please send an email to the following
Please check back later!

If you have an event you would like covered by “The City Scoop” please post your events under the event forum located here: Event Forum

Discussion on the latest edition of "The City Scoop" is located here.



nice city scoop, why is there a blank page in there though?



nice city scoop, why is there a blank page in there though?

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your browser overloaded on phail?
Sorry, just skimmed it and all look fine.

"Null is as much an argument "for removing the cottage rule" as the moon being round is for buying tennis shoes." -Memphis Bill



shhh lemur

have to do some cache cleaning looks like, had a blank page in IE and FF, but got it all in Opera lol.



*puts baby lemur in mouth*






For the record...mantid wanted this posted here:


Hey all!

I just wanted to let you all know, a couple of our features haven't disappeared forever. Behind the Mask and the handy table of contents will be back.

Due to a busy schedule for me this week and a behind the scenes reformatting of the Scoop (to make future issues even better!) resulted in neither of these features making it into this issue on time.

They should return next issue.


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Woo, thanks for the artist interview!



*puts baby lemur in mouth*

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That pic KoC posted is noooo baby. You see his cojones?

"Null is as much an argument "for removing the cottage rule" as the moon being round is for buying tennis shoes." -Memphis Bill



Good issue. /em smack made me giggle Dirt.




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I agree... it's always good for a laugh.



lol Spamidon.

Loved the little Attack of the Rikti in the Office. Was great.

Interesting stuff about the roomer mill.

Look foward to next issue! ^_^



*puts baby lemur in mouth*

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That pic KoC posted is noooo baby. You see his cojones?

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...*drinks acid*



Sorry to hear about the big shake up but hope all those that left are going on to positive things. Great job on all the old and new sections. I especially liked the awesomely funny City of Zeroes strip and The City Traveler. Taxibot Belle has my new favorite costume of all time. LiquidX was hilarious as always. Keep em coming people.



Woo Hoo! A piece I had commissioned was featured!



Twas my pleasure.



*nom nom nom*

Member of the [url=""]RIMC[/url]
[color=red]Official Beer Wench of PWNZ[/color] Arc 452196 When Madness Reigns over Reason. Play it and PM me your constructive criticism on what I can tweak before Oct 20th. <3 U all



No article on the Triumph SG Fair last weekend? It was a lot of fun... too bad there's nothing on it. I was kind of looking forward to reading the writeup.



We need some event reporters. You should sign up.



Taxibot Belle has my new favorite costume of all time.

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You've never heard of the Taxibots?

Edit: I think my link is broken...



What I find funny is this:


Then, Mindripper asked about a favorite villain group, the 5th Column. That question garnered a big, fat YES! They shall return! Mr. Ripper reports he had the impression the 5th would return in Issue 11. That’s just an impression--no confirmation. Just more grist for the Mill.

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They've been saying 'The 5th will be back' for two years now.

I'll believe it when I see it.



What I find funny is this:


Then, Mindripper asked about a favorite villain group, the 5th Column. That question garnered a big, fat YES! They shall return! Mr. Ripper reports he had the impression the 5th would return in Issue 11. That’s just an impression--no confirmation. Just more grist for the Mill.

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They've been saying 'The 5th will be back' for two years now.

I'll believe it when I see it.

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Yeah, they have. The 5th, unknown to the rest of humanity, have admitted to being horrible procrastinators.

Ok, joke over. If they have planned all along for them to come back, as they've said, then why not say the 5th are coming back? Granted, it might not be the next issue or in the next 5 issues, but that doesn't mean it'll never happen.

I imagine there'll be much fanfare when it does finally happen. As for when, the thread I gathered the info from for that article had no specific hints so I have no idea.



What I find funny is this:


Then, Mindripper asked about a favorite villain group, the 5th Column. That question garnered a big, fat YES! They shall return! Mr. Ripper reports he had the impression the 5th would return in Issue 11. That’s just an impression--no confirmation. Just more grist for the Mill.

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They've been saying 'The 5th will be back' for two years now.

I'll believe it when I see it.

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Yeah, they have. The 5th, unknown to the rest of humanity, have admitted to being horrible procrastinators.

Ok, joke over. If they have planned all along for them to come back, as they've said, then why not say the 5th are coming back? Granted, it might not be the next issue or in the next 5 issues, but that doesn't mean it'll never happen.

I imagine there'll be much fanfare when it does finally happen. As for when, the thread I gathered the info from for that article had no specific hints so I have no idea.

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Oh, I've no doubt you did your best on info gathering.

It's just that, to me, any comment that 'The 5th will return' is suspect simply because they have been saying it so long and it's yet to materialize.

I think it was Manticore that said way back when, that the 5th will return.

And ever since, every issue we get our hopes up, only to never see them come back.

Edit - While it's one thing to say things like EATs get backburnered, storyline advancements such as the return of the 5th shouldn't get bumped back for anything less than massive bugs and stuff that needs to be patched.

Given that we've seen probably the limit of sweeping, widescale changes that affect the core mechanics of the game (Special ED, GDN, Inventions, PvP, Villains), there is simply no real reason to delay bringing them back or for continual storyline advancements, IMO.



Oh Man That would bring the game around nicely maybe even the 5th as lvl 50 Villains That would so rock. Please infighting again Column vs Council and maybe even a working Giant Robot attack, which would be soooo cool.


by Star Ranger 4
WE ARE HEROES This is what we DO!
When you wake up seek the courage and strength to do the right thing.
Decide that this will be another day in which you Walk The Talk.

MA #14724 Operation: Discredit @American Valor
Sentinel Of Liberty SG