Discussion: Halloween Costume Contest




Hey gang!

We're still working on the internal judging for the Halloween Costume Contest and hope to have the Community Pick portion up on the forums soon for everyone to take part in the judging!

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(and first after a red name!)

We don' need no stinkin' signatures!



Thanks a lot Lighthouse ^_^ You guys were killin me, but good to know now. My patience bar has officially been refilled.



Thanks a lot Lighthouse ^_^ You guys were killin me, but good to know now. My patience bar has officially been refilled.

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May bar is running back down. Time to pop another inspiration? I'm dying to see all the cool costumes!

We don' need no stinkin' signatures!



Thanks a lot Lighthouse ^_^ You guys were killin me, but good to know now. My patience bar has officially been refilled.

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May bar is running back down. Time to pop another inspiration? I'm dying to see all the cool costumes!

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No kidding! This is the first year I wasn't able to participate, so now I'm having to experience this vicariously.

Amazing, dazzling and/or embarrassing costumes, please?

Story Arcs:
"The Joy of States-mas", #533168
"A Mosaic of Shattered Dreams", #497506 (2011 Players Choice winner!)
"Television Presents: Attack of the Toons!", #373710
"Lightning in a Bottle", #376222



No kidding! This is the first year I wasn't able to participate, so now I'm having to experience this vicariously.

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Hey Avonlea, long time no see! I was wondering if you were still here, glad to see you are !

There is nothing else quite like getting to be a hero. I've accepted that fact that I'm probably a lifer when it comes to this game, and I know plenty of others who are too



God they're good. I'm sad I didn't make it, but hey. Those are excellent costumes!

When will we get to see all the entries?

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!



God they're good. I'm sad I didn't make it, but hey. Those are excellent costumes!

When will we get to see all the entries?

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As soon as we have the community pick, which is one of the prize winners we will announce the other three winners and post picks of the whole contest on the web site.




eeeeeeee 6 days!?


Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!



My vote is cast!



Is it my imagination or does Orgullo's horns look like they digitally drawn into the pictures?



Is it my imagination or does Orgullo's horns look like they digitally drawn into the pictures?

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I think it's just the horn's whiteness reflecting the flash so it's overexposing that bit of the photo.

Teams are the number one killer of soloists.



Were the E-Mails to the Top 3 (Overall, Hero, and Villian) sent out already? And if not, when will they be sent?



Is it my imagination or does Orgullo's horns look like they digitally drawn into the pictures?

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I think it's just the horn's whiteness reflecting the flash so it's overexposing that bit of the photo.

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Thanks. I didn't want to sound like I was accusing someone of cheating. They just looked odd. That explanation makes sense.



StarCrosser did a wicked job on that costume of hers, Kudos
I'm going to have to do Iron Angel Aveda's outfit for next year, all that armour's going to be fun.

A (Golden Gate) Bridge Too Far- arc 299315
Crazy NIMBY's, Railroad robber barons, and kickboxing Engineers, Oh My! Go back in time and join the fight to save a San Francisco icon!



Why are all those hosted on Lighthouse's Photobucket account? Can't NCSoft afford to host them or do they just not want to be associated with these people?



Where Are the pictures of the contestants? I can't find them anywhere.



Voting is over and it looks like they took them down for the moment. I was able to find the results of the voting though. I would say who won but I am not sure if they want us to wait on an official announcement.

Shadowy Presence - Absolutely, positively worse than playing a Kheldian... --Myrmydon



I am very sorry for asking again, but I dont want my question to get lost in the posts lol. I actually have a 2nd question as well.

1. Did the E-Mails get sent out yet? And if not, when will they be sent?

2. If you were disqualified, should you have gotten an E-Mail that said so?

Ok thanks a lot guys! Again...I am sorry for the constant nagging lol...

Edit--Just realized why my posts havent been replied to.....I have been clicking *notify moderator* on Ex's most recent post. I thought you clicked it on the moderators post to notify them of the thread. O_O Sorry Ex lol...I finally figured it out and notified them of THIS particular post lol...duh on my part..




1. Did the E-Mails get sent out yet? And if not, when will they be sent?

2. If you were disqualified, should you have gotten an E-Mail that said so?

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1 - probably.
2 - no. I think they sent out a piece of info that stated only winners would be contacted or words to that effect. So... yeah I guess now we just wait n see.

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!



I wonder if the winner will get their video card before Christmas?

We don' need no stinkin' signatures!



However, I'm pretty much barred from dressing as any of my in-game characters. I'm nowhere near 8 feet tall, and even if I fudge the height, there's still the fact that I am plus sized, and any of my character's costumes most likely would look terrible on a figure like mine. Nobody wants to see a fat woman in tight leather, and most armour on an oversized body only magnifies the chunk factor.

I don't plan on making a whole new character just to have one that looks like me, or something I could throw together with stuff from my closet. That's a little too close to cheating, IMHO.

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For the most part, the body styles in the game are somewhat "ideallized" versions of the human form. To be honest, I don't know many people who have bodies as "perfect" as the characters in-game. I think everyone else who plays the game has a pretty good understanding of that.

As for the "nobody wants to see a fat woman in tight leather" line, a lot of people get upset about tight and revealing costumes on ANY body type. The usual argument is that there are children who play this game. (Of course since there's no amount of skin you can see in this game that is more than what is available on local television in prime-time viewing, I don't think that idea holds much water.) Personally, I think people are too hung up on ideallized "perfection", and far too repressed...but that's just me, I guess.

I say that if you enjoy roleplaying your character, who cares what other people think? Have fun, and don't let other people ruin it for you!

As for making a character who looks like you, the character who bears my forum name looks like me, if I were at my peak form. <LOL> And I'm planning to make a character who REALLY looks like me, now that they have Dual Blades and Willpower...those sets REALLY fit my playstyle!