83 -
Well, as expected, I lost my global (@fulcrum) and my second and third choices (both nicknames my buddies know me by) weren't available either.
At the moment I just feel completed demotivated by this so I'll be unsubbing for the time since February 2005. I'm not exactly quitting, I just really don't feel like playing after this so it may be more of an extended break.
It's funny, in my job I feel that I'm just a number on a spreadsheet being shuffled at the company's convenience; I just never expected to have that same feeling in the game I've enjoyed for over 6 years. -
Quote:I feel that this is the only truly fair way of handling the merge-I personally think it would have been a better choice to append *ALL* accounts with the relative geographical location and instead use it to their advantage. For example EU.<name> NA.<name> It might even benifit them in terms of passing location relative information along.
- no-one gets "picked on" because they are in a minority
- we're all treated the same regardless of geographic origin (after all, we're all supporters of the game and we EU players should deserve some credit for our continued support of this great game when populations have dwindled in recent years)
And if a little 2 letter prefix isn't such a big deal, as some of our colonial cousins would have us believe, then they won't fix bayonets over this fair and even solution.
If the "imported from the EU" label plan goes ahead anyway, I'm ready for a fresh start - you'll find me in the Horned God in the near future, getting ready to set out for Kingsmouth. -
It might have started as a maiden voyage.....
Looks like sloopy seconds to me.
(I know that might get me astern warning, but couldn't resist) -
Quote:Nah, wouldn't botherthere are many people that are ready to jump ship NOT over to NA side but to a different MMO altogether. and i think this just minght push a few people to do that there already on edge and i myself am seriously considering doing the same.
Been there, done that, didn't bother to get the t-shirt before clicking the ruby slippers together and chanting "there's no place like home".
In fact, I've 'Gone Rogue' into so many other MMOs and come back here that I should get a badge for it...
The only other one which has held my attention isn't your typical MMO (Battleground Europe) because it appeals to my love of FPS and Combat Flight Sims.
There's really no contest when it comes to CoH vs other MMOs.
By all means try them, I've done so myself, but my particular story always ends with me coming back here for a whole host of reasons.
As for being 'screwed over', I'm sure they'd love for us to have the opportunity to buy those extra goodies but I understand there has to be a sound business case for making them available in this particular market.
Just wanted to add my experiences to the mix. -
Quote:I wouldn't normally say this, but..... you're doing it wrong lol.As the title say what about replacing that wormhole power with Heavy Gravity. An aoe power that slows run speed and recharge time. Thoughts?
Sorry bud, it's probably just not to your taste but I use it all the time on my Grav/Emp troller (I use dimension shift too but only in emergencies - oh, and I used to use DS in base raids to cheese off enemies who were trying to take out the generator) -
Both sides can find stats to support their point of view (who would ever produce stats to shoot down their own argument?? O.o ) so I can only offer my little tale of hope...
I was suffering CoX burnout through lack of content.
Bought CO....
got bored and felt it was lacking in substance and was clunky in comparison with CoX, but it did take me away for a while.
Bought STO with lifetime sub.
Had to fight for a refund on multiple deductions from my account for 1 month of CO play over Xmas
Got refund for those monthly charges PLUS accidental refund of lifetime sub
Came back to CoX invigorated.
Just my little story. Make of it what you will but I hope and feel that I'm not alone. -
Quote:Kudos to you for accepting the opinions of the folks here without trying to defend your original position.
As for everyone else, thank you for replying and I understand that seeing as my name was directly linked to drugs which is against the rules it deserves to get generic'd.
All too often people say they just want people's opinions when they're really looking for agreement.
That's a refreshing change and sorry you lost the name fella -
He was a tit, simple as that.
Don't worry about it, life throws these idiots into the mix every now and then (but I have to admit that it would irk me to be put on someone's ignore list underservedly, even a grade A wazzock like him).
I feel your angst. -
Welcome to the game fella, glad to see you're enjoying it.
Careful though, spandex can be addictive -
Hi guys, did I miss anything?
lol, I'm famous
Nice work Pious, mate, the story is cracking along nicely and I had to read all of it before I went to work this morning - made me 10 minutes late bud -
NCSoft's corporate PR director Jae Sung Lee says...
"This personnel change increases our ability in each market to remain competitive."
[/ QUOTE ]
How is this supposed to benefit the Western Market?, I don't get it personally, but there you go.
[/ QUOTE ]
It doesn't benefit us really; it's just one of those stock bull**** management/PR phrases that they use when they have to say something about a change that shafts someone in their company.
It's the short-term, spreadsheet analysis approach where if you take out employee x you save x amount of dollars and make yourself more 'competitive' by not paying that salary each month.
What the spreadsheet monkeys often fail to see is what that guy actually contributed to making things run in that area.
Nothing unusual about it - working for company owned by a mega-giant American company I see similar justifications made all the time by people who are so distant from what happens on the ground in that territory that they can only see the spreadsheets and fail to see how they're crippling the organisation by letting key people go. -
Just for reference, another thread showed this as an example of not trying too hard in MA but achieving a 50 in a quite extraordinary time.
