Discussion: Halloween Costume Contest




Yeah I .... based my character on me, and I'm chubby I sent mine in Didn't win, apparently, but hey, I had fun.

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How do you know you didn't win? I didn't think they had revealed the top three or the forum favorites yet. Did I miss it somewhere?

We don' need no stinkin' signatures!




And I'm planning to make a character who REALLY looks like me, now that they have Dual Blades and Willpower...those sets REALLY fit my playstyle!

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In RL you have Dual Blades and Willpower? lol just kidding

Red Hot Rage lvl 50 scrapper
SG: Visions of the Victorious



The winners should have recieved an email by now, presumably.

Hell, I'd be happy with a honorary mention, or something, because I don't need any of the prizes other than maybe some extra time cards

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!



Presumably is the right word. I talked to one of the previous winners (of past years), and he said his friend who has quite the excellent costume, has not received any form of notice either. I do understand though that the devs have been busy with the move and Issue 11. I just hope they get to this soon and let us know if and when the emails will be sent out (if they havent already). And shoot! If they did get sent out, tell when ;b So I know if I should stop looking at my Gmail account or not ^_^



I'm hoping to lose some weight next year, and I'm even thinking of taking up powerlifting (Eat that, all you muscle-on-women haters!), so hopefully by next year, I'll look much better in Iron Angel Aveda's body armour Luckily, skyscraper incarnates prefer robes to bikinis, so even if I'm not perfect, loose robes generally cover a LOT of sins, body-wise. So if time and funds permit, I'll try it next year. I might even be able to get somebody to pose as a Tsoo sorcerer- I've already got the skirt

A (Golden Gate) Bridge Too Far- arc 299315
Crazy NIMBY's, Railroad robber barons, and kickboxing Engineers, Oh My! Go back in time and join the fight to save a San Francisco icon!



So far no Halloween contest has ever evaporated

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..uh, maybe I spoke too soon?



Lol...yea I am not sure what is going on hellgeist. I really hope they didnt forget about us ;b I sent both Ex and Lighthouse a PM. So maybe I will recieve a response soon. I will keep you all updated if I do.



Maybe they are waiting for the new Nvidia 9 series cards to come out so they don't have to pay so much for the 8800GTX grand prize.

That would be pretty funny to have this big contest and then award an outdated video card as the grand prize.

I just want to see all the cool costumes!

We don' need no stinkin' signatures!



Well. It is now December 3rd, and no word from the Devs. I must admit. I am really disappointed. I really hoped that they would at least let us know what is going on seeing as though it is now 3 days past the "no later than Nov. 30th".

I understand that the devs are really busy, especially lately. But on the contrary, many of us have spent a lot of time and money on these costumes--and are only asking for a response--at least an update as to what is going on.

I personally just feel slighted. And yet again. I hope to hear something...soon...




We don' need no stinkin' signatures!



... Guys, see that thread right next to this one, marked Meet n Greet?

They were there. LH and Ex are the ones responsible for actually getting the contest results out to us. I wouldn't be surprised if both of them are still a bit tipsy and certainly hung over from the event.

Give em time.

LH, Ex? Learn from this one: extend the expected results date, or only take certain numbers of applicants

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!



I know this Z. That is why I said I understand from both angles.

I didn't say I was asking for the results. I was asking for some form of update. Just to let us know that they havent forgotten about us.



Well golly darn it! What the heck are they doin' out meetin' & greetin' when they've gots important costume judgin' bidness to attend to?

Oooh...maybe they are WAITING for the series 9 Nvidia cards so they can give one of those out instead!?

We don' need no stinkin' signatures!



Well golly darn it! What the heck are they doin' out meetin' & greetin' when they've gots important costume judgin' bidness to attend to?

Oooh...maybe they are WAITING for the series 9 Nvidia cards so they can give one of those out instead!?

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They were probably waiting to see if anybody showed up for the meet & greet in costume to find out who the really rabi--um, "committed" fans were...

Story Arcs:
"The Joy of States-mas", #533168
"A Mosaic of Shattered Dreams", #497506 (2011 Players Choice winner!)
"Television Presents: Attack of the Toons!", #373710
"Lightning in a Bottle", #376222



If I'd shown up wearing my corset, you think I might have won, that's what yer sayin, there?

