'CoH is Dying!!!!'

Adeon Hawkwood



Originally Posted by Zikar View Post
Part of the "problem" is that there is a complete and total over saturation of MMOs. There's only so many people who play online games and are willing to pay a monthly fee.

I think the MMO market has just grown too fast. There'll be a crash and then we won't see any new MMOs for 2-5 years.
The problem is that no one is making interesting MMOs. No one is innovating in the genre, and each new one that comes out is just another cookie cutter rehash. I don't know how much of the same publishers think the market can absorb.

WoW has the fantasy MMO genre completely covered. EVE has demonstrated that a single shard, player-driven, sandbox MMO can work. Why are developers continuing to repeat the same old same old?



Originally Posted by Slashman View Post
WoW has the fantasy MMO genre completely covered. EVE has demonstrated that a single shard, player-driven, sandbox MMO can work. Why are developers continuing to repeat the same old same old?
The same problem exists in movies, politics, big business, literature, and most other fields of human endeavor. Laziness is easier than innovation, and tried-and-true is less scary for investors than novel ideas.

If we are to die, let us die like men. -- Patrick Cleburne

The rule is that they must be loved. --Jayne Fynes-Clinton, Death of an Abandoned Dog



Played all the new MMOs and came back to CoH. Very happy here. This game may have some small issues but it's "Fun". You wanna see dying games, go over to the previous devs new shiny MMOs. I feel as if the forums are going to be torn apart at any moment over there because of all the hate and discontent.

The Quality of life and content improvements that have been implemented over the last few issues as well as the ones that are coming are probably the things that make me the most impressed with the devs over here. Alternate animations, power customization, MA, alternate builds are all things that were asked for by the players and were responded to by the devs. Issue 17 has some huge QoL improvements that were also in response to player suggestions. Even if no new content were introduced for the next couple years, I'd probably still hang around.

(I will now put in my shameless plug for an alternate animation to energy transfer and thousand cuts)

Love ya devs.

"We sleep soundly in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence on those who would do us harm." - George Orwell



Originally Posted by Zikar View Post
Part of the "problem" is that there is a complete and total over saturation of MMOs. There's only so many people who play online games and are willing to pay a monthly fee.

I think the MMO market has just grown too fast. There'll be a crash and then we won't see any new MMOs for 2-5 years.
This right here. I also feel that there are just too damn many MMOs these days, with too many hoping to dethrone WoW. Good luck with that.

Even if this game were to end service, I doubt I would ever go to another MMO myself. Nothing else appeals to me at all.

They'll all come back when GR releases. Several people plan to insult the "traitors". (Overheard this one day in PI)

Can't come up with a name? Click the link!



Originally Posted by Nightphall View Post
They'll all come back when GR releases.
I think most people are wanting more stuff. I'm glad I17 is coming out before GR, as that makes a big difference. I do wish there was a bit more story arc content, as I think that is something people are now missing a lot, since the two issues before (with long spaces in between) were focused more on systems than content.

Which are definitely nice and all, but I do know some people are feeling the need for some new things to do, rather than new ways of doing it.

So I am rather hopeful that I17 will move things up a bit, and that upswing will get even higher with GR. The servers are plenty active, but it's always good to see more people coming in.

Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc:
Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory



Originally Posted by Nightphall View Post
Several people plan to insult the "traitors". (Overheard this one day in PI)
I am pretty sure that was a joke. I have heard the same thing, but it was a joke. We have several people in HUB that we pick on about it. The truth is it is just good to see new/old faces in the game.

I think CoX is safe. Before the monster that is WoW nothing boasted numbers like 11 mill subs. CoX is still stable by most standards. Also take a look at the games that HAVE come and gone during the life of CoX.

Tabula Rasa

Auto Assault

Hellgate London

Dungeon Runners

Those are just the ones I played. I am sure others could name even more.

Types of Swords
My Portfolio



Hami's are dead? Come to Justice. We do Hamis 5 - 6 times a week. They take an hour, sometimes a little less than.

"Certain it is and sure: love burns, ale burns, fire burns, politics burns, but cold were life without them." - Romulan proverb

My Characters



Every once in a while you have to take a break or you run the risk of burning out. I have done it several times in the last 4 years. I am currently playing STO and enjoying it, but I have kept my sub active so I can hop in occasionally. I find being away for short periods of time can make the game fun again.



Originally Posted by Clave_Dark_5 View Post

Besides, it's always fun bashing DOOMers, because they've never been right yet.
They only need to be right ONCE.