Just in case you hadn't seen it yet.
[/ QUOTE ]
Of wich i already replied, lvl pact and wack 50 mobs, beat my 15 minutes from 1 to 50.
So we got 1 screenshot, thats it? That is what the whole fuzz is about, that 1 person got 50 within hours? Or that player B got lvl1-20 in 20 minutes but took 40+ hours on the remaining lvls?
[/ QUOTE ]
If it was a 1000 screenshots it wouldn't change your position, or mine, but there seemed to be some doubt about whether it was possible or not.
I just wanted to post something that at least appears to show that it had been done at least once and was therefore repeatable.
Sorry if that caused any offence.
[/ QUOTE ]
No, no, no, no, that won't do at all!
It should read something like this:
"I'm offended that you're offended by my comment! Sorry? If that caused any offense then my work here is done! Muhahahaha!"
[/ QUOTE ]
Dang, still getting used to this new-fangled intrawet thing.
Thanks for the pointers and you did make me laugh
Have a good one Doc
We'd like to apologise for the previous apology and furthermore for this one if it too causes any further offence. We hope that this restores the natural air of ill-will that surrounds this thread and if it doesn't we'd like to apologise once again... or not if that helps... -
Just for reference, another thread showed this as an example of not trying too hard in MA but achieving a 50 in a quite extraordinary time.
Just in case you hadn't seen it yet.
[/ QUOTE ]
Of wich i already replied, lvl pact and wack 50 mobs, beat my 15 minutes from 1 to 50.
So we got 1 screenshot, thats it? That is what the whole fuzz is about, that 1 person got 50 within hours? Or that player B got lvl1-20 in 20 minutes but took 40+ hours on the remaining lvls?
[/ QUOTE ]
If it was a 1000 screenshots it wouldn't change your position, or mine, but there seemed to be some doubt about whether it was possible or not.
I just wanted to post something that at least appears to show that it had been done at least once and was therefore repeatable.
Sorry if that caused any offence. -
Problem with images like that is it's quite simple to have a level 50 in 1 hour. Level pact, never log in, let the other partner get to 50, log in.
I guess we'll never know for certain, but I'd like written claims as well as a simple image.
[/ QUOTE ]
True enough - I agree. The original post did say that it was MA related but then again I sometimes say that I have a 6-pack... -
I only hear people yelling about the 'scrath 6 hours', but all those have read so, heard so or even assume so. Never i speak someone that actualy made 6 hours on a _avarage_ team. Not those min-maxed teams that focus 1000% on fast exp, but just a picked up group trying to get some exp.
Only devs can see the time it took the recent 50s to hit 50, i dont believe the majority of those will even be close to 6 hours. (apart, pre MA 18 hours was possible already).
[/ QUOTE ]
Just for reference, another thread showed this as an example of not trying too hard in MA but achieving a 50 in a quite extraordinary time.
Just in case you hadn't seen it yet. -
Just curious - how close to your own perception of 'average' is making a level 50 from scratch in 6 hours?
[/ QUOTE ]
Its not average in my perception, BUT its not my perception or any players perception that matters, the devs made that clear a hundered times (powersets nerf or buffs or the lack of them despite players perception the pwersets are broken, sf/tf rewards etc etc)
... its the devs "perception" and they never cared to tell us "their" perception or statisctics.
[/ QUOTE ]
But at least you can see that the 'super-levelling' was far from average; that's kind of what I was trying to establish.
It was obviously out of kilter with the rest of the game as soon as those missions were played.
Not beating on you specifically Mogh, just trying to understand the other point of view... -
True Cobra-Man, true...
It's funny, when you read the boards (full of player-created content) you can kind of see how a tool for in-game player-created content was always going to turn out -
Thing is there never have been any "statistics" provided by the devs how long an "average" player needs to hit 50 or how much inf he getson "average" during a certain playtime.
[/ QUOTE ]
Just curious - how close to your own perception of 'average' is making a level 50 from scratch in 6 hours? -
im off to play a fairer nc game GW for now screw CoX
[/ QUOTE ]
I wouldn't say 1-50 in 6 hours is really fair to be honest.
MA was like a broken cash machine that keeps paying out money and although people know it's wrong and it's not their money they still come along with wheelbarrows to fill their mattreses with the loot. -
Don't think anyone can be too surprised at Posi's actions really.
If you like to farm MA missions or even if you don't care 2 figs whether others do, you must know that the way it's been used is not how it was intended to be used.
I know they should have spotted it coming, but perhaps they have more faith in some of us than is deserved.
I guess they gave everyone the chance to show their mettle and some of us didn't quite come up to scratch. -
Might be an idea to merge them with Champions Online when it launches...
Over there!!
A hero swinging through the skyscrapers!!
*runs* -
Very eloquently written and it communicates very powerfully an undercurrent of feeling that seems to be pulsing in many long-term players and which is crying out for recognition from 'the management'.
Just beautiful. -
Maybe the additional delay is because we're getting issue 15 at the same time
Mate! 1 year closer to me (although you've still got miles to go
Enjoy the day - enjoy the cake - enjoy the beer...
All the best, you deserve a great birthday