One global one server list once more EU is told they are loosers!
I don't imagine the notion that those names were likely in use on the NA servers before you even started playing occurred to you?
I don't think you have any idea how fast the good names got snatched up in the first year. Names as obviously appealing as those were probably gone in the first 3 months.
Too many alts to list.
Todays announcement told me that I probably has three to five months left of playing City of Heroes since the odds that @Black Light and @White Knight isn't in use anywhere on the US servers are in use feels slim to me.
I wouldn't mind loosing the right to the name, if I had had a chance of keeping them, but being told you a second class citizen, we don't care about you since US is the bigger market probably will make me quit. Admittedly I wasn't online for the first year, I didn't join until EU Beta but I've had an active account since then, and now being told that me and my name isn't worth anything since I'm not on the US servers feel bloody rotten. I'm sure there will be good things about the merger, but for me it might be the end since I wasn't even given a chance, I was just told YOU LOOSE! |
Never argue with stupid people. They drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
@vanda1 and @nakoa2
I can understand some disappointment that you may be losing your unique global name, but the overall benefits from this change are huge. You get lots more people able to go onto the servers you use, and you get access to all of the North American servers.
I'm sure the Devs had to make a choice to resolve those name conflicts that arise. Frankly, I think the solution they came to was a reasonable one. And because your global will show that you are in Europe, players will be understand that you are in different time zones than the North American servers.
LOCAL MAN! The most famous hero of all. There are more newspaper stories about me than anyone else. "Local Man wins Medal of Honor." "Local Man opens Animal Shelter." "Local Man Charged with..." (Um, forget about that one.)
Guide Links: Earth/Rad Guide, Illusion/Rad Guide, Electric Control
I don't imagine the notion that those names were likely in use on the NA servers before you even started playing occurred to you?
I don't think you have any idea how fast the good names got snatched up in the first year. Names as obviously appealing as those were probably gone in the first 3 months. |
So since you don't care I assume you will change your name to US_<whatever> to save the poor EU bloke that has the same global name as you?
Black Light, Electricity/Devices Blaster at Union
White Knight, Illusion/Radiation Controller at Union
Obscurum est absentis lux lucis. Ego sum lux lucis!
It's a fairly straightforward business decision all things considered. The Devs looked at the situation and said, "What's the way we can do this that'll impact the fewest number of people?" Letting the EU players take the hit on this obviously sucks for the players involved, but overall it minimizes the total number of people affected. If you can think of a way that would result in less of an impact than that I'm sure the Devs would love to hear how to do it. *shrugs*
Loth 50 Fire/Rad Controller [1392 Badges] [300 non-AE Souvenirs]
Ryver 50 Ele� Blaster [1392 Badges]
Silandra 50 Peacebringer [1138 Badges] [No Redside Badges]
--{=====> Virtue ♀
And no, being told that 'NA takes precedence' isn't right, not when the flipside can be true and players who have been around since Beta could easily lose out to someone who joined in the past month.
In fact, the biggest concern seems to be trial accounts, and hoping that the logical is the actual, and that they don't get taken into account.
Paying Account > Trial Account.
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
I'm sure there will be good things about the merger, but for me it might be the end since I wasn't even given a chance, I was just told YOU LOOSE!
Would it make you happier if the current US owner of @Black_light was forced to change to @US_Black_Light, so that you were both caused an inconvenience?
It strikes me that anybody who currently knows you as @Black_Light, is a person who also knows that you are European. That means that once the change goes into effect, those people will know to contact you as @EU_Black_Light. You shouldn't lose contact with any of your current friends.
That makes this appear to come down to an issue of vanity. It hardly seems worth quitting the game over unless you were already leaning towards quitting anyway.
Honestly, in your situation, I'd just make my personal little rebellion by changing my global to @The_REAL_Black_Light and get on with my game afterwards.
It's a fairly straightforward business decision all things considered. The Devs looked at the situation and said, "What's the way we can do this that'll impact the fewest number of people?" Letting the EU players take the hit on this obviously sucks for the players involved, but overall it minimizes the total number of people affected. If you can think of a way that would result in less of an impact than that I'm sure the Devs would love to hear how to do it. *shrugs*
Black Light, Electricity/Devices Blaster at Union
White Knight, Illusion/Radiation Controller at Union
Obscurum est absentis lux lucis. Ego sum lux lucis!
So since you don't care I assume you will change your name to US_<whatever> to save the poor EU bloke that has the same global name as you?
I'm not in favor of deliberately making life difficult for the game developers (steals time from game development), but I also believe programmers should properly handle edge cases. I wonder what would happen if a EU player signed up for a bunch of trial accounts setting their global name to be one letter progressively removed from their global handle or one of their character's names and then logged that in. The collision algorithm would progressively knock them down to nothing. I wonder what you get set to then? @GiveMeAFrickinBreak would have been my choice.
