'CoH is Dying!!!!'

Adeon Hawkwood






Originally Posted by TheJazMan View Post
Yes, shareholders would be interested in sub numbers. A game relies on the subs. Any savvy investor is going to look at the main areas of an MMO. If people don't sub then the game will perish. CoX is a small portion of NC Soft but shutting down a game would always cause concern; it'd be silly to ignore this. Anyway, this is for investors.

In my 2 years, the last 5+ months have had the lowest number of players I have ever seen (in my general observations). The game may not be dead at this point but you would have to be silly if it did not concern you. I like this game and want it to strive but if the numbers decrease then there could be trouble. GR might be pivotal in this game's existence.
The thing of it is that NCSoft stopped reporting subscription numbers for all of its games at the end of 2008. They were also the last of the major MMO publishers to do so. The investors have plenty of financial information about NCSoft's games from their quarterly reports to make an informed decision.

As far as server populations go, I agree that they appear down from what they were a year ago, but they actually have seemed to be inching upward in the past couple of months, but my observations are far from definitive.

"I wish my life was a non-stop Hollywood movie show,
A fantasy world of celluloid villains and heroes."



Originally Posted by AmazingMOO View Post
- Free server transfers are a prelude to the servers being merged.
I think the people saying that are mainly SWG players. Its something SWG did right before they shutdown and merged a bunch of servers into a few super crowded servers. They started out with 1 free month of server transfers and kept extending it the deadline until the already many ghost town servers were completely empty.

Friends don't let friends buy an ncsoft controlled project.



Okay, times have been tough, new shiny MMOs have come out, and the numbers therefore have dipped. Fine.

On the other hand, we're getting at least 2 of the most-requested features in I17: serious graphics upgrades and influence/infamy mailing to alts. And we're soon to get Going Rogue with two of the most-desired power sets, and there's talk of expanded content for level 50s. Everytime one of these things gets announced here, it is buzzed in the various MMO sites, and among the friends of players.

To me, this all says its a waiting game at this point. I know former players, and I'm sure many of you do as well, that are waiting in the wings and watching for their right moment to return. The numbers will climb again as these and other quality changes are made by the developers. (We could still use a real advertising campaign from the marketing dept, IMHO)

Oh, and I play WoW (for the moment) as my second game. You know what discussion I heard on my realm trade chat the other day? Yep: loss of players, WoWs best days are past...DOOM!



Originally Posted by AmazingMOO View Post
A sign of the times overheard in Victory Badges -- I listened in on a couple players tonight who were discussing what dire straits the 'City of' franchise is in. Despite being after 12:00 AM EST in a channel long ago broken by the 'full channel bug', about 10 other players joined the conversation.

Topics brought up:

- AE killed the game.
- PVP changes killed the game.
- Free server transfers killed the game, especially for PVPers (except in RV).
- Hami raids used to happen every week. Now they're non-existant. Ergo, the game is dying.
- Atlas Park is no longer laggy. Ergo, the game is mumble mumble.
- When the game started, everyone was outside street-sweeping. Now they're not. Ergo murmble mumble mumble.
- Too many taskforce teams make it difficult for other people to get teams. (Not quite sure I understand this one.)
- CoH should be free to play, with a cash shop for microtransactions.
- Microtransactions suck and are mumble.
- Dual pistols look great! Maybe the game will revive with Going Rogue.
- Servers should be merged.
- Free server transfers are a prelude to the servers being merged.
- Existing servers should be merged down into just four: Virture, Freedom, Justice, and Victory.
- A new server should be created solely for PVP.
- A certain other superhero game and a space game suck really bad.

So put on yer doom hats, because NCSoft is in mumble DEEP TROUBLE mumble mumble.
Makes a remark about crazy players in game

O wait this isn't the right thread for that

Virtue: @Santorican

Dark/Shield Build Thread



Originally Posted by Rodoan View Post
On the other hand, we're getting at least 2 of the most-requested features in I17: serious graphics upgrades and influence/infamy mailing to alts.
Just to clarify; it's more than just influence/infamy, despite what the Issue 17 announcement says.

Originally Posted by pohsyb View Post
Emails can be sent to local as well as global names now.

Emails with attachments can only be sent to a Global name.

Valid attachments are Enhancements, Salvage, Recipes and Inspirations if they are tradeable (buyable on AH). One per email. Inf can be sent alongside item.

There will be 20 mail cap to inbox. Mails sent to full mailbox will bounce (bounced mails can exceed cap). If you are at the cap you cannot send mails.

