The City Scoop! ~Discussion~ Sept. 14, 2007




Oh, I've no doubt you did your best on info gathering.

It's just that, to me, any comment that 'The 5th will return' is suspect simply because they have been saying it so long and it's yet to materialize.

I think it was Manticore that said way back when, that the 5th will return.

And ever since, every issue we get our hopes up, only to never see them come back.

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Then don't expect them. I don't. I figure there will be much hoopla surrounding their return and other such. So, if there's nothing in the teasers and no hints from the beta testers (the 5th's return would be hinted and leaked I think) then I don't expect them.

The devs hyped the vet rewards, the redesigned zones... all sorts of crap has been hyped for each issue. No prior hype, no 5th.



Actually, I stopped expecting the 5th about a year after I heard they were 'returning'.



Actually, I stopped expecting the 5th about a year after I heard they were 'returning'.

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Actually, I stopped expecting the 5th about a year after I heard they were 'returning'.

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You forgot an 'Ooop! Ack!' in there.



What I find funny is this:


Then, Mindripper asked about a favorite villain group, the 5th Column. That question garnered a big, fat YES! They shall return! Mr. Ripper reports he had the impression the 5th would return in Issue 11. That’s just an impression--no confirmation. Just more grist for the Mill.

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They've been saying 'The 5th will be back' for two years now.

I'll believe it when I see it.

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Yeah, they have. The 5th, unknown to the rest of humanity, have admitted to being horrible procrastinators.

Ok, joke over. If they have planned all along for them to come back, as they've said, then why not say the 5th are coming back? Granted, it might not be the next issue or in the next 5 issues, but that doesn't mean it'll never happen.

I imagine there'll be much fanfare when it does finally happen. As for when, the thread I gathered the info from for that article had no specific hints so I have no idea.

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Oh, I've no doubt you did your best on info gathering.

It's just that, to me, any comment that 'The 5th will return' is suspect simply because they have been saying it so long and it's yet to materialize.

I think it was Manticore that said way back when, that the 5th will return.

And ever since, every issue we get our hopes up, only to never see them come back.

Edit - While it's one thing to say things like EATs get backburnered, storyline advancements such as the return of the 5th shouldn't get bumped back for anything less than massive bugs and stuff that needs to be patched.

Given that we've seen probably the limit of sweeping, widescale changes that affect the core mechanics of the game (Special ED, GDN, Inventions, PvP, Villains), there is simply no real reason to delay bringing them back or for continual storyline advancements, IMO.

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Sure there is how about a different storyline advancement like say the Rikti. I didn't really go to indepth on the hints that I reported because I couldn't remember all the fine details, but Posi did say that, had they not did the Rikti the 5th may have had a return by now.

You can take that for what its worth, I guess.


AE Arc: 305214 Blood Diamonds (Villainous)




Sure there is how about a different storyline advancement like say the Rikti. I didn't really go to indepth on the hints that I reported because I couldn't remember all the fine details, but Posi did say that, had they not did the Rikti the 5th may have had a return by now.

You can take that for what its worth, I guess.


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Wow, maybe I should've interviewed you instead of your thread.

Thanks MR!




Sure there is how about a different storyline advancement like say the Rikti. I didn't really go to indepth on the hints that I reported because I couldn't remember all the fine details, but Posi did say that, had they not did the Rikti the 5th may have had a return by now.

You can take that for what its worth, I guess.


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Nevertheless, it's been said that the 5th will be returning for two years now. And it's always 'something else' coming in the way of them coming back. Some other storyline rather than what people have been wanting since the 5th went away.

It wasn't so much a dig on you MindRipper, but rather the whole sorry tale of the 5th in their entirety.

I've no doubt something else will come up that will prevent the 5th from returning for Issue 11, 12, 13,...35,...,52...



I expect the 5th Column to return but I also expect a lot of old-time players to be disappointed. The Council simply replaced the 5th Column. All 5th missions became Council missions, all 5th minions became Council minions (a few were added or modified). If you were to bring someone into the game who hadn't played since Issue 2 and hid the names, they'd probably wonder why the 5th Column had turned into COBRA rejects.

Worse, the Council has been expanded in the 5th's absence, with task forces tailored specifically to the group (Hess, Moonfire), an entire zone as base of operations (Striga), story arcs (Kheldians) and more. I suspect if and when the 5th return, it will be in a limited capacity, perhaps restricted to a task force or a contact with a few story arcs. I very much doubt we'll see them fully integrated back into the game.

I also expect their look to be changed, thereby negating one of the primary reasons many want to see them back.

Yes, when it comes to the 5th Column, I have become a bit of a pessimist. Still, I expect they'll return before the Cathedral of Pain.

Oh, yeah, and the City Scoop wasn't bad, either!



It wasn't so much a dig on you MindRipper, but rather the whole sorry tale of the 5th in their entirety.

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I didn't take it as such.

The 5th will return when they return. I happen to believe it will be in I11, I could be wrong though.

I think Creole Ned brings up a good point. They could return in a small way. Time will tell.

One thing that alot of people don't consider when they make negative statements about the way the game development goes. Is that the Devs have to pick and choose what content too put out that will appeal to the broadest audience. They have finite time resources in what they are programming. Then heaven forbid they have problems getting something to work properly because then that pushes develoment back weeks at a time. Then the Doooom mongers come along and second guess them about most everything. It seems like a thankless job at times.

I for one am glad they put out a Co Op Zone refit before they brought back the 5th Column. Seems like a good choice to me.

/end ramble


AE Arc: 305214 Blood Diamonds (Villainous)




You have decent points there.


I think Creole Ned brings up a good point. They could return in a small way. Time will tell.

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If they returned in anything less than game-wide, it would be worse than if they didn't return at all.

Case in point: RV Isolator.

Were the 5th to return in some mediocre fashion, as in a couple missions in a TF, rather than something like what the Rikti had, it would an extreme disappointment and letdown, given just how long they've been absent from the game.

But that's the end of my threadjack.




I think Creole Ned brings up a good point. They could return in a small way. Time will tell.

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If they returned in anything less than game-wide, it would be worse than if they didn't return at all.

Case in point: RV Isolator.

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Or a 5th Columnist gladiator...

Biggest cop-out I've ever seen.



"and many Rikti gratzed each other on achieving the “Newsworthy” Badge for having killed a certain number of City Scoop members."

Hey, I want a shot at the Newsworthy badge!

J/K - Great job as always. Thanks for taking the time to put to put this out every week. It is appreciated!



*gnaws on City Scoop PDF file*