Discussion: Halloween Costume Contest




Please use this thread to discuss the following announcement:

Halloween is a very special time of the year for both heroes and villains, no matter their differences. Costumes are a part of our characters’ daily lives…and one day out of the year we get to join in on the fun and dress up ourselves!

Due to popular demand, our Halloween costume contest is back! We are thrilled to present the City of Heroes®/City of Villains® Costume Contest. Are you ready to turn into your alter-ego? We certainly hope so, because it is time to change costume slots. Put those everyday clothes away, and pull out that spandex!

It's easy to get involved and you have the chance to win great prizes and have your character featured on the City of Heroes website!

Click here to read the full rules!

The clock is ticking…time to kick your fashion sense into gear! Do you need a little inspiration? Please check out winners from the previous years: 2006, 2005, 2004!

REMINDER: So, we've already had several entries to the contest, but clearly people aren't reading the rules, or understanding the contest. This is not just a contest of your in game character, but of you dressed up like your character out in public in that costume!

From the rules, you need to submit:

Two pictures are required:

* One full frontal screenshot of contestant’s in-game hero/villain.
* One full frontal body shot (digital photo) of contestant, out in public, dressed as their hero or villain.

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So, get to work on those costumes!

Community Relations Manager

If you have a specific in game, account, tech or billing problem please contact our Customer Support team via The Knowledge Base "Ask A Question" page.



I cant wait to see the entries this year.



I wish Dr Zeus had resubbed by now. He always made awesome costumes.

Ah well, I shall satisfy my inner geek by anxiously awaiting Avonlea's submission.



I'm not sure he still plays either. I haven't seen him post lately.



I'm not sure he still plays either. I haven't seen him post lately.

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I'm hoping he's just playing the game. He never was a big poster but damn, his costumes frikken rule!



I'm not sure he still plays either. I haven't seen him post lately.

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I'm hoping he's just playing the game. He never was a big poster but damn, his costumes frikken rule!

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LOL- I actually loved his avatars.......they were neat and well done.

I can't remeber off hand if I ever saw an outfit done by him though. BUT I'm pretty sure they were kick a$$.

"I'm not scared of anyone or anything Angie. Isn't that the way life should be?"
Jack Hawksmoor, The Authority.



I noticed under prizes that the the grandprize winner, and the 3 catagory winners each recieve a GvE edition of City of Heroes... Now what if they already have both city of heroes and villains? And when you need the game to enter the contest, it seems kind of redundant to have a prize be the game itself... Now I know some still only play heroes, or only villains, but it seems the majority have purchased the GvE upgrade, and all the new players can only purchase the GvE pack in stores now... So, why is the game a part of the prize?

@Van De Graff-X, Liberty



I noticed under prizes that the the grandprize winner, and the 3 catagory winners each recieve a GvE edition of City of Heroes... Now what if they already have both city of heroes and villains? And when you need the game to enter the contest, it seems kind of redundant to have a prize be the game itself... Now I know some still only play heroes, or only villains, but it seems the majority have purchased the GvE upgrade, and all the new players can only purchase the GvE pack in stores now... So, why is the game a part of the prize?

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Because every good Hero needs a sidekick.

Any Villain worth their salt can make use of a lackey.

If you already have the GvE goodies, it's for a friend! Besides, we just like to give the game away

Community Relations Manager

If you have a specific in game, account, tech or billing problem please contact our Customer Support team via The Knowledge Base "Ask A Question" page.



And because in business it's way cheaper to write off the cost of a good you've produced than it is to purchase something at retail or even wholesale to give away as a promotional item...




Saw the part that says "one full frontal screenshot of contestant’s in-game hero/villain."
Are we going to make sure that these are actually costumes available to player characters, and not like the Carnie clone from last year?

Just curious

[url="http://wiki.cohtitan.com/wiki/User:SaintNicster"]ParagonWiki User Page[/url]

[url="http://cit.cohtitan.com/profile/214#list"]City Info Tracker[/url]



... Besides, we just like to give the game away

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So... you'll be paying my monthly dues from now on Lighthouse?



I have a question. I based one of my main heroes, Safety Dude, on my dad, head of safety at a printing plant. He doesn't play. Could I take a picture of him as my submission.



Well, the rules say "the contestant" so, that's probably going to be an issue.

Community Relations Manager

If you have a specific in game, account, tech or billing problem please contact our Customer Support team via The Knowledge Base "Ask A Question" page.