Items with attachments cannot be deleted until attachment is claimed. They can be returned to sender.

Arc #40529 : The Furies of the Earth



hi there..

ive been tryin to read the whole thread.. kinda hard.. yes there are too many mmo's out there.

I have tried COH ,AoC,CO, Warhammer, SWG,DDO,Vanguard, EQ2, Lotro, free realms, and WoW.

I still play WoW, but as you can see ive tried alot of games - a few stick out for me but ya know I could say alot about any of them i played all and enjoyed something about all of them. im now on my bored of wow downturn ( yup it happens every year for me) so i come back to check others.

now about COH if memory serves its around same age as wow and still going, yes it may not have the wow numbers but different players play these games.

anyways super hero MMO's are difefrent Ive tried the new CO.. graphics was awesome but i didnt like the game as much, COH i havent played much but liked what i did, still waiting for DCUO to decide which superhero MMO is it going to be. I will say what i read about COH updates and such seem darn good.

I'd say CoH is the WoW of super hero mmo's it been here and still is

btw the only people tp dethrown WoW is blizzard itself it has way too much lore and story from its warcraft games,



Originally Posted by MOUNDS View Post
hi there..

ive been tryin to read the whole thread.. kinda hard.. yes there are too many mmo's out there.

I have tried COH ,AoC,CO, Warhammer, SWG,DDO,Vanguard, EQ2, Lotro, free realms, and WoW.

I still play WoW, but as you can see ive tried alot of games - a few stick out for me but ya know I could say alot about any of them i played all and enjoyed something about all of them. im now on my bored of wow downturn ( yup it happens every year for me) so i come back to check others.

now about COH if memory serves its around same age as wow and still going, yes it may not have the wow numbers but different players play these games.

anyways super hero MMO's are difefrent Ive tried the new CO.. graphics was awesome but i didnt like the game as much, COH i havent played much but liked what i did, still waiting for DCUO to decide which superhero MMO is it going to be. I will say what i read about COH updates and such seem darn good.

I'd say CoH is the WoW of super hero mmo's it been here and still is

btw the only people tp dethrown WoW is blizzard itself it has way too much lore and story from its warcraft games,
A pokemon MMO would dethrone WoW!

Not that I care if WoW stays on top or not. Just saying, I think a Pokemon MMO would get MASSIVE numbers.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
A pokemon MMO would dethrone WoW!

Not that I care if WoW stays on top or not. Just saying, I think a Pokemon MMO would get MASSIVE numbers.
I thought a Dungeons and Dragons MMO could rival WoW.....if they based it on the core 3.5 edition and had the campaign settings such as Forgotten Realms, Dark Sun, Eberron, et al as expansions.

But what Dungeons and Dragons online was instead turned out to be anything but.

Too bad. I would have loved to see how epic level characters would have been wailed and gnashed about from most players. I love the Epic Level Handbook, but man, some things in there are seriously overpowered.

Can't come up with a name? Click the link!



Originally Posted by Bronze Knight View Post
Any way I do have to say that if Freedom/Justice don't go into the yellow this upcoming reactivation weekend it will certainly indicate that the game is entering an advanced state of ..... decay.
Right. Because, ya know, the fact that they upgraded the server hardware couldn't possibly have any impact on that situation.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



K: We do not discharge our D00Miness in view of the public!
J: Man, we ain't got time for this cover-up bullcrap! I don't know whether or not you've forgotten, but there's a Rikti Battle Cruiser that's about to...
K: There's always an Rikti Battle Cruiser, or a Praetorian Death Ray, or an intergalactic plague that is about to wipe out all subscription base on this wonderful little game, and the only way these people can get on with their happy lives is that they Do... Not... Know about it!

Comic and Hero/Villain Culture
Saturday January 29th, 2005 (12:37 PM) ~ Monday August 9th, 2010
Those Who Lived It Will Remember Long after your Ban Hammer Crumbles and the servers flicker dead.
We Will Remember This One Moment In Time! ~ Shadow Ravenwolf



Originally Posted by Dark_Respite View Post
Thank you, BABYLON 5 reference. That so needs to be the CoH forums' motto.

Thanks, it just kept running through my head as I was reading this thread.

I really can't see CoX is dying, not with Going Rogue about to come out. If the game was dying we wouldn't have GR to look forward too. Maybe it's just me.