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In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)
I wouldn't mind if the compared the number of active months on that account and put EU_ in front of mine, or depending on US_ in front of his depending on who has the least amount of months, or roll a die for all I care. It's the "hey we don't care about you" I am against.
However I do think you are making a mountain out of a molehill at the very least. Then again if the enjoyment you get from the game is so marginal that this perceived slight makes you bail, so be it.
Too many alts to list.
Oh yes it minimizes the number of people involved, it's the same minimized number as on every collision there would be a US prepended to the US global. I have now given a solution that gives exactly the same impact, aren't you proud of me? Unless of course we count impact we count number of hours played, or months we have subscribed, then we have to consider it case to case and then we would lessen the impact compared to now. I have now told you of a way that would result in less of an impact, do you really think the devs will love to hear that I have figured out a way to do it?
Doing it case by case would require someone to come up with a bunch of rules designed to handle all of the special cases, and that would increase the number of people who would object to one part of the system or another.
If you define impact as "hurting the people with the least amount of subscription time" then its possible to further reduce impact by focusing on those players. On the other hand, targeting the very players you just recently attracted to the game is not an obviously more logical idea than targeting the customers in the best position and with the most experience to deal with a disruption.
You can make a solution that is obviously better to you. You cannot make one that will be obviously better to everyone else.
[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]
In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)
I keep wondering if it's not possible to simply append conflict names with EU_Name. Since global names can't use underscores in them when player-created, there should never be a conflict between a swapped name and an existing name.
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.
I think if they wanted to do something like that, it would just be squatter's rights, as in who got the name first. I also think that's more trouble that it would be worth. This is like complaining that someone gave you a BMW, BUT iN THE WRONG DAMNED COLOUR!!!!
However I do think you are making a mountain out of a molehill at the very least. Then again if the enjoyment you get from the game is so marginal that this perceived slight makes you bail, so be it. |
-Whoever created the account first, so long as their account is still active, comes first
-If an account came first but has been inactive for more than, say, 3-6 months then it loses out to an active created-second account.
-Accounts that are both owend by the same person give the owner choice over what account and global goes where.
-Trial Accounts are not listed for comparison, due to not being active, paying customer accounts.
Fairly simple, I think?
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
So since you don't care I assume you will change your name to US_<whatever> to save the poor EU bloke that has the same global name as you?
I envy your situation if THIS is something worth complaining about.
Never argue with stupid people. They drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
@vanda1 and @nakoa2
I wouldn't mind if the compared the number of active months on that account and put EU_ in front of mine, or depending on US_ in front of his depending on who has the least amount of months, or roll a die for all I care. It's the "hey we don't care about you" I am against.
A free reactivation weekend to give people the opportunity to nullify duplicates on long dead NA accounts would be a nice gesture.
What's being proposed isn't an ideal solution, but if you want to get the NA player contingent on your side then reasonable discussion will get you further than forum rage, threats to quit and airing your sense of being discriminated against - all of which has been all over the main thread in Announcements.
Maybe I'm unsympathetic because I've been through this before in other games that have undergone server merges. It's extremely typical for name collisions to be solved by altering the incoming name from the server that is being closed so that it no longer collides with the existing name on the server that the closed server is merging into.
Sure, it sucks to have to change your global or, worse, change a character's name, but the alternative is to have no merge.
Sure, Sam has an "easy fix" except that, like it or no, you're moving into our neighborhood and that gives us squatter's rights, if nothing else.
It's a given that someone is going to be unhappy. There's no painless way to go about it and no truly "fair" way. Only a lesser of evils.
It's a fairly straightforward business decision all things considered. The Devs looked at the situation and said, "What's the way we can do this that'll impact the fewest number of people?" Letting the EU players take the hit on this obviously sucks for the players involved, but overall it minimizes the total number of people affected. If you can think of a way that would result in less of an impact than that I'm sure the Devs would love to hear how to do it. *shrugs*
Secondly, the level of people essentially saying 'You're EU, there's less of you, so deal with it' concerns me. For most complaints I've read, the issue is more that people don't want to lose their name to trial or inactive accounts. The fact that we're the ones losing out just because of our location is what we have a problem with. There are some who're complaining about the whole thing and saying the server merge should just be cancelled. As an EUer, I think these posters are just as whiney as you NAers think they are.
Thirdly, I don't like the people who aren't being affected by this telling us this 'is not a big deal'. If it wasn't a big deal, I don't think you'd be seeing the level of opposition that you are. This matters to some of us. Enough so that we want our voices heard on the matter.
Edit (I remembered my other point!): I also don't like (don't I sound moany?) this notion that the EU servers are moving to the NA list. As far as I'm concerned, two lists are becoming one. Neither server list is less important than the other.
