21 -
Quote:QFT. My reasons for playing a scrapper exactly.Because waiting sucks.
1. Waiting to find a team sucks.
2. Waiting for the team to assemble sucks.
3. Waiting for the tank to attack first sucks.
4. Waiting for the tank to gather aggro sucks.
5. Waiting for mez/sleep/hold to wear off sucks.
Waiting sucks. I wanna attack now! Scrapper can do. -
I suffered CoX burnout and have been away for almost two years and just recently come back. The game is better than ever. With the release of GR, I think subs will start growing again.
The better deal economically is to wait until July. Adding in the free month, it will only cost you $25. If you pre-order you're paying five bucks more and not getting the item pack. If you buy the item pack later, it another five to ten bucks at a guess.
The way this plan is set up, you're paying a premium for earlier access to the two new powersets. You have to decide if its worth it to you or not. -
Hi, I left CoX during I11 and just recently resubbed, and am really enjoying the many changes. Anyway, I thought I heard that defiance has changed again since I11. Is this true? If so, how does the current version of defiance work? Thanks in advance!
I'm surprised no one has mentioned the CoTs. One of the most overused villain groups on both sides.
I say those Praetorians have had it too good for too long. Time to spread our misery across dimensional barriers.
Is it my imagination or does Orgullo's horns look like they digitally drawn into the pictures?
[/ QUOTE ]
I think it's just the horn's whiteness reflecting the flash so it's overexposing that bit of the photo.
[/ QUOTE ]
Thanks. I didn't want to sound like I was accusing someone of cheating. They just looked odd. That explanation makes sense. -
Is it my imagination or does Orgullo's horns look like they digitally drawn into the pictures?
Congratz on the new job! You will be missed, and thank you for your contributions to the City of games.
"and many Rikti gratzed each other on achieving the Newsworthy Badge for having killed a certain number of City Scoop members."
Hey, I want a shot at the Newsworthy badge!
J/K - Great job as always. Thanks for taking the time to put to put this out every week. It is appreciated! -
I like to hear from the developers too, but would rather they spend their time working on the game.
Great ideas Golden_Ace! Well thought out and well written. Keep on and they may make you a red name.
The new wallpapers are really nice. Thank you art team for making these for us!
Give the announcer a break! He had just worked up a thirst fighting Rikti and could only find some overpriced Hami Goo to drink!
Saving the world by bashing alien invaders is what being a super hero is all about!
Preserving your self interests and being opportunistic in the face of diasaster is classic villian stuff!
I love it! -
I just finished my first safeguard mission; Talos Island. The bank was not marked on my mini map and I spent a good deal of time finding it. When I finally found the bank I got a "Stop Villians from Escaping" MEssage. I defeated the first Arachnos mob and proceeded down the elevator. Downstairs I found a floating bag of cash and no villians. I went back upstairs and got a "Mission Failed" message. Is this a known bug?
Unfortunately I forgot bug it before logging off. -
Another great job done on this guide! I was a great fan of your last one, and this one is just as good. Your playstyle matches what I think a tank should be (not that others are not valid.)
Unfortunately for me I used my free respec for my lvl 10 Inv/SS tanker before your guide came out. I made some mistakes that I will have to suffer through until I can do a respec trial. -
Great guide. I am still digesting it. It is one of the most comprehensive I have seen on the forums. I especially like the way you include other people's builds and not just push your own. Great job!