Alright, I've got a question.

It says the winners get a "special reward title for one character character". Is the title for any character of their choice, or only the character they chose to dress up as? Furthermore, will the winner get to decide their title, or will it be a generic "2007 Halloween Costume Contest Winner" or some such?

Just a little confused by the wording of the rules, as the rewards section doesn't specify, the Entry section 1.) just says to submit a picture of your in-game character (not mentioning if it has to be the same costume you're dressed as), and the Entry section 2.) says to submit a picture of your entered character.

Hope you can clear this up for me Lighthouse.



Alright, I've got a question.

It says the winners get a "special reward title for one character character". Is the title for any character of their choice, or only the character they chose to dress up as? Furthermore, will the winner get to decide their title, or will it be a generic "2007 Halloween Costume Contest Winner" or some such?

Just a little confused by the wording of the rules, as the rewards section doesn't specify, the Entry section 1.) just says to submit a picture of your in-game character (not mentioning if it has to be the same costume you're dressed as), and the Entry section 2.) says to submit a picture of your entered character.

Hope you can clear this up for me Lighthouse.

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The titles are the yellow in game, over your head ones that only a GM can give out.

Titles we give out for winning contests are generally either the above mentioned generic sort or a more roleplay one, like "SuperHero!" or somesuch. While we will discuss it with the winner, we won't take freeform things such as "I be rockin tha baddies!" or somesuch.

Hope that helps to answer your question!

Community Relations Manager

If you have a specific in game, account, tech or billing problem please contact our Customer Support team via The Knowledge Base "Ask A Question" page.



I wish there was an NPC category for costumes. That carnie clone last year was awesome, and I've got the makings of a wicked Tsoo Sorcerer outfit.

However, I'm pretty much barred from dressing as any of my in-game characters. I'm nowhere near 8 feet tall, and even if I fudge the height, there's still the fact that I am plus sized, and any of my character's costumes most likely would look terrible on a figure like mine. Nobody wants to see a fat woman in tight leather, and most armour on an oversized body only magnifies the chunk factor.

I don't plan on making a whole new character just to have one that looks like me, or something I could throw together with stuff from my closet. That's a little too close to cheating, IMHO.

A (Golden Gate) Bridge Too Far- arc 299315
Crazy NIMBY's, Railroad robber barons, and kickboxing Engineers, Oh My! Go back in time and join the fight to save a San Francisco icon!



I wish there was an NPC category for costumes. That carnie clone last year was awesome, and I've got the makings of a wicked Tsoo Sorcerer outfit.

However, I'm pretty much barred from dressing as any of my in-game characters. I'm nowhere near 8 feet tall, and even if I fudge the height, there's still the fact that I am plus sized, and any of my character's costumes most likely would look terrible on a figure like mine. Nobody wants to see a fat woman in tight leather, and most armour on an oversized body only magnifies the chunk factor.

I don't plan on making a whole new character just to have one that looks like me, or something I could throw together with stuff from my closet. That's a little too close to cheating, IMHO.

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Didja see the guy a couple years ago who made demon feet? He was basically standing on stilts.



I'd recommend that the judges read the rules carefully this year. We shouldn't see a repeat of last year's questionable or outright non-conforming winners.

As far as designing a hero that looks like something from your closet, that'd be easy but it wouldn't be cheating. It also wouldn't win unless your closet is a lot more heroic than the average closet. The contest isn't just about accurately recreating your hero. It's about showing an obvious level of creativity and enthusiasm. Look at the past years' winners (particularly the first year) to see what it takes to be a winner.



I do have a question, as I have pics of my one lone male toon in front of a couple of elevators - like in some mish maps - but with noone else in the pics. As I read the rules, this wouldn't be allowed. Is this really a hard and fast rule?

And yes, as I said, I only have the one male toon - the other 54 are all female. Not only that, these pics were taken when I had long hair, in a ponytail. Now, even though it would be a since to recreate the costume with what I have in my closet - leather biker jacket, slacks and gloves - I've since cut my hair and don't want to have to buy a clip-on extension just for a couple of pics.

Trust me, the toon is a dead ringer for me at the time. I just have to see about leveling him up enough to get an office mish to pose him by an elevator.

Global: @All-American Teen
70 toons across 11 servers.

