'CoH is Dying!!!!'

Adeon Hawkwood



A sign of the times overheard in Victory Badges -- I listened in on a couple players tonight who were discussing what dire straits the 'City of' franchise is in. Despite being after 12:00 AM EST in a channel long ago broken by the 'full channel bug', about 10 other players joined the conversation.

Topics brought up:

- AE killed the game.
- PVP changes killed the game.
- Free server transfers killed the game, especially for PVPers (except in RV).
- Hami raids used to happen every week. Now they're non-existant. Ergo, the game is dying.
- Atlas Park is no longer laggy. Ergo, the game is mumble mumble.
- When the game started, everyone was outside street-sweeping. Now they're not. Ergo murmble mumble mumble.
- Too many taskforce teams make it difficult for other people to get teams. (Not quite sure I understand this one.)
- CoH should be free to play, with a cash shop for microtransactions.
- Microtransactions suck and are mumble.
- Dual pistols look great! Maybe the game will revive with Going Rogue.
- Servers should be merged.
- Free server transfers are a prelude to the servers being merged.
- Existing servers should be merged down into just four: Virture, Freedom, Justice, and Victory.
- A new server should be created solely for PVP.
- A certain other superhero game and a space game suck really bad.

So put on yer doom hats, because NCSoft is in mumble DEEP TROUBLE mumble mumble.



I admit it, the mumbling made me lol.



Originally Posted by AmazingMOO View Post
- Hami raids used to happen every week. Now they're non-existant. Ergo, the game is dying.
Oh Victory, why can't you be more like Virtue? Blueside Hami raids used to happen 2 times a night Monday and Wednesday. Now the zone is filling an hour before launch and there had sometimes been a 3rd round of raiding.



Youre late.. doom posts should be done friday to sunday.

- The Italian Job: The Godfather Returns #1151
Beginner - Encounter a renewed age for the Mook and the Family when Emile Marcone escapes from the Zig!
- Along Came a... Bug!? #528482
Average - A new race of aliens arrives on Earth. And Vanguard has you investigate them!
- The Court of the Blood Countess: The Rise of the Blood Countess #3805
Advanced - Go back in time and witness the birth of a vampire. Follow her to key moments in her life in order to stop her! A story of intrigue, drama and horror! Blood & Violence... not recommend to solo!



Sorry to say, but CoH/V's Q4 2009 revenue was way down, it didn't meet its 2009 revenue target and the set revenue target for 2010 is less than it was for 2009 (19 000 million Won in 2010 vs 25 000 million Won in 2009).

So the financial indicators are that NCsoft doesn't see CoH/V growing in 2010. Or even staying stable.

Maybe GoRo brings players back. Maybe Paragon Studios got by some soft numbers into NCsoft's financials on the back of Aion doing fantastically. But the Q4 financials painted a very interesting story.



Trolling for suckers?

@MARTy McFly



Originally Posted by UnSub View Post
Sorry to say, but CoH/V's Q4 2009 revenue was way down, it didn't meet its 2009 revenue target and the set revenue target for 2010 is less than it was for 2009 (19 000 million Won in 2010 vs 25 000 million Won in 2009).

So the financial indicators are that NCsoft doesn't see CoH/V growing in 2010. Or even staying stable.

Maybe GoRo brings players back. Maybe Paragon Studios got by some soft numbers into NCsoft's financials on the back of Aion doing fantastically. But the Q4 financials painted a very interesting story.
Edit: Nevermind, found it myself.



Originally Posted by UnSub View Post
Maybe GoRo brings players back. Maybe Paragon Studios got by some soft numbers into NCsoft's financials on the back of Aion doing fantastically. But the Q4 financials painted a very interesting story.
Because the financials for a single fiscal quarter deep into the worst economic downturn in the past 70 years are obviously the whole picture.

Originally Posted by eltonio View Post
This is over the top mental slavery.



My uncle has a friend whose dog is one of the lead developers for City of Heroes, and he said that Posi and War Witch were loading a hovercraft with gold and they were going to pilot it to Hawaii just before shutting off the servers.

They weren't going to tell the others, though. Sorry you had to find out this way guys

P.S. Mr. Barkington says spear melee is coming with i18.



Originally Posted by Smurch View Post
Because the financials for a single fiscal quarter deep into the worst economic downturn in the past 70 years are obviously the whole picture.
It's the current low ebb on a consistent downward trend. Also, Aion grew fantastically in the US / EU over the same time period... and probably absorbed some CoH/V players doing it.

To me, it was more concerning that NCsoft's official revenue target for CoH/V fell 24% in 2009 vs 2010 despite a major launch for the game.

But, as I said, perhaps players will flood back to GoRo and the numbers PS got into the financials are easily achievable.



Y'know, while my experience is totally anecdotal, I am a returning player that has been gone for years. I am also noticing a lot of other people who say that they have returned to the game from others. I also don't find it hard to team when I want to and the market seems to be real healthy, blueside at least.

I am not sure where the doomsayers are getting their info but the game seems pretty solid at the moment, even if it isn't thriving as much as some would like.



Originally Posted by UnSub View Post
It's the current low ebb on a consistent downward trend. Also, Aion grew fantastically in the US / EU over the same time period... and probably absorbed some CoH/V players doing it.
Well, don't forget that CO launched during the same period. Despite it's flaws it was new and shiny and I have no doubt that it drew of some subscribers. STO probably did as well but to a lesser amount. It'll be interesting to see how the first quarter numbers look. The six-month CO subs are up and I wouldn't be surprised if people decide to return to CoH.