My friends and I are playing DDO again, most, myself included, due to the free offering and one did resubscribe. We also get together to play PnP D&D once a week.

I still have my CoH/CoV account active, still play, and will continue to do so. I'd just want more content; or even better: different ways to be a hero or do heroic things. My villains want other goals to achieve than to be a "Destined One" *spit*.



I'd like to see more Heroes/Villains occupying the PvP zones not to just blap the shite out of each other, but to RP - would be nice to have some sort of territories or protection racket...yeas I know, suggestion forums thataway


But ima jus saying?



I have met folks coming over from WoW,ChampO and Star Trek Online in the last couple of months. Seems to me that Paragon must be doing something right to attract them.



I suffered CoX burnout and have been away for almost two years and just recently come back. The game is better than ever. With the release of GR, I think subs will start growing again.



Originally Posted by UnSub View Post
To me, it was more concerning that NCsoft's official revenue target for CoH/V fell 24% in 2009 vs 2010 despite a major launch for the game.
Why? Do you know the reasons why they set that trend? Was it for lower expectations for CoX specifically or was it because in a time where a record number of people are losing their homes, that maybe they also might cancel their MMO subscriptions as well, and NCSoft is waiting for the trailing indicator that entertainment expenditure is to turn around? Or was it because of some other factor we don't know about?

Have you heard this story?

Three blind men are touching an elephant, and each tries to describe it.

The first blind man touches the elephant's trunk and says "An elephant is long like a snake!"
The second blind man touches the elephant's leg and say "No, an elephant is thick and round like a tree!"
The third blind man touches the elephant's tail and says "You're both wrong! An elephant is thin like a rope!"

Like the blind men, when we look at a small snapshot of a company's overall financials and aren't privy to all the information they possess, our attempts to describe the elephant are doomed to failure as we make conclusions that simply aren't supportable if we had the whole picture.

Originally Posted by eltonio View Post
This is over the top mental slavery.



I've hardly quit! I'm just waiting for a new computer! I have noticed that there are fewer people in the zones (even on Freedom) but that doesn't mean the game is dead! I am certain that those who have gotten CO are kicking themselves right now and come Going Rogue we will begin to rise again.

Villains are those who dedicate their lives to causing mayhem. Villians are people from the planet Villia!



Don't forget the Fourth Blindman who lost his watch!



Originally Posted by Phantom Patriot View Post
Don't forget the Fourth Blindman who lost his watch!

Originally Posted by eltonio View Post
This is over the top mental slavery.



Originally Posted by Phantom Patriot View Post
Don't forget the Fourth Blindman who lost his watch!

I call that awesome!

Also what I am doing with my time off from CoH:

clickie (pnsfw)



I looked at a youtube comment from a poster 6 months ago saying that "CO would bankrupt this game"

I wonder what he is to say now?

You know, I'm almost petty enough to necropost to that comment so that I can point at him and laugh.

Can't come up with a name? Click the link!



Originally Posted by Smurch View Post
Why? Do you know the reasons why they set that trend? Was it for lower expectations for CoX specifically or was it because in a time where a record number of people are losing their homes, that maybe they also might cancel their MMO subscriptions as well, and NCSoft is waiting for the trailing indicator that entertainment expenditure is to turn around? Or was it because of some other factor we don't know about?

Have you heard this story?

Three blind men are touching an elephant, and each tries to describe it.

The first blind man touches the elephant's trunk and says "An elephant is long like a snake!"
The second blind man touches the elephant's leg and say "No, an elephant is thick and round like a tree!"
The third blind man touches the elephant's tail and says "You're both wrong! An elephant is thin like a rope!"

Like the blind men, when we look at a small snapshot of a company's overall financials and aren't privy to all the information they possess, our attempts to describe the elephant are doomed to failure as we make conclusions that simply aren't supportable if we had the whole picture.

If NCSoft had continued to post subscrition numbers like they used to, there certainly would be more of the picture to see. I'm guessing that would be why they don't do that anymore. Don't want to upset the shareholders.



For some non religious g0d5 sake. another thread...what is it with people and this crap



Originally Posted by Obscure Blade View Post
I've been playing since Issue 6; and for the whole time, the game has been "doomed". Doom here, doom there, doom everywhere.
thats cause the offical doom started in issue 5 ...where you missed it!

40 50s so far.
if you dont like me....i dont really care.
respect is earned , never given