237 -
Inside the .App bundle.
Right click the City of Heroes application and select "show package contents"
Navigate to Contents/Resources/transgaming/c_drive/coh/logs/game. The chatlog files are stored by date. -
Quote:Titan Network also allows for 1 username and password across the various sites. It was a bit more obvious when the City Game Tracker (online/offline character tracker) and the City Info Terminal (badges) were actually two separate sites, and you could potentially use SuckerPunch's Online Planner (in the time before Mids) and CoH Faces (mini-social network created before we really knew what social networks were). After a while, the Titan guys incorporated the two sites together into the current "City Info Tracker" site.'Titan Network' is a just fancy name for the sharing of resources among a group of fan sites. Things like server hosting, web design, programming, and so on. The stuff that's hard to justify the expense or time involved for a single site, but spread out across several, lets those sites continue to exist when they otherwise couldn't. Several of them have been long abandoned by their creators, but are kept alive regardless.
I used to be vaguely distrustful of 'Titan' sites because of the mildly corporate groupthink vibe it gave off, but later I found out that it's all volunteer run. It wasn't until the wiki moved over that I really took a look, and it turns out that these days it has a good crew running things.
The wiki itself was actually a later addition into the full network, I think after all the stuff with the Wikia folks went down.
If you only go to the wiki, and don't do any badge tracking or use the build planners, I wouldn't be surprised if you didn't really know about it. -
Quote:Yeah, I'm guessing that it was probably something with the copy of SMF. Last I saw, it was running 1.1.10, though there may have been more components that were up-to-date.Additionally, a *lot* of sites don't keep their software up to date, especially forums, *especially* phpBB for some reason (Wordpress is pretty bad too) and as a result they're vulnerable to exploits that have been found and subsequently patched by the developers. Some of these are as simple as sending a malformed URL allowing you to execute code on the hosting server, others are more convoluted but can easily be automated.
Titan ran (runs?) a few modifications that were(are?) directly embedded into the php pages to display the various Titan links on the profile page, the custom images for the subforums, along with the code to hook into the Titan Auth table. It was a bit of legacy code that wasn't ever fixed (at least before I left), but we tried upgrading what pieces we could when possible.
We were also waiting for SMF to release version 2, as it was a significant update to the software, but the official release kept being delayed for whatever internal SMF reasons. -
Quote:donations@cohtitan.com is the address that I had in past emails, though I don't know if there was anything special that needed to be done for donation.Don't forget that the Titan Network accepts donations via PayPal
Perhaps we can than Tony monetarily for his hard work.
Edit: although I might have to wait for the site to come back online before I can donate, not having a direct link. -
Quote:There is also the product placement aspect as well.Chuck is a hero. He fights villains. Seems reasonable to talk about it here.
I was trying to make my way through season 4, and they still had the City of Villains boxes on the shelves. They were right behind one of the actors, too -
Quote:Bah, why can't I find a picture of the Nemesis flying horse? Is it taboo? <.<
http://wiki.cohtitan.com/wiki/File:Nemesis_Horse.jpg -
Quote:Even from the teardown, it looks pretty straight forward to remove the regular driveKeep an eye on the iFixit.com site, they'll have instructions for replacing the hard drive in the Mac Mini soon enough.
http://www.ifixit.com/Teardown/Mac-M...eardown/6131/1 -
Remember to re-enable HTTPS on facebook after going to the page.
EDIT: that is, log out and log back in to re-enable HTTPS -
Quote:The NCLauncher works just fine on both of my machines running OS X.I am so mad.
I have been trying to get the new loader working on my mac forever now.
I guess i will be forced to give up the only game I play and love.
I am outraged.
What issues are you having? What type mac are you running? How old, what hardware, OS Version, etc? Where/how have you been working on trying to get this working? I'm not seeing any posts in your history about this, so I've got no clue what you've tried. -
Quote:As cuppa mentioned, if you are repairing files, it tracks each file individually. It took maybe 30-45 minutes to update my client via the copy method.I do have in the applications folder City of Heroes Beta already there. The problem I am having is the download keeps timing out and unlike windows it does not start where the download stopped is there a way to get around having to restart the download every time it times out?
Test server has separate account settings from Live. This is one of the reasons why you have to wait around 24 hours for access to be restored if your account is ever lapsed.
Quote:The "Mac Edition" wasn't a retail box, so it makes sense that the Apple Stores wouldn't. It just had a Product Key and link to the patcher. The first retail edition to include the Mac client was the Architect EditionHuh. Even the Apple store just has the GR edition. (Had to look, out of curiosity.) Understandable, I suppose (less confusion, though that doesn't make sense with NC still offering base COH and GvE,) but... *shrug*
Anyway, yes. Mac pack, as mentioned. $9.99. -
Quote:You can enable a special "Razor Naga" power tray by going into the options screen. It gives you a 3x3 box that corresponds to the various buttons. From that point, you can drag macros or power icons to execute them.I just got my razor naga, I have been trying to figure out how to set it up the way I want, but I can't seem to make it work.
I don't use the naga to it's full potential, and I may never, but I like that I can have a few commands at my finger tips.
How do I set it up so that the naga buttons will perform X actions and the keyboard number keys Y actions? I like using my number keys for attacks, but I like to have a few things under my thumb for Oh Crap moments. -
Quote:http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showthread.php?t=251519I've seen where people have said what this week's target is (Kahn or 'Cuda), but where is this officially announced? I haven't seen it listed anywhere yet.
They just updated the initial posting -
Quote:Who bill and would you please post the weblink when you make comments like this? I sounds like a phony comment when you post with no details.Quote:Bill's a poster on the forums. I can never remember where his original guide is but the wiki has the same info (probably copied verbatim):
http://wiki.cohtitan.com/wiki/Test_server -
Quote:MapMaster was the original owner of VidiotMaps and Badge-*****[now Hunter], I believe.The map pack is Beef Cake's now, but even he took it over at one point. I don't remember who started vidiotmaps and the map packs, but it was around long before Badge Hunter started.
Quote:Does the tip and mission disappear with the event? Do they disappear when switching moralities? I know that the Snaptooth missions are still available when it isn't the Valentine's Day event. You just have to unlock DJ Zero before it ends.That is odd... I asked ocho last night and he said they should auto switch but if they have two diff set titles then... ugh, I guess I'm going to have to bring Nitra back to hero before this event goes bye bye VERY annoying...
It seems to me that since there isn't a contact for this, and as long as you don't lose the tips by becoming a tourist, you should be able to hold onto it, then run the mission whenever you make it back to a hero. -
Quote:You need to be a full Villain, not just a Vigilante to earn the day job badges.I looked at several pages in this sub-forum for my question and didn't find anything. Apologies in advance if it's been discussed before.
I've been trying to get day jobs on the opposite faction's locations. I'm finding that the badge completion credit gets filled up but I'm not getting a badge. For example, I have a hero with a full progress for the Arachnos base location badge, but no badge.
Is this the intended behavior? I already have the equivalent hero badge so I don't get the distinct vill badge (Crey, Grandville, etc).
link from BlackScorpion