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!



Just my periodic check and thread bump to keep the dream alive.

We don' need no stinkin' signatures!






I'm one of the "Honorable Mentions", and I haven't received any email notice at all. I'm hoping it will be taken care of before Christmas so I can give my game card as a gift to someone (referal!!).

Last place by one vote....well if Paragon City is going to reject me like that, maybe I should go to the Rogue Isles where I'll be truly appreciated for the fabulous superbeing I am... (evil laugh...)



I'm still trying to figure out how a meet & greet trumps (and continues to trump, days after the event) an official, 3rd annual CoH contest.

Have things gotten so elitist that hob-nobbing is more important than stated deadlines on something that involves the whole community?


Hob nob: The name comes from an earlier phrase, to hob or nob, meaning "to drink together, taking turns toasting one another"



I'm still trying to figure out how a meet & greet trumps (and continues to trump, days after the event) an official, 3rd annual CoH contest.

Have things gotten so elitist that hob-nobbing is more important than stated deadlines on something that involves the whole community?


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You could have gone.

The devs were there because the community *enjoys their presence*. If you find this to be annoying, I find the attitude you're taking (hey, I entered too, and have been waiting just as long as everyone else) to be sour grapes.

They don't have to run an event like either the Meet n Greet OR the costume contest *at all*. They don't have to give anyone presents or prizes or door gifts or anything. *they do*.

They've just settled into their new digs. You ever move? You ever move *an entire office*? This happening concurrently with I11 being on test and then live, the acquisition by NC going public.... chill out.

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!



You ever move? You ever move *an entire office*? This happening concurrently with I11 being on test and then live, the acquisition by NC going public.... chill out.

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Yes, I am a professional and I have done major transitions before. The key activity to remember during a move or a transition is communication. If you don't provide a status, which is a common courtesy in development, IT, business, etc, then you the lose trust of your peers and customers, and it becomes harder and harder to work with them in the future.



I'm not sure where the "no later than Nov 30th" quote came from. The only dates I'm seeing are the deadline to enter, and the date that says "we'll know who won on Nov 26th". If someone would like to find the exact quote for the "No later than November 30th" and link to it, I'm sure I'm not the only one who'd like to be reminded of the post.

There was a note on the voting page that says they can't announce who the winner, second and third place people were until they received email responses back from those folks, so it's remotely possible that they're having issues with getting email back from one of the main winners and aren't doing official announcements until they DO get that response.

That being said, being off by a week after having several unexpected things crop up (the problem with getting costume tokens out for example, and Lighthouse's Photobucket failure for another) is not entirely out of line. Deadlines do slip.

While I agree a note should be posted, I think that many people need to remember that patience, while not a server, is still a virtue, and perhaps begin to exercise some of both that, and a little bit of tolerance.

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http://www.cityofheroes.com/community/contest_13.html Official Costume Contest Page

You will find it in the last paragraph.

To me, its not about patience, I could wait all year to see the results of this - its about professional behavior. 30 seconds out of your day to post a status message lets people know things like - there is a delay, the event is cancelled, or whatever. Its a common courtesy in customer relations.



Official Costume Contest Page

You will find it in the last paragraph.

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Ah. Thank you for the link.

I suspect the problem is this:

their winning photo/screenshot entries no later than Friday, November 30, 2007.

Given that it seems to be primarily managed by Lighthouse, and his Photobucket account deep-sixed itself, I would imagine that the last week and some has been trying to figure out photo-hosting solutions for this (and other) situations. It is, after all, rather pointless to post a "Lookie here!!" and have "can't access the pictures" icons show up instead - as the last day or so of voting demonstrated.

That being said, I did note, and still do note, that I agree with you about a quick post indicating what, precisely, the hold up is. In that particular case, I rather think that they're doing much the same sort of thing that I've frequently done in the past - oh, look, my afternoon's free, I'll finish it all today! (... wait, where the hell did my afternoon go?!). Next thing you know, it's a month later and everybody's pissed.. :P

Now.. oh, look, my afternoon's free and I have a todo list to finish off today.. (yeah. Right).

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