Also, what was wrong with the official discussion thread? There's plenty of people on both sides of the disagreement there making fair and unfair points. I don't really understand why we needed another thread for discussing the same thing.

all joking aside
personally id awaited for when the servers (list) merged.... then i would of tryed the names availability
just because it may be in use does not mean its someones global so you might be able to change the eu part out
however by screaming and shouting the names youve upped the chances of someone trying the name(s)
Firstly, I don't mean to call out, but I still don't understand how this is true. If there are 500 conflicts, surely 500 peoples' names would be affected regardless of whether it's NA-first, EU-first, Vet-first, or even gender-first. What makes the EU being affected less damaging than the NA? Genuine curiosity. No finger-pointing here.
Secondly, the level of people essentially saying 'You're EU, there's less of you, so deal with it' concerns me. For most complaints I've read, the issue is more that people don't want to lose their name to trial or inactive accounts. The fact that we're the ones losing out just because of our location is what we have a problem with. There are some who're complaining about the whole thing and saying the server merge should just be cancelled. As an EUer, I think these posters are just as whiney as you NAers think they are. Thirdly, I don't like the people who aren't being affected by this telling us this 'is not a big deal'. If it wasn't a big deal, I don't think you'd be seeing the level of opposition that you are. This matters to some of us. Enough so that we want our voices heard on the matter. Edit (I remembered my other point!): I also don't like (don't I sound moany?) this notion that the EU servers are moving to the NA list. As far as I'm concerned, two lists are becoming one. Neither server list is less important than the other. Also, what was wrong with the official discussion thread? There's plenty of people on both sides of the disagreement there making fair and unfair points. I don't really understand why we needed another thread for discussing the same thing. |
Didnt you know, if theres more of you than there are of somebody else, you're allowed to pick on that somebody else just because theres more of you...
Exactly. If some poor stressed-out overreacting EU bloke is going to up and quit the game because he has @vanda1 on the EU servers and just cannot survive with another name, I'd happily give it up to him. Really, man. Who cares? It's a global name... just change it to something else you like.
I envy your situation if THIS is something worth complaining about. |
Actually, there is time to do this...maybe there is a way for the EU players to find out if there is a NA version of their Global, and contact that player to see if anything can be done.
Most people here in the game are wonderfully understanding and kind.
Just an idea.
So don't wait for heroes, do it yourself
You've got the power
winners are losers
who got up and gave it just one more try
***Dennis DeYoung
Personally speaking - as an EU player - I don't mind if I end up as @EU_Cobra Man.
I'm more than happy to take the trade off of access to all the NA servers - and all the slots
Hopefully the OP will calm down a bit over time and see the benefits of the merge.
Proud member of FOXBASE ALPHA and coalition associates.
Hero 50's - 25
Villain 50's - 1
Personally speaking - as an EU player - I don't mind if I end up as @EU_Cobra Man.
I'm more than happy to take the trade off of access to all the NA servers - and all the slots ![]() Hopefully the OP will calm down a bit over time and see the benefits of the merge. |
If it helps at all i'm more than willing to change my global in the extremely unlikely event an EU player has the same one.
Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...
It's a given that someone is going to be unhappy. There's no painless way to go about it and no truly "fair" way. Only a lesser of evils.
The anticipation of getting a new book was enough to make the absolute pain of getting a **gasp** shot bearable.
The Devs have been wonderful about making it up to us when negative things happen..
Maybe the affected EU players could get a gold title above their heads stating something like "EU Global List Merge survivor."
And...I welcome all of you EU players, I feel lousy about all this anxiety some of you are experiencing...if I could help in anyway I could, but not being a dev or something like that I can't.
But I can give you all big welcoming hugs, and tell you all that it has to rain to grow beautiful flowers.
So don't wait for heroes, do it yourself
You've got the power
winners are losers
who got up and gave it just one more try
***Dennis DeYoung
Todays announcement told me that I probably has three to five months left of playing City of Heroes since the odds that @Black Light and @White Knight isn't in use anywhere on the US servers are in use feels slim to me.
I wouldn't mind loosing the right to the name, if I had had a chance of keeping them, but being told you a second class citizen, we don't care about you since US is the bigger market probably will make me quit. Admittedly I wasn't online for the first year, I didn't join until EU Beta but I've had an active account since then, and now being told that me and my name isn't worth anything since I'm not on the US servers feel bloody rotten.
I'm sure there will be good things about the merger, but for me it might be the end since I wasn't even given a chance, I was just told YOU LOOSE!
Black Light, Electricity/Devices Blaster at Union
White Knight, Illusion/Radiation Controller at Union
Obscurum est absentis lux lucis. Ego sum lux lucis!