Originally Posted by UnSub View Post
It's the current low ebb on a consistent downward trend. Also, Aion grew fantastically in the US / EU over the same time period... and probably absorbed some CoH/V players doing it.
All MMOs that aren't WoW lose numbers when a new MMO is launched. And between Aion, Champions Online and now Star Trek Online, a downturn is to be expected.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Bah, this game has been dying from mumble mumble for ages. If the devs don't get off their lazy butts and mumble mumble soon then mumble mumble and dead by Christmas!

I've about had enough of this freakin' mumble mumble, I may just have to leave and go to that other Mumble Mumble Online Role Playing Game.



Originally Posted by UnSub View Post
Sorry to say, but CoH/V's Q4 2009 revenue was way down, it didn't meet its 2009 revenue target and the set revenue target for 2010 is less than it was for 2009 (19 000 million Won in 2010 vs 25 000 million Won in 2009).

So the financial indicators are that NCsoft doesn't see CoH/V growing in 2010. Or even staying stable.

Maybe GoRo brings players back. Maybe Paragon Studios got by some soft numbers into NCsoft's financials on the back of Aion doing fantastically. But the Q4 financials painted a very interesting story.
I have been looking for CoX numbers. Where did you find them? I can't help but notice you did not cite or link any source at all.



"Move on, there's nothing left to see".

Come on, seriously, US players don't have the right to complain on this matter because all the EU players that have left this side of the pond thinking US was the paradise of non-stop teaming, WE are the ones with almost no support, WE are the ones with no GR box on shelves, WE are the ones with our ranks weakened because all the people that bought an US account to have much more people to play with, and even tho it's fairly easy to arrange daily tfs, sfs, RWZ raids, Hami raids, etc.

THAT'S what I look for and what I understand by "MMO", and the difference between this game and others outside, the capability of TEAMING through FREE regular issues, and as long as I can find a team or a regular SG to play with I don't really care the economic figures of NCSoft or Paragon Studios.

So as I said, close this D00m thread and move on.

Proud Coleader of: Fuerza Letal (H), Liga de las Sombras (V), Legion del Fenix (H), Infernal Justice (H), and a happy member of GammaForce (H) and D.O.A. (V).

My alts: http://cit.cohtitan.com/profile/13494




Game's doomed again?


That's nice, I'll be sure to tell everyone I run across in-game that they shouldn't be playing because the game is doomed.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



Both sides can find stats to support their point of view (who would ever produce stats to shoot down their own argument?? O.o ) so I can only offer my little tale of hope...

I was suffering CoX burnout through lack of content.

Bought CO.... got bored and felt it was lacking in substance and was clunky in comparison with CoX, but it did take me away for a while.

Bought STO with lifetime sub.

Had to fight for a refund on multiple deductions from my account for 1 month of CO play over Xmas

Got refund for those monthly charges PLUS accidental refund of lifetime sub

Came back to CoX invigorated.

Just my little story. Make of it what you will but I hope and feel that I'm not alone.



These threads are more obnoxious than the whiners.



Originally Posted by UnSub View Post
It's the current low ebb on a consistent downward trend. Also, Aion grew fantastically in the US / EU over the same time period... and probably absorbed some CoH/V players doing it.
A consistent downward trend describes pretty much every subscription-based MMO that isn't WoW or EVE these days. Aion released on September 22 in the US, so Q4 was pretty much its only quarter here. Tough not to see significant gains from a starting point of zero, no? Looking at XFire numbers, I'd suspect to see a somewhat lower figure for even Aion in North America in Q1 2010, it is slipping, though slowly. Again, this is consistent for every subscription-based MMO that isn't WoW or EVE, even Star Trek Online is showing some decline already. It's a worrisome trend, really. If MMOs consistently slide down, with moderate bumps for major content releases and expansions, publishers might be wary of putting their money into future projects.

"I wish my life was a non-stop Hollywood movie show,
A fantasy world of celluloid villains and heroes."



Originally Posted by Ms. Mesmer View Post
It's a worrisome trend, really. If MMOs consistently slide down, with moderate bumps for major content releases and expansions, publishers might be wary of putting their money into future projects.
Part of the "problem" is that there is a complete and total over saturation of MMOs. There's only so many people who play online games and are willing to pay a monthly fee.

I think the MMO market has just grown too fast. There'll be a crash and then we won't see any new MMOs for 2-5 years.



Originally Posted by poptart_fairy View Post
These threads are more obnoxious than the whiners.
I have to wonder what the OP's motivations are. Late night global channel discussions, in my experience, come in wide and strange varieties. Why elevate this one onto the forums with an obvious trolling post?

It's like he wanted to replicate the "Generic Rant" thread, but with an actual topic.

Oh, wait, I forgot. It's oh-so-fashionable to bash doomsayers. So if you can't find any handy, drag some in from your late night global channel. Now it makes sense.



Originally Posted by Johnny_Velocity View Post
Late night global channel discussions, in my experience, come in wide and strange varieties.
My anecdotal evidence says otherwise. I usually play late hours and I only see the sillier/dumber stuff during the daytime, say when I'm starting to get ready for bed at about noonish. Could be that both sets of anecdotal evidence are... inconclusive???

Besides, it's always fun bashing DOOMers, because they've never been right yet.

And I'm sure it's fun to be a DOOMer too because if you keep saying it enough, sooner or later it will come true and then you can take comfort in your superior Cassandra-like insight.



Originally Posted by ResidentBaka View Post
My uncle has a friend whose dog is one of the lead developers for City of Heroes, and he said that Posi and War Witch were loading a hovercraft with gold and they were going to pilot it to Hawaii just before shutting off the servers.

They weren't going to tell the others, though. Sorry you had to find out this way guys

P.S. Mr. Barkington says spear melee is coming with i18.
aaaahahahahaha that's a good idea for a TF