No DOOM today, DOOM tomorrow. There's always a DOOM tomorrow.
Global: @Kiriko-chan Test: Myskatz Kittens Beta Test: @Plantrezz
Arcs: 5318 ROUS (just a little beat 'em up)
8500 One more time down the Yellow Brick Road.
244321 One more time down the Yellow Brick Road v2



Originally Posted by ResidentBaka View Post
My uncle has a friend whose dog is one of the lead developers for City of Heroes, and he said that Posi and War Witch were loading a hovercraft with gold and they were going to pilot it to Hawaii just before shutting off the servers.

They weren't going to tell the others, though. Sorry you had to find out this way guys

P.S. Mr. Barkington says spear melee is coming with i18.
LMAO awesome.



The Echo, Arc ID 1688 (5mish, easy, drama)
The Audition, Arc ID 221240 (6 mish, complex mech, comedy)
Storming Citadel, Arc ID 379488 (lowbie, 1mish, 10-min timed)

Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
[The Incarnate System is] Jack Emmert all over again, only this time it's not "1 hero = 3 white minions" it's "1 hero = 3 white rocks."



Originally Posted by Phantom Patriot View Post
I'd like to see more Heroes/Villains occupying the PvP zones not to just blap the shite out of each other, but to RP - would be nice to have some sort of territories or protection racket...yeas I know, suggestion forums thataway


But ima jus saying?
Feel free to come RP in Freedom RV.

*Spiking in 3...2...*

Infinity and Victory mostly
dUmb, etc.
lolz PvP anymore, Market PvP for fun and profit



Originally Posted by Nightphall View Post
I thought a Dungeons and Dragons MMO could rival WoW.....if they based it on the core 3.5 edition and had the campaign settings such as Forgotten Realms, Dark Sun, Eberron, et al as expansions.

But what Dungeons and Dragons online was instead turned out to be anything but.

Too bad. I would have loved to see how epic level characters would have been wailed and gnashed about from most players. I love the Epic Level Handbook, but man, some things in there are seriously overpowered.
They REALLY dropped the ball in not using FR for that game. For every jaded gamer that hates FR, there are 100s of others that love it.

I agree, it could have take WoW, but it didn't because of arrogant designers.

Types of Swords
My Portfolio



Originally Posted by Zyphoid View Post
They REALLY dropped the ball in not using FR for that game. For every jaded gamer that hates FR, there are 100s of others that love it.

I agree, it could have take WoW, but it didn't because of arrogant designers.
*murders Zyphoid's family*

*strips off shirt to reveal a massive tattoo on shirt reading "I HEART TURBINE"*

Turbine used Eberron first of all because I assume WotC now basically consider Eberron their flagship. Also partly because Eberron has Xen'drik allowing them to do what they love to do. Make crazy **** up. Or more eloquently, they like to create their own world, not use someone else's. You might say, 2/3 of their games have been based in a universe not of their creation. But DDO (or DDOU) is set in the blank slate part of Eberron, and LOTRO is their "fund their wicked schemes including a dying - but the best MMORPG in current history - game" game.

Hell yes I'm a fanboy. But for good reason.

Bad Voodoo by @Beyond Reach. Arc ID #373659. Level 20-24. Mr. Bocor has fallen victim to a group of hooded vigilantes who have been plaguing Port Oakes, interfering with illegal operations and pacifying villain's powers. He demands that revenge is taken on these miscreants and his powers are returned! You look like just the villain for the job. Challenging.



Like I said above, I would have loved it if the other campaign setting had been expansions or something........

I could have seen Forgotten Realms being first, followed by Eberron, and the other campaign settings after that. They'd make us wait for Dark Sun for like three years just to spite us.

Maybe in the future there will be a D&D MMO that does this? I can dream at least.

Can't come up with a name? Click the link!



Originally Posted by Nightphall View Post
Like I said above, I would have loved it if the other campaign setting had been expansions or something........

I could have seen Forgotten Realms being first, followed by Eberron, and the other campaign settings after that. They'd make us wait for Dark Sun for like three years just to spite us.

Maybe in the future there will be a D&D MMO that does this? I can dream at least.
DDO's revenue is up 500% since it went F2P. So there may be a chance of more D&D titles after all (pending Atari and Hasbro sorting out their legal issues, of course).



Originally Posted by UnSub View Post
DDO's revenue is up 500% since it went F2P. So there may be a chance of more D&D titles after all (pending Atari and Hasbro sorting out their legal issues, of course).


500% of 0 is still 0.


In the Arena of Logic, I fight unarmed.