Top hero -All-American Teen lvl 50 eng/invul Tanker (01:10 EST; 1/24/09)
Top villian -Poisoned Plum lvl 30 robots/devices Mastermind



I remember one of the winners- Diva7 or something..She was just wearing a bikini bottom, tube top, and thigh high boots. Essentially a bathing suit or underwear, and some fetish gear. Not much work, really. I would not even have looked at it if I were judging. I would sooner have chosen somebody who looked like they put a lot more work into the outfit, even if it didn't look JUST like the screenshot.

I've got some very impressive stuff in my closet- cloaks, kimono, flowing robes, stuff like that. Too bad most of it is well and truly beyond what the costume creator can do currently. Flowing Kimono sleeves or ankle length skirts/robes? Nuh uh.
So this brings me to a question for the rednames-
Is it okay if our real life costume includes things like that? Close approximation in-game, ie japanese pants or long female shorts for toon, long skirt or hakamas on real life person? Cape of the four winds on toon, Isis wing cape on real person?
If that's allowed, than I might just be in business, if the judges are willing to ignore my plus-sized, kinda short self.

Dave, some of the safeguard missions you can get at around level 5-10 will take place in offices, so I think you're in business

A (Golden Gate) Bridge Too Far- arc 299315
Crazy NIMBY's, Railroad robber barons, and kickboxing Engineers, Oh My! Go back in time and join the fight to save a San Francisco icon!



Question... My characters are female, and I am male. If I make the costume, do the make-up and take the pictures, can I use a model that looks better, in fishnets and a mini, than I do??

Thanks =]



Question here, both me and my wife play. Is the contest singles only? Because even if i won a single my wife would take the prize :P

We have an in-game duo and can make the costume for the IRL shot. Just asking if its allowed



Suprised I havn't gotten answer yet, still wondering if me and my wife can enter as a duo? It would still be one entry



Re: Lighthouse' light-hearted remark:

Besides, we just like to give the game away

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Sigh... Gee, that's really nice for us longtime, loyal customers to hear, after we bought the Pre-Release, bought the publication issue, bought the Special DVD Edition, bought City of Villains, bought the Special Edition of THAT, and bought the Gvs E upgrade, all the while paying our monthly fees.

Nice to know our support went toward making it possible to "give the game away". (You're welcome, by the way, to all those newcomers who have been able to come aboard for a mere $30.00 investment; really, it's our pleasure...)

But hey, at least we saw a return on our investments... we got to have our Travel Powers Suppressed, our Enhancements Diversified and our Influence reduced to the value of 1932 Deutschemarks... Oh, and we lost about 83% of our player base to "That Other Game That May Not Be Mentioned" because of such abuse.

But we stayed anyway.

P.T. Barnum would be so proud...


"If God had not meant for them to be shorn, he would not have made them sheep." - Eli Wallach, The Magnificent Seven

If we can save this game, I promise I will never complain about Travel Power Suppression again! You have my word on it!
"The customer is always right."



Besides, we just like to give the game away

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Sigh... Gee, that's really nice for us longtime, loyal customers to hear, after we bought the Pre-Release, bought the publication issue, bought the Special DVD Edition, bought City of Villains, bought the Special Edition of THAT, and bought the Gvs E upgrade, all the while paying our monthly fees.

Nice to know our support went toward making it possible to "give the game away". (You're welcome, by the way, to all those newcomers who have been able to come aboard for a mere $30.00 investment; really, it's our pleasure...)

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Have you had a look at any of the winners in years past? I painted Kor's costume in '05 (green villain with monstrous/hooved legs), and I can guarantee you there's no way any winning entry could get away with paying less than $30.00 on their costume. I'd be surprised if any of the winners paid less than $100.00. I won't even tell you how much money we dropped on the costume.

The money wasn't the point at the time, we were just having fun & wanted to do well, but my point atm is that these people are putting in enough effort that the game as a reward is just a sweet treat! It's nice! & They deserve it!

Now odds are that they already have the game... why else put so much effort into a CoX specific costume, but this way they can suck a good friend into it too.

But hey, at least we saw a return on our investments... we got to have our Travel Powers Suppressed, our Enhancements Diversified and our Influence reduced to the value of 1932 Deutschemarks... Oh, and we lost about 83% of our player base to "That Other Game That May Not Be Mentioned" because of such abuse.

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You must be getting 'return' enough for your money if you're still here.
Besides, I LOVE the devs! (And this coming from an Issue 1 - Current regen scrapper...) What they do may be painful for some, but it's always to improve the game as a whole. After you get over the shock of change their reasons are understandable.